Beauty Awakened

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Beauty Awakened Page 14

by Allyson Lindt

  An outer door creaked open, and an officer approached their cell with Tara’s father by his side.

  Nathan had never taken issue with the man, but he’d also never felt physical relief at seeing Antonio Sr before.

  “Gentlemen.” He had the kind of baritone that commanded respect, and his English was heavily accented. “Very first, she’s battered, but both Tara and the baby are all right. Though she’ll be in the hospital for a few days.”

  Thank God. Nathan felt a huge weight lift from him. “Any chance we’ll get to see her?” He had no illusions about their situation—it was somewhere south of fucked.

  “You are free to go, and the charges against you will be dropped,” Antonio said as their cell was unlocked. “With some conditions.”

  Just like that? Nathan nodded. Probably too vigorously. “I can do conditions. Whatever’s required.”

  “Your visa have been revoked. You’ll be accompanied back to Tara’s apartment to gather your belongings, and then placed on a plane back to the United States.”

  They were being deported?

  “He’s been here for years,” Nick said, pointing at Nathan. “He lives here.”

  “You’re both US citizens. Nathan isn’t married to Tara. They’re not engaged. You’re both here on visas.”

  Nathan started to protest. “But—”

  “You don’t want the alternative to this. I realize it’s not ideal.” Antonio Sr stepped aside as they were escorted from the cell. They stepped into the hallway, and he pulled Nathan into a tight hug. “Thank you, both of you, for what you did. I’m sorry I can’t do more in return.”

  Nathan and Nick didn’t say much as they were driven back to the apartment. Tara’s brother was waiting for them on the sidewalk.

  “I guess I don’t need that key after all.” What Nathan intended as a joke came out bitter and terse.

  It was surreal walking inside. Had he really been talking about moving out less than twelve hours ago? Now there was no choice. Not for him.

  “Take what you need for the next couple of weeks,” Antonio said. “We’ll ship you the rest of your things.”

  Nick finished packing within minutes.

  Nathan didn’t know where to start. Between sleeping here two nights in a row and prepping for work, most of his things had drifted over here, despite Tara’s insistence he couldn’t stay.

  “What’s happening to Marco?” Nick asked.

  Nathan knew the answer. He didn’t want to hear it confirmed.

  Antonio didn’t reply.

  “He assaulted someone. Hospitalized her.” Nathan couldn’t keep his mouth shut after all.

  Antonio clenched his fists. “I’m as furious as you are. Marco is who he is. I was told the investigation is ongoing.”

  Nathan needed to punch something. The brick wall to his left seemed like a bad idea, and the mattress to his right wouldn’t provide any satisfaction.

  Conversation dwindled to nothing as they finished packing.

  Before they were shoved back in a cop car, Antonio stopped Nathan. “I’m bringing Tara her phone. She can’t talk much, but if they let you, call her before you board.”

  “Of course. Thank you.” Nathan gave him a hug. “Next time you’re in the States...”

  Antonio stepped back. “Yeah.”

  The police drove them to the airport.

  Nathan hadn’t been back long enough to be leaving again. And to never come back? It was true, wherever they lived was home. The building didn’t matter. The people did.

  And the one person who defined that for him would still be here.

  The police stayed with Nick and Nathan at the gate. They were getting on that plane, no question.

  But at least here they had a little privacy. He dialed Tara on Facetime.

  It took several rings, and when someone answered it was Antonio. “She says you can’t see her.”

  “Please?” Nathan had to. He didn’t care how she looked. “They’re shoving us on a plane in about fifteen minutes. This is as close to goodbye for now as we get.”

  Nick pressed close enough to look over his shoulder. Nathan focused on the heat against his arm. It was the one comfort he had tonight.

  “Fine.” Tara croaked from off screen. A moment later she came into view.

  Rage surged through Nathan. The bruise on her cheek was puffy and purple. Wires ran around and behind her, and her face was pale, with dark shadows under her good eye.

