Queen of the Stars

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Queen of the Stars Page 13

by Haley R Lawson

  I sat down and said, “So the reason I found the information on how to fix you is because Malerie is the same type as you. I treated her before you and she is still not feeling well. According to the online resources, her levels are consistent with a pregnancy. How fast… what is… The doctor sent tests and I’m waiting for the results, but is there like another way to tell right away?”

  “The tests will tell you what you need to know. You can also try an ultrasound, but you being in here tells me you don’t feel comfortable doing that.”

  “How long does it take for… how long before a woman of your type can tell?”

  “Like how long does it take to start showing? About a month. Ella’s gestation was six months.”

  “How are your two… the… does the baby… is the baby a perfect mix of your two species or is he mostly Ella?”

  “If you are asking if we are compatible, you met Peter. You were there when he was born. I don’t know if he will be able to have babies, but that is a long time away from now. You need to go talk to Malerie or get Jackson to do it.”

  “Jackson isn’t here. He’s with his trainee.”

  “He’s standing right there in the hall.”

  I turned around and Jackson was there looking over charts. I still had Malerie and Charlie’s watches off. I went into Charlie’s room and Tommy was in there trying to diagnose his spots. They turned a mix of orange and blue when he saw me. Tommy jumped back.

  I said, “Tommy, Jackson could use your help out there.”

  “He sent me in here. You two need to just tell me whatever you are covering up. I’m stuck with you now.”

  “Charlie’s an alien!” His blue spots went away, and they were all red. “He’s mad at me for telling you that so his spots turned red. He’s not sick. It’s just his normal skin. These are his normal levels. He should be close to, if not dischargeable.”

  Tommy checked his levels and he was ready to go home. I said, “I told Alex and his dad the same thing, but if you work today, do it from bed and drink lots of fluids. Charlie, Malerie is still kind of sick. She might benefit from seeing you.”

  “Just because I momentarily got mad you told a complete stranger about me does not mean I am going back to Malerie. I told her to move on. I love you.”

  “I know, but you are basically her only friend.”

  “I will go see her later, but I want to go take a shower, put comfortable clothes on, and take a nap first… That’s why I hate these spots. You think I hate you or something.”

  “No, not at all. I’m just tired too. I almost killed Luke and I just broke Tommy’s brain. I will see you Friday. Get some rest.”

  “I know I’m all gross, but can I kiss you?”

  I kissed him and his spots went blue again. He put his watch back on and headed back to his room. I don’t know why I kissed him knowing Malerie was most likely pregnant. It wasn’t my news to tell and we weren’t one hundred percent certain yet and I loved him. I kissed him because I loved him and didn’t care about anything else.

  Tommy fainted while reading my journal I accidentally dropped when I kissed Charlie. Jackson came in and said, “What did you do to my apprentice?”

  “He read my notes.”

  “While you were kissing a patient?”

  “Sorry you had to see that.”

  He laughed. “It’s alright. Is Heidi okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s completely fine. I sent her home already. Is it lunch time?”

  “It’s the end of lunch time. We are heading out to a clinic once I fix him.”

  “I need a favor first. I think one of my patients is pregnant, but I am new to medicine and the patient does not really like me. Will you do it?”

  “Is it Malerie?”

  “Yes, but I’m not sure.”

  “You are doing it with me. You have to be able to treat everybody if I’m going to sign you on as an apprentice.”

  He went and got an ultrasound machine. We went in and Malerie said, “What is that? I ate bad food. I am fine. Jackson, your apprentice is just incompetent or did it on purpose to ruin my day.”

  “But you trust me as a doctor, right?”

  “Yes, why?”

  He pulled up her test results and the information from her home family at the same time. They matched. She was adamant that they mixed the samples and asked him to do the test again. He said, “I have this machine all ready and it will tell us for sure. If you aren’t pregnant than it is just a few seconds, but if you are, we can get you started on vitamins and things you’ll need. Can I do the test?”

