Finding Home (Being Home Book 2)

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Finding Home (Being Home Book 2) Page 23

by Lissanne Jones

  She held her breath as he ran the wand over her belly and didn’t let it out until the baby’s heartbeat was found. “Your baby is just fine,” the doctor declared. “That’s a good, strong heartbeat.”

  She began to cry, although this time her tears were ones of joy. She was safe. Her baby was safe. Her mom was safe. Their hellish ordeal was well and truly over.

  The entire Whittaker family arrived about an hour or so later. Luke and Evie each had a baby in tow, and Autumn reached for the one in Evie’s arms as soon as she’d given her friend a hug. “Hi, Colton.” She kissed the little boy’s head and cradled him in one arm.

  Luke came over and kissed her cheek before placing Travis in the other. Her arms—and her heart—were full of love for the sweet babies she was holding. Diana and Bill also embraced her, and then all of the Whittakers greeted Ruth similarly.

  When Sheriff Collins finally arrived, Ruth smiled for the first time since everything had happened. He went straight over to her, taking her hand and kissing her cheek before they talked quietly to each other. Autumn noticed her mother seemed more relaxed and she was grateful she had someone by her side.

  The doctor turned up to check on his patients and advised it was time for the visitors to depart so the Grant women could rest. Autumn kissed the babies goodbye, as did their uncle, and once hugs had been exchanged only Autumn, Cody, her mom, and Sheriff Collins remained.

  Ruth explained to them all that she’d been in the stables upon Autumn’s arrival and had come inside the house through the back when she’d heard Jed yelling, not realizing he’d returned home. Increasingly fearful for her daughter’s safety, she’d grabbed one of the shotguns and carefully walked toward the front of the house. They’d all witnessed what had happened next.

  The two women were transferred to separate rooms that were next to each other, and once Autumn had managed to reassure her mother that she and the baby were just fine, and Gus had declared he was staying by her side for the night, Ruth reluctantly agreed to get some rest.

  Autumn hugged her mother as tightly as she dared, and once Ruth and Gus had moved next door, Cody hopped up on the bed next to her and laid down beside her.

  “Alone at last.”

  She smiled, turning toward him. “Are you going to stay all night?”

  Cody narrowed his eyes. “Nah. I’m only hanging out for the food, and then I’m going home.” He tickled her and she laughed. “Of course I’m staying all night. It isn’t home anymore unless you’re there.”

  She blinked back tears as her fingers trailed over his face, the stubble tickling her palm. “I love you.”

  He pushed back a stray lock of hair off her face. “Marry me, Autumn. Let me love you forever.”

  Her answer was swift. “Yes. I’d love to marry you.”

  His lips were on hers before she could say anything else, and by the time he let her go they were both breathing heavily.

  They cuddled together on the hospital bed and talked for a while. Her mind was already thinking of ideas for their nuptials, and he seemed happy to let her talk.

  He only left her alone to dash down to the cafeteria to grab himself something to eat. Autumn was perfectly happy with the meal given to her by the hospital staff but was glad when Cody brought back a bar of chocolate for her.

  She was eternally grateful to Evie when her friend briefly reappeared at the hospital with pajamas, some toiletries, and a change of clothes for both the Grant women and Cody. The beautiful blonde stayed for ten minutes or so but took her leave and promised to pop over to the cabin the following day to see how Autumn was doing.

  After she’d devoured everything, she brushed her teeth, changed into her pajamas, and hopped back into bed. Once Cody had done the same, she curled up in his arms and managed to get some sleep.

  The following day, Autumn and Ruth were released from hospital. Cody immediately extended an invitation to Ruth to come stay with them for a little while, and Autumn was grateful to her fiancé because she wanted to be near her mom.

  When they got back to the cabin, there were fresh flowers in both the master and spare bedrooms, and the linens had been changed. The cabin was clean and tidy. Autumn knew immediately that Diana had been there, and she insisted on going over to the cabin where the elder Whittakers resided to thank her and say hello.