  Nick’s grip on Nathan’s shoulder conveyed they were both thinking the same thing. Was there a way to ditch their escort and hunt down Marco?

  “Do I look that bad?” Tara’s laugh was weak, and ended in a wince.

  Nathan shook his head. “You look incredible.”

  “Most stunning sight in history,” Nick chimed in.

  Pink dotted Tara’s good cheek. “Mom told me they’re making you go home.”

  “They’re here to make sure we do exactly that.” Nathan pointed the camera at the waiting officers then swung it back to himself.

  Tara made sound that was half-sob, half-choke, and Nathan’s heart splintered. He felt more than he heard Nick’s low growl.

  “What now?” Tara asked.

  Nathan didn’t know. “We’ll figure it out. I promise you. Because it doesn’t matter what tries to come between us, I’m here for you. For both of you. You and the baby.”

  “Yeah?” Her smile was as painful to see as anything else, because it wasn’t in person.

  “Yeah. I promise. And I’m sorry it took so long to figure it out.”

  “You still got there in time,” Tara said. “And I’m glad that’s what you decided. I love you.”

  “I love you too. We’ll see you soon. Whatever it takes.” Except as Nathan disconnected, he had no idea how he’d keep that promise, unless she followed them to the States. Today was proof that unlike Nathan, a huge, important part of her life was still in Italy. Her family was there for her.

  She deserved that, and Nathan couldn’t ask her to give them up.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Nick had been ready to say fuck it, and move to Italy. He could work from there as well as from anywhere. That was if he still had a company to work for. He loved what he’d built with Fiona, but it was never what he wanted to be doing long term.

  Heading back to Utah wasn’t a decision he wanted made for him. He watched Nathan and Tara exchange I love yous and he hated that the words lodged in his throat.

  He hated leaving Tara behind. Without an in-person goodbye. Without a plan to see her again.

  Nick did have a choice about one thing. As they took their seats on the plane, he turned to Nathan. “You’re coming home with me. Don’t even think about looking for another place to stay.”

  Nathan stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Then he smiled. “Yeah. Definitely.”

  There didn’t seem to be much else to say. They could rehash everything, but it wouldn’t bring any new conclusions. Nick was tired. Of so much.

  Throughout the flight, Nathan found ways to make frequent contact. A touch to the knee. A squeeze of the hand. A brush of shoulders.

  How did Nick feel about that?

  He liked it. It was right.

  Nick dozed on the flight. They disembarked at JFK, and headed for customs.

  The TSA agent looked at their passports, and then at the computer, and back at them. “I need you to come with me, please.”

  “Is there a problem?” Nick asked.

  “This way, please.”

  They were escorted from the line, and into a featureless room with a bolted down bench against one wall.

  Nick wanted to make a joke about being real tired of having to spend his time locked in cells with no information. He didn’t think they’d see the humor in that.

  One of the men who joined them informed them their names were on a terrorist watch list. Why were they flying in from Europe?

  Their explanation that they’d been kicked out of Ital
y didn’t help their situation.

  For the next several hours they answered the same questions over and over, from different angles. They were searched. Their luggage was pulled and torn apart.

  Their connecting flight had probably landed at its destination by the time they were told they could go.

  “Parting gift from Marco?” Nathan asked as they dragged their tired asses back toward the terminals.

  That made more sense to Nick than most explanations. He really did want to murder that asshole.

  They grabbed a new flight, and had another four plus hours in the air before they could relax.

  Once they were in the sky, Nathan was working on his phone.

  Nick wanted to sleep some more, but that wasn’t happening any time soon.

  “No shit.” Nathan’s muttered exclamation caught his attention.

  Nick rolled his head to the side, too worn out to move more than that.

  “Tara was shooting video when Marco came by.” Nathan handed Nick one of his earbuds.

  Nick raised an eyebrow.

  Nathan rolled his eyes, then made a show of wiping the earbud clean, before handing it over again. “I’ve sucked your dick, you’re not going to die if there’s a hint of earwax contamination.”

