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Epsilon Page 4

by Dezirae Bates

  Cassidy turned to continue down the hall, fiddling with her fingernails as they walked once more. “So, when Chase came to my house, to tell me about, well, all of this,” she laughed, shaking her head as she thought back to earlier in the day, “he insisted that he needed an invitation to come inside, even though we were being attacked by some psycho gree...” She trailed off, clasping her hand over her face as she looked up to Olivia. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean... she just attacked me so—” she said, glancing back to the halls in front of them as they walked. It didn’t click in her head that when she became a member of Epsilon, she was apart of the same Origin that Geneva once belonged to. Olivia would know her.

  “Don’t apologize. She made her bed, now she has to lie in it.” Olivia shrugged, trying not to seem upset by the fact that Geneva was no longer with Exodus. “And, in regards to the invitation, it goes back to how we become triggered. Technically we died. But, now that we’re alive and kicking once again, the signet is active. It’s not required with everyone but, if you go to a triggered signets home, you’ll have to get an invitation to come in. It’s kind of... the signets way of protecting you. Not everyone is so nice. Or welcoming.” Olivia’s word had a tinge of a warning to them but they mostly were just truth, a truth proven by Geneva’s attack on her home already.

  “Guess that makes sense,” she said, glancing to where her signet was, knowing that she couldn’t see it with her shoes on but that the simply mark was now changing her life tenfold. “How long have you been triggered?” Cassidy asked, rounding the corner towards one of the larger buildings in the complex.

  “I was seven.” She nodded, opening one of the doors and rounding the corner to a room practically a shrine of sorts to Epsilon. Photos, symbols, green tinges all around. The room itself felt warm and inviting and she was instantly settled being inside. Olivia laughed when she noticed Cassidy’s body react to the room. “It’s seeped in our Origin magic. You’ll heal faster in here, react quicker, think clearer and feel centered. It’s a channelling room,” she said, pulling out a chair along with Cassidy.

  “Right, because, that’s something I’ll need now,” she laughed, looking over the room towards a few others that were sitting and chatting, two off in the distance sitting with the green pulse circling around them. “But, seven? Holy shit,” she said, snapping back to their conversation. Olivia shrugged, fiddling with her phone once more before looking back to Cassidy. “I was shot in a robbery. My mom and me. She was fine but it nicked an artery on me and my heart stopped for twenty-three seconds. Docs managed to patch me up, mainly because one was Omicron and we didn’t even know it,” she laughed. The luck this woman had was impeccable. Cassidy pulled her feet underneath her in her seat, leaning over the chair arm as she took in the story. Learning all of this at seven? That had to have been a challenge, far more than at twenty-two.

  “But, it brought me all of this. Now that you're here, you'll feel it too. It feels right. Like, I never knew I was missing a big part of me before now but ever since coming here and experiencing all of this, I realize I'm one of the lucky ones. Some go untriggered for life. I only missed out for seven years,” she said, matter of factly. Olivia was right, though, and Cassidy could feel it. Every fiber of her being started to crave the abilities swimming beneath her skin. One might even say it's addicting.

  “Showing her the ropes already?” a voice asked, a man by the name of Killian who towered over many of the other people in the room, long, shoulder length hair and deep brown eyes, came over to the two girls who were seated. Olivia nodded, gesturing towards the newly arrived guest.

  “This is Killian, his specialty is electricity,” she said, Killian producing the vibrant green energy to his fingers, a quick spark joining in. Cassidy arched a brow at the element before nodding a hello in his direction.

  “So, we don't just cover wind, fire, water and earth?” she questioned, leaning in ever so intently to listen. Olivia laughed, shaking her head.

  “We're an Origin grounded in the elements. Any element. Fire, water, air, ice, earth, electric, metal, wood... I could name off our abilities one by one until I got blue in the face. And, there are probably some that I'll forget or don't even know about along the way. This Origin surprises me daily,” she smiled, Killian nodding as she spoke.

