Defiant Heir

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by Michelle Heard

  Copyright © 2020 by M.A. Heard.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and various other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  The resemblance to actual persons, things, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Designer: Sybil Wilson, PopKitty Design

  Cover Model: COOPER

  Photographer Credit: Wander Book Club Photography





  Defiant Heir

  Family Tree

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  The Heirs

  Trinity Academy

  Enemies To Lovers

  Connect with me

  About the author



  Donita, you inspire me with your strength.

  Thank you for sharing your story with me. You were a godsend with this book. Kao’s story would not have been a possibility without you.


  Click here - Spotify


  The man of my dreams is nothing short of perfect. Kao Reed is a hermit who loves to live in the shadows.

  With striking blue eyes and a gentle nature, he won my heart years ago. I’ve woven all my dreams and future around him.

  But then the worst happens.

  My dreams crumble to dust, and my future becomes a bleak wasteland.

  And the man I love with all my heart becomes a stranger in the blink of an eye.

  My blind love, my blind love,

  See how he fights, see how he fights,

  He lost his sight, he lost his will,

  He became defiant, he became heartless.

  Did you ever see such a thing in your life,

  As my blind love?

  Defiant Heir


  Book 3

  College/New Adult series of interconnected STANDALONES.

  “There is beauty in everything, even in silence and darkness.” ― Helen Keller.

  Family Tree



  Marcus ReedWillow Brooks


  Godmother: Miss Sebastian

  Godfather: Jaxson West

  Best Friends: Noah West, Hunter Chargill & Jase Reyes



  Falcon ReyesLayla Shepard


  Godmother: Kingsley Hunt

  Godfather: Mason Chargill & Lake Cutler

  Best friends: Hana Cutler, Jade Daniels & Mila West

  My blind love, my blind love,

  See how he fights, see how he fights,

  He lost his sight, he lost his will,

  He became defiant, he became heartless.

  Did you ever see such a thing in your life,

  As my blind love?

  Chapter 1


  Fallon 19; Kao 23

  My gaze locks on Fallon as she enters the restaurant on campus. Once again, her beauty knocks the air from my lungs. I’ve known her all my life, and the sight of her still stuns me.

  I watch as she stops by a table to talk with Summer, one of the girls on the decorating committee with her. My eyes drink in Fallon’s golden-brown hair, her delicate features, her sharp gaze alight with intelligence.

  When Fallon shakes her head at something Summer mentions, the corner of my mouth lifts. The girl of my dreams is nothing short of a control freak. Fallon takes care of everything at Trinity Academy as if it’s second nature to her. She never misses a beat.

  Where I’m the happiest moving in the shadows, the spotlight follows Fallon. Even though she seems to take after her father, she got her mother’s big heart.

  Fallon smiles at Summer before turning in my direction. I’m seated at our usual table that’s always reserved for our group of friends.

  Our eyes lock and just having her attention on me is enough to make my heartbeat speed up.

  Fallon and I have always been close. I even escorted her to her prom during her senior year. At first, we were just friends, but it changed when she started attending Trinity Academy a couple of months ago.

  Initially, attraction began to grow between us. I became Fallon’s plus one for every event she had to attend. Now we spend most of our time together.

  My gaze drifts over Fallon, and the love I have for her fills my heart to the point that it might burst from not being able to contain it. I’m addicted to the rush it gives me. Loving Fallon has become the only thing I live for. The woman is my beginning and end.

  I know our friends wonder what’s going on between Fallon and me, but I’m in no hurry to tell them anything. I’m a selfish bastard when it comes to her. I want to enjoy every glance, every touch, every step closer to each other before I have to share it with the world.

  As Fallon takes the chair next to me, I reach a hand up and wrapping my fingers around the back of her neck, I pull her closer and press my lips to the side of her head. My eyes drift shut, and I take a deep breath of her before murmuring, “How’s your day so far?”

  “Good. I’m almost done arranging everything for the Christmas ball.” She pulls a menu closer for us to look at. “I found a white and silver dress.”

  “For the ball?” I ask.

  “Yeah.” Her eyes flit to mine. “If you wear a charcoal suit, we’ll match.”

  “I’ll get one,” I assure her. Our gazes lock, and her feelings for me make her brown irises turn to liquid gold. Figuring I’ve let things linger long enough, I ask, “Are we going to go on a date at some point?”

  Her eyes widen before they snap to the menu. It’s only for a moment before she looks at me again. That’s all it takes for Fallon to compose herself. Nothing can knock her off balance for long.

  “You’ve taken your sweet time,” she chastises me, and a smile begins to play at the corner of her mouth.

  My lips pull into a grin. “Because I don’t want to rush things with you.” My thumb caresses her soft skin underneath her hair, and I watch how my touch makes her lips part. “I want to enjoy every moment.” Fallon nods, her attention solely on me as I say, “I don’t want the others to know yet.”