  “I want her out of the room.”

  I left and Jackson did the ultrasound. I heard a heartbeat. Malerie immediately started crying and asked Jackson to get her a phone. He went and got her one. He approached me after giving her the phone and said, “We need to talk about why you weren’t the requesting doctor.”

  “I will. Now quiet, I want to hear what Malerie says.”

  “Rose, patient confidentiality.”

  “I’m not going to tell anyone. I just need to hear for me. I… if she was with other people and admits…”

  “Just stop. I’m not getting involved too. You’re going to figure out a way to listen anyway.”

  He went back to the paperwork and I listened to Malerie. She called her mom and said, “Mom, I messed up. I chased Charlie away, but not before getting pregnant with his baby. He is in love with someone else…. I know we were, but… I haven’t told him yet. Don’t tell him yet. Okay, I will. I don’t want the baby to grow up without a dad and I don’t want to take Charlie’s child, but if that’s what you and dad are ordering me to do. Okay. I love… mom?”

  She hung up and paged Jackson. She asked if Charlie was still around and he told her he was discharged. She asked when she’d be discharged, and he said, “I want you to stay for just another hour or two until I can get some vitamins for you and so we can make sure you stay hydrated. I can’t have you fainting or something. I can send my assistant to get Charlie.”

  “She’ll turn him on me before I even have a chance to talk to him.”

  “Not Rose, my other assistant. He passed out a few minutes ago, but he should be okay by now.” She agreed.

  Tommy was now standing next to me and said, “Did he just volunteer me to go somewhere again? Now what?” I handed him my royal pass and told him how to get to Charlie’s room.

  Jackson pulled me aside and said, “Why was another doctor’s name on those tests and the charts?”

  “I am new to needles. I nearly turned Alex and his brother into pin cushions, and I couldn’t exactly ask a nurse, I mean I tried, and it didn’t go well. Alex’s doctor was here.”

  “So, you hung out all day and Tommy and I worked?”

  “I found all of the information about each of the people I was treating. I put them in gowns and changed sheets. I worked hard too.”

  “I’m sorry. I just. It’s been a long day. You get to stay here until Luke and Malerie get discharged. When Tommy gets back, send him to the clinic we were at this morning.”

  “Can’t we switch?”

  “No, I’m not leaving him in the middle of alien drama. You had to ignore them for your job. You’ve got this.”

  “A job from which I was fired… I’ll do it. Just go.”

  He headed to the new clinic and I stayed behind. I felt so bad for Malerie after hearing her phone call. Tommy came back without Charlie and said, “He refused to come see her. I didn’t tell him she was pregnant. He thought she tricked me into going for him.”

  “I’ll go. Jackson wants you to meet him at the clinic from this morning.”

  “You get to just stand around here all day while Jackson and I have been busting our asses. You do realize you are basically a glorified secretary, right? I mean you guys haven’t tried to kill me yet, but I am sick and tired of getting pushed around.”

  “Jackson gives the orders not me. I am sorry. I have to go get Prince Charles and Jackson really needs
your help.”

  I left him to go find Charlie. I got to the front door of the royal office building when I realized Tommy had my royal pass. Thankfully, he caught up with me and gave it back. I said, “I’m sorry we were giving you the run around. We were just trying to keep the patient’s confidentiality. I should’ve told you in a better way.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “I saw a family picture on Charlie… Prince Charles’ wall and he showed me by turning his watch off. I do have to admit, when I saw my friend Conner, I was more frightened. He is not very similar to us and he ripped his watch off without warning.”

  “I was barely able to remember one species. How did you manage to remember… how many did you treat?”

  “I treated eight people, but only four species. I didn’t remember anything. I wrote it all down from the websites. You most likely will never be asked to treat other species anyway. The only reason they asked me is because I saved Alex’s life when the doctors gave up on him.”

