The Princess of Chaos

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The Princess of Chaos Page 7

by Candice M. Wright

  “But you don’t have any qualms about sleeping with all of us, right?” he asks.

  “I know it sounds bad, but I’m flat out telling you I can’t handle you being with anyone else.”

  He waves me off. “That’s not an issue, Megan. I’m not interested in anyone else and I know how to keep my dick in my pants.”

  I nod in relief, then think over his words and frown. “Wait, what do you mean sleep with all of you?”

  I jump when Zero’s fingers run over the lips of my sex in a barely-there touch.

  “Me, Viper...” His fingers trail up and down, over and over until I find myself grinding down on him, looking for more friction. “And Grim,” he tells me before sliding two fingers inside me.

  “I don’t think…” I trail off as he withdraws his fingers, only for them to be replaced with Viper’s.

  “Nobody is going to force you. Just don’t rule it out, okay?” Viper asks. I don’t know if I’m ready for that conversation and as his fingers slide in and out of me, I realize it doesn’t matter at the moment. So I agree and add it to the shit I need to deal with later in the back of my mind.

  “Next rule?” Zero asks. I gasp before I feel him slide a finger in next to Viper’s.

  “Fuck me!” I groan.

  Viper smirks at me. “Oh, we will, but I’m glad you want to make it a rule.”

  “Rule two.” I ignore the smart-ass and carry on even as I suspect my voice takes on a husky tone. “Respect.”

  They both pause with their fingers inside me and wait for me to continue.

  “I know how it works here. I’m supposed to show you nothing but respect in front of the club and I will if you return it. Don’t put me in a position where I have no choice but to react because I won’t change who I am for a club that will never accept me. Oh, I’ll be good. I won't cause any trouble but I won't take shit lying down. You’d better believe if someone starts something, I won't back down.”

  “You’ll come to us—” I shake my head before Viper can finish.

  “No, I won’t. I have to fight my own battles or I’ll never know a moment’s peace.”

  “I agree with the respect thing, of course. But, Megan, if someone messes with you, you need to tell me.” Viper punctuates his words by thrusting his fingers harder into me.

  “Fuck!” I grunt.

  “How about a compromise? If it’s something I can't handle, I’ll come to you. Anything trivial, you leave up to me.” They don’t seem happy but they’re smart enough to know this is as good as it’s going to get for them.

  “Rule three?” Zero asks as he slips another finger in besides Viper’s. I shake my head as I stretch to accommodate him.

  “Less talking, more fucking. I can’t think straight with your fingers inside me. Talking can wait,” I pant, a sigh of disappointment escaping as they both pull their fingers free and slide off me. That is, until they slip out of their boxers and stand before me in all their naked glory.

  “Mother of God,” I whisper reverently. “You look like you’ve been photoshopped!”

  Viper grins at my words but Zero reaches out with a look of determination on his face, snagging my ankle and yanking me down the bed.

  “Now, what was it you said you liked? Oh, that’s right, sweet and tender and up against the wall.”

  Not those exact words but when he scoops me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, I decide not to correct him. I gasp when he pushes my back against the cool wall but he doesn’t pull back.

  He slips a hand between us and uses some of my wetness to coat his dick before nudging it at my entrance. Moving his hands so they are both on my ass, he tips me back a touch farther and then, without further ado, he glides all the way home.

  “Ohmygod,” comes out all in one garbled breath as I go from empty to deliciously full in seconds. He pulls back agonizingly slowly before sliding back in to the hilt again.

  “Fucking pussy like velvet,” Zero forces out the words as I zone in on his lips.

  “So hot and slick.” He keeps his pace smooth and even, never speeding up, never slowing down until I’m a babbling mess.

  “Harder, Zero. Faster,” I plead, needing more.

  “Not this time, Megan. Slow and sweet,” he tells me before taking my lips in a scorching kiss. I forget about everything else: the club, my nightmares, even Viper. All I can think about is the sensation Zero evokes in me as he slowly pushes and pulls his cock in and out of me.

