Girl Scouts at Dandelion Camp

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Girl Scouts at Dandelion Camp Page 1

by Lillian Elizabeth Roy

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  By Lillian Elizabeth Roy

  Author of The Polly Brewster Books, The Little Washington Books


  Grosset & Dunlap

  Publishers, New York

  Made in the United States of America

  Copyright 1921 by George Sully & Company



  _Mrs. Vernon turned the flashlight over the groundabout them (Frontispiece)_]




  "Dear me, I never saw so many old dandelions in my life!" exclaimedJuliet Lee, as she tugged mightily at a stubborn root.

  "Seems to me there are ten new weeds ready to spring up the moment wepull an old one out," grumbled Ruth Bentley, standing up to straightenher aching back.

  "Forty-six for me! I'll soon have my hundred roots out for the day!"exulted Elizabeth Lee, Juliet's twin sister. As she spoke, she shook aclod of loose earth from a large dandelion root, and threw theforty-sixth plant into a basket standing beside her.

  "You handled that root exactly as an Indian would a scalp before he tiesit to his belt," laughed Joan Allison, another girl in the group of fourso busily at work weeding a vast expanse of lawn.

  "Oh, me! I don't b'lieve we _ever_ will earn enough money this way topay our expenses in a Girls' Camp!" sighed Ruth, watching her companionswork while she stood and complained. "Doesn't it seem foolish to wastethese lovely summer days in weeding Mrs. Vernon's lawn, when we might behaving glorious sport in a Girl Scouts' Troop?"

  "We'd never be admitted to a Patrol or Troop if we had to confessfailure in pulling up little things like dandelions," venturedElizabeth, without raising her eyes from her task.

  "There you go--preaching, as usual!" retorted Ruth.

  "Well, anyway, Mrs. Vernon said it wasn't so much what we did, or wherewe did it, as long as we always did the _best_ we could; so I'm tryingmy best on these unfriendly weeds," added Elizabeth, generally calledBetty, for short.

  "Pooh! Mrs. Vernon is an old preacher, too, and you copy her ineverything just because you haven't any mind of your own!" scorned Ruth,her face looking quite ugly for such a pretty girl.

  Juliet, known familiarly as Julie, glanced over at her sister to see ifRuth's rude words hurt. Seeing Betty as happy-faced as ever, sheexchanged glances with Joan, who understood Ruth better than the girlunderstood herself.

  To change the trend of the conversation, Joan now asked: "Has any onethought of a name for our club?"

  "Yes, I proposed lots of them but Verny seemed to think they weremeaningless. I suppose she prefers a Latin or Greek name," Ruth jeered.

  "Oh, not at all! She left it entirely to us to choose a name, but shethought we ought to select one that would fit," hastily explained Joan.

  "I've got one--guess what?" exclaimed Betty, sitting back, and huggingher knees as she smiled questioningly at her friends.

  The other girls puckered their brows and guessed all sorts of names,some so ridiculous that a merry chorus of laughter pealed across theglen; but finally, Betty held up a hand in warning and shouted:

  "Halt! Halt! if you keep on this way, we'll never finish the weeds."

  "Give up, then!" responded her companions.

  "Dandelion Troopy!" exulted Betty.

  "Troopy--why that 'y' at the end?" queried Joan.

  "'Cause we can't be a regular 'Troop,' you know, while we have only fourmembers--Verny said the Scout Manual says so. As most infant ideas endwith a 'y,' I suggest that we end that way."

  "Oh, Betty! I'm sure you don't want us to end there when we've but justbegun," laughed Julie.

  Betty was about to explain her meaning when Ruth interrupted. "Goodgracious! Haven't we had enough of dandelions in this horrid job withoutreminding us forever of the work by calling ourselves by that name?"

  "Well, I was thinking how pretty the name would look if Verny prints iton a board sign and paints yellow dandelions all about the words,"explained Betty, in an apologetic tone.

  "It _would_ look nice," added Joan, picking up a blossom and studying itcarefully.

  "You know dandelions really are lovely! And they smell sweet, too. Butthey grow so freely, everywhere, that folks think they are weeds. Nowthey'd be considered wonderful if they were hard to cultivate," saidBetty, seriously.

  "I fail to see beauty in the old things!" scorned Ruth.

  "You fail to see beauty in lots of things, Ruth, and that's where youlose the best part of living," said a sweet voice from the pathway thatskirted the lawn.

  "Oh, Verny! When did you get back?" cried three of the girls. Ruthturned away her face and curled her lips rebelliously.

  "Oh, some time ago, but I went indoors to see if the banker had hismoney ready for my scouts," replied Mrs. Vernon, paying no attention toRuth's attitude.

