Healthy Scratch

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Healthy Scratch Page 16

by Robyn M Ryan

  “You’re her father.”

  “I spoke with her once. She knows that she acted without thinking. I’m just happy she stayed in a hotel instead of…I don’t know what other options she had.” Trevor paused. “If you haven’t heard from Amanda, you need to know I filed for an emergency custody hearing. They may not consider her a legal adult, but I believe Cassie should have some choice about where she wants to live.”

  “When’s the hearing?”

  “Tomorrow. So, I don’t think this is a good time to contact Amanda. I do know she’s furious.”

  “Yes, I can imagine. This must be so difficult for everyone, Trevor. I’m sorry if I made the situation worse. I love Cassie so much, I focused on her, not Amanda or you.” Lauren slipped the phone against her shoulder as she unlocked the door. “I thought I was helping.”

  “You were,” Trevor assured her. “Amanda has…I shouldn’t say this, but…since she reconnected with your mother, things have changed.”

  “And not for the better.” Lauren tried to disguise the bitterness in her voice. “Will you let me know what happens at the hearing?”

  “Lauren, you know I will. Stop beating yourself up. This is not because of anything you did or didn’t do.”

  “Thanks, Trevor. I don’t think I’ve ever told you how grateful I am that you took me into your family. That was incredibly generous of you.” Lauren climbed on a counter stool and leaned her face against her palm.

  “You were a delight and brought so much love to our family. When Cassie arrived, we couldn’t have asked for a more loving and helpful big sister. I’m very proud of all you’ve accomplished despite that…rocky…start. Cassie could not have a better role model.”

  The tears welled in her eyes, and Lauren knew she was close to losing control of her emotions. “Thanks, Trevor, for everything. I pray things work out tomorrow.”


  ONLY THE PORCH light and the motion-activated floodlights brightened the home as Dave stopped his car in the driveway in the middle of the night. He deactivated the alarm system remotely and refrained from parking in the garage. Dave didn’t want to wake Lauren. He’d felt the weight of the worries she’d shouldered over the past week…and had tried unsuccessfully to hide from him. Not the time to push her—she’d confide in him when she wished. If she ever trusts me with that part of her life.

  Dave frowned when he found the front door unlocked and quietly entered, the soft light from the kitchen illuminating the bedroom. Leaving his bags by the front door, he locked it, and then silently entered the bedroom. He paused just inside the master suite’s entry. His Energizer Bunny had finally crashed, asleep on her side, clutching a pillow against her chest. He smiled when he noticed the plaid shirt she wore, and the faint moonlight teased him as it reflected her tousled auburn hair.

  He stepped out of his shoes and walked quietly to the bathroom, closing the door and quickly changing and washing away the airplane “grit.” Slipping under the sheets beside Lauren, Dave shifted close to her. He lightly tucked his arm around her and rested it on the pillow she clutched. Her unique scent—some light mixture of flowers and citrus that reminded him of a spring day—welcomed him home, and he pressed his lips against the back of her head.

  Lauren stirred, murmuring his name. She snuggled closer to him, and he tightened his arm around her. “Sleep, babe.”


  For the first time in days, Lauren enjoyed a deep, relaxing sleep, and awoke to sunshine on her face, the sounds of birds chirping outside, and an enticing aroma that wafted in the air from the kitchen. She stretched lazily, and then threw the covers back and bolted from the bed. Marty. Home. Finally! She controlled her impulse to run and grab him around the neck—just long enough to stop in the bathroom, brush her teeth and quickly run a brush through her hair. She didn’t care about taking a shower or changing from her pajamas. The only thing that mattered—the man in the kitchen….and whatever he was cooking that made her stomach grumble.

  She tried to sneak up on him but could not resist jumping on his back and hugging him. “Welcome home.”

  Dave stepped away from the stove and shifted Lauren until they were face-to-face. “Good morning, beautiful. Happy to see my Energizer Bunny recharges every so often.”

  “When did you get home? Why didn’t you wake me?”

  He chuckled as he responded with a kiss that caused her heart to skip a beat. “A little after three. You looked so peaceful and in a deep sleep. You barely shifted when I got into bed.”