  I close my eyes as I spasm around him, slipping my hand down to play with myself. It doesn’t take much before I feel myself ready to topple over the edge.

  “Zero,” I say his name in warning but he cuts me off again with another kiss, biting down on my lip before soothing the sting with his tongue. He pushes himself inside me hard and holds still as I rub my clit, applying more and more pressure until I feel him pulse inside me, which pushes me over with him. I tighten around him, wrap my arms around his shoulders and sink my teeth into his shoulder to keep from screaming out his name.

  “Fuck, you are even better than I imagined, and I have a pretty fucking good imagination.” I watch his lips move before looking into his slightly glazed eyes. I open my mouth to speak but I find myself being snatched out of his arms and carried over to the vanity table in the corner of the bedroom.

  Viper stands me on wobbly legs before using his arm to clear the table. I watch with awe as the little bottles of lotions and creams crash to the floor around us.

  “What the fuck?” My question goes unanswered as I find myself being spun and bent over the vanity table a few seconds later.

  My chest is pressed flat, a hand on the back of my neck holds me down and a rush of fresh arousal mixed with Zero’s cum drips from me. A still naked Zero appears next to me as I feel Viper sliding his cock up and down my pussy lips.

  Zero bends down and puts his face close enough that I can read his lips.

  “Slow and sweet was pretty spectacular if I do say so myself. But Viper… well, Viper is all about hard and fast with you bent over the table. You want that?” Zero asks, giving me an out as Viper continues to tease me. I try to tell him yes but end up moaning when Viper reaches down and strokes my already swollen clit.

  “What was that, Megan? I didn’t hear you,” Zero mocks, making me growl this time.

  “Fuck me, Viper.” I barely get the words out before he surges inside me. I gasp as I stretch to accommodate him. Although Zero is long, Viper is thick, pushing me to my body’s limits and leaving me cursing like a sailor.

  Zero laughs, but I ignore him, relishing the feel of Viper fucking me with forceful strokes, making my hips jar against the table.

  Letting Viper take me from behind is my way of giving him a little bit of trust. I realize it's not a big deal to most. It’s just one page out of the Kama Sutra for many but without being able to hear him, it's a whole different ball game.

  He could be calling me names, hell, he could be calling me by another girl’s name for all I know. He could be filming me or taking photos and I would be none the wiser.

  Not being able to see when you can’t hear is honestly terrifying but for some reason, I feel safe in the knowledge that they won’t hurt me or use this thing between us to humiliate me.

  I feel my hair being gathered into a ponytail before it’s pulled tightly backward, lifting my body up. My chest thrusts out and my head tips way back so I can see an upside-down view of Viper. The look on his face, a mix of raw lust and pure need, has my pussy rippling around him. He leans over me, kissing my lips with surprising softness, before pulling back and hammering into me, making me detonate around him. Eventually, he collapses on top of me, careful not to give me too much of his weight. The scruff of his day-old stubble scratches my skin as he grazes his lips between my shoulder blades, eliciting a shiver.

  He lifts himself off me, leaving me already missing his warmth. I try to catch my breath for a moment. I see Zero looking at me with such a smug expression on his face that I ki
nd of want to punch him in his magic peen. Instead, I stand, making myself look as unaffected from the fuckathon as possible and hop up onto the edge of the table.

  “So, rule number three…” I smile inside at the shock written on their faces but don’t show it. I’m not going to let them see how rattled they make me, not yet anyway. Give a biker an inch and he’ll fucking take a mile.

  Chapter Eight


  I sling my arm around her shoulder, a casual move to most, but nobody can mistake the possessiveness behind the gesture. I feel a tremor run through her but she has her game face on as I pull her into the dimly lit bar area of the compound.

  It's not changed much since she was last here. As I feel her shake a little beside me, my rage bubbles thinking of all the shitty memories she has tied to this place. She was right when she said it had failed her before. Well, I’m the fucking president now, these fuckers can either bow down or fuck off. I won't accept anything less. I look over Megan’s head at Zero, who has his hand tucked into the back pocket of her jeans, and watch him checking out who’s in the room.

