Healthy Scratch

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Healthy Scratch Page 11

by Robyn M Ryan

  “A woman’s not a commodity.” Dave’s voice was tight. He consciously relaxed his hands, which were digging into his thighs.

  “Didn’t mean it that way, Martin. Just asking if she’s hands off, now.”

  “All women are hands off, Camden. Quit acting like a fifteen-year-old.” Dave reached to grasp his arm. “Best you lose that attitude about women. Respect. You do know what that means?” He tightened his hand until he saw Camden flinch. “You have questions, I suggest you ask Lauren.” He released the arm as the rookie pulled away.

  “Gotcha. I don’t need permission to text her?”

  Dave rolled his eyes at the taunt, but Andrew spoke up. “Cam, just shut the fuck up.”


  Lauren suppressed a yawn as the meeting dragged on. She’d hoped to meet Dave at his house when he returned, but with his plane due to land any minute, that wish would go unfulfilled. She tapped her pen against the rundown for the following night’s game. For the first time, production issues caused them to brainstorm a workaround.

  “How could the video get corrupted from last night’s game? Has this happened before?”

  “Occasionally,” Dallas Cutwater spoke as he shrugged. “I believe we can make this work, thanks to everyone’s input.”

  Lauren enjoyed working with the video production manager. Always calm under pressure, he never panicked, and he listened to the team’s suggestions. “What can we do to help you?”

  He shook his head. “I need time in my production cave. I’ll have something nailed down by tomorrow morning.”

  “Mr. Miracle Worker,” PR Director Angela Robertson teased.

  Lauren had watched the two interact during the past few weeks, and she sensed chemistry between them. She bit back a smile, then looked toward the director of media services. “Bryce, you good to go? Any way we can help you?”

  Sterling passed packets to everyone. “Preliminary pre-game notes, stats, injury reports, etc. Will update in the morning.”

  “You mean those unspecified lower body injuries?” Lauren smiled as she accepted the packet. No need to review this right now. He’s a pro…they’re all pros. “If everything’s going smoothly, I’ll let Rick Tyler know about the video issues so he can marvel once again at your talent, Dallas.” Lauren stopped by her office before seeking the Suns’ vice president of marketing. Nothing in her work email inbox. She sat down and checked the status of the team’s flight. It had landed during her meeting. She checked her texts. Message from Marty thirty minutes ago. Wonder if he’ll wait for me to go into the house? She composed a quick text, asking if she could meet him at the Chadwick’s and go to the house together. His response made her laugh.

  Dave: You’re the boss, Ms. Gentry. I’ll await your arrival. If Caryn or Andrew kicks me out, I’ll sit on the front porch and WILL NOT ENTER without you.

  She frowned when she saw the list of texts from Cliff Camden last night. Most made no sense. Maybe drinking on the plane? One caught her attention:

  Cam: Dinner tonight? I could use some Lauren time.

  She shook her head, then declined the invitation. Wonder if it has anything to do with his recognizing me with the paper sack? Some kind of competition? Doesn’t sound like Marty, but no way am I spoiling his homecoming—after the red-eye last night. A relaxing day for him—just the two of us—and I’m not letting whatever game Cam’s playing ruin it.


  “AREN’T YOU GOING to put a blindfold on me? At least a paper sack?” Dave teased Lauren as she drove the short distance to his home. He saw her green eyes narrow for just a second, then she shrugged.

  “I could do that, Mr. Martin, but then you’d lose the full effect of opening the door and walking into your new home.” Her smiled captivated him, and images of a more appropriate welcome-home kiss then the chaste one they’d exchanged at the Chadwick’s flashed through his brain. The only decision—where to begin this housewarming?

  Lauren practically bounced on her feet in anticipation when she handed the door keys to him.

  “Don’t you want to do the honors, Ms. Gentry?”

  “It’s your house. So, open the damn door!”