  “Which is why you can only do magic from your Origin.” Killian spoke up, glancing around him before looking back to Cassidy. “Epsilon chose us. So, elemental magic is all we can do. There's never been a known case of someone triggered being able to use more than one Origin, at least... not yet,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows with a laugh before relaxing back against the couch.

  “What do you mean?” Cassidy questioned, looking to Olivia for clarification. Olivia rolled her eyes at Killian’s suggestion before answering Cassidy.

  “Supposedly, a bunch of Chis back... who knows how long ago, predicted that there would be one who could wield all five origins at once,” she said, nonchalantly, almost as if she didn't believe it. Killian quickly snapped his tongue against his teeth in a tsking noise, cutting her off.

  “Don't listen to her, she isn't a believer,” Killian said teasingly, running his hand through his hair, some thread bracelets on his wrist showing underneath his long sleeves.

  “No, I just don't think that prophecies or predicting the future in our world is not necessarily something to bank on. You see what we can do, what we all can do. Who's to say a centuries old prophecy or sight is still valid? What if the person who was supposed to be the one never got triggered? Too many variables,” Olivia reasoned, valid thoughts on all accounts.

  “Nah, see, you can't think like that. Supposedly the prophecy was foretold by the original Chancellor. So, say what you want but I gotta believe in one of the most powerful Chis this world has ever seen. And you didn't even mention the best part.” He grinned, looking back to Cassidy, acting like he was telling a ghost story. “The prophecy states that the person who wields the five origins will either unite the five origins and usher in a period of greatness or destroy the origins and bring great ruin,” he said, a roll of thunder taking over the room as he finished, Olivia laughing at his dramatics and Cassidy jumped when the thunder started. Killian laughed, running his hand over his chin as he subsided the thunder he rolled in, putting his hands up in apologies. “Sorry, too good to pass up.”

  Cassidy narrowed her eyes for a minute at his apology before glancing around the room, all the eyes on her. She felt the flush to her cheeks increase, sinking back into her chair before looking to Olivia. It never even crossed her mind that there would be people who could predict the future or prophesize.

  “Don't worry. Most of us don't even recognize things said with the sight. Some hold it as law and then some regard it as just crazy dreams. Besides, no one has ever been able to hold two origins, let alone all five. And, if someone could, we'd know about it by now,” Olivia reassured her, heading to the small fridge by the bookcase and grabbing herself a water before sitting back down.

  Cassidy nodded at Olivia's remark, calming herself at the thought of something possibly taking this all away from her. It might have only been a day so far but she felt more connected in a day than she had for the twenty-two previous years before it all. And that wasn't something she planned on losing, ever.

  “What's your specialty?” Cassidy asked of Olivia after a few moments passed, Olivia finishing up her sip of water before shaking the bottle.

  “Water.” She grinned, taking a bit of the water from the bottle and holding it in her palm, creating a tiny water tornado in her hand. Cassidy watched as the water twirled, Olivia making a tiny strike of lighting in her palm as clouds moved over it, an entire scene of a storm playing out in her hand.

  “Now that, is cool.” Cassidy grinned, looking to her hands and breathing a bit slower, concentrating on pulling an element up through her magic, even if just for a minute. She stared at her hand, concentrating and becoming frustrated that nothing was coming to t
he surface. To say she was impatient was an understatement. Right as she decided to quit, a bright red flame ignited across her hand, the green swell of magic protecting it from harm as she gasped. She held it closer to her face, the fire spreading up her forearm before she shook it away.

  “Fire is easy when you're angry. Water is easy when you're calm. Earth comes easy to those who nurture or love. Air develops from patience. It really just depends on your mood,” Killian said, nodding towards other Epsilons in the area. “Like Derrick, he has an affinity for earth. Abigail is wicked good at air. And Wesley is the best fire wielder I know,” he finished, pointing them out as he spoke. Derrick was a dark skinned man, in his late twenties. He was shorter than Killian but not by much and appeared to be married to Abigail. Abigail was a medium built woman with brown hair and glasses but, even from a distance, it was clear that she put off a motherly nature. And Wesley was probably the eldest in the room, in his late forties with a full salt and pepper beard and brown with flecks of gray hair, along with hazel eyes.

