The Princess of Chaos

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The Princess of Chaos Page 18

by Candice M. Wright

  “And the gang didn’t retaliate when he killed two of their own?”

  “Oh, you misunderstood me. He didn't just kill the two guys who stole the car, he wiped out the entire gang. All two hundred and seventeen people.”

  He stares at me, trying to process the information I gave him so I figure I might as well give him the rest while I’m here.

  “As for Viddy, Viddy makes Wyatt look like a Care Bear.” His mouth snaps shut at that.

  “Grim was right to give you the name Raven. You really are a death omen. One wrong move and we will all be meeting our makers.”

  “You have no idea.” I wink at him.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I pull my hand back and shake out my knuckles as Boner’s head flops forward when he passes out yet a-fucking-gain, the pussy.

  I turn to look at Viper, wiping my hand on my jeans with a smirk as he picks up the pruning shears from the counter. I focus my attention on the back wall where Fender and Mac are hanging from meat hooks screwed into the fortified ceiling.

  Gagged and naked, they don’t make a sound even as they kick and swing.

  “Who’s first?”

  “Mmm… I call Mac. You can have Fender,” Viper answers, staring hard at Mac as he approaches him. Mac’s eyes widen in fear, renewing his struggles but his body is out of shape and he tires easily.

  “No point in fighting the inevitable, Mac. We both know you won’t be walking out of this room. I guess the question is how quickly will I kill you?” He grips Mac’s chin with his hand and squeezes hard.

  “You will tell me everything I want to know or I will dismantle your body piece by piece. Then I’ll bag all the little pieces and send them to your sister. Hell, she won’t even know it’s you unless she puts all the bits back together. Kind of like a human jigsaw puzzle. Hmm… maybe I should record this for her, like a teaser of what's to come.”

  I stand and watch Viper work as he reaches down and without hesitation snips off one of Mac’s toes. I follow the fallen digit with my eyes as it drops to the ground.

  Mac’s screams are muffled by the gag and sweat drips down his face but Viper just moves on to the next toe. When he finally removes the last one from Mac’s left foot, he looks at him.

  “Still not gonna talk huh?” Viper moves to the next foot before smacking his hand against his forehead. “Oops, I forgot to take the gag out. My bad.”

  Reaching up, he rips the gag free. “Now, what do you have to tell me?” His voice sounds every bit as lethal as he is.

  “Please—” Mac is cut off as the gag is shoved roughly back into his mouth.

  “Nothing? Well okay then.” He starts removing the toes on Mac’s other foot all while singing “this little piggy went to market.” I grin at the crazy motherfucker and grab the blowtorch from the counter, stalking over to Fender because I’m done letting Viper have all the fun.

  Fender starts fighting in earnest now as Viper looks back at me and grins sadistically when he spots the blowtorch in my hand.

  “Now, how did I know you would pick that out? I mean, I get the appeal, but the smell of burned flesh lingers for days afterward.”

  I shrug, not caring. “He was going to rape our old lady. That shit would have branded her soul. She has enough scars inside her to last a lifetime. I refuse to let this traitorous punk-ass leave his mark on the outside too. I figure I’ll just do to him what he wanted to do to her, but tenfold.”

  I pick up the six-inch piece of steel piping from the floor that Viper had used earlier to break Mac’s nose and begin heating the end of it.

  “He was going to fuck her, tear her up, and make her bleed. Let’s see how he likes it.” I drop the blowtorch and yank the gag from his mouth.

  “Feel free to scream as loud as you want. You know nobody other than Viper and I will hear you. Gotta love soundproofing. But then, if I’m being totally honest, I don't think one person inside or outside this clubhouse will miss you.”

  I walk behind him and press the heated pipe against his back and drag it lower so he knows exactly where I’m going to shove this pipe.

  “Stop, please,” he screams. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know.” I pause and look at Viper.

  Viper stands and removes Mac’s gag again. “Guess we won’t be needing you then, Mac.” He slaps his face hard.

