The Princess of Chaos

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The Princess of Chaos Page 12

by Candice M. Wright

  I pour over them until there’s a knock at the door.

  “Yeah?” I yell. The door opens, revealing Megan and making me glance at my watch. Five o’clock. Fuck, I’ve been doing this shit for hours.

  “Hey, Viper, I came to see if you wanted something to eat,” she asks me with a smile.

  I trail my eyes over her body and lick my lips. Even in a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black long-sleeve T-shirt, she’s still hands down the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

  “I could eat,” I tell her with a leer.

  She throws her head back and laughs. “Food, you perv.”

  I wink and shut down my laptop, locking it in the safe, before grabbing my cut from the back of the chair and slipping it on.

  “I’m starving. Let’s go. Where is everyone else?” I ask her with a frown, not liking her wandering around here by herself. Which reminds me, I need to get her a cut made, declaring her ours for the world to see.

  “Grim walked me to your door and waited for you to yell before heading over to the diner to place our order,” she explains as we walk down the corridor towards the entrance.

  I tug her hand, making her look up at me. “And he couldn't just phone it in?”

  “Apparently he’s going to stand and watch the fuckers—his words, not mine—make them so we don’t end up with any hidden extras.” Her face twists into a grimace at the remembered pancakes. Yeah, can't say I blame Grim one little bit.

  “Pres.” Trip nods his head in greeting as he walks towards us with his arm wrapped around Honey’s shoulder.

  “Megan.” He nods his head in respect to her, making her stop in shock. “This is my old lady, Honey.” He introduces them, reminding me there are a few new faces here that joined after Megan left.

  Megan offers them a quick wave and a wobbly smile in response, her voice locked back inside her. I slip my hand around her and rest it on her hip, giving it a little squeeze.

  “Gotta run, I need to feed my girl,” I tell them before dipping my head and placing a kiss against her lips when she looks up to see what I’m saying. I’m aware enough to hear Trip and Honey say their goodbyes, but it's not enough to keep me from deepening the kiss, sliding my tongue between her lips and letting the unique taste that is all Megan tantalize my taste buds.

  It isn't until I hear her stomach rumble that I pull back with a sigh.

  “Cockblocked yet again.” She snorts at that but takes my hand and drags me towards the door, following the scent of burgers and onions that hit us when we step outside.

  The diner is busy but at this time it's to be expected. We head towards the back, to the booth that's always reserved for us, and ignore the eyes that seem to be dissecting each of our movements.

  Zero is already there, playing with his phone, but he looks up when we approach. Being the sneaky bastard he is, he snags Megan's hand and yanks her onto his lap, planting a wet one on her like he hadn't seen her for days, not hours. She has us both eating out of the palm of her hand.

  “Hey, Raven, get any more men to fall at your feet while I was gone?” he asks her. Grim had been keeping us both up to date throughout the day. It would appear that her customers seem to love her. Especially the male ones.

  “Not yet, but the day is still young,” she murmurs, conscious of everyone around us. It’s a little louder than a whisper, but nobody seems to have heard her.

  Carla, the waitress, plops down a couple of plates loaded with burgers, fries, and onion rings before taking the remaining plates from Grim, who’s standing behind her watching her every move.

  Zero steals a fry from the plate closest to him and shoves it in his mouth.

  “Well, fuck, that is one ugly waitress.” Carla looks up with a frown until she realizes Zero is looking at Grim. She walks away with the empty trays, leaving space for Grim to slide in opposite us. All the plates are the same, so we divide them up between us and eat.

  We take our time talking about inconsequential shit, keeping the mood light but I stop when I notice that Megan has cleared her plate and is now stealing Zero’s fries.

  “Damn, where the hell do you put it all?” I ask her, impressed and a little turned on. There is nothing sexy about a girl who orders a salad and just pushes it around her plate.

  “I’m just glad you like it. I ordered the usual, then worried you might be a vegetarian or some shit,” Grim admits, finishing up the last of his own burger.

