Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Boxset 4 Books

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Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Boxset 4 Books Page 14

by Tara Brent

  The inside of his office was bigger than most hotel rooms that she had been in. There was even a couch-a large, luxurious one. Next to the couch was a mini-fridge that hummed away quietly. She was tempted to open the fridge and see what was inside. She imagined alcohol-or tomatoes. There was even a mini-kitchen with a microwave and a luxury coffee maker which had so many different settings and functions that she imagined it as a sort of mini-spaceship, perhaps one for microbes or insects.

  Although there were windows in the office, they were all covered with opaque white curtains. As a result, Daniel had to turn on the lights when he entered the room so that he could see what he was doing. There were no windows that looked out onto the hallway either. When he closed the door behind him, she had the sense of being inside a miniature world that only had her and Daniel in it.

  As soon as he closed the door, he said to her, “Take off your shoes.”

  His voice was commanding, forceful. Catalina knew that what he said wasn’t a request. She didn’t question what he said, as she wanted to be out of the shoes as well. She knelt down and unstrapped them, one at a time. The carpet of his office felt good between her toes, which she wiggled. She stretched her arms above her, letting herself relax.

  He looked her up and down. For a moment, she had the sense that she was being evaluated, examined. The scrutiny made her uncomfortable. She said, “Is this my interview?”

  “Yes, this is your interview. You might have noticed by now that I have an unconventional approach to business. I don’t do anything the usual way. Now, if you’re uncomfortable, you can leave at any time. The door isn’t locked.”

  She looked around to see if there were any cameras in the room. She looked along the ceiling, and towards each corner of the room. She didn’t see any. Then she looked for hidden cameras in a tissue box, a stereo or a false drawer. She didn’t see anything like that. Then she saw his computer; if it did have a built-in camera lens, that lens was pointed away from them. While it was possible that he might be recording her with a cell phone, he didn’t have one in his hands. He didn’t keep his hands in his pockets either- they were at his sides, unclenched.

  His posture and tone of voice suggested that he was completely at ease. She, on the other hand...she had never tried her hand at being an actress, had never even bothered to change any of her facial expressions for comedic effect. She wasn’t even particularly good at jokes. Already, as far as she could see, he had a decisive advantage over her.

  Then she wondered why she was thinking of the situation in terms of advantages and disadvantages. She said, “But if I leave, that means I fail the interview, right?”

  “Hmm, well I can’t say that. You’ve already been accepted to the position you applied for. This interview is voluntary. I just like to know the people I’ll be working with.”

  “Okay...this is a little bit strange but all right.”

  “Please, just relax. Now, take off your jacket.”

  Catalina looked around this time more nervously. She said, “My jacket? Why...would I do that?”

  “Oh come now, Miss Price, you are severely overdressed for the occasion. Why, I’d like you to be as comfortable as possible. I like the people working here to be comfortable. So, go on, take off your jacket.”

  Even though the way he spoke suggested that he was trying to accommodate her, the specific choice of words that he used suggested something entirely different. She inferred- she hoped that she was wrong while fearing she was not- that there was something else going on. She didn’t have to stretch her imagination very far to discover what that might be.

  She said, “I would be all right.”

  She took off her jacket, one arm at a time, and then found a rack to hang it upon. She looked at the door. She wasn’t sure if he had been telling the truth that she would fail the interview if she refused. She didn’t know exactly what it was that she had gotten into.

  He approached her directly. That same strong odor of him was upon her again. He put both hands on her shoulders then, both of which were bare. There was something erotic about skin touching skin.

  He said, “You take good care of your skin, don’t you? Tell me, what kind of lotion do you use?”

  “No lotion, actually. I don’t get sun, that’s all. Sunlight irritates the epidermis layer with ultraviolet radiation. The skin will tan, yes- but what are the long-term effects? Does skin get rough or does it get smooth when it is continually tanned?”