  “Fender doesn’t know shit. He just wants to be put out of his misery.”

  “Fuck you, Mac,” Fender snarls.

  “Boner was double-crossing you. You were just too blind to see it. He didn’t want you as his second because he knew you’d eventually take his crown. You were just a means to an end,” Fender spits at Mac.

  They could be words spoken in desperation and anger but Mac believes him. I can tell by the look of defeat on his face when he realizes all this was for nothing. The man was destined to die either way.

  “My mother is on life support. She doesn’t have long left but I’m the one who pays her bills. Keep her safe and I’ll tell you everything.”

  “Done. But know this Mac, if I find out you are lying, I will do to her what I would have done to you. Then I will eradicate every single person from your bloodline.” Mac nods his head. He doesn't need to know that's not Viper’s style.

  “Sorry, Fender. Looks like your input isn't needed anymore.”

  “No, please, no,” he cries.

  “What a fucking pussy,” I spit with disgust, stepping back when he pisses himself.

  “Would you have stopped if Megan begged you to? No, I don’t fucking think so. However, it must be your lucky day because I want to get back to my girl. Spending any more time with a pathetic creature like you makes me want to toss myself out the fucking window so I’m gonna make it quick,” I say from behind him, drawing both my knife and my gun. I push the gun to his temple, making him whimper as I walk around him so I can look him dead in the eyes when I send him to hell.

  I click off the safety as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. That's when I shove my knife into his abdomen and draw it up through his stomach. His eyes shoot open with fear and pain, making me smile like the devil himself.

  “I said I’d make it quick. I didn't say I’d make it painless,” I tell him as the life drains from his eyes.

  “Now, speak!” Viper commands Mac. He does, telling us everything he knows including where he hid the ledger he had been secretly keeping.

  “That everything?” Viper asks, slapping Mac as he starts to lose consciousness once again.

  “Yeah, everything I know, at least. I know you’re going to kill me now. I just want to say something first.” He stops to cough, bloody spittle flying from his mouth. “I was wrong and I’m sorry. I thought you were too soft and you would lead this club into ruin. I underestimated you and I deserve to pay the price for it.”

  “You would have made a better VP than Fender. Your mistake was giving your loyalty to a man that didn't deserve it,” Viper informs him before pulling his gun and rapidly firing two bullets—one into Mac’s heart and one through his skull.

  Groaning draws our attention back to Boner, who has unfortunately been unconscious for all the good stuff.

  “Text Zero and let him know what Mac said. If that kid is there, she will be a target. Don’t let on to Boner what we know. I want to see what we can get out of him first,” Viper orders. I pull out my phone and do as he asks, knowing time is of the essence.

  “Boner, Boner, Boner,” Viper mocks, walking back toward him. “Nice of you to join us. You missed all the fun.

  He spins the chair Boner is strapped to so Boner can see what’s left of his so-called brothers. The rest of the color drains from his already pale face before he looks up at Viper with pure hate in his eyes.

  “Suck my dick,” Boner manages to choke out.

  “I’m gonna pass but that does give me an excellent idea.”

  I cringe at Viper’s words, knowing exactly what’s going to happen next. I can almost feel my bal
ls retreating inside me.

  “Grim, hold him still for me. I would hate to nick myself,” he orders, picking up a wicked-looking serrated hunting knife from the table.

  “Anything you want to say before you choke on your own dick?”

  Boner struggles in my arms but he can't move at all. “Yeah, take that knife and shove it up your ass. I’m not afraid of you,” he screams but his anger isn't enough to coat the fear oozing from him.

  “Now, you're just giving me ideas, Boner.” Viper laughs, leaning down and grabbing the base of Boner’s limp dick, carving straight through it as Boner’s high-pitched screams echo off the walls. He passes out once again but that doesn't stop Viper from squeezing his mouth open and shoving his dick inside it.

  I’m thankful I have a strong stomach. It might not be the first time I’ve seen Viper in action but this shit always makes me want to hurl.