  A light frown mars her forehead. “Why?”

  “I want our relationship to be ours before we have to share it with everyone.”

  Fallon lifts her hand to my jaw while a soft smile curves her lips. “My hermit.” Her words are possessive and filled with love.

  I lean closer to her and murmur, “Miss Reyes.”

  Her eyes lock on mine, a playful look dancing in them. “Yes, Mr. Reed.”

  “Will you have dinner with me tonight?”

  Her smile turns into a happy gr
in. “I’d love to.”

  “Put me down!” Mila’s voice echoes through the restaurant, and my eyes snap in her direction. I let out a chuckle when I see Jase has her tossed over his shoulder. He slaps her ass, and it has Mila laughing.

  Mila’s like a sister to me, and seeing her happy after the hell she’s been through fills my heart with relief. Jase might be one of my best friends and Fallon’s cousin, but after everything he did for Mila, he’s become the pillar of our group.

  I pull a little back from Fallon and glance at the menu. “What do you feel like eating?”

  “I’ll have the Salmon salad.”

  I scrunch my nose with fake disgust. I can’t stomach anything that comes out of the ocean. I tried to eat prawns once, and it was almost the death of me.

  I signal a waiter closer as Jase sets Mila down. She punches his shoulder with a mock angry glare while they take their seats.

  “The salmon salad and a chicken sandwich,” I give our orders to the waiter. When he glances up from writing the dishes down, I add, “Also, a coke and a sprite, please.”

  Jase and Mila add their orders, then Fallon looks at Mila. “Have you decided what to wear to the Christmas ball?”

  Mila shakes her head, then Jase says, “I’m going to dress her as a sexy elf.”

  “Like hell you are,” Mila grumbles. “It’s not a costume ball.”

  “Damn,” Jase sulks, then he glances at his cousin. “Why aren’t we having a costume ball? You just took all the fun out of it.”

  Fallon shakes her head. “You got to dress up for Halloween. Don’t mess with my plans for Christmas.”

  Jase lets out a chuckle. “I wouldn’t dare. I don’t have a death wish.”

  As a server brings our food, we’re joined by Noah, my best friend who’s more like a brother to me. Our fathers are also best friends, and we grew up really close.

  “Hey,” Noah mumbles while grabbing a menu, but then he looks at my plate and tells the server, “I’ll have the same as him.”

  “How’s your day?” I ask and wait for Noah to take half of my sandwich, knowing I’ll get it back when his meal comes.

  “Boring as fuck,” Noah grumbles, then he takes a huge bite.

  While I eat, I listen to the conversation around the table.

  “Are we going skiing for Christmas break?” Jase asks.

  I glance at Fallon, who first swallows the bite she took, then she answers, “Yeah, Kao and I are in.”

  The corner of my mouth lifts when Jase’s eyes slant in my direction. Then he asks, “When are the two of you going to come out as a couple?”

  Fallon quickly glances at me then looks back at Jase. “That, my cousin, is none of your business.”

  Jase lets out a chuckle. “You’re not fooling anyone.”

  “You took forever,” Mila chastises Jase. “Leave them be.”

  Jase’s gaze turns to Mila, and a loving smile softens his features right before he frames her face with his hands and kisses her.

  Fallon finishes her salad just as Noah’s order comes, and it has me saying, “You can have the whole sandwich. We’re going for dinner later.”

  “More for me,” Noah grins.

  I get up, and as soon as Fallon’s standing, I take hold of her hand.

  “Catch you all later,” she says to the group before we leave the restaurant.

  On our way to the dorm, we run into Hunter and Jade. They were the first of our friends to couple up. Thank God. The way they were fighting, I was afraid someone might die.

  “Did you just have lunch?” Hunter asks.

  “Yeah,” Fallon answers. “The others are still eating, though.”

  Hunter and Jade continue walking toward the restaurant as Fallon and I head toward our dorm.

  Entering our building, I grin down at Fallon. “Anywhere specific you want to go for dinner?”

  She thinks about it as we step into the elevator, and when the doors slide shut, she answers, “The Ranch House.”

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I Google their contact number, and stepping out of the elevator, I press dial. I make a reservation for seven as we walk into the suite. Tucking the device back into my pocket, I say, “All done.”

  “I’m going to go get ready.”

  Frowning, I chuckle. “But it’s only two in the afternoon.”

  She gestures with a hand over her body. “All of this takes time, and I want to look pretty tonight. In case you haven’t heard…” She takes a step closer to me until I feel her breath skim over my ear, “the guy I like finally asked me out on a date.”