  He chuckled, holding up a hand. He said, “Hey, you don’t have to convince me. The only sun I ever get is when I play golf. That doesn’t even happen that much anymore, not in this neck of the woods. There’s just too much work to do. Actually, I was wondering if you might let me know what skin care products you use.”

  “What skin care products I use? Okay, this is getting a little bit weird now.”

  “Weird? Certainly not. A woman’s skin is very important. Every woman should take care of her skin.”

  She raised an eyebrow, stepping away. She said, “Every woman? But you’re a man, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I’d say that’s a fairly accurate statement. You’re quite incisive, Miss Price. I am a man. I suppose you are a woman, yourself as well?”

  She joked, “I am a woman. I mean, I can provide scientific evidence to support this conclusion.” Then, she continued in a less jovial tone of voice, “I can’t figure out what kind of interview you mean to have where you ask someone to take off their shoes and jacket, and then ask them about lotion. That’s an awfully strange way to do business.”

  “Awfully strange, hm? Yet, unless I’m greatly mistaken, you seem to be enjoying yourself. Am I wrong in thinking that?”

  She searched her feelings, then found that, while there was an element of discomfort there, she didn’t necessarily mind having him so close to her. Her response came from deep within her throat. She almost purred towards him. She said, “Yes, you’re...I hardly know you’re nice. You smell nice. You look nice. This is a nice place to be.”

  He gave her a grin full of perfect white teeth. He said, “Hmm, that’s good. You know, there might be promise to you yet. I wonder if I might ask you to do something that you might consider...inappropriate?”

  For reasons she couldn’t explain just then, she found herself not only ready but willing to try out whatever it was that he had in mind. She said, “Well, actually, I was wondering if you were going to ask.”

  “I knew it from the first time I saw you. I’ve always had an eye for talent.”

  She held a hand up against his chest. She said, “Just tell me: you’re not some serial killer or something, right? You don’t, I don’t know, seduce and drug women or something?”

  “I don’t need to. I already told you, the door isn’t locked. Besides, you don’t have to drink or eat anything you don’t want to. How many people know that you’re here? My brother and everyone who works for him, and a few secretaries. The folks in HR probably know about my habit of interviewing thirtieth-floor promotions. So a lot of people know you’re here. It’s not like I’ve spirited you away in secret.”

  She said, “Oh, that’s reassuring. For a moment there, I was a little bit worried.”

  He closed in on her. He pressed his chest against hers. He put a hand behind her waist. He whispered to her, “But that’s what makes it exciting, isn’t it? The danger, the thrill of the forbidden? That’s what turns you on. You don’t like bland. You need the trepidation, the strong emotion. You need to feel something in order for it to be real for you, don’t you?”

  She could easily lose herself in those green eyes of his if she wasn’t careful. She didn’t try to push him away this time, as she found that she did want him. The rational part of her brain gradually began to shut down. All that was left was her feelings. She lost herself in the moment.

  His words tickled her ear. He said, “Your dress...I’d like to see you take it off. Could you do that?”

  Before she even knew
what was happening, she reached behind herself to tug at the zipper in the middle of her back. Although her hands had no trouble reaching the zipper, she pretended that she couldn’t manage it. She said, “You’ll have to help me. Can you help me take off my dress?”

  For a moment- a brief, tantalizing moment- she saw the predator within him, someone ready to tear her apart a piece at a time. Or devour her whole. If her rational mind had been working, she would have taken him up on his offer to leave the office. She would have even been okay with going back to her old job on the seventeenth floor. But she couldn’t think. Her mind was fuzzy. The emotions were too intense. She lost herself in what she was doing. She found that she actually wanted him to devour her.

  He said to her, “No one has ever asked me that before. Are you certain you’re okay with that?”

  Heat rose up in her body. She said, “Yes, I’m sure I know what you have in mind. I know what comes next. I’m telling you, I’m okay with it. I’m down for it. Pull down the zipper and ease the clothing off my body. Go ahead, stop talking and just do it. Just do it.”

