The Cure for Unbelief

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The Cure for Unbelief Page 1

by Victor Ayodele

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  © Copyright 2012 by Victor Ayodele. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN – 978-978-51449-1-8


  The Cure



  Table of Content


  1.What faith is

  2.The mustard seed faith

  3.Firmly plugged into unlimited power

  4.Your mouth is the miracle key

  5.How faith works

  6.Overcoming the Hindrances to Faith

  7.Dealing with doubts and unbelief

  8.Hebrews Chapter Eleven


  “Nearly does not kill a bird”. The experience of being almost there but missing the mark by a few nano inches has been perfected by so many that it has become a pattern of living. You hear people say "I knew it would not work even before I started it!" or "Here goes nothing!" all in the name of being modest.

  The whole idea was borrowed from the concept of under-promising but over-performing, so such persons feel it is safer to lower their expectations before launching out. But while modesty is a virtue to be embraced, when it comes to the matter of believing in God and in yourself you have to go all the way. Unbelief is a luxury you CANNOT afford.

  Unbelief is a disease of the inner man – the spirit. It is a cancer of the soul and it has plagued man since the fall of Adam, limiting him from rising to his maximum capacity in God. Unbelief’s effect can be far reaching. It does not matter whether it’s a person or a people or even a nation as was in the case of the children of Israel at the point of entering the Promised Land! They denied themselves entry into the Promised Land through unbelief. The effect of this evil variance can be seen all around us too, this is evidenced in uncountable failed dreams and projects all fulfilling this statement in Hebrews 3:19

  ”So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief”. But I’m glad to let you know that there is a cure for this mammoth evil! That’s what this book is all about. The remedy requires the believer to employ a special type of labor in order to break free from the clutches of this destiny stopper!

  Hebrews 4:11 “LET US LABOUR THEREFORE to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.”


  The present world system in which we live has placed upon every man the necessity to strive to attain greater freedom. Deep within each one is the quest for freedom! Freedom from pain, freedom from lack, freedom from social injustice, freedom from tyranny and freedom from fear! THIS CRY FOR EMANCIPATION IS REAL.

  This has led to the evolution of different world orders and fundamental ideologies, and over the years, different groups of people have come up with what they think is the solution. But they end up creating new sets of problems which only reveals the utter weakness and helplessness of all manmade interventions. Man’s best efforts at explaining life and existence are but a mere stab in the dark.

  Principles, theories, standards, and system of belief have been propounded, and all of them seek one thing from man, and that thing is FAITH! Absolute belief in the set standards is required to enjoy the erstwhile elusive freedom. But what these scholars failed to realize is that faith is of the heart! “…for with the heart man believes…” Romans 10:10. Real faith is indeed a child of the spirit.

  About two thousand plus years ago, reality visited humanity in the person of the incarnate son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He lived a life that all had thought was impossible since the fall of man. He brought redemption to man and reconciled mankind back to God through the ultimate sacrifice of himself, he died and resurrected on the third day to ensure the fulfillment of the new life he promised to give the new set of men that would believe in his name and subscribe to the new covenant. He did not come propounding hard theories, but he LIVED OUT the life that every man could live had it not been for the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. He ruled and reigned and exercised dominion over the earth and judged every anomaly and disobedience against his authority. He went about doing good works by undoing evil acts, healing the sick and casting out devils.

  Christ did not only show us how to live the victorious life, He empowered us to live that kind of life!


  “A man can influence the destiny of his nation if only he can believe God, believe himself and set out in determination to succeed where others have failed. If only men would turn their stumbling-blocks into stepping stones, it would make all the difference” - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

  “The natural man is doubt ruled. The sense of condemnation has given him an inferiority complex that makes him a coward. It robs him of faith in himself, in man, in God and His word. The natural man is a coward!” – E W Kenyon

  "Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in oneself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with the inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent." - Unknown

  "In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves. Self-discipline with all of them came first." - Harry Truman, 33rd US President


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