  Lauren kissed him, then unhooked her legs and slid to the floor. “I think I knew you were there subconsciously. I haven’t slept this late or felt this rested in forever.” She pressed her face against his chest and soaked in the warmth of his arms wrapped around her. “I missed you.”

  “Long road trip, babe. Too long without you.” He pressed his lips against the top of her head. “Let’s grab some breakfast, then I have plans for us today.” His lips slightly quirked when she looked at him, silently questioning him.

  Lauren saw the mischief in his expression and lightly touched his lips. “Can’t wait.”

  He pulled back a chair and nodded for her to sit. “Hope you’re hungry.”

  “Famished. What are you serving?”

  “Bacon, eggs, pancakes, and some muffins Caryn brought by.” He placed the platter overflowing with food on the table, then sat across from her. Lauren noticed he’d set the table, with pitchers of water and orange juice ready to pour, and somehow had found a bouquet of spring flowers which sat to the side in a glass vase.

  “It's wonderful, Marty, and the flowers so beautiful. Where did you find daffodils? My favorite.”

  “My secret.” Dave winked, then nodded toward the platter. “Fill your plate, babe. I can’t guarantee second helpings.”

  “It’s enough to feed a dozen people!”

  She watched him shake his head with the hint of a smirk. “Perfect for a squirt and me.”

  “No practice today, I hope?”

  “Free day.”

  Lauren scooped some scrambled eggs to her plate, along with pancakes and a slice of bacon. “Had no idea your culinary skills included pancakes.” She poured blueberry syrup on hers and then dipped her finger in it when it pooled on her pancakes. “I love this…so good.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Lauren saw the teasing smile as he loaded his plate. “OJ or water?”

  Dave pointed toward the pitcher of orange juice as he popped a strip of bacon into his mouth. They ate in silence for a bit, Lauren content to sit across the table from him. She still marveled that he’d asked her to move in, wanted to take their relationship to another level, and then came home from a long road trip in the early hours of the morning. Rather than sleep in, he fixed this incredible breakfast while she slept.

  “Everything back to normal with your niece?”

  Suddenly the delicious food caused her stomach to cramp. “Maybe a new normal?” Lauren saw the question in Dave’s eyes, and he nodded, encouraging her to speak.

  Lauren sipped some water as she planned a response that wouldn’t reveal too much of her family dynamics. “Maybe, or things could get worse after today…Trevor filed an emergency custody request. Amanda has Cassie cut off from everyone, even her dad. I’m not to call them—neither Amanda nor Cassie—Amanda’s directive. I called Trevor yesterday to make sure Cassie’s home—I never heard from Amanda. He’s spoken to Cassie just once, and Amanda won’t allow her to visit Trevor.” She shrugged as she drank more water. “Amanda must be panicked about the custody hearing, Cassie probably feels like a pawn, and Trevor’s backed into a corner.”

  Dave reached to grasp her hand. “And you feel completely in the dark?”

  “Trevor promised to call after the hearing. There’s no good resolution to any of this…I keep thinking I should have realized Cassie and Amanda were going through a rough patch. Maybe if I’d…”

  Dave squeezed her hand. “Don’t go there, La
uren. Playing ‘would have, could have, should have’ changes nothing. Sounds like this situation was brewing for a while. Amanda and Cassie most likely reveal only what they want you to know and keep a tight lid on everything else. Must be a genetic trait among Gentry women.”

  Lauren began to speak, but Dave squeezed her hand. “You don’t have to tell me anything more. Just remember you can talk about anything—positive or negative—any time. I’m here for you, but you don’t have to share more than what’s comfortable for you. Promise, I’m a good listener.”

  Lauren brushed her hand across her face, “You’re good at many things, Mr. Martin. I do talk to you. You probably know more about me than anyone else.” She pushed back her chair and carried her plate to the sink. “I’ll clean up. You can take your suitcases and separate your clothes.”

  He walked up behind her and brushed her hair to the side so he could kiss her neck. “Just don’t take too long. Remember, we have plans for today.”


