Prince's Poison (The Aermian Feuds Book 7)

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Prince's Poison (The Aermian Feuds Book 7) Page 11

by Frost Kay

  “That’s what I thought. I know your aunt has her own things going, but she wouldn’t have left a trace in the first place. No one ever knows Lilja has stolen from them.”

  Mer snorted. “That’s a fair assessment.” Her aunt was like a wraith in the wind. “Speaking of Lilja, have you discovered what she’s been up to?”

  Sin smirked. “They’re trained well, but I’ve been able to discover a few spies. They’ve been digging deeper into the missing girls you brought to her attention.”

  That was news to Mer. Her aunt hadn’t said a damn thing. Her jaw clenched and she kicked at the water. Mer had been searching for Ream’s daughter for the last few months, only to discover she wasn’t the only girl to have gone missing. Mer had discovered twenty missing Sirenidae girls.

  “What has she found?” she asked.

  “There’s no sign of them anywhere—not even in Scythia.”

  “Scythia is a mess right now. They could be hidden.”

  Sin nodded. “True, but you know how thorough Lilja is. It’s as if the girls have just vanished. What worries me is that I’ve heard rumors that it’s not only Sirenidae girls that have disappeared but also young women from Scythia and Aermia. You need to be careful, Mer.”

  “What?” She frowned at her brother-in-law.

  He crossed his long arms. “You’re in the age bracket of the missing girls. Whoever has taken the girls leaves no trace of his activities. You’re poking into his operation. Tread carefully.”

  “I’ll be fine,” she replied. No one was coming for her, and if they did… Well, she wasn’t sure that she cared all that much. “Keep your eyes and ears open. I’ll see you soon.”

  Mer pushed away from the rock and prowled toward the tree line.

  “You’ll always be my queen,” Sin called. “No matter what happens.”

  Mer glanced over her shoulder and gave him a dark smile. “I’m no queen. I’m the traitor of the tides.”

  Chapter 18


  Mira never considered herself a coward before, but today she had studiously avoided Gavriel any time he looked in her direction. Inconveniently, he seemed to appear everywhere she was. Dinner was the worst, though. He sat across the table from Raz and herself, casting glares between the two of them. It was painfully awkward, and at one point, she was tempted to slither underneath the table and escape.

  The Methian prince had taken delight in this and made sure to cause mischief by sitting too close, giving her sexy grins, and whispering in her ear. Even when she pinched Raziel’s thigh to get him to stop, he only increased his antics.

  Men. They were the bane of her existence.

  The only time Mira had truly enjoyed herself was when Isa had crawled onto her lap to snuggle and sneak treats from her plate.

  Mira smiled to herself as she ambled down the hallways leading to the infirmary. Soon, Isa would be her daughter. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of being a mum, followed by elation. She’d have a family of her own. It was a miracle.

  Speaking of miracles… She still hadn’t spoken to Gav about Isa’s heritage. They needed to have that conversation. At least, she’d written to both Lilja and Mer so that she could gather some much-needed information and help.

  She frowned and ran her right hand along the smooth chair rail along the wall. Mer had been suspiciously absent in the last week. She should have visited with a shipment of the herbs. Mira made a mental note to visit the docks in the next few days. Something wasn’t right; she could feel it in her bones.

  Mira rolled her neck and turned the corner, the red door of the infirmary coming into view. Her head seemed heavy, and her temples throbbed. Today had been a longer day than she anticipated. With all the ups and downs, she was completely drained. Despite that, Mira knew she had to go speak with Gav. She could only imagine what he thought of her, but first, she would change out of her court clothes. Mira plucked at the green silk of her fine dress. She didn’t feel at home in them. Her simple red muslin dresses and beige aprons made her feel more like herself, more capable.

  She pushed the door open and sighed when no patients greeted her. It was a good day when no one entered the infirmary. Mira moved through the darkened room toward her father’s apothecary. The old man was probably asleep with his glasses still on.

  “Really?” a deep voice barked.

  Mira shrieked and spun toward the fire, her hand on her heart. Coals smoldered in the hearth, just giving enough light that she could make out Gavriel’s form in the rocking chair.