  “You done? I doubt he’s gonna tell us anything else. He knows he’s going to die. He’d rather take what he knows to the grave with him. More out of spite than bravery is my guess.”

  Viper sighs, tossing the knife back on the table. “I know. I’m bored with this shit anyway. I want to get back to Megan and see if the spell the little witch has woven over me has worn off.”

  “Spell?” I snort, washing the blood from my hands in the sink in the corner.

  “How the fuck else did she manage to get me to agree to her bringing in a team of mercenaries? And not just any mercenaries but ones with direct links to Carnage?”

  “Magic pussy,” I agree, seeing his point.

  “The sad thing is, I trust Carnage with Megan more than my own club. She made a good call and it can only help solidify the truce between us. Having Megan as a go-between for both clubs can't hurt right now.”

  He’s quiet, thinking over my words as he washes blood from his own skin. “Let’s just hope it doesn't come back to bite us in the ass. Besides, as she pointed out the team might have links to Carnage but they don't work for them. I guess time will tell. At some point, one of us is going to have to take a leap of faith. I mean, isn't that what we’re expecting of Megan?” he asks.

  I nod. I guess he’s right but after what I did, I will never be welcome or trusted by Carnage.

  “Hungry?” Viper questions, heading up the stairs like he isn't walking away from three dead bodies that we just finished torturing.

  “Sure, I could eat.”

  Eight slices of pizza later Megan strolls into the diner with Zero behind her, his hands on her hips as he guides her towards our booth.

  “How’d it go?” I ask her when she sits down beside me and steals a slice for herself.

  “Pretty good. Most of the girls are planning on staying on in a waitress capacity once the bar opens. Two of them want to go back home so I offered them a severance package until they can get themselves back on their feet. I had a talk with Legs before I went and she’s interested in the manager position. I’ve told her to enroll herself in some part-time courses, which we’ll pay for, and the job’s hers, pending a probation period.”

  “What about the kid?” Viper asks from across from me as he signals to the waitress for another round of drinks.

  “Jenna? She’s staying at the apartment above my shop with Wyatt.”

  “Wyatt?” I ask. “Isn't that the guy who does your packing and shipping?” I frown, picturing a lean hipster type in skinny jeans and tie-dye helping out so he can get a staff discount on candles and girly shit.

  “I’ll put a couple of prospects on her,” Viper offers Megan, but Zero shakes his head.

  “That’s not necessary. Wyatt can take care of himself. If you want to have prospects keeping an eye on the store that's fine but I don't want a bunch of bikers following her around.”

  “Not your call to make, Megan,” Viper reprimands her gently.

  “Oh, I’m sorry I must not have received my copy of the what to do when your club crosses you and traffics girls handbook.”

  “Megan,” Viper growls angrily.

  She sighs in frustration. “Wyatt can handle it, trust me.”

  Viper and I look to Zero for his opinion.

  “I’m pretty sure Wyatt could bench press the three of us together with one hand tied behind his back while eating a cheeseburger,” he tells us straight-faced.

  “No shit?” I look at Megan who shakes her head.

  “Don’t be silly. Nobody eats cheeseburgers while working out,” she finishes, taking a large bite of her pizza.

  “I don’t know why I’m constantly surprised by the company you keep,” I say with a huff. Of course, the dude isn't a skinny hipster. This is Megan we’re talking about.

  “I should be offended by this but… well there may be some truth in that.”

  I laugh, shaking my head.

  “Bikers,” I tick off one finger.

  “Mercenaries,” Zero holds up a finger too.

  “Jax-fucking-I-own-a-chain-of-sex-clubs-Lewis,” Viper chimes in.

  “And now this Wyatt dude who is probably a fucking ninja or something,” I add.

  “Oh no, it’s better than that. Good old Wyatt is a vigilante,” Zero informs us, making Viper and me stare Megan down as she happily ignores us in favor of her pizza.

  “Of course, he is.” Viper sighs, wiping his fingers on a napkin before tossing it down on the table.