  Cassidy took in the information and pseudo introductions as best she could, listening to them both go on and on about how to wield her magic efficiently, how to use it, how to control it under areas of pressure, etc. It was a wealth of knowledge to learn but also overwhelming.

  “You know what, I think I'm done for the day.” She laughed, capping her water bottle she'd got after sitting in the room for several hours, notebooks and pens strewn out in front of the three of them. Cassidy appreciated all the notes and drawings, even making light of their situation several times and she definitely felt the bonds of friendship forming just from the few hours of conversation. It was nice to have someone to listen to her for once, especially with them both having gone through the same thing along with sharing an Origin together.

  Olivia nodded, tying her hair up in a bun before glancing to Killian. “Yeah, we should probably head up too,” she said, resting her hand on Killian’s knee and the man running his hand over hers. The entire conversation made far more sense now that she could see that they were together. Their energy was nearly palpable.

  Cassidy stood, running her hands over her thighs as Killian asked if she needed help. “I think I got it. And, if I get lost? Gotta figure my way out sometime.” She grinned, tossing her bottle in the recycle bin near the door. “Thanks, for everything,” she said, giving them a smile as they nodded back.

  “Anytime,” Killian said, giving her a wave. “We'll see ya around.” Cassidy laughed once more before spinning on her heel and heading out into the hallway.

  Instantly walking out of the room made her feel a sudden surge of energy wane from her. She'd forgotten how the room was an Epsilon channeling area and created in Origin magic. It powered her more than she could tell and it wasn't long before she realized how tired she actually was.

  “finding your Origin takes a lot out of you,” Chase called, rounding the corner to come up beside her, glancing down at her face when she looked up to him. Chase looked just as tired as she was, wearing a zip up hoodie over the clothes he had on earlier. His blue eyes looked into hers, Cassidy feeling the pull that others had spoken about earlier due to the fact that they were joined. It wasn't so much as a need to be around one another but it was obvious when he was standing next to her that her soul pulled to his. Cassidy was unsure of how she felt about it, if she were honest. Everything about the Exodus was amazing. Except for the fact that she was now forever bound to him. It wasn't that he was a bad person... or even bad to look at, she just didn't like that her soul pulled to someone so involuntarily. She didn't know him. She barely knew his name, let alone anything particularly about him. Age, middle name, favorite food. These were things that she thought were fairly important given their proximity to each other.

  “Yeah, you find yours today too?” she asked with a grin, arching a brow at him which got a chuckle.

  “Cute,” he said, shaking his head with a shrug. “Been a long day for me too. Had to save your ass, remember? Plus, we're linked. You get drained, it wanes on me too,” he reminded. Cassidy frowned, nodding her head.

  “Lots of things I have to get used to. Generally I'm only worried about myself and usually, I'm not too concerned in that aspect.” Chase thought on her statement for a second, guiding her turns down towards her room when she nearly went the wrong way.

  “Well, you're part of something bigger now. Not only are we connected but when you placed your hand on that pillar, you connected with everyone else in Epsilon. You hurt the Origin if you get too roughed up. Everyone would know if you died,” he said, gazing down at her. “I'm not saying they'd know anything else but if you drained out your magic or were mortally injured, they'd have a feeling. And, so would I.” Chase didn't know how great he felt about being connected to someone either. He didn't feel comfortable with vulnerability. It was a new feeling for him and one he would never get used to.

  “Yeah yeah, I get it. Everything is bigger than me now. Check in that box, complete,” she said with a yawn, recognizing her hall as they walked down towards her new room. “I'll get to go... live a normal life still, right? I mean, I have bills to pay, friends who care about me, a house to live in... this... all of this is wonderful. And exciting. I just want to make sure I can stay me,” she said, fumbling for her keys.