  “Bloody hell, Gav! You scared a year off my life!” She scowled and stormed up to him, placing her hands on her hips. “What are you doing sitting here in the dark?”

  “You were avoiding me, so it seemed like the right move,” he reasoned, setting a glass of amber spirits on the small side table between his chair and the fireplace.

  So, he was here to have it out with her. “I was planning on coming to you.”

  “Were you?” he mused, his attention on the coals. “From my point of view, it looked like you were going to bed.”

  She sighed and rubbed her temple. They needed to have this conversation. While they weren’t technically betrothed yet, they still had an understanding and she felt horrid for having kissed another man.

  “Just give me a moment to make some tea and then we’ll talk,” she said, spinning on her heel.

  Mira paused when he caught her left hand and laced their fingers together. A shiver worked through her, and she slowly faced him, her heart pounding. Gavriel studied their hands, reached for his tumbler with his free hand, and held it out between them.

  “I find that something stronger always helps when speaking about something difficult. I poured enough for the both of us.”

  A peace offering, perhaps?

  She hesitated for a moment and then took the spirits. A little liquid courage couldn’t hurt anything. Mira took a long sip, relishing the burn that went down her throat and warmed her belly.

  Gav quirked a brow as she handed it back to him. “Not even a cough? That stuff is strong.”

  Mira grinned. “My father enjoys brewing spirits. Who do you think he tests his concoctions on? Plus, I use it to ease pain for surgeries and treatments often. I’m used to the smell and the burn.”

  “I did not know that about you,” he answered softly.

  She stared down at him as he set aside the whiskey. It was now or never. “About today,” she trailed off, noting how his fingers tightened slightly against hers.

  “We don’t really need to talk in depth about it.” His jaw clenched and his whole body was tense. The man was clearly upset.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I think we need to clear a few things up. Nothing is going on between Raziel and I,” she said.

  Gav made a low sound of disbelief in the back of his throat. “I wouldn’t say that’s true after what I witnessed this morning.”

  “He surprised me, and we had some…unresolved issues to work through, which is why I told you I would not accept your betrothal outright.”

  His gaze snapped to hers. “Do you care for him?”

  Mira nodded but rushed to continue as he looked away. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Do you love him?” His voice was wintery.

  “I love him as a friend,” Mira stressed, squeezing his fingers once. “It’s nothing more than that, I swear.”

  Gavriel looked up at her and studied her expression, like he was searching for the truth. “I believe you, but you still allowed him to touch you.” His face darkened. “You claim that I’m your friend and that the Methian prince is your friend, yet he’s allowed to hold, touch, and caress you? I’m not allowed to touch you at all even when you’re my wife.”

  Mira winced. So, this is the where the conversation was going.

  “I’m sorry for embarrassing you,” she rushed to say. “That wasn’t my intent when I mentioned it in front of your cousins.”

  “What I don’t understand…is
why? Why him?” Gavriel swallowed hard. “Why not me?”

  Her stomach bottomed out. “It isn’t a competition between Raziel and yourself.”

  Gav scowled. “From the way your body bowed into his, I’d say he was winning.”

  This was going nowhere.

  She inhaled deeply and prepared to bare part of her soul. “I cherish our friendship. We’ve been in each other’s lives for so long.” Mira paused to gather her thoughts. “Do you want to know an embarrassing secret? I liked you when we were children.” Gavriel blinked at her slowly. She gritted her teeth and continued. “I cared for you more than a friend.”

  His scowl faded as surprise widened his eyes. “You what?”

  “It was the crush of a young girl, and you only had eyes for Emma,” she said with a gentle smile. “Which is okay. My young, little heart healed as I watched the two of you court. You both fit together so perfectly. Despite your harsh words, I know you still love Emma.” His gaze dropped to his knees, and she squeezed his fingers once more. “And that’s okay. I accept that part of you. Physical affection breeds messy feelings, and Gavriel, I have to tell you that I don’t think I could bear it if I allowed myself to fall in love with you a second time, only to be broken again.”

  “I didn’t know,” he whispered.

  Mira reached for the nearest cot with her right hand and pulled it close to his side and sat. She rested her hand on top of their laced fingers. “Don’t feel guilty for your happiness with Emma. I just wanted you to know that I cherish our friendship more than anything. I believe we can have a happy marriage.”

