Will's Destiny

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Will's Destiny Page 5

by Haley Weir

  “So, ta-dah,” she said once they stepped inside. “Here’s my place. It’s not too big, so the risk of you getting lost is pretty low, I think. If you do, just call out. I’ll find you.” Maybe the champagne was making her silly. Usually her friends were the ones she was silly with, not hot guys she was actively trying to impress.

  “Your place looks nice. It seems like the perfect size.” He looked around as they walked toward the living room. He took off his suit jacket and delicately laid it over the back of the armchair that matched her couch. “Not too small at all. The decor is lovely.”

  "Thank you," she said, feeling another blush starting to creep up her neck. Something about this man made her feel so... she wasn't sure how to put how she felt into words. Part of her thought this was all happening so suddenly, almost like there was something greater at work here. Maybe it was a placebo effect of using the dating agency. Perhaps the whole instant attraction thing was playing with her mind. But that didn’t feel right. This felt more genuine than most of her past relationships.

  She glanced over at the living room, then back at her kitchen. "Oh, would you like something to drink? I have wine, or then there's water, coffee, or tea?"

  He contemplated the options, thinking for a moment as he settled onto the couch. "I think I'm good, actually. Thank you."

  The desire to have some wine was pretty strong with her nerves a little frazzled from having such a handsome guy in her apartment. What exactly were her plans in bringing him back here? She licked her lips, knowing what she'd like to do, but that probably would seem pretty forward. Her thoughts went back to the boat and their kiss. He didn't appear too disturbed by her forwardness then. Maybe they could just make out for a little longer and fall asleep together?

  She abandoned her plan to procure some liquid courage and headed over to the couch to join him. "If you'd like, I could set you up on the couch for the night. Or..." She chewed on her lower lip and her eyes met his.

  "Set me up on the couch, huh?" His blue eyes sparkled as he smiled down at her. "Or what...?" He lifted his hand to caress his thumb across her cheek.

  She shrugged her shoulders. "Or I suppose you could share my bed with me?" Her breath hitched in her throat as his hand slid down her neck toward the tender flesh of her throat. The sensation of his warm hand on her skin was divine. His hands weren't rough and calloused, but they weren't too soft, either. She loved how they felt on her body.

  "I think I might like that. Are you sure though?" He slid his hand over her bare shoulder.

  The fact he asked made her even more sure. If he was a jerk who just wanted her body for sex, then he wouldn’t be double checking with her. Besides, he wouldn’t have gone through the effort of bringing her out on his family boat if he was just after sex.

  "I'm sure." She kicked off her heels before standing up. She placed her hand in his and tugged on his arm. "Let's go."

  He stood up without another word. His blue eyes darkened with desire, and he turned her toward him, walking her a few steps back until she bumped against the wall.

  Sophie wrapped her arms around Will’s neck as he pressed her against the wall. She wanted to climb his arms and wrap her legs around him just to be as close to him as she possibly could.

  He placed his other hand against her hip as he leaned into her, pressing his mouth against hers, firmer and a little more aggressive than before. But she liked this wild side of him. His other hand took both of hers and slowly moved them up until her arms were pinned to the wall above her head.

  She hooked her leg around his waist, arching into him as a low rumble filled his chest. It was almost animalistic. Maybe this was his version of a "purr" of arousal. He explored every inch of her mouth with passion as her thighs dampened with erotic excitement. She moaned against him, needing him inside of her. She pulled back after a moment to breathe, and to tell him that she needed more. He moved his lips down her neck instead, and she gasped with the intensity of her pleasure.

  "That feels so good, Will. I don't know what you're doing, but don't stop..."

  His voice was different. It became a rough, gravelly rumble as opposed to his normal, deep timbre. "I don't plan on it, Sophie." He pulled back enough for her to see him. His eyes were an warm, honey brown instead of the blue she'd seen before.

  She blinked a few times, but no matter how much she tried to correct her vision, his eyes still looked strange. She'd heard of people whose eyes changed from blue to grey or a mix, but going from blue to brown? That wasn't possible, especially when he looked so much like a predator staring at prey.

  "W-what's going on with your eyes, Will? Get off of me." She struggled against his grip, but it was almost as if his hand was an iron shackle, chaining her hands above her head. She wanted to scream, but maybe there was a rational explanation.

  Chapter Nine

  The moment Will saw the fear enter her eyes, he realized what was going on. His bear rushed to the surface of his skin while he was distracted, and his eyes must have changed colors. He didn't know what to do. Should he release her and hope she didn't run away, or keep her hands pinned against the wall above her head and try to talk this over with her? Both of his brothers had been able to talk with their mates about what they were, but he doubted either of them were in this situation when they took the chance to reveal their heritage.

  No one could find out about his people. It was too important for their continued survival, so he couldn't just release her and hope for the best. "Sophie, please calm down and listen to me. I can explain what's going on."

  "Let me go, Will. If you do, I'll listen to you. But if you don't, so help me god, I will scream. I mean it." She pulled against him as if that would help her. Her strength was no match for his. She glanced pointedly down at his crotch as if warning him that if he didn't do as she said, she'd aim there next.