  “I spent the first eighteen years of my life being raised in a one-percenter motorcycle club and on the streets. I really don't know why you are so surprised.”

  “I have a feeling, Megan, you’ll never stop surprising us,” I tell her before leaning down to breathe her in.

  “I’m glad you feel that way,” she whispers before reaching her hand up to my chest and twisting one of my nipples hard.

  “Motherfucker!” I roar, making the few diners turn their heads to look.

  “What the fuck was that for?” I grimace, rubbing where she pinched me.

  Zero is laughing his ass off across the table and even Viper is grinning. Fucking assholes.

  “You told Zero about the toothbrush thing. Snitches get stitches so you're lucky I’m feeling generous today.” I laugh, I can't help it. I said the exact same words earlier while stabbing a guy to death.

  “I didn't tell him shit. Asshat over there likes to watch. I bet he stood on the other side of the door jacking himself off while we put on the mother of all shows for him.”

  “Toothbrush?” Viper questions.

  Her eyes blaze for a second before she slowly turns to face a smug, unrepentant Zero, who is happily sipping his beer.

  “You let me blame Grim for that? I could have really hurt him,” she shouts indignantly, making me smile. It was a nipple twist, not a bullet wound.

  Zero shrugs, not bothered in the slightest, until she launches her slice of pizza at him. It smacks him right in the forehead before it slides down and lands on his white T-shirt. We all stare frozen in stunned shock for a second before Viper and I lose it.

  Zero gapes at Megan with his mouth open like a fish.

  She pouts. “And now you made me waste my pizza. You are off my sex list.”

  “Sex list?” I choke out.

  “Toothbrush?” Viper questions again.

  “You know what? You can all just—” Her words cut off as something catches her eye outside.

  “Oh my god!” she gasps, making us all turn to see what has garnered her attention.

  Looking out the large window, I see Wanda yelling at a young boy who I’m assuming is Conner. I don’t know though, as I’ve never met the kid.

  “What? What is it?” I ask her again. Her face is so pale, I’m worried she might pass out.

  “Wanda won’t say dick to you if that’s what you're worried about,” Viper tells her with a frown on his face. I mean, I get it, this is the first time she has seen the woman since she’s been back but her reaction is a touch extreme.

  She stands up and bolts out of the booth. Shit. Definitely extreme.

p; We all jump up and head after her as she tears out of the diner, heading straight for Wanda.

  “You fucking bitch!” Megan yells when she reaches her before punching Wanda full force in the face.

  “Oh shit.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  She drops to the ground, leaving me enough space to take a protective stance in front of the boy.

  “You!” she screeches, climbing unsteadily to her feet with blood running from her nose onto her chest.

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you where you stand?” I scream at her, using every ounce of restraint to hold myself back from wrapping my hands around her throat and choking the life out of her.

  “Megan!” Viper steps in front of me and grabs my shoulders, giving me a little shake. “Snap the fuck out of it and tell me what the hell is going on? You can’t just come out here and attack her in front of her son.”

  He’s mad, I can tell, but he has nothing on the rage coursing through my veins. “He’s not her son,” I spit out through gritted teeth.

  “What? Megan, that’s Conner, Wanda and John’s six-year-old kid. He’s been away at school but I can assure you he’s her son.”

  He tries to pull me away but I back up and luckily the kid goes with me, his little hands gripping the fabric of my jeans.

  “Megan.” Zero lifts his hands in a calming gesture but I turn my back on him and drop to my knees and face the little boy who captured my attention through the window.

  “You have pretty hair,” he tells me, ensuring he also captures my heart.

  “Thank you. I like yours too,” I say with a smile, fighting back my tears.

  “We match,” he points out, touching a strand of mine and a strand of his. His big blue eyes blink up at me.

  “That we do, baby,” I say softly, not knowing how I manage to force the words out around the lump in my throat.

  A hand on my shoulder has me swinging my fist out at Grim but he catches my hand and holds it tightly. Old habits die hard, I guess, when I’m feeling cornered.


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