  He leaned to kiss her before he slipped the key into the lock. Lauren clutched his arm as he opened the door and a glance revealed her excitement—and anxiety. He walked her into the house, closed the door, then drew her into his arms. He cupped her chin in his hand and teased her mouth until she relaxed against him.

  “Mm, welcome home.” Lauren slipped her arms around his neck before he swept her into his arms and carried her to the master bedroom. Nothing registered except the green-eyed woman who eagerly sought another kiss. He walked toward the bed and placed her on her back.

  “You don’t want the grand tour?” Her voice was a whisper.

  “The only grand tour I want this second is right here.” He gently brushed his hand against her hair. “I missed my Energizer Bunny.”

  Lauren’s smile promised everything he wanted. She reached to unbutton the top of his shirt. “And I’ve missed my Smarty-Marty.”

  “How about just Marty?” He pulled her against him, his hands teasing the edge of her shirt.

  “Whatever you want…Mr. Martin.” Lauren pushed him back so she could continue to unbutton his shirt, but he brushed her hands away. He yanked off his dress shirt, not caring that buttons scattered on the floor. Her shirt joined his, and finally, flesh met flesh and Dave claimed the first of the many welcome-home kisses he had in mind for the rest of the day…and night.


  Much later, they relaxed in the spa tub, the deep warm water lulling Lauren further into a state of bliss. She leaned back against Dave’s chest and sighed as she turned her cheek against his skin. She felt his lips press against the top of her head.

  “Ready to tour your home yet?”

  “It’s perfect.”

  Lauren giggled. “Your new bed and this wonderful pool? So much more to see.” She turned until their eyes met. The intense dark brown eyes stirred the butterflies, and Lauren’s breath caught in her chest. Her emotions mystified yet terrified her. Had she allowed him to gaze into her heart? What if he saw the true depths of her feelings…would it cause him to pull back?

  “Quit thinking, squirt.” Dave bit back a smile, yet his voice was hoarse, and his eyes conveyed unspoken words. He brushed his hand against her cheek, then his fingers traced her forehead. “Need to get you out of the sun before you burn.”

  Lauren let her hand glide over his thigh. “I could stay here all day.”

  “What about my tour?”

  Lauren pretended to sigh. “Right now, Marty?”

  Instead of replying, Dave handed Lauren a towel as she reluctantly stood. She wrapped it around herself before she climbed from the tub, and then passed one to him. She nodded toward his bronzed shoulders and chest. “Enjoyed the California sun?”

  “Always. Would have enjoyed it more if you’d been there with me.” His eyes teased her as he stood beside her.

  “I’m sure you had plenty of company.” Lauren pulled the French door open and entered the bedroom. When he didn’t reply, she glanced back over her shoulder.

  He waited until their eyes locked. “I could have, but this certain green-eyed squirt at home holds all my attention.”

  Lauren felt her cheeks flush. “Where shall we start the tour?”

  “Have you tried that fancy shower?”

  “All those knobs and nozzles intimidate me.”

  He held out his hand. “Between the two of us, I bet we can figure it out.”


  Within a few days, Lauren and Dave slid easily into a comfortable routine. After the first, glorious night—when neither got much sleep—Lauren showed him the bedroom she had set up for herself. She knew they’d end up in his room when the Suns were in town, but she wasn’t ready to give their relationship that sign of permanent commitment. Lauren fought the negativity that bounced through her mind without warning, wanting more than anything
to believe in a forever with Marty. She couldn’t give him the explanation he deserved without opening that Pandora’s box, so she hedged by explaining she needed a room, her own sanctuary in the beautiful home. This time, though, she’d agreed to the exclusive relationship and then prayed her mind would catch up with her heart.

  Lauren accepted the credentials that officially granted her access to the suite reserved for wives, girlfriends, children—the "Wives and Girlfriends” or WAGS, as Terri explained. Lauren’s assignment already granted her access to anywhere in the arena, but now she felt she belonged with her friends and not an intruder.

  “It’s about time you joined us.” Kelly welcomed Lauren the first time she used Dave’s credentials.