  Dave’s plans included several hours of much-needed blissful relaxation. They began in the huge shower where the many pulsating jets kneaded the hot water into tensed or sore muscles. Dave then continued the massage, working the knots out of Lauren’s neck, shoulders and back as she relaxed blissfully on the bed. All problems drifted away…she felt like she was floating in a soft cloud.

  “Now my turn. If I can move, that is.”

  He chuckled as he turned her over, lay beside her and gathered her into his arms. “I have something else in mind. The timber of his voice alerted the butterflies, and Lauren reached to brush the damp hair away from his face.

  “Have I ever told you how…seductive, luscious, irresistible you are when you’ve just stepped out of the shower?” Lauren heard the huskiness in her own voice, as she linked her arms around his neck. His lips captured hers as he murmured, “Show me.”

  Lauren didn’t reply as she pulled him beside her, taking the kiss deeper. She ran her fingers across the familiar wall of muscles on his shoulders and back, then danced along his backbone.

  “You’re a temptress.” Dave took control, slowly kissed her body, dropping goose bumps wherever his lips touched her skin. His hands caressed her languidly, and within a short time, the combination of the kisses and touch caused Lauren to squirm in protest.

  “Marty, please.” She could barely speak and didn’t know if he heard. She hooked her feet around him and tried to bring him closer. Like moving a brick wall.

  Dave stopped and captured her eyes. “Impatient, are we?” The heat reflected by his chocolate eyes and the partial smile proved her undoing.

  “Please. We have all day…except, right now…please. I’m dying here.”

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead as he reached for the drawer on his nightstand. “If you insist. Just remember what you said. We do have all day.”


  LAUREN HELD HER hair off her back and turned to ask Dave to zip her dress. “Since you won’t say where we’re going, have I dressed appropriately?” She looked over her shoulder as he took his time closing the zipper.

  “Very appropriate.” She shivered each time his fingers touched her skin. He kissed her bare shoulder. “No jewelry?”

  Lauren turned toward him. “What would you like me to wear, Mr. Martin?” Dave reached behind him and pressed a small blue Tiffany box in her hand. “What did you…?”

  “Just open it.”

  Lauren glanced at him as she fumbled with the white bow. Jewelry? Tiffany jewelry? When she finally opened the box, her heart swelled, and she couldn’t contain her delight. “Where did you find this? It’s adorable!” Her fingers trembled as she lifted the rose gold bunny charm and necklace from the box. “It’s beautiful.” She lifted up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I can’t believe it. Thank you! A thousand million billion gazillion thank you’s.” Her voice choked, and she handed the necklace to him.

  “My Energizer Bunny needs a little bunny of her own.” He fastened the necklace at the back of her neck.

  Lauren blinked back the tears, and then she turned and hugged him. “I love it, Marty.”

  He closed his arms around her for a moment, then held her back and traced the charm. “Beautiful. Just like my girl.”

  Lauren held her hand up as she flicked the tears away tears. She took a deep breath to control her emotions. “This means so much to me. No one’s given me jewelry before.”

  “Not even your family?”

  “Nope. I bought everything I have…until now.”

  Dave chuckled. “We’ll rectify that, Ms. Gentry.”

  “This is perfect. I may never take it off. I don’t need anything else.”

  “I reserve the right to make that determination.”


  Dave drove the convertible across the long bridge to St. Petersburg, then followed the coast for several miles before crossing an even longer bridge over a sparkling body of water.

  “Is this Tampa Bay again?” Lauren asked. “Or are we out over the Gulf?”

  “Just a bit east of the Gulf. I hope you don’t mind driving over wide-open bodies of water?”

  “It’s beautiful. Can you imagine sunset from here?”

  Dave glanced at her for a second. “If this GPS takes us where I plan, you’ll have a beautiful sunset, Ms. Gentry.” He forced his eyes back on the road. Her thick auburn hair reflected golden streaks as the wind tossed it about her face. Nope, doesn’t care if her hair gets messed up. She doesn’t realize how beautiful she looks in that dress with her bunny necklace lying against her chest. Her first gift of jewelry…won’t be the last. My girl deserves some spoiling after this week. He had a hunch that Lauren had not shared the entire story but suspected it had something to do with her childhood. He wouldn’t pry. She’d tell him if she wanted him to know.