  She felt him growing hard against her. He said, “A word of warning to you before I start. I play rough. I’m no angel.”

  She started to undo his belt. She fumbled at it in her haste. She said, “Just be quiet and do it.”

  He put one hand into his pocket before he started. He pulled out a lengthy red silk scarf. He said, “If we’re doing this, I’m putting this on you.”

  Her eyes focused on what she knew to be a blindfold. She undid his belt, then saw his pants fall around his ankles. He wore tight blue boxer briefs. She felt how hard he was. Her hand grasped his penis, which engorged when she touched it. The hesitant, shy woman she had been only minutes before was now gone. She didn’t know what kind of woman had taken her place, except that she liked who she was.

  He said, “I’m definitely putting this on you now. Tell me your safe word.”

  She replied, “I don’t need one, not with you. Take off my dress and blindfold me. Blindfold me now. Take me to your desk. I want to see what you’re like.”

  “My dear, before long, you won’t be seeing much of anything of all.”

  He slid her dress off her body sensuously, seductively, and then he explored her body with his hands. She moaned when his fingers caressed her rib bones. They settled there, made a home there. The pleasure that she felt was so all-consuming, so present everywhere that she felt it in her feet, in her back, in her skull. She knew little else except pleasure.

  And, it turned out, with the red silk scarf tied around her eyes, she couldn’t see him- not that she needed to. Her hands told her everything she needed to know.

  Chapter 4

  He guided her back- or forwards, she could not tell which- against a solid object. His lips touched down upon her neck, searching for the pulse that she felt beating strongly there. He kissed her there, ever so slightly. Her hands wandered around his back. She arched her hips towards him, her body now aflame with desire.

  He let out a low groan into her skin. When she gave a moan, a louder one, he put a hand over her mouth. She did not resist him- at least for the moment. When he spoke, words floated into her ear. He said, “Not too loud, now. This room is soundproof, just not entirely.”

  She couldn’t say anything in response, not with his thick fingers pressing against her lips and her teeth. She gave a slight nod, which was all she could do then.

  He pulled his hand away and said, “Good girl. Where have you been all my life?”

  She responded by reaching out with her own hand to feel his face. Her index finger touched his ear. Once she knew where it was, she closed her teeth around it with a soft bite. Breath streamed out of his nostrils. She felt it caress strands of her hair above her own ear.

  Once she was done biting him, she ran her right leg up and down his left leg. She felt the unshaven hairs on his leg tickle her. She giggled, not caring if he understood what amused her. He didn’t seem to care either, as she soon heard the wrinkling of plastic.

  She asked him, “Is that a condom?”

  “Of course. You have an objection? You’d rather do it dry?”

  She kissed whatever was in front of her. That happened to be his black hair. She tasted a hint of whatever product he used. She said, “No. Condoms are perfect. Go on, don’t wait around on my account.”

  She heard an odd crinkling- a noise that sounded like him putting a condom on his penis. Instead of doing what she wanted, he instead cupped one of her breasts in his hand. She felt that same all-consuming pleasure again. Her back arched. She bit her bottom lip, trying to stifle her moan of pleasure.

  He said, “Small breasts are the best. Your breasts are perfect. The nerves aren’t stretched out. They are highly sensitive. For example-”

  His thumb and forefinger played with her nipple. He pinched it, causing her to gasp. She had never felt anything like that before.

  When he moved his hand away, she said to him, “No, don’t stop. Do it again.”

  He made a purring noise, then pinched her nipple again, this time harder than before. She let a sharp gasp of pain, pleasure, and surprise. He breathed, “You’ve never had that done to you before, have you?”

  “No. I like it. You can keep doing that. But also do everything else you want to do.”

  He went back and forth with her nipples, twisting and turning them back and forth. She couldn’t help moaning beneath Daniel’s hand. Soon, she found that her breasts ached and throbbed.

