Two to the Back

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Two to the Back Page 1

by Cam Johns

  Two to the Back

  Escaping the Mafia, 2

  Cam Johns


  1. 5 Years Earlier

  2. One in the Head

  3. Knocks At the Door

  4. Gut Punched

  5. Not This Time

  6. My Soul to Bare

  7. Heartbeat

  8. Rage Returns

  9. Lies You Tell

  10. Death Sentence at Seventeen

  11. He’s My Son Now

  12. What Happened to Our Pact?

  13. No Bounds

  Escaping the Mafia

  Also by Cam Johns

  About Cam Johns

  Copyright © 2020 by Cam Johns

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  [email protected]

  Edited by: Dr. Plot Twist

  Cover Design by: Touch Creations Designs

  There’s always a time in your life when you learn who truly has your back. The past year has been a tough time. So, to those who continued to push me, this comeback is dedicated to all of you. You know who you are!


  5 Years Earlier

  “You’re out of your fucking mind!” I shout, realizing what I’m being asked. “How do you expect to keep this from him … what if he finds out?” I question my best friend of twenty years, Matteo. I shouldn’t even be here, in my police uniform with a known felon. I anxiously scan the abandoned building we decided to meet in.

  “I’m not going to lie, there is an Amber Alert out on the boy … but the Beneventis are all over it.”

  The Beneventis. The very people that helped me escape and start a new life. God only knows what my father had to promise them. I bow my head, contemplating why I give a fuck about what my father had to do.

  “Rob,” Matteo continues, “I know I’m asking a lot, but he could never know about this. He’ll probably kill him.”

  The concern displayed within his grey eyes is compelling me to do him this huge favor, but this will put my family in danger. “Mattie, I just can’t believe he would do something like that to this kid. He’s five years old!” I say with a nervous laugh, as I point and glance at the disheveled, scared little boy, clinging to my best friend for safety.

  Anger builds within me while I playback what Matteo says this boy has just witnessed. The little one stares at me with his piercing blue eyes, as he hides behind Matteo’s long arm. Those eyes. They’re so familiar. I glance at his scruffy appearance. I scan his tiny body, noticing his used-to-be white tennis shoes, mismatched socks, jeans that don’t fit him anymore, and the holes in his wrinkled shirt. Clearly, they were in a rush to get him away.

  What makes me want to grab hold of him and swear he will be safe are the dried tear lines that find a path through all of the dirt on his face. How can anyone let anything this bad happen to him? He’s just so innocent and lost. Like I was.

  “Look, I know you’re not about this life anymore, and I swore I would never contact you once you changed your name and relocated, but…” He pulls the boy from his side and pushes him gently in my direction. “… he needs you.”

  I just realized my best friend is a piece of shit!

  Matteo knows exactly what to do to get his way. I stare at the child as he examines the floor, unable to make eye contact with me. Immediately, I think of my wife and what she would say. I’m sure she would kick my ass for even being selfish enough to consider leaving him behind. Although we’ve just adopted a son, there’s no way she’ll want me to leave him here.

  I stand to my feet and kneel before him. “What’s your name, son?”

  He hesitates. “Jackson,” he finally answers without looking up from the floor.

  “Well, Jackson, how would you like to spend some time with my family and me?” I wait silently for a response that doesn’t come. “C’mon, I’m sure you want to take a bath. Besides, my son has some cool toys you can play with.”

  He looks up at me with a huge grin as I hold out my hand. He releases Matteo’s grip and hurries to stand at my side. I’m not sure what makes him attach himself to me so easily after witnessing something so horrendous, but I’m grateful he still wants to trust in other people.

  ”I miss you, man.” As soon as I’m standing, Matteo pulls me into a hug unexpectedly. “But I know you did the right thing for you.” ”And you should’ve done the same.”

  “C’mon, you know the legit life ain’t for me.” He smiles and stoops down to the child. “You’re in good hands now.” He grins and walks toward the door, but pauses before he leaves. “I’ll be in touch.”If I had known Matteo would be dead an hour later, I would’ve made him stay with me longer.


  One in the Head

  Veto Calgrone

  It’s late. Very late.

  This would be the time of night for sex, drugs …. and violence.

  Violence—something prevalent in this part of town. To hear a man’s scream on a Sunday night, echoing from building to building, isn’t abnormal. Tonight, it’s surprisingly quiet out, so the trembling shouts of a man obviously about to be murdered are unmistakable.

  Unfortunately for him, no one is going to help him. In this neighborhood, people know exactly where it’s coming from. In the middle of the bustling meatpacking district sits a quaint, Italian family restaurant and event space, which just happens to be run by the notorious Calgrone family.

  No one’s going in there to help anyone. As far as their concerned, he probably deserves this ass whooping. And actually, he does. Why anyone would try and steal from me, Veto Calgrone, is unbeknownst to even me … a crime boss. But you better believe he’s going to find out.

  Sitting in one of the large event space rooms is the thief, now being pummeled by my muscle, Mykel. The torturous screams don’t deter me at all. The cops are not coming here. After all, I pay them far too well to risk it. If some idiot cop decides to grow a conscience and come in, I will not hesitate to shoot him.