  “I didn’t want to crash the party.” Lauren looked around the large room.

  “Well, I get the pleasure of introducing you.” Kelly grasped her arm and walked with her to meet each group of women. The first time Kelly referred to her as Dave’s “significant other,” Lauren felt her face flush and tried to correct her before they approached the next group.

  “Maybe use girlfriend this time.”

  “No ‘maybe.’ That man’s yours, whether or not you realize it.” Kelly stopped to capture Lauren’s gaze. “The sooner you make it known he’s taken, the less likely one of these wives will decide to play matchmaker.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Serious. Gorgeous, single, new guy on the team. I can think of at least four who plan to introduce him to their sisters, cousins, friends. Stake your claim, girl.” Kelly tried to keep a straight face yet couldn’t control the laughter that bubbled over.

  “You mean what? Write ‘taken’ across his forehead?”

  Kelly shrugged, still giggling. “Preferably with a permanent marker.”

  Lauren looked around the suite as she considered Kelly’s words. “Won’t seeing us together have the same effect?”

  Kelly nodded as she wiped her eyes. “Let’s get food. The word will spread quickly enough on its own.”

  They joined Terri at the buffet, then descended the steps to the seats in front of the box. “Hope you don’t mind the first row.” Terri nodded toward their left.

  “Not at all. Caryn told me about that.” Lauren glanced at the ice to spot “her” man. “I felt bad leaving her home with the twins.”

  “She’s amazing. Has she given any sign she’s considering Andrew’s suggestion she hire a nanny?” Terri sat and held Lauren’s plate and drink as she perched on the seat beside her.

  “Not to me. When Andrew plays again, she may warm up to the idea.” Lauren’s eyes tracked Dave during warmups. She loved watching him skate without his helmet. The thick, dark hair flowing in all directions, adorably mussed when he stopped—she rarely saw this side of her Marty, and the familiar tingling sensation spread through her body. Is this beautiful, irresistible, all-man my significant other? Doesn’t make sense, but I plan to enjoy every moment as long as it lasts.


  After the final home game before the next road trip, Dave urged Lauren to go to the post-game celebration with him. She’d declined his invitations, saying she didn’t want to risk mixing her consulting position with the Suns by socializing with the team. This time, he tried a different tactic. They drove in together, so she didn’t have her car as an excuse.

  “It’s not just the guys, squirt. Most of the wives and girlfriends go to these celebrations.” He caught her emerald eyes and tried to keep a smirk from creeping across his face. “We leave for five days you know?”

  “Yes, Mr. Martin, I’m well aware of that.” She rose on her tiptoes to brush her lips against his. “I’d rather have you home, all to myself. I don’t like to share, you know.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Then, let’s have a couple of drinks and slip out?” He held her gaze until he saw her resistance weaken, and he added a gentle kiss for encouragement. “Just say the word, and we’ll leave.”

  He saw the challenging expression leave her face. “You do not play fair, Marty.” She reached to run her hand against the stubble on his face. “For you? Anything.”

  “That’s my girl.” Dave slipped his arm around her waist and drew her against his side.

  He held the car door open, and Lauren looked toward him before she slid into her seat. “Any reason in particular you want to party tonight?”

  “Other than spend time with you? I’m still the new guy, Lauren. I can duck out most of the time, but I do need to join the group celebrations occasionally.” He saw the question forming when he glanced at her. “And, no, going by myself is not an option.”

  “I wasn’t about to suggest that! I get it. You don’t want your teammates to think you lead a very dull life…or that you’re too good to go out with the team. Right?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe a little of the second. No way do I consider my life dull. Not with you, babe.” He grasped her hand and ran his fingers against her palm. “Since when did you become party-adverse?”

  Lauren closed her hand around his. “Other than my last experience at a team celebration, I’m not.” She looked up at him, a teasing smile crossing her face. “Though, honestly, the last year kept me so busy, I never thought about going out to a club. Not with Andrew rehabbing and Caryn alone.” She shrugged. “Just didn’t seem important.”

