Hero's Haven

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Hero's Haven Page 26

by Rebecca Zanetti

  The president nodded. “I’m sure it is not.” She smiled at Haven. “We hope you’ll join us someday to meet your people. Most of us still living weren’t involved when the elders created the youngsters, including Mercy. You might find people you like.”

  Mercy stepped up next to Haven, her face pale. “Have we found all of the missing Fae?”

  The president nodded. “Yes. They’re all getting medical assistance. But still, none of us can travel off world. Any luck there on your end?”

  Mercy shook her head. “No.”

  Haven remained silent. Yeah, she could travel, but she had no control. It had been blind luck she hadn’t been pulled through that final portal, and she knew it.

  The president signed off, and everyone headed back to bed.

  Quade took her hand. “We need to talk. Now.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  It took Quade several moments to recognize the feeling of frustration coursing through his veins. Anger, he was used to, and he was dealing with a healthy amount of that right now as well. He kept his mate’s hand and all but dragged her back to their bedroom.

  Once inside, she pulled free. “What is going on with you?”

  It took him a moment to be able to speak without yelling at her. “I told you not to rescue the Fae on your own, and when I tried to awaken you, you wouldn’t let me.” Who knew she had that ability? She probably hadn’t even known until she tried, and that just pissed him off more.

  She put her hands on her hips. “I didn’t have a choice. They were dying. I did what I could.”

  “Did the portal open?” he snapped, shoving his hands in his jeans to keep from reaching for her again.

  She faltered and obviously thought about lying. A multitude of expressions crossed her face in rapid succession.

  He growled low. “Don’t even think of lying to me.”

  “Fine.” The word burst from her. “The portal did open and try to pull me, but I somehow painted an imaginary portal in the brook and then convinced everyone to jump into the water, and we ended up back here. Well, I ended up here, and they ended up all over the world, apparently.” She rubbed her eyes. “I wonder why. That’s weird, right?”

  It all was weird. “You painted a portal?” he growled.

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. “I think I did. Maybe my skills have to do with painting. I mean, we jumped into the altered water and got free.” She rubbed her nose. “I wonder if I could do something similar with Ulric.”

  She did not just say that. Quade quashed the temper rapidly rising in him. Do you not understand that Ulric will most likely kill you?” He forced his voice to remain level. The idea of her dying, of her being harmed by Ulric, shot energy through his veins that popped with an edge of pain.

  She shuffled her feet. “I understand he’s dangerous.”

  She couldn’t imagine what an understatement that was. Quade shook his head, his control shredding. “You fought me when I tried to awaken you. Under no circumstances is that ever to happen again. Tell me you understand.”

  Pink blushed across her pretty face, and her chin lifted. “I’ll do what I want.”

  He wasn’t sure what his expression revealed, but she took a step back. A wise one. “You might want to rephrase that answer,” he suggested, his entire body going hot.

  She faltered but didn’t drop her gaze. “It’s my gift and I’ll do what I want with it.” Her voice didn’t sound quite as sure this time.

  He admired her courage, but her safety was his responsibility, and he couldn’t fight both Ulric and her. “I understand you’ve had to be independent your entire life, and I’m making allowances for that fact, but your grace period has ended. This is a new world you barely understand, and I can’t keep you safe if you don’t follow my directions.” He said the last through gritted teeth, and his jaw ached. He held up his hand, revealing the now slightly faded marking. “I made the situation very clear before we mated. You said yes.”

  Then, before his eyes, she changed. The shuffling stopped. She straightened and walked right up to him, her chin high and challenge in her gaze. “I said yes to mating, not to the rest of it.”

  Why was she challenging him? His vision clouded and he tried to push anger out of the way to think rationally. Nobody had ever fought for her, had they? Nobody had ever fought her. Not really.