  It wasn’t the same. Nick kept the protest to himself. He pushed past his discomfort and shoved the earbud into place.

  Nathan tilted his phone so Nick could see as well, and all of his reservations vanished. It was a video of Marco confronting Tara. The exchange was in Italian, but their body language gave a good indication of the direction things went.

  And then Nick saw the first punch and the kick. He’d only heard her screams when it happened. Actually witnessing the assault made Nick’s rage race back full-force. He gripped the armrest until his knuckles ached. He yanked the earbud out and handed it back to its owner. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “I have a better idea.” Nathan looked smug.

  “There’s no better idea unless it involves intense suffering.”

  “It does.” Nathan’s smirk grew.

  How did he have any energy or desire to smile right now?

  “I’m currently uploading the video to our channel. Including a timestamp and a brief explanation of where it was shot and who’s in it. No other commentary.”

  Now that shit-eating grin made sense. “Fuck, you’re evil.”

  “And you love it.”

  “It’s pretty good,” Nick said.

  They decided watching the results of the upload would drive them insane, and Nathan shut off his phone.

  They landed what felt like an eternity later. On the cab ride back to his place, Nick sent Fiona a quick text. He probably should have thought to do that sooner, but given their delays, she would have worried.

  I’m back. Long story. Give me twelve hours to sleep, and I’ll fill you in. And I’m sorry.

  He and Nathan reached his place, and dumped their luggage inside the front door. Nick wanted to collapse, but adrenaline still hammered in his veins. He gestured. “Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself at home. There’s no food in the house because... Because at least part me didn’t know if I was coming back. At least not long term.”

  “I get that.”

  Nick should point Nathan toward the guest bedroom, but he didn’t want to. He sighed. “I’m sorry you’re not there with her. Even if I couldn’t be, that’s what I’d want.”

  Nathan twisted his mouth.

  “But since that can’t happen, I’m glad you’re here with me.” Nick kissed away Nathan’s scowl and fisted his sweatshirt. Nick guided Nathan toward the bedroom, reluctant to break the lip-lock for more than a few seconds at a time, to make sure neither of them tripped.

  The desperation and hunger flowing inside were familiar and right. He needed to be closer to Nathan. Needed to part of him.

  Nick didn’t know what he was doing when it came to sex with another guy. He knew what he liked, though. Nathan should have some of the same buttons, and talking through the rest could be as much of a turn-on as anything.

  Shoes were kicked off before they reached the bed, and socks followed. They grasped desperately at each other’s clothes, shedding everything as they landed in tangle on the bed.

  Nick hesitated. There was only one orgasm for each of them. Was there some sort of etiquette for who came first? For the most part, Nick was a simple guy when it came to sex. Once penetration happened, he was done for shortly thereafter. How much foreplay was expected?

  “Hey.” Nathan rolled onto his back, pulling Nick on top of him. “You’re over thinking this, aren’t you?”

  “No. Maybe. Probably.”

  Nathan grabbed Nick’s cock loosely and stroked. “Don’t. Let it happen as it happens. No one’s keeping score.”

  The light touch and simple assurance were enough for Nick. He dove back into kissing Nathan. This was such a different experience. More than a day’s worth of stubble scratched his lips, leaving a tasty burn behind. Nathan had wispy fine hair on his chest, just long enough for Nick to tease his fingers over. And the hard length pressing into his thigh was tempting as fuck.

  “I have lube this time,” Nathan said.

  Nick laughed. “Same. But mine’s in the bedside table, so it’s probably closer.”

  “It’s not a contest.”

  “Says you.” Nick reached over Nathan’s head, slid the drawer open, and extracted a condom and a tube of KY Jelly.

  Nathan twisted to kneel. He teased his ass back against Nick’s cock.

  Nick’s heart hammered against his ribs, and anticipation clawed through his veins. He rolled on the condom, then squirted a generous dollop of lube into his palm.