  The GPS directed them into a small parking lot leading to a nondescript building by the Gulf. He closed the roof before he stepped from the car and opened Lauren’s door, extending a hand to assist her.

  “How did you find this? I haven’t traveled south of Tampa.”

  “A couple of the guys on the team mentioned it. I hope it’s as good as they said.” He took her hand and led her to the door. When they walked inside, their world transformed into a beautiful, intimate dining space. With upscale nautical decor, candles flickered on every table and created a magical scene. Hurricane lanterns supplied added lighting, and the Gulf spread before them through a wall of glass facing west.

  “The sunset,” Lauren said, awe in her voice. “It will be so beautiful.”

  “If I planned correctly, you’ll have a front-row view.” He stepped to the desk to check in and then enjoyed watching Lauren as her eyes scanned every detail of the dining room. He lightly touched her lower back. “Just a few minutes, babe. You want a drink?” He nodded toward the bar.

  “I can wait until dinner. There’s so much to look at.” She turned her gaze to him. “Please, get something for yourself.”

  “I’m good. I see what you mean with all the little touches that make this a beautiful room.” He leaned to kiss her forehead. “I wasn’t sure if the guys had pranked me when we first drove into the parking lot.”

  “Must be one of those jewels that only locals know. I wouldn’t stop if I drove by, would you?”

  “Not a chance.”


  Lauren’s fingers pressed against the bunny charm as she looped her arm around Dave’s and leaned against his side. If this is a dream, please never wake me. Today’s been magical from the second I awoke…and this moment, here beside him, feels so right. Why did I ever resist a committed relationship with my Marty? She couldn’t stop herself from saying a quick prayer that what they had would last, considering all the drama with her family. Would his feelings change if he knew about my past? The things I did in high school…stupid, irresponsible attempts to join the popular crowd? Or if he knew my parents didn’t want me and only left memories of drunken arguments…And now that Amanda has cha
nged into someone I don’t even know…drinking and lashing out in anger. The Gentry curse? Would he run if he knew? Or will our relationship run its course before he learns the truth?

  Dave pulled her from her thoughts by capturing her hand. “Table’s ready, babe. You’ll have an even better view, I think.” His hand against her lower back sent tingles up her spine. She glanced at his face to see if he noticed. They followed the host to a deck hidden above the main dining room. Small, intimate—at most room for ten diners—the deck offered the gentle Gulf breeze and an unobstructed view of the waning evening sky.

  “Beautiful,” Lauren whispered, not wanting to ruin the moment. They took a minute to absorb the view before Dave pulled a chair back for Lauren, then sat opposite her at the small table. Lauren giggled as his knees pressed against hers. “Comfortable?”

  “Perfect. It won’t be long before you have your sunset.” Dave accepted the wine menu from the waiter and caught Lauren’s glance with a questioning look. “Red? White? Rosé? Champagne?”

  She pretended to think while she felt trapped by his deep brown eyes. “White…your choice.” She watched the grin spread slowly across his face as he selected the wine and handed the menu back to the waiter. He added a few appetizers, then set the dinner menu to the side.

  “You’ve watched the sunset in Vancouver, right?”

  “Sure,” Lauren said. “Not as often as I wish, though.”

  “Have you noticed the split second when the sun dips below the horizon—that burst of flames before it disappears?”

  “I’ve never seen that.” She reached automatically to retrieve her phone from her small clutch purse. Dave’s hand covered hers. “Just enjoy the sunset. We can take photos next time.”

  They sipped wine as the sun gradually neared the horizon. Most romantic moment ever. Lauren took her eyes off the pinkish sky for a second to look at Dave, then placed her hand on his arm. His smile threatened to turn her into Jell-O, but then he nodded toward the Gulf. The sun exited with a millisecond burst of flames that Lauren would never have noticed had he not mentioned it.


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