  Maybe things hadn’t changed as much as he’d feared in this new world. He grasped her arms and dragged her up, lowering his face until his nose nearly touched hers. Irritation and something else lingered in her pretty eyes. Need and hope. That was hope. Anger gave way to the control he’d honed through the centuries, and he smiled. “You’re mine, Haven. It’s time you realized that fact.”

  Then he kissed her.

  * * * *

  Haven sucked in air, her head pushed back as Quade kissed her with an alarming strength. His hold was firm and his mouth commanding as he swept his tongue inside her mouth and took. Desire shot through her so fast her knees weakened, but she fought it and him, wrenching her mouth away.

  His chuckle nearly sent her into an early orgasm.

  She’d opened her mouth to say something sarcastic when he lifted her by the arms and tossed her right over his head. Her yelp carried through the room as she landed on the bed, bouncing twice. Surprise kept her immobile for several precious moments.

  He turned, and his hands went to the button of his jeans.

  Her breath heated, panting out, and she scrambled up on her bare knees, acutely aware that she wore only his shirt and nothing else. “We are not done fighting,” she said, probably out of desperation. This need engulfing her couldn’t be healthy.

  “We’ll fight nude.” He paused on the button. “Take off the shirt.”

  Don’t say it. She knew not to say it. “No.” Yep, she’d said it.

  He moved faster than a whisper, grasping the hem and ripping it over her head before she could blink. She knelt on the bed, fully nude, definitely aroused, and slightly pissed.

  His jeans followed the shirt across the room, and he reached for her.

  She slapped his hands and spun around, landing on the stone floor on the other side of the bed. No reason to make this easy for him. Anticipation flooded her, and she bounced on the balls of her feet.

  “You do not want to play,” he murmured, looking broad and deadly in the dim light. The scars across his massive chest showed his deadly determination to survive, and the look in his dark eyes was all control. Primal and dangerous but in control.

  She liked that about him. Could she make his control snap? Was she that powerful? “Oh, I’m not playing,” she whispered.

  “Come here, Haven.” The low command in his rough voice licked along her skin, zinged through her abdomen, and settled right between her thighs.

  “No.” She edged to the side, gauging the distance between the door and the bed. Yeah, she was nude, but if she could get past him, she’d win.

  Nothing in her wanted to win.

  But she had to give it a shot. Had to make him prove—what, she wasn’t sure. But something.

  “I would not,” he rumbled, his stance set.

  “I would.” She ducked and ran, full bore, faster than any human.

  He caught her around the waist, turned, and threw her back on the bed. This time, before she could roll, he was on her.

  She laughed, grabbing his hair and pulling. Hard. For answer, he flipped her around and yanked her onto all fours, facing the wall, his fangs sinking into her shoulder.

  Pain slammed into pleasure, and she tossed her head, her body quaking. Those deadly points retracted, and he licked the wound closed, reaching between her legs and palming her.

  The sound she made, one of need and want, should’ve embarrassed her. But she was beyond caring. “Quade.”

  He played with her, one hand tangling
in the hair at the nape of her neck, and the other caressing her folds. “You’re going to learn to obey me.”

  She laughed, full on, the sound slightly pained. “Not in a million years.”

  He removed his hand from her sex, and she started to protest, when he slapped up. Hard and right on her clit. Sparks flew through her lower half, and she stiffened, her eyes widening. “Oh, you did not,” she gasped.

  “I did.” He slapped her again, once on her clit and twice on her thighs, making her widen them.

  Her thighs trembled. This was too much. She needed more. “I’ll…never—”

  Slap. Once and again.

  She tried to drop her head, to just feel, but he kept her in place. “I’m immortal, damn it,” she muttered, trying not to push against his hand.

  “I’m stronger.” He slipped a finger inside her, twisted it, and brushed that spot only he’d ever found.

  An orgasm bore down on her, and she tensed, riding out the pleasure. Even so, she needed him inside her. Needed more. Needed all of him. “That all you’ve got?” she moaned.

  “I have more.” He grasped her hips and powered into her to the hilt.