  “Then we’ll make up for lost time. You’ve earned time to just enjoy.”

  “I do enjoy life…especially when I’m with a certain sexy hockey star…a very handsome, extremely hot and seductive hockey guy.”


  She’d forgotten the feeling of music consuming and reverberating throughout her body. Lauren felt her pulse hammering with the beat as Dave guided her toward a more private—and quieter—section at the back. This time, she recognized most of the people crowded around tables moved together, and Dave pointed toward a few empty chairs.

  “Any preference?” When she shook her head, he led her toward two open seats beside Jason Hart. “Lauren, have you met Jason?”

  “Not formally.” She smiled as Dave introduced them and pulled back her chair. “I’m familiar with your stats, of course.”

  “Not the penalties, I hope.”

  “Not particularly. In my non-professional opinion, you’re having a great year. So what if you lead the team in penalty minutes?” Lauren tried to suppress a smile, then looked at Dave as he rested his hand against her shoulder.

  “Beer, wine, margarita? Shots?”

  “All of the above? Surprise me.” He raised an eyebrow, then patted the chair beside her. “Save me a place.”

  Lauren chatted with Jason until he returned, placing a frozen margarita on the table for her and a beer for himself.

  “Why, Mr. Martin, are you trying to get me tipsy?” She sipped the drink. “Key lime? I like it.”

  He answered with a wink and slow smile, and then sat between her and Jason. “And in response to your question, do I need to get you tipsy?” His voice was low and close to her ear.

  Lauren met his devilish brown eyes. “We’ll see.”

  After a few sips of her drink, Lauren felt its warmth spreading throughout her body. When’s the last time I drank tequila? Nice...She relaxed and leaned against Marty, happy that he’d convinced her to join the celebration. She smiled each time he introduced her as his girlfriend, not sure why those words caused the butterflies to flutter. Why did I resist this so long? Girlfriend…sounds like teenagers, but I like it.

  She heard Jason speak quietly as he leaned toward Dave. “Here comes trouble.” She followed their gaze and saw Cliff Camden at the bar, two girls clinging to his arms as he spoke to the bartender.

  Dave groaned. “I’ll handle this.”

  Lauren watched as he approached the trio at the bar, patted Cam on the back and leaned forward to speak to the bartender. Cam glared at Dave as the bartender shrugged and appeared to request their drivers’ licenses. Dave nodded toward the team table, and she guessed he had suggested they join the

  “Not a happy camper,” Jason observed with a laugh. “Peterson generally keeps an eye on him, so Cam thought no one would notice.”

  Lauren took a longer sip of her drink when Dave returned, setting a second margarita before her. “His dates don’t look like they care if he’s too young to drink.”

  “Just trying to keep his ass out of trouble.” He turned his gaze toward her. “He this way before training camp?”

  Lauren shrugged. “We didn't go anywhere. Just saw him at the Petersons—funny guy. He snagged a few beers when the guys got together. He got there just a couple days before training camp. Then I went out to wonderful LA.”

  Dave thought about the tiny hummingbird on her neck. “Super observant, I’ll give him that.”

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “He reminds me of my niece. Ready to take on the world and no clue about the future.”

  “Cassie? She seemed mature when I met her.”

  “Three years later, she’s ready to conquer her world.” Lauren raised her glass in a mock toast. “I may need to take her to Europe since I didn’t move to Paris.” Really, really need to let Amanda know I didn’t take that job. “Graduation present.”

  “Very generous aunt.”

  “My baby sister.” She shrugged as she sipped her second Key Lime Margarita. “That’s if her mom okays the trip. Otherwise, she’ll have an exciting July in Tampa.” She met his gaze. “Are you staying in Tampa or going home to train in Vancouver after the season?”

  Dave tucked her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll go home for a visit. If you’re working here, I won’t stay away long. Good training group here over the summer.” He kissed her. “Lime…not bad.” Lauren held her drink out to him. “No thanks, babe. Tastes better on you.”


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