  “Okay, I will stick to humans, and you stick to this. Good luck with your patient. She seems a little hard to handle.”

  “I’ve got this. I will see you later.”

  I went up to Charlie’s room. He let me in and invited me to watch a movie. I said, “I’m still working. I am here on medical business.”

  “You don’t have to do everything she tells you. I already told that to the other one. Just go back to work.”

  “Charlie, it’s incredibly important that you see her.”

  “Why? Why are you pushing me toward her? I told you I love you. Are you scared? You don’t have to do anything royal. You don’t have to be queen.”

  “Charlie, this isn’t about me. This is about you and about Malerie. Please just come and talk to her.”

  “It’s not possible. We never slept together. If she is pregnant, it is not mine.”

  “Charlie, when she gave you that love poison stuff, you two were intimate. Just come and talk to her.”

  “Alex was too, right?”

  “Charlie, go talk to her.”

  He stormed off. I went back to the hospital expecting him to be there, but Malerie was still alone. I went in and said, “Charlie wasn’t home. We will try again later. How are you feeling?”

  “Tired but I’m not puking anymore which is good.”

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “You don’t have to sit here and be nice to me. You did your job.”

  “Malerie, I’m not going anywhere. You need a friend and as much as you hate me, I am all you have right now.”

  “I don’t hate you. I’m jealous of you. They liked you before you were even a royal. They liked you for you. The only reason Charlie… any of them even talked to me is because of my family’s money. You’re right. I have no one on this ship. I have no one at home. How am I going to raise a baby?”

  “You are strong and determined. You can do this.”

  “Why are you being nice to me? I’ve been horrible to you.”

  “I know what it feels like to be alone. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I am sure you are also an amazing person once you let people in. It’s also a part of my training to improve my bedside manor but I genuinely care about you.”

  “I can tell. I could tell how much you loved the service staff job. I bet this job is better on your heart because you can actually see the difference you make. The royals did appreciate your work. They couldn’t stop talking about the girl who told bedtime stories and had sheets and diapers all ready to go. I’m sorry I was such a monster to you and Charlie.”

  “It’s okay. Jealousy is quite the monster and I was too much of a rule breaker. I set myself up for it. Malerie, I’m sorry I have to ask this, but is Charlie the only person you’ve been with? I’m only asking because if he isn’t, I will need to go find the other person to tell him.”

  “Charlie’s the only one. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. He doesn’t have to know. I will just go home and figure it out.”


  Charlie came in the door and sat down with her. She said, “I have something to tell you. When I gave you the love potion… poison… it was poison. I know that now. I was naive and stupid. I am so sorry. Charlie, I thought we were being intimate when you passed out. I’ve been feeling off since the other day, but I just thought I was getting sick. I had some tests done today and I’m having a baby. Your baby. You don’t have to do anything. I will just go home and say the baby’s father couldn’t be there.”

  Charlie said, “Malerie… I would be lucky to be able to raise a baby with such a strong woman. You worked your way to the top. I know your story. I’ve known it all along. I should’ve been more honest and real with you. I was rebelling against my father, not you. I’m sorry I hurt you. I will come back to your planet with you and get to know you and your family better. I am sure we can at least become great friends. You aren’t doing this alone.”

  “You are too good of a man Charlie. Rose, can you do another ultrasound? I want him to see the baby.”

  I did as asked. Charlie was in awe. I can imagine his spots were blue and purple, but his watch was on. After a few minutes, I put the ultrasound machine away and asked Malerie if there was anything else, I could do for her. She told me she was fine. I walked out of the room and heard her say, “Please go talk to her. I’m not blind Charlie. We are doing this together and we are going to be best friends, but last night you two confessed your love for each other and now all three of us are in this mess. She needs you to say whatever it is that has you gazing off into space.”

  “I will be right back. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I know. I’ll be here.”