  It's still pretty early so it’s relatively quiet. Boner is passed out on the pool table in the corner with one of the club whores. The fucker’s limp dick is still hanging out of his zipper like a wet noodle.

  Surprisingly, Grim is sitting against the back wall. Unsurprisingly, he’s nursing a beer. As it’s only eight in the morning, I’m betting that fucker has been up all night.

  I sigh and lead us over to him. He looks up as we approach and turns his attention toward Megan, focusing on her. He takes a long pull of his drink before slamming it down louder than necessary.

  “Vipe, heard I got a new old lady. Forget to tell me something?” His voice is laced with anger and even though it’s justified, it still pisses me off.

  “We talked about this. You knew it was coming,” I point out.

  “Maybe down the line, but now? Fuck you, Viper. You tied me to a woman that hates me, and rightly so.” He lifts his beer as Megan steps forward with her shoulders back and head held high, despite the nerves that I know are riding her.

  She takes his bottle out of his hands and puts it on the table beside him before slipping her little notepad and pen from her pocket. After hearing her voice all night, it feels weird knowing she’s going back to silence. There’s a sick part of me that likes the fact that she only trusts Zero and me with that part of her, even if I did force her hand with it.

  She scribbles on the paper and flips it around for him to see.

  “I don’t hate you,” Grim reads aloud. “Well, you should, Megan. I’m a fuck up. Stick with Viper and Zero here and you’ll be okay, but stay away from me. You don’t need my brand of crazy fucking up your life,” he tells her, reaching around her for the beer on the table. She stomps her foot, looking a little like an adorable fairy before spinning, snagging the bottle and tossing it through the air towards the pool table. It hits the leg of the table and explodes, making Boner wake with a start and leaving a puddle of glass and beer on the floor.

  Grim frowns down at her in shock, wearing a similar expression to the one Zero and I’ve adopted. She taps her foot, waiting for something. When he does nothing other than stare at her like she has four tits, she picks up the pad and starts writing again.

  “I’m waiting for you to hit me. Come on, I’m ready.” His look morphs from shock to horror back to shock again.

  “I’m not going to hit you. What the fuck?”

  She carries on writing, scrawling across the page in her girly looping script before turning it around.

  “That’s what my punishment would usually be here for a spilled drink or a broken glass. The fact that that seems to horrify you tells me all I need to know. I think I can handle your brand of crazy just fine. So you fucked up, you fucked up a lot. We all do. Get the hell over it already and fix it. If I have to be stuck in this hellhole, I need a friend who has my back and I’ve decided that’s going to be you,” he reads.

  I have to dip my head to hide my smile at the shocked look of disbelief on his face. He’s been drowning a little more every day and I get it. I do. Coming home after deployment to find your mother dead and your little sister missing is enough to send anyone off the deep end. Sending him undercover at Carnage seemed like a good idea since they had contact with Gemini, the gunrunner whose name had once popped up in connection with his sister’s. Now that everything’s fucked up, I’m questioning the call I made.

  “Your friend? Have you lost your fucking mind?” he roars at her.

  “Apparently, crazy loves company.” She shrugs, holding up the words for him to see.

  “That’s misery,” he bites out.

  “Perfect,” she writes. I read the words out for her as she continues. “I have plenty of time on my hands to make you miserable.” His lips twitch at that, surprising the shit out of me, bringing home that I can’t even remember the last time I saw my friend smile.

  “You keep me safe and I’ll make you miserable. Sounds like the perfect arrangement,” she finishes, putting the pad on the table after I’m done reading it out. She holds her hand out for him to shake, leaving him standing there staring at it for a moment before his large one engulfs hers. I don’t know what her play is here and I know she’s still a little wary of him, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen him anything other than angry or hostile. Something about Megan has him engaged again so I’m going to let her take the lead on this.

  “Okay, Raven, you win,” he concedes.