  “Pretty sure you guys know I eat meat by now,” she points out but freezes with wide eyes when she realizes how it sounds. “I was talking about the pizza you gave me the other night, for god's sake.” She waves her fry at me.

  “Hey, I didn't say anything!” I lift my hands in mock surrender before leaning closer. “But you can show me how much you like eating meat later,” I tell her before biting down on the fry in her hand with a smug smile.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Asshole. I go back to eating the rest of Zero’s fries and he doesn't complain. He seems happy to just have me sitting in his lap so he can twirl my hair around his fingers. I don't even bring it up now, finding it strangely comforting.

  Zero is talking to Grim about the bike he’s working on at the garage when Viper pulls his phone from his pocket and places it next to his ear, making our eyes cut to him.

  I can't see his mouth clearly enough to see what he’s saying but whatever it is steals the happy mood from him, making me sigh. He hangs up before nodding to Grim and Zero then looking at me.

  “Carnage are at the gates. They have your phone and some other shit for you,” he tells me, but something about his words feels like a warning.

  Maybe I’m reading too much into it but that's the thing about being deprived of one of your senses. It heightens the others, making me pick up on things like facial tics and micro-movements that others don't always catch.

  I stand up with a nod and reach for his hand, letting him know that I understand we need to present ourselves as a united front. More so to Chaos, who will be judging my actions and questioning my loyalty, than Carnage. He gives my hand a squeeze and pulls me towards the door. The heat of Zero and Grim at my back let me know they will be following us out. Viper pulls me toward him, lifting my chin with his finger.

  “Prospects are letting them in the gates now. You can’t go home with them though, Megan, so don’t ask,” he tells me, making me roll my eyes.

  “Don’t be a dick, Viper. I know that. Did we not just talk about you trusting me?”

  “How the fuck does your smart mouth manage to piss me off and turn me on at the same time?”

  “It's a skill. Bet you wish you hadn’t made me use my voice now, huh?” I grin and turn, which Viper takes as an invitation to slap my ass. I flip him off and walk into Zero’s arms for protection against the big bad president, making him smile.

  “Viper’s being mean to me,” I pout at Zero before pulling back and looking up into his mischievous green eyes.

  “Want me to kick his ass?”

  I have a vision of them topless wrestling each other in motor oil and get so lost in the moment I don't even notice we've made it to the gate until Zero stops me. Viper stands on the other side of me and grips my hand while Grim takes up center at my back. Good lord, what do they think Carnage are going to do, kidnap me back? I catch sight of my brother Diesel standing by his bike talking to—

  “Parker.” His name escapes my lips before I can stop it, making him look up and see me. He stands taller, the look on his face is so intense, it almost brings me to my knees. Instead, I shake off Viper’s hand and run flat out towards him. When I’m a few steps away, I launch myself at him and wrap myself around him when he catches me, before bursting into tears. I grip him for dear life as my tears soak us both and take in his smell and the rapid beating of his pulse against my cheek. A pulse that last time I held him was so slow, I thought he would die in my arms.

  I find myself being pulled from his embrace and even though I w
ant to protest, I don’t, knowing that I’ve already fucked up. I just couldn't help it.

  I look up into Viper’s angry eyes and apologize. “I’m sorry.”

  “Who is he to you?”

  I don’t get to answer before I’m pulled into Diesel's arms, making a fresh round of tears slip over my cheeks. I turn my head so I can see my guys and my stomach flips at the look of disappointment in their eyes. I’ve let them down. Even knowing that, I can’t say I would have done anything differently.

  I pull away and brush away my tears, pushing my shoulders back, and take a deep breath.

  “How come I’m only just now hearing that pretty voice of yours?” Diesel asks me, ignoring the hostile looks I’m getting from everyone.

  “Yeah, I guess I spent so long not using it, it just became easier.” I shrug. It’s probably best if I don’t go into how Viper forced the issue.

  Parker steps up beside me so I have him on one side and my brother on the other flanking me like I was when I walked over here. Only now I have Carnage at my back, Chaos at my front, and a blinding headache as I feel myself being torn between the two.