  She cried out, pain and pleasure mixing until all she could do was feel. She loved how literal he was, even though humor had colored his last statement.

  He pounded in and out, drawing her hips back to meet each thrust. She dug her fingers into the bedclothes, holding on with all she had. The slap of flesh on flesh filled the room, and she closed her eyes, riding the incredible pleasure. A quaking started deep inside her and she caught her breath.

  He stopped. Full on inside her, his grip tight on her hips, he stopped.

  She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  For answer, he reached around and tweaked a nipple. Not so gently. “Getting your attention.”

  “You have my attention,” she moaned. “Now do something with it.”

  “I am.” His breath brushed her shoulder, and he licked along the shell of her ear. “I have fangs, an impenetrable torso, and centuries of combat experience.”

  He felt so big and full inside her, and she needed him to start moving again. Now. “Okay. Now move.”

  He nipped her earlobe, his fangs ticking along her jawline. “I fight bad guys. You do not. Now that I have found you, I will not let you be harmed.”

  Found her? What was he saying? She partially turned her head and bit his lip. “Fine. Now start moving before I hurt you.”

  His eyes had turned a luminous green without any blue. She’d never seen them that color before, and just for a moment, she was transfixed. Then her body started to ache, and she was brought right back to the present. “I’ll be careful, Quade.” It was the most she could promise him. Then somehow, she gave him more. “I won’t go without you again.” He seemed to need the reassurance.

  “Good.” He levered back up, gripped her hips, and then finally moved with a speed and strength that left her breathless. He pounded inside her, and she stiffened as the sparks uncoiled. The orgasm took her, shaking her, sending ecstasy through her entire body. She cried out his name, holding him tight, then finally letting go.

  He shook with his own release, his grip bruising.

  The kiss he brushed across her shoulder as he withdrew was feather soft and somehow firm. “I’m glad we reached an understanding.”

  She chuckled, flattening on the bed, half-asleep. “You are such a dork.”

  “Dork?” He turned and spooned around her. “Is that a term of endearment?”

  She bit back a laugh. “Yes. That’s exactly what it is.”

  “Good.” He kissed her head. “That was fun, Haven. You do not want to cross me again, however.”

  She smiled into the darkness. Oh, she’d definitely cross him again. But not tonight. Tonight, she needed rest. “I’ll sleep light, and you do the same.” She wasn’t ready to face Ulric, though that time was coming.

  She could feel it.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  How interesting that immortal bodies could still be a little sore. Haven stretched her legs as she walked to the kitchen, humming softly to herself. She’d finally gotten some uninterrupted sleep with Quade next to her after their wild night. Maybe sex was the key. She chuckled and walked in to find Allison sitting with a cup of coffee, staring deep into space.

  “Um, hi,” Haven said, pouring herself a cup.

  “Hi.” Allison looked up, her gaze stark. “I have to get out of this mountain. Just for a little bit? Get some fresh air?”

  Haven nodded. She’d forgotten about Allison’s claustrophobia. “There’s a little area right outside where the guys have had a fire going.” Quade had told her about the place the other day, but she hadn’t felt the need to go outside. Her paints were inside. “I can walk out with you if you want.” They should probably talk about the future, anyway.

  Allison jumped up. “Oh, I want. Anything to get out of this place.” She was probably only fifty-five or so, but she looked much older. Why was that? Wrinkles and sadness in her eyes?

  Haven’s heart thawed. “I know this has been difficult for you. I’m sorry.” To go from believing implicitly in the pastor’s worldview, to knowing there were vampires and demons on Earth had to have been tough. “Also, while I don’t understand your love for the pastor, I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Allison turned. “You always were a sweet girl, Haven.”

  Haven. She’d called her Haven instead of Mary, the name they’d given her. Haven smiled. Maybe they could both make an effort. “Come on. Let’s see if it’s still snowing.”