  Nathan squeaked when Nick glided a finger along the crack of his ass. “Cold. Warn a guy first.”

  “Nah. It’s no fun that way.”

  “I’m going to remind you that you said that, when someone else has the lube.”

  Nick liked the threat, because it implied this would happen again, and probably again and again.

  Fuck, he looked forward to that.

  He nudged Nathan’s tight hole with the head of his cock. As he inched in, his groan mingled with Nathan’s, until he didn’t know where one of them ended and the other began.

  This wasn’t his first time having anal sex. The male partner was the one unique variable. But Nathan was...

  ... a necessary piece of a three-part puzzle.

  And then Nick was buried inside him. The squeeze on his cock was incredible, and the way Nathan grunted each time Nick moved was intoxicating. He built to a steady pace. He wanted more, though. To slam inside Nathan hard and fast.

  “Stroke yourself,” Nick said.

  Nathan balanced his weight to move one hand to his cock, and worked his arm in time to Nick’s rhythm.

  Nick summoned a sliver of self-control. This was better than the physical. The connection between them lit his nerve endings on fire.

  Nathan’s groans shifted to punctuated grunts, and Nick recognized the sound of his approaching orgasm.

  That was what Nick needed. He slipped off the restraints and pounded harder, faster, not wanting to stop. He tumbled head first into the bubble that surrounded them. The merging of their bodies.

  Nathan let out a long groan when he came, and his legs wobbled.

  The sound was music to Nick’s ears. He helped keep Nathan upright. Desire and pleasure built inside, racing along Nick’s skin, and tightening in his balls.

  He cried out when he came, thrusting desperately until he spilled his load. Even then he didn’t want to stop. He kept up the pace until he was beyond spent.

  Nick slid out of Nathan, and rolled to the side, Nathan following. It took a force of will to drag themselves out of bed long enough to dispose of the condom and clean up. Neither of them bothered with clothing as they fell back into bed together.

  “It kind of sucks.” Nick didn’t want to let his thoughts drift down this path, but he couldn�
�t stop them.

  Nathan pressed into him. “Not the best thing a guy can say after sex. I’d say you’re welcome, for me teaching you that, but you should already know.”

  Nick smiled. “The sex was good. You’re good. Incredible, even. If you let me sleep for the next fourteen hours, I might want to go again.”

  “Mmm... you say the sexiest things. In that case, what sucks?”

  “That it takes something like this infuriating bullshit to make us realize how much we have to lose, and force us to admit how much we want what we already have.”

  “That was convoluted.”

  “I guess. But so is this entire situation.” He pulled Nathan closer into him, and spooned against his back. The skin-on-skin contact was soothing. “How’s this for more direct? I love you. I don’t know when it happened. Honestly I didn’t expect it to, but there it is. I love you.”

  Nathan twisted his head to look over his shoulder and meet Nick’s gaze. “Did Tara get such an eloquent speech?” His question was playful.

  Regret gnawed at Nick’s ribs. “I didn’t tell her. I waited too long.” He also didn’t miss the lack of Nathan saying the words in return. But he wouldn’t make it awkward by over explaining. He felt the way he felt, and he wasn’t going to miss a second opportunity.

  “You will.” Nathan tugged Nick’s arm tighter around him. “And I love you too.”

  Relief and affection flooded Nick. This was almost perfect. There was something big missing, though. They needed to get Tara back.

  He wasn’t aware he’d fallen asleep until he woke up hours later. He was still wrapped around Nathan. It was incredible, but it didn’t replace the empty pit where Tara belonged.

  “Your phone’s been buzzing,” Nathan muttered.

  That must be what woke Nick up. He pulled up the message from Fiona.

  Welcome back. Glad you’re safe. We have it under control. Take your time coming back to work.

  She was still furious.

  Not that he blamed her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Tara didn’t want to be stuck in the hospital. She didn’t want to go home to an empty house, either. Thinking about it caused an ache in her chest that matched the pain from the cracked ribs. She’d just gotten Nathan back. And Nick.


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