  I look at my guys. Beneath the layer of anger, I see hurt too. That was never my intention. I step away from my brother and from the man who took a bullet to protect me and I take a chance. I step across the invisible line that's been drawn and turn so my back is pressed against Zero’s arm. I reach down to grab Viper’s fingers, lacing mine through his.

  “Guys, you remember my brother Diesel, and this is Parker. Parker got shot when Stokey—” I look at Parker “—aka Weasel attacked my shop.” Zero gives my shoulder a squeeze, whether it’s in warning or for comfort, I don't know.

  “It’s Lucky now, Megan. Got my patch last week. I’m not sure luck has anything to do with it though. We both know the only reason I’m standing here is because of you.”

  Viper nudges me, making me look up at him.

  “What’s he talking about?”

  “Stokey came to my shop when Luna was there. He shot the prospect outside and killed him. We thought he was there for Luna at first. She was the reason Carnage kicked him to the curb but he was actually there for me.”

  “Hold on, what do you mean he was there for you? I thought Chaos had cut you out completely?” Viper grits out. I nod in confirmation because they did, but not without their rules.

  “Apparently, I still had to abide by a code of conduct. I broke that by having Luna at my shop. In my defense, I was working with and became friends with her long before she ever got involved with Carnage. Parker—Lucky here—was on prospect duty when Stokey opened fire. He made us hide behind the counter before getting shot in the neck.”

  “Shit!” Zero sums it up nicely.

  “I’m not going to lie, I thought that was it. Game over, but then Megan was there with her fingers literally inside my neck until help arrived. This is the first time we’ve seen each other since then,” Lucky explains before turning to me.

  “I never got the chance to say this before, but I’m saying it now. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You saved my life. There is nothing I can do to repay you for that. Just know that if you need me, for anything, just ask.”

  I smile and nod my head. “Seeing you here and in one piece is all the thanks I need. I’m glad you're okay, Lucky.”

  I look over at my brother and see him frown. “Are you okay?” he questions.

  I nod and offer him a small smile.

  “How they treating you?” he asks as Zero’s hand slips down to grip my hip in a move that just screams of possession.

  “I know we haven't had nearly enough time for us to get to know each other and I’m really sorry about that. I can tell you this, I will never let a man treat me like shit, put me down in front of others, or hurt me. I had a lifetime of watching my mother get treated like she didn't matter. Well, she fucking mattered. She mattered to me and to honor that I swore to her I would never settle for anything less than I deserve and I deserve the best,” I tell him emphatically. Whatever happens between Zero, Viper, Grim, and I is frankly none of Diesel’s business. I can't go running to my brothers every time one of my men pisses me off without starting a turf war. Jesus, and people think they have family problems.

  He looks over at Grim, who is standing quietly behind me, just taking it all in. I forgot how awkward this was going to be for him.

  “I hope you know what you're doing, Megan. Not everyone can be trusted. We found that out the hard way.” I notice Grim wince, but only because of how close I am to him. Well done, brother, you just scored a direct hit. I shake free from Viper and Zero and turn towards Grim, offering him a small smile before reaching up and placing a soft kiss at the edge of his mouth. I turn back to Diesel, who doesn't look happy, and speak before he says anything else.

  “I grew up around bad and untrustworthy males so believe me, Diesel, when I tell you I can spot the difference between a bad man and a good man who did a bad thing. Unless your halo gleams brightly above you, you have zero room to judge. I know he lied to you all. He let you down, I get it, I really do. I’m not even saying you shouldn’t be angry or that you should forgive him but at least take the time to find out why he did what he did.”

  “There isn't a reason good enough to excuse ever betraying your brothers.” Anger coats his features as he says the word “brothers.”

  “As your sister,” I spit the word “sister” out, emulating him, “I’m sorry you feel that way but at least I know where I stand on your list of priorities. Thanks for bringing me my things. You can see yourselves out.”

  I turn and walk away, not surprised when Grim slings his arm over my shoulder a second later and tucks me into his side.