  I let out a burst of laughter and fight not to grab hold of her so I can kiss the ever-loving crap out of her. Fallon’s like fine wine. I want to savor every moment with her.

  I relish in the anticipation building between us. Lifting my hand to her face, I brush my thumb slowly over her bottom lip, murmuring, “I can’t wait for tonight.”

  Her eyes lock with mine, her expression intense and filled with excitement. “Me too.”

  I watch her walk to her room. It’s only a matter of hours before I’ll finally get to kiss her. A real fucking kiss and not the sweet pecks on the cheek and forehead I’ve been giving her. The corners of my mouth lift at the thought.


  I’m busy curling the ends of my hair when Hana, my best friend, comes into my room. Jase, Hana, Hunter, and I are more like family than friends. Our families go way back to when our great grandfathers were friends, and I can’t imagine my life without them in it.

  Hana’s eyes scan over all the outfits scattered on my bed, then she asks, “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Out for dinner,” I say, rolling a bunch of strands around the curling iron.

  Hana’s eyebrows pop up. “Oh?” She moves some of the clothes out of the way then takes a seat on my bed. “With who?”

  My eyes lock on my friend’s face. “Kao.” I watch as a slow grin spreads over her face.

  “Just dinner, or dinner?”

  Not able to hide my excitement any longer, I grin like a lovesick fool as I admit, “He finally asked me on a date.”

  “Damn,” she gasps. “Miracles do happen.”

  With my attention on Hana, the curling iron presses against my jaw. It’s only for a split-second before I yank it away. “Shit!” My eyes dart to the mirror, and leaning forward, I check to see if I freaking burned my face.

  “What?” Hana asks.

  Not seeing any marks, I mutter, “I almost burned my face.” I glare at the curling iron. “Stupid thing.” Remembering what we were talking about, I say, “You know Kao doesn’t rush into anything. He’s meticulous in everything he does.”


  When I’m done, I turn off the curling iron and place it on the table. I pull my fingers through my hair until I’m happy with the look.

  “You’re gorgeous,” Hana compliments me. Rising to her feet, she says, “Let me see the complete look.”

  I get up from the chair and twirl in a circle for her. I’ve decided to wear black pants with heels, and my favorite Gucci shirt, that’s black with gold writing. To round off the look, I’m wearing a taupe jacket. “So? Do you approve?”

  Hana grins at me. “God, those pants make your butt look good. I’m going to steal them.”

  “We should go get you a pair.”

  “Oooh, shopping spree this weekend?” she asks.

  “We can go on Sunday. I’m going to a potluck at Kao’s parents on Saturday.”

  Hana chuckles, shaking her head. “I’ll never understand you and Kao. You know everyone thinks you’re a couple already?”

  “Yeah,” I reply as I swipe on some lipgloss. “You know I don’t care what people think.”

  “Also true.” She lets out a sigh. “As long as you’re happy.”

  I turn to face my friend, and with a cheerful smile, I say, “I am.”

  “Well, you’re good to go. Enjoy the evening.” Hana walks to my door, and opening it, she
comes face to face with Kao, who was just about to knock. “Your girl’s ready,” she teases him before disappearing down the hallway.

  Kao steps into the room and his eyes slowly drift over me, then he murmurs, “You look beautiful, as always.”

  I take a moment to drink in the sight of him. He’s dressed in brown chinos with a light blue, button-up shirt that does nothing to hide his muscled body.


  My gaze meets his hypnotizing blue eyes. Everyone knows I’m a control freak, but Kao’s eyes are the only place I want to get lost in.

  Since I discovered I had hormones, I’ve had a crush on him. But when I moved into the suite and I got to see him every day, it grew into love. Kao’s perfect in every way. He’s patient, caring, and has the kind of inner strength that makes you let down your guard. With one look, he can strip me bare.

  “Hey, handsome,” I say. Picking up my necklace from the table, I walk toward him. “Can you help me put this on?”

  Kao nods, and once he’s taken the piece of jewelry from me, I turn my back to him.

  I feel his fingers skim over my skin as he moves my hair over my right shoulder, and it sends goosebumps rushing over my body. He clasps the necklace in place, and when he leans down and I feel his breath flutter over my pulse, my lips part and my eyes drift shut. His lips brush against my skin, and it makes my insides tighten.

  Then he pulls back, and the moment fades as he asks, “Are you ready?”

  Turning to face him, I nod. “I’ve been ready for years.”

  The corner of his mouth lifts in a hot as hell grin. “Years?”

  Pushing past him, I playfully bat my eyelashes. “That’s a secret I’ll share with you one day.”

  “Hmm, I wasn’t aware we were keeping secrets from each other.”

  I reach for his hand as I tease, “Just one.”

  Walking into the living room, Noah’s eyes snap to us from where he was watching TV. “Drive safely.”


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