  Getting kicked in the groin wouldn't be fun, but he'd be able to withstand that. It would hurt, but he wouldn’t buckle under the impact.

  "Don't scream. If I let you go, you promise to listen to me?" He loosened his grip on her a little, just to make sure she didn't try anything. All the while, his bear was shaking with anger and adrenaline. Feeling her fear was causing him to lose control even more than before. This was a dangerous situation. One wrong move, and his bear could force the change and potentially hurt someone.

  More than ever, he wished he was able to talk with one of his brothers. He desperately needed someone who could help him calm down. If he'd been human, he might wonder if he was about to have a heart attack from the intensity of his feelings.

  Something in Sophie's eyes made him wonder if she saw the change too. Her fear switched to concern before swapping back to fear tinted with anger. "Spit it out. What do you need to say?"

  "I'm...different, Sophie. I'd never hurt you though, I swear. I'm...a werebear. A shapeshifter." He stepped back from her now, feeling a lightheadedness sweep through him as his bear slammed against the surface of his skin, ready to take on his true form. He fought back, wishing he wasn't so thrown off now so he could maintain his hard won control. It was as if he were a cub again, battling for control of his beast.

  "Werebear? Shapeshifter? There's... there shouldn't be any such thing. That's folklore and Hollywood mumbo jumbo." She shook her head repeatedly, as if she was trying to shake the words out of her brain. “What’s really going on, Will? Are you on drugs?”

  This really wasn’t going as he hoped it would. He balled his hands into fists at his sides, feeling his joints ache from the effort. "Please, calm down. It's... hard for me when you're like that."

  That was obviously the wrong thing to say, though. Her mouth dropped open.

  "Hard for you? Oh, no. You didn't just say that. You think this is hard for you? You really scared me and now you’re just...messing around. You sprung this on me as if I'd just accept that the paranormal is real. What do you want me to believe next? Are ghosts are a thing, too? Vampires? Werewolves?" Her voice was getting lou
der and a little more frantic with each word. She held up a hand. "No. Don't tell me if that other stuff is real or not, and do not tell me to calm down. I'm trying to process all of this too." Her breath was coming out in harsh pants, and she ran her hands through her dark brown hair as she leaned back against the wall.

  His frustration mounted, and his heart pounded rapidly in his chest. “I’m trying to explain this all to you as best I can. I’m not asking you to blindly accept me for who I am. But my bear can sense your fear. It’s not reacting well to how you’re behaving, and it’s really affecting my self-control. I don’t want to scare you. I genuinely like you, Sophie. Let’s just talk things over rationally, okay?” He moved a few steps away from her and sat on the couch again, keeping her constantly in his gaze.

  The last thing he needed was for her to go and tell someone about what she witnessed here. Not only would he be in trouble with his bear pack, but all of the werebears in the world would be in danger if she decided to tell people about this.

  She took a few deep, gasping breaths. Maybe he wasn’t the only one so close to the edge. “Rationally talk? Are you kidding me? I—” She drew in another deep breath and shook her head. “Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? I am trying not to freak out, but you’ve just told me you’re a...bear? My world is turning upside down!”

  Will knew she had a point. This had to be hard for Sophie. He was altering her reality, but he couldn't stand here and listen to her yelling like this. He opened his mouth to tell her to quiet down, but the neighbors must have had the same idea. They both heard someone pound on the wall near her. She jumped away from the wall and turned to look at it.

  A faint yell came from the other apartment. "Keep it down! Check the clock! I'll call the cops!" said the neighbor.

  This was too much for him right now. The thought that he'd found his mate, only for chaos to strike, ripped away at his insides. It wasn't fair. He didn't want to walk away from her, not when he'd been so close to finding the woman who was meant for him.

  "Listen, I know this is scary and strange. You're the first person I've shared this part of myself with. And...you’re not really taking this well." He knew he shouldn't blame her, but his nerves were raw. “I didn’t mean to—”

  "Get out, Will. Right now." Her voice shook as she looked him in the eyes. "I can’t do this. You should leave, or I'll call the cops myself."

  Coming to her place was a big mistake. Maybe if they had just parted ways at the marina, none of this would’ve ever happened.

  He grabbed his jacket from the armchair, but he kept his gaze fixed on her. "You can't tell anyone what I've told you. If you do, you're putting your life in danger, and I won't be able to help you. No one can know."

  Without another word, he strode out of her apartment, closing the door behind him. He leaned against her front door. His hands trembled, and he wasn't sure that he could drive home with his bear this on edge, ragged and agitated.

  He heard Sophie's sobs and leaned his head back, hating himself for the damage he'd caused. Hearing her pain and knowing he’d caused it made him feel terrible. He pushed away from the door and walked on shaky legs back to his car. The more space he put between himself and Sophie, the better his bear might feel. Or that's what he was trying to tell himself, at least. Neither he nor his bear wanted to be away from her.