  I don’t get far before I feel a tug on my elbow, making Grim and me turn to find Diesel watching me, measuring his words, no doubt.

  “I just don't want to see you get hurt, Megan.”

  “All I know is hurt. For once, I just want to feel something other than pain, fear, and loneliness. They give me that and so much more.” I place my hands on either side of his face and tip his head down to mine.

  “I know you're trying to figure out how to be a good brother as well as a good VP for your club—”

  He cuts me off with a shake of his head. “Our club, Megan, you’re Carnage now too,” he tells me. I offer him a smile but it’s a sad one filled with what-ifs.

  “Carnage is in my heart, but Chaos is in my blood. You're a good man and I know you’ll be a great brother, but some battles I’m just going to have to fight myself.”

  “But why? If I can stop—”

  It’s my turn now to cut him off. “I have been through more than you know about. I might not be a skilled fighter like Luna but I know a thing or two about survival.”

  He sighs in defeat. I know it's hard for him. It seems my brothers are natural-born protectors. They are going to be a fantastic father and uncle combo. “Okay. Any message you want to give Orion and Luna?” he asks.

  “I’ll video call them tonight but I have a feeling if Luna doesn't see my face in person soon she’ll come stomping down here herself armed to the gills.” I roll my eyes as he laughs.

  “You are not kidding. She wanted to come today but Orion forbade it with her being pregnant. He knew she would sneak over the second he turned his back.”

  “She’s okay though, right? The baby?” I ask, hating that I’m missing out on all of this.

  “They are both fine, Megan. She had an appointment yesterday and everything looks good but I’ll let her tell you all about it when you call her later. Oh, and you better use your words. Your voice is far too pretty to hide it from them.”

  He takes a step back and looks up at Grim, doing nothing to hide his disdain. I don't intervene this time. Grim earned that when he betrayed them. As shitty as it is, it's a reminder that all actions have consequences.

  Diesel steps aside, making space for Lucky to give me a quick hug. When Lucky pulls back, I swear I see a look
of longing on his face but he quickly masks it. Hopefully, it went undetected by the others. Or maybe I just imagined it.

  “Take care, Megan. And remember what I said. If you need anything, call me,” Lucky orders ignoring everyone else as he steps over to join Diesel. I wave goodbye as they climb on their bikes and pull away. The two prospects manning the gate let them through before locking them out and me once again inside.

  We stand there quietly as they drive away, leaving a plume of dust, smoke, and recriminations in their wake that I’m not really in the mood to hear.

  I turn to face the guys and wait for them to reprimand me, well aware of the twitching apartment curtains and prying eyes.

  They stand there staring me down but I refuse to cower before them. I square my shoulders, hold my head up high, and wait for them to speak. If this is some kind of power play to get me to speak first, then they are going to be disappointed. I’ve made an art out of not speaking, they better show me what they’ve got.

  I see Zero’s lips twitch but he tries to hide it from me.

  “Are you always going to be a pain in my ass?” Viper asks, looking exasperated.

  “There is a high probability, yes.”

  “I figured as much.” He sighs before hauling me against him and kissing me in a way that's meant for the bedroom, not for a bunch of onlookers. Saying that, for a compound of bikers, I guess it’s not too shocking to see someone with a tongue shoved down their throat instead of a cock.

  He pulls away, leaving me feeling breathless and needy.

  “The things you do to me,” he mutters before I find myself being yanked away and lifted into Zero’s arms. I wrap my legs around his waist when he hoists me up, his warm hands on my ass making me groan. I ready myself for his kiss but he surprises the fuck out of me when he takes off running.

  I squeal and grip him tighter, tucking my head against his neck, wondering what the fuck is happening. I look over his shoulder and see Grim and Viper looking shocked for a second before chasing after us. I look around but can't see anything out of the ordinary. I feel Zero fumble with a door behind us before I’m hit with the blissful coolness of the air conditioning and then tossed onto a bed. I register the fact that I’m in our apartment and try to get up to see what's happening when Zero’s body crawls over mine and pins me down.


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