  Diana invited them to come to dinner that night, and Autumn accepted on behalf of the three of them. She felt well enough to be around the Whittakers, and she desperately wanted to share their good news with them and her mother.

  Dinner was a lively affair. Everyone fussed over the twins and Diana had excelled herself with the tasty food, and her mixed berry pie was delicious.

  After the meal had ended, they all moved into the large, airy living room. Luke and Cody held the babies, playing peekaboo with them. The boys cackled with laughter, and Autumn reflected on how big they already were at three months.

  When there was a lull in the noise, she caught her fiancé’s eye and he nodded at her. “Cody and I have some news we’d like to share with you all.” She smiled nervously at the room’s occupants, all of whom had focused their attention on her. “He asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

  The room erupted in cheers. Ruth promptly burst into tears, and Autumn slid off the sofa to hug her mother. Once hugs, kisses, and congratulations had been given all round, Diana and Bill disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a tray of glasses and a couple of bottles.

  One of them turned out to be non-alcoholic wine, which Evie and Autumn indulged in since the former was still breastfeeding and the latter was pregnant.

  Bill made a toast to the happy couple, and Diana once again left the room, this time taking Luke with her. They reappeared carrying several large photo albums, and Autumn was excited to discover they were the albums used to show potential brides what the ranch could offer as a venue.

  Although she and Cody had yet to decide upon any details for their wedding, she already had lots of ideas. She’d loved Luke and Evie’s Christmas Eve wedding in the large barn on Luco Ranch and knew it would look just as beautiful for her own special day. She knew what colors and decorations she wanted and flicking through the photographs gave her more ideas.

  Autumn had no grand plans for a big wedding. All that mattered to her now was to be able to declare her love for Cody in front of their loved ones, and to promise to love and cherish him for as long as she lived.

  Because she knew she would. She’d finally found her home, and it was right by Cody Whittaker’s side.


  Autumn hovered outside the door of the bedroom. At Cody’s insistence, they’d been sleeping in the main house for the last few nights. He had a big surprise for her, and it apparently involved the main bedroom because he’d refused to let her inside it. But he was finally ready to reveal it, and she was anxious to see what it was.

  He slipped through the door and closed it behind him again before she could see anything. “Okay, it’s ready.”

  She got up on her tiptoes and kissed him softly. “I can’t wait to see whatever it is.”

  Cody moved to stand behind her and covered her eyes with one hand. “No peeking until I say so, lady, or I’ll smack your butt.”

  She giggled, and he gave it a light tap. She heard the door open and he guided her forward, over to where she knew the large window was. Once they stopped moving, he removed his hand and she opened her eyes.

  What she saw took her breath away.

  He’d built a seat into the wall underneath the window. It had a large, comfortable looking padded seat, along with half a dozen cushions neatly stacked on one side. A large throw was folded up beneath them, and a few of her favorite candles had been carefully placed on top of it.

  “Oh, Cody.” She could scarcely believe what she was seeing. “It’s absolutely gorgeous!”

  She climbed onto the seat and propped herself up with a few pillows. Outside, she could see Diana and Bill’s cabin in the distance, as
well as the main house. There was also plenty of lush, green land, although it would soon be covered by snow.

  He held out his hand to her. “I want to show you a special feature.” She took it and got back off the seat. To her surprise, Cody lifted the seat up to reveal a hidden compartment underneath it. It wasn’t a large space, but certainly big enough to fit a dozen or so books in.

  Autumn looked up at him, her brows furrowed. “Is this for special books?”

  “No, it’s for your journals. I thought you might like a private space to store them, where nobody will ever find them. Only you and I will know they’re there.”

  She’d had no idea how precious such a space was to her until that moment, and she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Thank you so much.” She kissed him over and over, and when he grabbed her ass and squeezed it lightly, she let out a moan.

  She eventually broke the kiss and turned around to gaze at the window seat again. She loved it, and knew she’d spend many an hour sitting there, writing in her journal or reading, especially as her belly grew.