  “But you're not you anymore. You're better than old you,” he said bluntly. “But, yes. Your home is still there. If you decided to go back, it'd probably be soon after you felt comfortable in a fight. Geneva and the leeches won't let you be for long. They'll either try and get you to come to their side or drain you of your magic. Currently, you're in no position to fight them with any expectancy of winning,” Chase said, following in after her, Cassidy closing the door behind them.

  “Then let's go. Teach me, I'm ready,” she said, standing in front of him, hands summoned green as the magic coursed across her skin, Chase shaking his head. It was apparent that she was exhausted. The circle under her eyes, the more pale than vibrant green color ebbing from her hands, she needed rest, not training.

  “Yes, energizer bunny. Another night. One where you can stand up without falling over, yeah?” he said, glancing around her room and then back to her. “I'll see you in the morning,” he said with a nod, teleported to his place before she could even say bye.

  “We're gonna have to work on that!” she called out, assuming he could hear her.

  Chapter 7

  Ugh,” Cassidy grunted, her face slamming against the ground as the red pulsed brightly around her body, quickly dissipating once she connected with the ground. Chase was roughly thirty yards away from her, pacing back and forth in a pair of dark wash jeans, a black crew neck shirt, his stereotypical chuck taylors and a bit of sweat rolling from his brow. They’d been going back and forth at it for nearly an hour now, training and pushing Cassidy’s abilities to make her a substantial fighter. A weapon, even.

  “Come on, Cass. You’re not even trying anymore,” he scolded, Cassidy groaning as she rolled off of the floor, wearing a pair of shorts and a black tank top, a gray and pink sports bra underneath and her hair pulled up into a bun.

  “You're beginning to piss me off,” she said, fists clenched closed as she brushed away the sweat from her brow. Chase scoffed, pacing back and forth for a moment before firing a bolt of red dead in her chest, Cassidy caught off guard that he'd attack her so quickly after just getting back up. She slammed against the back wall, the breath escaping her chest and her ears ringing from the impact. Her body crumpled to the ground, hand moving to her head as it sounded like she was whimpering in pain. Chase felt the deep surge of pain radiate through their bond and moved go help her to her feet. Maybe he pushed her too hard this time.

  “Hey,” he said, about ten feet from her, lending his hand out to help her to her feet and once he was within distance, the green energy expelled from her core, down her arms and through her fingers, a quick burst of air picking him up near the roof and then promptly slamming him against the
floor with a deafening thud. Cassidy clamored to her feet, a small line of blood trailing under her nose as she exhausted a large chunk of energy.

  “Don't ever underestimate your opponent,” she said weakly with a fake bravado as she repeated his verbage from their first session. The same surge that Chase had felt from Cassidy’s injuries, she now was feeling from his, glancing to where his body was on the ground but when she looked to the spot, he was no longer there. Within a fraction of a second, her arms wrapped behind her body, his grip on her arms light a straight jacket as she tried to rip herself free.

  “The statement still stands,” he said with a grunt as she struggled, Cassidy digging her nails into his hands but not causing him to loosen his grip at all. As she tried to free herself, her hands became increasingly warm, channeling the fire element through her skin until Chase thought the pain was unbearable and released her, pushing her out and away from him as he shook the heat from his hands.

  “Alright, alright,” he said, putting his hands up in the air as he looked her over. Between the sweat and the blood, it looked like they’d been going on hours of sparring and training but at least she was getting better. What she lacked in strength, she made up for in smarts. You didn’t always need to be more powerful than your opponent but being smarter nearly always got you to win.

  “Hey, I tried to quit an hour ago but you had to keep pushing,” she groaned, glancing in the large mirror that allowed them to watch their form as they moved in the sparring room. Below the sports bra was a bright raw bruise that had grown within the course of about twenty minutes. It seemed that she probably had cracked a rib but until she saw an Omicron to confirm, she’d have no idea.


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