  Charlie came into the hallway and asked if we could talk. I said, “Only if I get to lead this time. You are going to be an amazing father and husband. I’m so happy for you, but you need to send me pictures of that baby. It’s funny, I was worried about Alex leaving… She’s right. You are a good man Charlie. I am sorry this was put on you this way, but that baby is going to be the light of your life. You promise me that. You cannot treat that baby like a mistake or a curse. You treat him or her like a part of your heart. I don’t care what happens between you two. You can never use that baby as a weapon. In another life, maybe you and me would be together, but you have to go. You have to be the amazing dad I know you will be.”

  “I know. I scheduled a ship for tomorrow morning. I’m going to have one last night with my family. You have to be my eyes around here. You make sure my girls are doing okay. I can’t wait to hear everything you and Alex and the rest of the others do.”

  We hugged and he went back into Malerie. I had her moved to Luke’s room. Ella seemed so torn. She was so happy about the baby, but sad for me and Charlie. I checked Luke out, but gave him his paperwork so they could finish their movie. I needed to get back to work and away from Charlie. I went back to the clinic, but there was only an hour of work left. Jackson and Tommy were too busy to talk which was good because I in no way wanted to talk.

  After work, Jackson, Tommy, and I ate dinner together. Jackson asked how my patients were. I told him they were all doing very well, and everyone was discharged. He asked how I was doing, and I told him it was a long day and I needed some sleep. He said, “Tomorrow, you are learning how to do needlework. Get some rest.”

  “Oh boy, I’m so excited! I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

  They both told me goodnight. I went to bed, but sleep did not come. I was so close to true love, to forever, and now I was being left behind.

  Chapter 28

  A Day of Learning

  Jackson had to wake me again. I apologized to him and he said, “You can make it up to me by stocking our bag. Bring an extra suture kit. You are going to learn today.”

  I laughed and went to get the kit. Tommy took his time getting ready that morning. I think he really thought I just stood around the day before. Winston was making his bag up and said “In case you
were wondering, Prince Peter Adam is doing well. I saw him yesterday, but he was all better by noon.”

  I thanked him for the update, and he asked how his nieces and nephews were. I said, “I treated them yesterday for food poisoning, but they are all doing well now.”

  “I like this arrangement. I don’t get to see them often and you don’t get to see the baby. We can trade our information.”

  I went to tell him about Charlie, but Tommy came and took the bag from me. He said, “Rose we don’t have time to dilly dally and there is such a thing as patient confidentiality. Jackson is so not signing those papers.”

  “Wait… what papers?”

  “He received your official apprenticeship papers last night. He’s evaluating you this week and then deciding.”

  “Sir, it was nice speaking with you. I will see you tomorrow morning.”

  Winston said, “Don’t worry too much about that eval… I’ll take you if he doesn’t.”

  Tommy said, “She’s not even trained. What is with you people? Rose let’s go.”

  I went with Tommy and Jackson. I did notice a paper sticking out of his pocket, but I wasn’t brave enough to ask. We were at the boiler room clinics again. Jackson set me up in the lobby to bring him the patients. Tommy whispered “glorified secretary” behind his back. I thought after our talk outside the royal hospital we were good, but he was being a real jerk. If that’s how he treated his kitchen coworkers, I could see why they didn’t like him. I mean I wasn’t going to put him in a freezer or anything, but it at least made a little sense now. We still had not received a wheelchair or gurney to move our patients, so I was using a chair and blanket. I broke a chair doing it.

  While Jackson was busy, Tommy took the opportunity to tease me. “I bet that’s going on your report.”

  “I bet it is. I’m doing my best here.”

  He just ignored me. One of our patients needed stitches, so Jackson had Tommy switch with me for a few minutes. Jackson did the first stitch and made me do it. I was so shaky I nearly stabbed the guy in the eye. I went to try again, and the assembly alarm went off. The guy being stitched up said, “Saved by the bell. I can tell she does not want to do this, and I don’t want this done. We better go.”


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