  As though he could read her thoughts, Cody wrapped his arms around her and placed his hands on her stomach. “I can’t wait to meet our son.” He peppered her neck with kisses, and she tilted her head to the side, closing her eyes.

  “I can’t wait to meet him or her, either.”

  He muffled a laugh on her shoulder. “You know it’s a boy.”

  “We don’t know any such thing, Cody. There’s a fifty percent chance it’s a girl. And yes, I know about the Whittaker family curse, but someone has to break it eventually. Why not us? I’d adore a little girl. But as long as the baby is healthy, I don’t care whether it’s a boy or a girl.”

  “I’d love a girl,” Cody admitted. “But you’re right, as long as our baby is healthy that’s all that matters.”

  She placed her hands on top of his and they both gazed out the window, content just to be with each other.

  Three days later, Autumn was curled up on the sofa, her head on Cody’s shoulder and her left hand resting on his chest. A beautiful amethyst and diamond engagement ring adorned it.

  They’d gone for a drive to Colorado Springs at his insistence, after she’d assured him she felt well enough to venture out, and they’d chosen the ring together. Since purple was her favorite color, she’d been drawn to the colorful gemstone, and the ring that now sat upon her finger was even more beautiful than she could ever have imagined.

  She was slowly coming to terms with her father’s death and the situation surrounding it. Despite everything that had happened, Autumn had loved Jed Grant and she was mourning his passing.

  She knew her mother was also grieving, and felt some measure of guilt for her actions, even though they were completely justified. Mother and daughter had found the strength to deal with their emotions in each other.

  She’d taken great pains to assure Ruth that she did not blame her for Jed’s death, nor did anyone else. Quite the opposite. Everyone in Aurora Springs had gone out of their way to shower the Grant women with love and support. Enough meals to feed them both for weeks had been delivered, along with flowers and other gifts.

  Several families had even offered Ruth a place to stay, but she seemed content to remain with Gus Collins for the time being, something that made her daughter smile. Autumn had no doubt the sheriff was taking good care of her mother, and that made her happy.

  When Ruth was ready, she’d go back to the house Evie owned as previously planned. As for the Grant ranch, the two women had discussed it and agreed to sell the ranch and house but retain ownership of the orchard.

  Mother and daughter had decided to make an offer on the bakery in Main Street after learning the owner was looking to sell, which meant they could continue selling their pies and baked goods.

  They would renovate it in the weeks and months to come, but it was still too early for any real changes to be made. They needed time to heal and come to terms with the new lives now being created for both of them. Happier ones, with men who loved and cared for them as they deserved.

  The knock on the door startled Autumn out of her thoughts, and she followed Cody over to the front door. Gus Collins was standing on the other side of it, something in his hand that she couldn’t quite make out.

  Cody opened the door wide. “Come on in, Gus.”

  The older man stepped over the threshold and placed a kiss on her cheek. “How are you doing, sweetie?”

  Autumn gave him a quick hug. “I’m doing just fine, Gus. Thank you.”

  “Ruth told me you have some new jewelry?”

  She smiled widely and held up her left hand. Gus examined it closely and whistled. “Very pretty. Have you set a date yet?”

  “Soon.” Cody answered before she could. “As soon as we can arrange everything. A couple of weeks.”

  They’d both agreed they weren’t going to wait to tie the knot. Autumn wanted to be able to wear a wedding dress she didn’t look huge in, and they wanted to be married before the birth of their child. Cementing their love legally was important to them, and they wanted to be Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker as soon as possible.

  Gus clapped Cody on the back. “Wise choice. You don’t want to let this lovely young woman get away.”

  The two men smiled at each other, and Autumn’s expression matched theirs until she looked down and realized what Gus was holding in his hand. Her journal, still sealed in an evidence bag with red tape across the top. The one her father had found, read, and threatened to kill her over.

  Did she want it back? Could she ever write in it again?

  “No, I don’t.” Cody kissed her temple, and she looked back up at their guest.