  I stare, satisfied with the ass beating Mykel is giving. I enjoy watching my victim’s lips swell as the blood oozes from the side of his mouth.

  “Stop,” I say calmly.

  My muscle stops in mid-swing and steps back to stand at my side with his arms crossed. I saunter across the plastic-covered section of the floor to the wooden folding chairs, stacked against the wall, and sit in front of my victim. I smile, pleased with the defeat exuding from him.

  There’s one thing I will never forgive, a thief. I don’t care what it is. I shot someone before just for taking a cigarette from me without asking. I just shot him, I didn’t kill him, so I have no qualms about it. Therefore, seeing this guy, who I thought I could trust, rifling through my home office, will not stand.

  The thief coughs and spits the blood, pooling in his mouth. I pull a cigarette from my engraved, metal cigarette case. The thief sits up slowly, trying to lift his heavy head, desperate to look me in the eye through his blurred vision.

  “Ve-Veto…I…I would ne’er steal from you,” he stammers as he coughs up more blood.

  I chuckle to keep from shooting him in the head … right now. He’s lying right to my face, daring to look me in the eye while he does it.

  This piece of shit! I need to find out what he was looking for, and who told him to do it.
Gino is just an errand boy. He’s too damn dumb to do anything on his own. I remove my fedora, take a few pulls from my cigarette, and lean forward in the chair, placing my elbows on my knees.

  “First of all, Gino, you’re a fucking liar.” I take another pull from my cigarette, and then blow the smoke out slowly. “Second, you really only have one decision to make at the moment.” I lean back in the seat, spreading my legs further, swinging my left arm behind the chair and placing the cigarette hand on my leg. I fling away the dangling ashes forming at the end of the cigarette. “You need to decide whether you want a slow or fast death.”

  Gino immediately sobs like the coward he is—graceless and like a child. This only infuriates Mykel, who begins to slap the man back into him, but I hold up my hand to stop him.

  “Please! Sir…I…I have a family,” Gino cries.

  Mykel laughs at his sorry attempt at empathy. Why Gino thought someone as ruthless as I am would give a shit, we don’t know, but that’s not what Mykel is laughing at. It’s a running joke how horrible of a husband and father Gino actually is. So, to use them as a bargaining chip is hilarious.

  “You can’t be fuckin’ serious, Gee! This fuckin’ mope. You ran from your own home when it was getting robbed and left your family in there! You’re a damn fool, asshole!”

  No one ever really trusted Gino, but because my wife just let a friendly face in the house, he almost got away with it. Whoever sent him there must have known my home office had cameras. I’m no idiot! The question is, was this person expecting Gino to get caught? Something I contemplated before making Mykel lure Gino here. Whoever set Gino up was no stunod. I had a feeling the answer would present itself, and if it didn’t, tonight, Gino would be beaten to admission.

  “Gino, what were you looking for?” I ask, calmly taking another pull of my cigarette.

  The sobs suddenly stop, and Gino creepily lifts his heavy head to stare me in the face, once again. He lifts his arm to his mouth, swiping at the blood, saliva, and tears that smother it. “They know,” he says simply. After, a slight smirk appears on his face.

  I stare motionless as my mind scrambles, trying to come up with alternative meanings for his words.

  They know. They can’t know. There’s no way he could possibly know – although he has been with me the longest. Well, of who’s left anyway.

  I lean forward, staring Gino in the eye, as if silently asking him a question. Gino shakes his head, amused with the fear radiating from within me. As the tension builds, Mykel begins to worry this may be more serious than he had assumed.

  “Boss, what is he talking about?” Mykel asks as he stands between us, but I’m too confused to answer him. Mykel knows whatever Gino meant, they need to get down to the bottom of it now. He turns swiftly, lifting Gino up by the collar. Mykel is a very tall, muscular man, so he is able to hold Gino in the air, as his legs flail beneath him.

  “If you don’t tell me what we need to know, so help me, I’ll rip you apart! Who…the fuck…hired you?” Mykel shouts, shaking Gino as if he’s a ragdoll.

  “I did!” An unknown voice is heard behind them.

  Mykel drops Gino to the floor, as if he’s some sort of inanimate object, pulls his gun from his waist, and immediately stands in front of me, but I’ve already stood to my feet. The man steps further into the room, so he’s at the doorway, with his hands in the air. I pull my gun from my holster, aiming it directly at the person that we still can’t see. I move from behind Mykel and stand beside him.

  “You better tell me who you are fast, or it’s one to the head, cocksucker!” I shout, and I meant it. I may be an old man, but my damn aim is better than any young marksmen out there.

  A tall young man walks slowly toward us, keeping his hands up. As he gets closer, I can’t believe my eyes. I had assumed it would be someone from the Santini family, especially after what Gino just told me. But it isn’t. Which is frightening. Too many people know my secret—a secret that cannot get out under any circumstances.

  “Help me,” a hurt Gino whispers on the floor.