  "We were just talking of a name, Verny, and Betsy said she thought thename of 'Dandelion' was so appropriate," explained Joan.

  "Betty thought a signboard with the name and a wreath of the flowerspainted on it would be awfully sweet," added Julie, eagerly.

  "And I say 'Toad-stool Camp' with a lot of fungus plants painted aboutit would be more appropriate for this Troop's name!" sneered Ruth,wheeling around to face Mrs. Vernon. "We're sick of the sight ofdandelions."

  Understanding Ruth's shortcomings so well, the girls paid no attentionto this remark, but Mrs. Vernon said: "I came out to see if you werealmost through with to-day's work."

  "Seems as if we were awfully slow this afternoon, Verny, but we'll digall the faster now for having you here to boss us," said Julie.

  "It's all because I stopped them to talk about a name," admitted Betty.

  "Well, we were glad of the recess," laughed Joan.

  "Come, come, then--let's make up for lost time!" called Julie, falling towith a zeal never before demonstrated by her.

  The other girls turned and also began digging furiously, in order tocomplete the number of roots they were supposed to sell at one time. Nota word was spoken for a few moments, but Ruth groaned about herbackache, and sat up every few seconds to look at her dirt-smearedfingernails. Mrs. Vernon had to hide a smile and when she could controlher voice, said:

  "I'll be going back to Vernon's Bank, girls, but as soon as you areready to cash in for the roots, go to the side porch. Then wash up inthe lavatory and meet me on the front verandah, where we'll havesomething cool to drink for such warm laborers."

  "Um-m! I know what! You always do treat us the best!" cried Joan.

  "With such an incentive before us, I shouldn't wonder but we'll be therebefore you are ready," added Julie, smacking her lips.

  Mrs. Vernon laughed, then walked back to the house, and the girls dugand dug, without wasting any more time to grumble or talk. Even Ruthforgot her annoyances in the anticipation of having something good toeat and
a cooling drink the moment she was through with her hundredweeds.

  As usual, Betty completed her task before any of her companions, andRuth said querulously: "I don't see how you ever do it! Here I've workedas hard as any one but I only have sixty roots."

  "I'll help you finish up so's we can get to the house," Betty offeredgenerously. And Ruth accepted her help without thinking to thank her.

  "I know why Ruth always falls behind," commented Joan. "Betty may be a'prude' and a 'preacher' in Ruth's eyes, but she sure does persist inanything. I haven't heard her complain of, or shirk, a single thingsince we began this Scout plan. Ruth sits and worries over everythingbefore it happens, so she really makes her work hard from the moment sheever starts it."

  "That's good logic, Joan," returned Julie. "Besides all that, I havewatched Betty work, and she seems to _like_ it! Haven't you ever noticedhow fast and well you can do anything that you love to do?"

  "You don't suppose I _love_ to root out dandelions, do you?" demandedBetty, laughingly.

  "Not exactly, but you try to see all the good points in them and thatmakes you overlook the horrid things," said Julie.

  "Well, I wish Betty would show me the good points in a pan of potatoes,"said Joan. "I have to peel the 'taters every day, and _I hate it!_ Manya time I have tried to fool myself into believing I like them--but I justcan't!"

  The girls laughed heartily, and Julie added: "Next time you have to peelthem, begin to sing or speak a piece--that works like magic, because itturns your thoughts to other things."

  "There now! Ruth's hundred are ready, too!" said Betty, tossing the lastfew roots into the basket.

  Mr. Vernon was paymaster, and always contrived to have bright new coinson hand with which to pay his laborers. To-day he counted out thecorrect wage for each girl, and then said:

  "That lawn must be almost cleaned up, eh?"

  "Oh, Mr. Vernon! It's most discouraging!" cried Ruth.

  "Yes--why?" asked Mr. Vernon, quizzically.

  "Because we root out a place one day, and the next the young ones sproutup again."

  "That looks as if you girls may bankrupt me before this contract iscompleted, eh?" laughed he.

  "Come, girls! Don't waste your time in there with Uncle Verny when youmight be sipping cool lemonade out here!" called Mrs. Vernon from thefront of the house.

  So the four girls hastily washed away all signs of earth from hands andfaces, and joined their "Captain" on the verandah. Here they foundwaiting great wicker easy-chairs, and a table spread with goodies. In afew moments unpleasant work and dandelions were forgotten in thedelectable pastime of eating fresh cake and drinking lemonade.

  "What do _you_ think of the name 'Dandelion Troop,' Verny?" asked Julie,when the first attack on the cake had subsided.

  "I think it is most appropriate at present, but how will you feel aboutthat name next year--or the next?"

  "Now that's what I say! We'll grow so tired of it," added Ruth.