  “I won’t stay long. Just wanted to return this to you, Autumn. If you’d like me to destroy it, I can do that. I tried to clean it up as best I could, but…”

  He didn’t need to elaborate. As soon as he held the bag out to her, she could see the blood spatter that decorated it.

  Autumn reached out to take it from him but couldn’t seem to wrap her fingers around it. Her hand trembled and she was grateful when Cody took the evidence bag from his boss. “Thanks, Gus. Appreciate it.”

  The older man placed his hand on her cheek and stroked it affectionately. “Ruth decided just before I left that she wants to have a celebration dinner tomorrow night for just the four of us.”

  Autumn nodded. “We’ll be there. I’ll call Momma tonight before I go to bed. I can make a pie.”

  “Your pies are always delicious. Looking forward to it. Goodnight, you two.”

  With a wave, the sheriff was gone. It was only after the door closed behind him that she let out a shaky breath.

  Cody rested his forehead against hers. “You don’t have to keep this if you don’t want to, darlin’.”

  “I do want to.” Her voice was shaky, but she was resolute. “There’s a lot of good memories in that journal.” She wrapped her hand around his. “It’s about us.”

  “Then we keep it.” He kissed her forehead. “But perhaps you should start writing in a new journal from now on, one for new memories. Speaking of which.”

  He placed the bag on the dining table and disappeared down the hall. When he returned, he was clutching a purple gift bag.

  She accepted the bag with a kiss. “What’s this?”

  “Open it and you’ll find out.”

  She pulled out a small, rectangular-shaped gift wrapped in lavender tissue paper and tied with a gold bow. Handing the gift bag to her fiancé, she laughed when he tossed it haphazardly over his shoulder.

  Unwrapping the gift, she discovered a new journal inside. It was the size she liked most and had the paper she preferred, and the cover was purple with small gold hearts all over it.

  “Oh, Cody. It’s gorgeous.”

  “Just like you.”

  She pressed the journal to her chest, got up on her toes, and kissed him thoroughly. He began to walk her backward, only stopping long enough to turn out the
lights. “Time for bed?”

  He smiled against her lips. “Time for bed. But not time for sleep.”

  She let out a shriek when he suddenly bent to swing her up into his arms, and she grinned when he gently slid her onto the bed. But when he started to undress her, kissing her all over, all she could do was moan.


  Autumn pushed open the screen door and stepped onto the front porch, making sure not to slam it behind her. It was nighttime and the enclosure was illuminated with strings of fairy lights, which gave it a warm, welcoming glow.

  Her husband was sitting on the swing as it moved back and forth gently, a bundle in a cotton wrap cradled carefully in his arms. Cody was rocking their baby, and he looked up as she came over to the swing and sat down on his left.

  Life was better than she could ever have imagined. Less than a month after he’d proposed, she’d walked down the makeshift aisle of the large barn on Luco Ranch on her mother’s arm, a bouquet of gorgeous flowers in hand.

  Cody had been waiting for her at the end of the aisle, underneath the floral arch. Luke had been standing next to him, and both men had looked incredibly handsome in their black suits and white shirts, their feet clad in black cowboy boots.

  Autumn had taken her mother, Evie, and Diana with her to Denver to buy an off-the-rack wedding dress, and pick up a dress for Evie, who’d served as her only attendant. She’d felt like a princess as she’d glided down the aisle to the man she loved, their baby growing inside her.

  The ceremony had been short and sweet. Autumn had slid a gold ring onto Cody’s left hand, promised to love him for the rest of her life, and had become Mrs. Cody Whittaker.

  The residents of Aurora Springs had joined forces to set up the barn for their wedding, and Autumn had loved every inch of it. Lanterns had been hung from the ceiling, softly lighting the large space.

  Bunches of flowers had adorned the tables, and chairs were decorated with large ribbons. She’d selected the color scheme of pink, lavender, and rose gold, and everything had been coordinated to match the colors.


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