  He mused, almost to himself, “I will do everything I want to do. I’m glad you’re enjoying this.”

  Through the darkness of her blindfold, she thought that she heard him grin. If she had to describe that grin, she would call it wolfish. He again seemed like a predator to her, one who had captured his prey. There was satisfaction there, a satiated satisfaction. She could tell just by hearing him and feeling him move against her.

  When he thrust his penis into her, she grabbed his buttocks. She dug her fingernails into flesh, forcing him as far forward as she thrust her hips towards him. His cock throbbed, hard, hot, and meaty. He left his penis inside her for a moment while he kissed her on the lips.

  Feeling his lips press against hers was too much sensation for her mind to process. She closed her eyes, forgetting that she was blindfolded. She couldn’t see anything anyway. She thrust, and he pushed. He kissed her and drew back. She panted, trying to gather her breath. She couldn’t breathe. His hands kept finding the sensitive spots all over her body as if he already knew where they were.

  He pulled out of her. She gasped again. She said, “Do more. I want you to do more.”

  He ran a hand through her hair. He kissed the silk blindfold over her eyes. He demurred, “No, not everything. Not in the office. I don’t have everything here. Actually, I think I’m almost done.”

  With her hands on his butt, she pulled him close to her. He thrust inside her, one last time. She let a sultry, blistering cry of pleasure. She cried out, “More, give me more!”

  He pulled away from her. Suddenly, with aching breasts, an aching vulva, a spinning brain, and a body that felt twice as hot as it needed to, she was standing alone, by herself. She heard Daniel pulling up his pants and securing his belt around his waist. She extended her right hand, trying to reach out to him. She caught nothing but air.

  She heard the distinct sound of his belt buckle securing into place. For a reason she could not determine, he started walking around her. She reached for the blindfold. Yet before her hand touched the knot at the back of her head, he stopped her. He grabbed her wrist.

  He spoke in a gentle, chiding voice. “No, that’s not how this works. Anything I put on you, only I can take off. Anything I ask you to take off, you can only put on when I give you permission to do it. Do you understand?”

  Then, before she could answer, his hand was on her mouth again. He was behind her. She could feel his intense sweltering presence. Sweat dripped down the side of her head and t
rickled down her neck. Her legs felt weak. She hadn’t thought it was possible for her to become even more aroused than she already was.

  She nodded. He removed his hand. She had the idea that she was supposed to be silent. She stood there, waiting while he circled around her. She kept her head still, waiting for what he would do next.

  After a while, he said to her, “Put your bra on.”

  She couldn’t remember when her bra had come off. She didn’t remember taking it off herself. He put it into her hand. She slipped it on, securing it behind her back as she had done a thousand times. She realized that she had probably been wearing nothing except the blindfold while Daniel was inside her.

  “Good. Now, put your panties on.”

  He put those beneath her hand as well. She slipped them over her legs, then put them against her vulva, which she discovered was wet. She wondered what he would ask for next.

  She didn’t have to wait long. He ordered, “Dance for me. I want to see you dance.”

  Catalina started to move her hips. She put her arms above her head, swaying back and forth. She wasn’t sure that she was doing it right. She had never danced in front of anyone when she couldn’t see before. He touched her back, guiding her, directing her. She let herself be guided into taking steps that she hadn’t taken before.

  Then he was in front of her, clasping her hands. He led her even more. She tripped herself once or twice until she got the hang of what he was doing before she understood that she was being led in a ballroom dance. She leaned into him, letting her head fall against the top of his shoulder.

  The dance was done sooner than she expected. When it was over, he reached to the back of her head and pulled the blindfold off. The lights were off. The room was dark. She blinked, then rubbed at her eyes.

  Somehow- she did not understand how- he looked almost exactly the same as he did before he had sex with her. When that word crossed her mind, she exhaled deeply. Everything she had done, everything that had happened to her, none of it was a dream. She was really standing there in soiled underwear in front of…


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