  The chances of her calling or sending him a text him were slim. The talk of another date with her had been for naught. It felt like they were over. He hated himself for the role he played in scaring her away and ending their budding relationship. Time slid by as he leaned back in his car. Each breath he took was as shaky as his trembling hands, and he stared over at Sophie’s building. He wanted so desperately to know what she was doing.

  When the sun began to rise, he started the SUV’s engine, startled by how long he’d been sitting there. If he stuck around here much longer, someone might get suspicious and call the cops. He looked at himself in the rearview mirror and shuddered. He was pale, and his hair stood on end. He looked like a frightened animal. If he went into the office, he’d draw more attention to himself. He knew he was not in the right frame of mind to work today. He needed to call in sick.

  He checked his phone to see several new text messages a couple from his family. They started out friendly, asking about the date, and quickly turned worried about him and his whereabouts. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel, trying to summon the energy to do… anything, really.

  If he tried to drive home now, the chances of him getting into a wreck were higher than he'd like. He picked up his phone again and dialed up his oldest brother Mason. It was the obvious choice. Besides, Mason would soon become their pack Alpha. Perhaps his energy would help Will wrestle his bear back under control. He'd seen his father do that with agitated bears before, but he didn't want to worry his father anymore than he already was with him not having come home last night.

  Mason answered on the second ring. "Will, where have you been? We've been worried about you." He cleared his throat. "Maybe you were...too busy?" he said suggestively.

  "I nearly lost control," he replied, his voice cracking a little. "I don't think I can drive home. My bear is... I'm exhausted."

  "Shit. Give me your current location." The sounds of rummaging occurred over the phone line as if he were digging around for a pen and paper. "I'll tell Dad and we'll be right there. You should've gotten in touch with me earlier."

  "No, please. Don't let Dad know. I've stressed him and Mom out enough. I don't want him to know what's going on. Not now, at least. Let me just... regain some energy before telling him what happened." He glanced down at his phone and brought up map app. "I'm texting you my location. Sorry about all of this."

  "Don't apologize. I'll keep Dad in the dark... for now. Just tell me... is your date okay? Should I bring the pack doctor with me?" Mason asked hesitantly.

  He leaned his head back against the seat and sighed. "I didn't attack her. Okay is a relative term, though. She knows, and she didn't take it well. I'm worried about her."

  Mason cursed under his breath, but with werebear hearing, he knew exactly what his brother said. "All right. I'll be there as soon as I can. Don't go anywhere or do anything until I arrive, do you understand?"

  "I don't think I could if I tried, but yes, I understand. See you soon. Thank you."

  "Don't worry about it," Mason said, sounding concerned.

  Will closed his eyes as the call ended. Weariness weighed him down, and it felt like he had a growing stack of bricks on his chest. He only hoped Mason got here quickly.

  Chapter Ten

  Sobs poured out of her chest, and Sophie buried her face into a pillow to try to muffle the sound. The last thing she needed was for her neighbor to call the cops on her. She'd never had a problem with anyone here. Until tonight.

  Tears dripped from her eyes, and her heart hurt. Will seemed like such a good guy. She'd thought there was truly something between the two of them. He was funny, he was real, and they were such a good match. Their time together on the boat had been the most fun she'd had on a date. Now, she did not know what to think. The whole situation was surreal.

  He'd told her that he was a shapeshifter, as if that was a normal thing to reveal. As if she could just nod her head and accept it. It was like hearing the tooth fairy or Santa Claus were real, walking and talking in her world. But Santa didn't transform into a bear and probably eat people. A shudder chased down her spine, and she ran over to her front door to lock it. Now that he was gone, she needed to make sure he stayed that way, right?

  She strode into her bedroom, pressing her hand over her mouth to keep her whimpering sobs at a reasonable volume. She leaned over her bathroom sink to look at her reflection. The mirror showed black streaks of eyeliner and mascara leaking down her face. It was a look straight off of a horror movie set. She turned around, not wanting to see herself anymore and bent over at the waist as more whimpers bubbled up from her throat.

None of this felt real. Her night had been so great. She was about to have sex with him for the first time in this new, exciting relationship. After washing her face, she changed into her clothes for bedtime and crawled under the covers. Even though it was incredibly late, she stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. She was terrified. He was a monster, right?

  Her mind replayed what happened between them again and again in her head. The more she thought about it, the guiltier she felt. He begged her to let him explain, but she'd been so ready to judge him. She would not listen to him. .

  She tried to shake away those thoughts. It wasn't her fault that he freaked her out. But... maybe it wasn't his fault, either. His hands were shaking, and he seemed so distraught. If she calmed down and gave him a chance, maybe they would have been able to talk through whatever was going on with him. But, she hadn't. Instead, she pushed him away.

  No matter how many times she closed her eyes and took deep breaths to relax, her body refused to drift into unconsciousness. She tossed and turned the whole night.

  At some point, she must have finally fallen asleep, but not for long. After what felt like ten minutes, her alarm blared to life, dragging her from her dreams. Her arm was clutched tightly around her pillow, holding it closely as if it was Will.


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