  “Raven?” I ask, knowing she’s reading our lips. We all have club names around here. Megan’s was always “little bird” from what I’ve heard. It might have fit the scared little girl I remember but it doesn’t fit the beguiling woman before me. Raven… hmm with all that inky black hair, it fits nicely.

  “She’s no little bird. A raven, however, is majestic, graceful, and intelligent,” Grim tells her. She flushes and stares down at her feet to hide it as Grim looks straight at me. “A raven is also a death omen. Mark my words, she will be the downfall of Chaos,” he warns me.

  “The rot in this club is spreading, Grim, some of it is already dead. Maybe Raven will signal its rebirth instead,” Zero tells him.

  Whatever Grim was going to say next he holds back when Megan lifts her head again to face him.

  “So, friends?” she asks him quietly, almost too quietly for us to hear, but Grim’s shocked face shows it was loud enough for him. She gave him her words. I hope he gets how big of a deal that is for her.

  He swallows, thinks about saying something, then changes his mind and squeezes the hand he’s still holding gently.

  “Friends,” he agrees just as softly.

  I lean down, brush my hand over her jaw and wait for her to tip her head back and look up at me.

  “I have some stuff I need to do in the office and Zero has work in an hour. You wanna come with me or sit out here with Grim?” I ask her, giving her the option even as Grim scowls at me. He clearly would rather be off drowning in a bottle or a whore. Well, tough fucking shit.

  “I need to go to work myself,” she reminds me, even though I’m reluctant to let her out of my sight. “I also need my stuff. As much as I appreciate the bits you guys bought for me, I need more than three outfits to rotate. Plus there are only so many times I can wash my panties out in the bathroom sink,” she mutters.

  I notice the more she talks, the more even her voice is. Almost like when she stops thinking about it, the pitch naturally sets itself.

  “You can't go alone,” I tell her.

  “I know that already but you said I could go if I had a prospect with me. Plus, Grim can come too.”

  Grim scowls down at her but then sighs when she bats her eyes in an exaggerated fashion. He mumbles something under his breath about doe eyes, making me smile before he throws his hands up in the air.

  “Fine!” he agrees.

  She smiles at him and looks back at me. “Will you ask the prospec
t to drive us all over? My car is at home.”

  “Fuck that. We can take my bike. I’m not letting some prospect drive me around like Miss fucking Daisy,” Grim grumbles, grabbing his keys from his jacket.

  Quick as can be, the keys are out of Grim’s hands and down the front of Megan’s T-shirt. All of us gape at her for a minute before Grim takes a menacing step closer to her, his front pressing against hers. I place a hand on her shoulder, warning him that I will go to bat for her, but he ignores me. He opens his mouth, I’m sure to rip her a new asshole as nobody messes with a man’s bike or his ability to ride, when she beats him to it.

  “You’ve been drinking. All night, by the smell of it,” she says softly. There is no judgment in her voice, it's just a statement.

  “I’m fine,” he argues.

  “You willing to bet my life on that?” I pause at her words. She’s one hundred percent correct. What’s worse, if she hadn't said it, I would have gone to my office and not given Grim’s intoxication a second thought. Fuck. I’m a shitty president.

  “For fuck sake. Fine. But, Raven, you owe me,” he tells her, making me breathe a sigh of relief that he isn’t going to push the issue.

  “Be a good boy and I’ll let you frisk me for your keys later,” she sasses, surprising him again before turning to me and kissing my jaw. It’s a surprisingly sweet move on her part and unexpected. When she realizes what she’s done, she steps back and blushes again. She is such a contradiction. Sexy yet shy, sweet yet feisty. A good girl with a dirty mouth. A wild streak runs through her and I can't wait to see how deep it runs.

  I pull her back to me and slam my mouth over hers, demanding entrance, which she gives willingly. I grip her head and feast on her, trying to get enough to last me through the day, before pulling away. Any more and I’ll have her spread out naked across the bar.

  “Damn. Now I’m hard as a rock,” Zero mutters, adjusting himself.


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