  "But we don't think so!" argued Julie.

  "Besides, we ought never to weary of the humble things that really startus in life. If dandelions mean our start to a real Scout Troop, we oughtto be grateful and honor the weed," giggled Joan.

  Then an animated discussion followed between the girls for and againstthe name, but finally the champions of "Dandelion" came forth thevictors, and thereafter they wished to be known as "The DandelionTroop."

  "I suppose you girls know that we can't organize a regular Patrol untilwe have eight or more girls," said Mrs. Vernon, after the mimicchristening of a dandelion with Betty as sponsor for the name tookplace.

  "We know that, but you told us that the Handbook said we might be a clubfrom any school or Y. W. C. A., and meet regularly until we had securedour needed number," added Joan, anxiously.

  "Yes, that is true, but I think we had better continue with our littleclub as we are now, and study the ways and laws of the Scouts, before wetry to increase our number to eight. You see, you had already planned toearn money for camping this summer before the Girl Scout Drive began;then you became enthusiastic over that.

  "If I am to be your Captain, I, too, must study the plans, principles,and objects of the Organization, or I would be a poor Captain to guideyou."

  "Does that mean we can't call ourselves Girl Scouts, or anything else,until you've done training?" demanded Ruth.

  "By no means! Dandelion Patrol can go right along and obey the laws ofthe Scouts, and perfect itself for admission to the Organization as soonas we prove we know enough to claim our membership," explained Mrs.Vernon.

  "But we won't have to give up our camp idea for that, will we?" askedJoan, anxiously.

  "No," laughed Mrs. Vernon, while the other girls sighed in relief.

  While the four girls are trudging homeward, you may like to hear howthey came to be weeding Vernon's lawn, and why they were so keen aboutstarting a Girls' Scout Patrol.

  Julie and Betty were about thirteen years old, and were very popularwith their friends. Their sister, May, who was about seventeen, kepthouse for the family, as the mother had been dead for several years.Besides May, there were Daddy Lee, John, the brother, who was twelve,and Eliza, the maid-of-all-work, who had been a fixture in the householdsince May was a baby.

  Ruth Bentley was about fourteen, but she was an only child. Every whimwas law to her doting mother and father, so it was small wonder that thegirl was spoiled in many ways. But not past salvation, as you shall see.She had a lovely home quite near the Vernons' place, with servants to dothe work and wait upon her; thus indolence became one of her eviltendencies. When Ruth heard the Lee girls propose the forming of a ScoutPatrol, she, too, yearned to become a member. Hence she had to weeddandelions for a test the same as the other girls did, but not withoutcomplaints and rebellion on her part. Mrs. Vernon paid no attention toher fault-finding, for she knew that if the girl persevered there wouldbe less danger of her failing in other tests when the Patrol began onmore interesting but more difficult tasks.

  Joan Allison was also thirteen years of age, and a more sensible littleperson you would have difficulty in finding. She had three brothersyounger than herself, but her parents could not afford a maid, so Joanhelped with the house-work, while the boys did the chores about theplace.

  The Vernons' house, on the outskirts of the town, was the handsomestplace in the township. There were acres of woodland and meadows at theback, and a velvety lawn that sloped from the front of the house down tothe stream that was the boundary line of the estate.

  The Vernons had had a son who enlisted in the Aviation Service at thebeginning of the War in Europe, but he had met death soon after hisinitial flight on the battle lines. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon had always takenan interest in the children living in their neighborhood, but afterMyles' death they tried to forget their loss by closer companionshipwith the young people in the small town.

  Mrs. Vernon had heard of and seen the splendid work done by Girl Scouts,and she decided to train a group to join the Organization. Thus it cameabout that the four girls who were anxious, also, to become Scouts, werethe first members in the Dandelion Patrol to be started by Mrs. Vernon.

  To try out their patience and powers of endurance, as well as to havethem earn money for their simple camp-equipment, Mrs. Vernon suggestedthat they weed dandelions at a rate of twenty cents a hundred. This testtaught the girls to appreciate the value expressed in a dime--for itmeant just that much service rendered.

  School would soon close for the summer, and the girls hoped by that timeto have enough money earned and saved to buy the second-hand tent andcamp-outfit a friend of May's had offered for sale. Every dollar addedto the camp-fund gave the girls dreams of the mountains where canoeing,hiking, fishing and living in the open would constitute one long seasonof delight.

  Mrs. Vernon listened to their plans and preparations, but she was toowise to discourage them by saying it would take longer than two weeks atthe rate of income they were receiving to earn sufficient capital tooutfit a camp. She encour
aged them in doing whatever work came for themto do--be it dandelion roots or drying dishes--and explained howPerseverance and Persistence always rewarded one.


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