  The mountain rumbled, and she grabbed the wall to keep from falling. When the rock had stopped moving, she walked out into the main computer room, where Ivar was swearing at a group of computers. “What was that?” she asked, her legs still shaky. “Where is everyone?”

  He looked up, his frown deep. “Quade, Adare, Ronan, and Logan are digging deeper into the mountain with minor explosives because we’re going to need more room. Mercy and Grace are taking photographs outside since the snow let up, and Faith and Promise are in my room teleconferencing with the queen about science stuff.” He paused. “I have no idea where Benny is, but that’s not unusual.”

  So the snow had stopped. Good. She wouldn’t mind being outside of the mountain while they used explosives inside it. For goodness’ sake. “Allison and I want to go out to the fire, if that’s okay.”

  “Sure.” Ivar looked past her to Allison. “The booby traps on the way in have all been diffused until I can get them under control. Don’t go beyond the picnic area. The snow is deep and I think there are some wild animals around.” He turned back to his computer.

  Haven strode toward the outside door, borrowing a pair of blue boots and a yellow coat from a closet area. She tossed Allison another pair of boots and a coat.

  Allison shrugged into the coat, catching her cross necklace and pulling it free. She buttoned up and then followed Haven outside, taking several deep breaths of the clean air.

  Haven looked around. “I think the fire is this way.” There was only one path, so she followed it, soon reaching an area protected by a tarp that had several log stumps surrounding a fire, which crackled merrily even now. The snow had been mostly cleared from the area, and she stepped over a couple of logs to reach a stump. “Is this better?”

  Allison perched on a stump like a wounded bird, her hands clasped. “Much better outside.” She sighed. Dark circles smudged her faded eyes. “What happens to me now, Haven? I obviously know something I’m not supposed to know. Are you going to let them kill me?”

  “Of course not.” Haven sat on a stump. “The deal is that you just don’t tell anybody. If you did, you’d be considered crazy, anyway.”

  Allison looked out at the snowy trees. “I was wondering if I had gone crazy.”

  Haven could feel sympathy f
or the woman. She grasped Allison’s hand and squeezed. “It’s okay. You can live a normal life away from here so long as you don’t tell anybody about what you think you saw.”

  Allison turned pale. “These people you’re with—they’re not godly. You have to know that, right?”

  Of course they were. Haven released Allison’s hand. “These are good people. You don’t know anything about them.”

  Allison clutched the cross in her hand. “Not true. I know more than you think.”

  “Hey, Haven.” Mercy kicked snow as she created a trail between a couple of trees, her dark red hair covered in snowflakes. “Grace got tired of me bugging her and went off to take pictures by herself. What are you two doing?”

  Haven stilled and turned toward Allison. “What do you mean you know more?” What was she saying?

  A broad male swept in behind Mercy and lifted her, shoving a knife into her neck in less than a heartbeat. Mercy gasped, and blood flowed down her skin to pool on her jacket. She clutched at the handle, panic in her eyes.

  Haven jumped to her feet. Her stomach rolled over. “What the hell?”

  The male was pale with red lips and wore a dark hat. He partially turned, keeping Mercy aloft, and revealed a white braid down his back.

  Haven stopped breathing.

  The guy smiled. “If I twist my wrist just right, I’ll take off her head. Even the pretty fairy here can’t come back from that.”

  Panic caught Haven around the throat. “What do you want?”

  “You.” He jerked his head. “Back the way the fairy just walked. Come with me, and I won’t take off her head. Stop, run, or yell for help, and we’ll see this pretty red hair on the snow within seconds.”

  Haven looked frantically around, but there was no escape. She couldn’t let Mercy die.

  Mercy coughed and blood welled on her lips. “Sister? Run. Run now,” she croaked.

  “No.” Haven could barely breathe from her panic, but she walked around the fire. “Allison? Wait until I’m gone, and then run back inside.”

  Allison reached her side and smiled, patting her cross. “I’m coming with you. We’ll get you right with the Lord if it’s the last thing I ever do, Mary Agnes.”


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