  Without a second thought, I shoot Gino in the head. There’s no need for him anymore. “Get rid of it,” I command Mykel, as he puts his gun back in its holster.

  Mykel looks at me, confused.

  “Just do what I said.”

  Mykel pulls up the plastic taped to the floor, avoiding a messy cleanup. He rolls Gino up in the plastic tightly before sliding it onto the prepped body bag. Before lifting the body, Mykel stares at me to be sure I’ll be fine without him.

  I nod my head. Before he leaves, however, Mykel goes over to the young man and pats him down. Clearly, I trust him, but Mykel would never trust anyone. Ever. Mykel takes one look at the man that’s still a stranger to him with an evil glare, before lifting the body and leaving the room. Mykel may have been around a few years, guarding me, but there’s still an entire history he has yet to learn.

  “Have a seat, Luca.” I get another chair for him and place it in the same place Gino was just tortured.

  Luca Cabrali doesn’t take a second thought, as his cockiness exudes from him. He comfortably sits in front of me, relaxed as if he’s speaking to his own father, the head of the Cabrali family.

  This only infuriates me. I need to remind him how to behave around a Made Wise Guy. How dare he just admit to infiltrating my family, getting one of my men to snoop in my home, knowing I will murder that son of a bitch, and walk in here like he’s the big man around town. Clearly, he’s more of a fool than I thought.

  I pull the gun out of my waist, cock it, and aim at Luca’s head. “Tell me why I shouldn’t shoot you right now?” I ask.

  Luca doesn’t flinch. “You know why.”

  I calmly place my finger on the trigger. “Do I need to ask again?”

  “One million dollars.”

  I abruptly stand, and angrily place the gun directly at Luca’s temple. “You think I’d let you kill my fuckin’ son for money?” I shout.

  “No! No! I need your son’s help!” Luca reasons, reluctantly putting his hands up in the air.

  I know his sister is bat shit crazy, so these types of confrontations should be a bore to him at this point. So, for him to somewhat cower like this, means he must really need my help.

  I uncock the gun, removing it from Luca’s head. I take my seat, back in front of him, as he remains stoic while I place my gun in its holster. I chuckle at the youngest Cabrali, who doesn’t look as frightened as he should be. Having a crazy twin sister takes the fear out of someone. However, his lineage won’t keep me from shooting him in the head.

  “You fuckin’ millennials. No respect!” I pull out another cigarette from my case and light it. “My son will not help you. Santini tried to murder him because of me, so he for damn sure won’t come back here for me either.”

  “Mr. Calgrone, I guarantee you … your son will help.” He leans forward, trying to regain his cocky façade. “He’ll do it for Isabella.” As soon as the name leaves his lips, he regrets it.

  Luca watches the rage build within me, and he knows it’s about to topple over. “You clearly want me to fuckin’ shoot yo’ ass!” I snap, once again leaning forward in my seat. “You want my son to help you with something involving Santini’s daughter? Get the fuck outta here! It’s not happenin’.” I lean back in my chair, taking another pull to calm my nerves. This kid has no idea just how much this cigarette is saving his ass right now.

  Luca sits up straight, taking a few deep breaths. He’s just not cut out for this life, but he’s doing this for love. For the sake of the woman my son used to care about as a young girl. I still remember how he’d bring Isabella to my restaurant, and he’d talk for hours with her. The thought of her as a young girl, weakened and confused, as my son brought her home after the deaths of her mother and three brothers.

  Not to mention, who doesn’t like a little revenge.

  “Sir, I’m sure you can’t understand this, but she wants out, and I love her.”

sp; “You think I give a shit about where you put your dick?” I respond.

  “It’s not like that. Really.” Luca takes a deep breath, realizing the heart angle won’t work for me … or any mobster for that matter. “Money. The million would be to help get her out of that house and to the safe house, that’s it.”

  “Oh, that’s it? Just break into the biggest mob boss’s house, take his daughter, and leave. Oh, that’s it?” I stand and pace the floor. “My son is not going to help you. We faked his death for a reason. He has a good life now… away from here … and all of this.” I wave my arms around the room and point to the few large drops of blood on the floor.

  “He’s the only one that knows that house well enough,” Luca responds, looking at the floor. “We know he can do it quietly, believe it or not.”

  I lean forward in my seat as Luca peaks my interest. “Yeah, he’s the only outsider that has ever really been in his house … that’s still alive anyway.” He takes a deep breath. “This still won’t be easy. Mykel will have to be involved … and one other person.”

  Suddenly, Luca’s phone rings.

  I instantly reach for my gun.

  “It’s her, just talk to her.” Luca slowly hands his phone to me, and I reluctantly take it.

  “Hello, uncle.” Her voice is stoic, not at all like I remember her. She used to more vibrant, and a whole lot rebellious.

  “Isabella. It’s been a long time since you’ve called me that.” She hasn’t spoken to me since the day Beppe shot my son. Everyone knows Beppe locked her up for protection … but I know why he really locked her up. “I didn’t get my invitation to the wedding.”


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