  Gavriel lifted his head, his black hair hanging in his violet eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to share my bed because of this?” He gestured toward his injured leg.

  Bloody pigheaded man.

  Mira narrowed her eyes and untangled her fingers from his. “Do you really think that I’m shallow enough to judge your worth by something physical?”

  “Everyone looks at me differently, Mira. I’m not what I used to be,” he answered gruffly. “I’m not whole.”

  Her anger ratcheted up a notch and she threw her hands in the air. “Poppycock! Just because you’ve lost a little mobility, doesn’t mean that your worth is less. You are an amazing father. You work tirelessly for our kingdom, and you are a good friend when you’re not being grumpy.” She clasped her hands together. “Any woman would gladly have you if you looked her way. You’re too handsome for your own good!” She snapped her mouth shut and blushed at her outspokenness.

  Gavriel reached out and brushed a thumb across her clenched knuckles. “That was quite the speech.”

  “You make me angry.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Mira eyed him and the slight smile lurking at the corner of his mouth. “I don’t think you are,” she accused.

  “Thank you for easing my mind,” he murmured. “But there’s one last thing.”

  “What?” she snapped, feeling prickly and exposed.

  “You will not share anyone else’s bed.” A command.

  She frowned. “I wasn’t planning on it. I take marriage vows seriously.”

  “As do I,” Gav added. “I will not look outside our marriage for affection. I will have no other woman, and you will have no other man.”

  Butterflies took flight in her stomach at his words. Her skin prickled at the way his gaze ran over her. Gavriel wasn’t looking at her like a friend, but a lover.

  “Stop that,” she whispered.

  “Stop what?” he asked, cocking his head.

  “You know exactly what you’re doing.”

  He stood, and she gasped as he knelt on the ground in front of her. Her heart galloped in her chest as he took both of her hands in his own. Even the air felt too thin.

  “Mira Lemonde, you have been one of my dearest friends for years. You’ve nursed me back to life twice now—once after Emma died and once after the war. You’re not the only one who cherishes our friendship. Despite everything, you’ve never left my side when I needed you the most. Mira, you’ve always been a part of my life, and I would be honored if you’d let me spend the rest of it by your side. Please marry me and become my family in name as well as spirit.”

  Heat pressed to the back of her eyes, and she sniffled. “I would love to be part of your family,” she choked out.

  Gavriel smiled and it took her breath away.

  He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a dainty silver cuff. She watched speechlessly as he clasped the betrothal jewelry around her left wrist. Mira ran a finger over the carved flora on the bracelet, noting her favorite flowers and herbs.

  “How did you know?” she murmured thickly.

  “You’re not the only one who notices things.”

  Mira smiled and wiped at her eyes. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You like it?”

  Her gaze flew to his. “I love it. I’ve never seen anything so perfect.”

  Gavriel used the cot to climb to his feet and held a hand out. She took it and stood, the distance between their bodies disappearing. Mira tried to move back, but the cot was in the way.

  Gav slid his arm around her waist and held her against his chest.

  “All that’s left is to seal the betrothal with a kiss.”

  Gavriel’s large hand cupped her jaw a moment before his lips descended on hers. Mira blinked as he kissed her, his lips much gentler than the last time he’d feverishly touched her. Her pulse pounded in her ears, and she found herself leaning into the kiss.

  He made a noise in the back of his throat that wasn’t quite a growl but something close. A shiver ran down Mira’s spine as her hands crept up his chest and wrapped around his neck. Gav’s body went taut before he shifted, whirling her around until she was leaning against the wall next to the fireplace.

  A thrill went through her when he brushed his nose against hers and he clasped her cheeks with his hands, angling her head up for another kiss.

  “Another one to make sure our betrothal is good and sealed?” he murmured and then kissed her again, not giving her a chance to speak.

  His tongue glided along the bottom of her lip, and she jolted, her mouth parting. Her eyes closed, and one of his hands skimmed along her side and settled on her hip. Gav squeezed her gently and nipped at her bottom lip. Her senses reeled and she found herself clutching his shoulders and driving her fingers into his black hair. His mouth crushed into hers, his tongue stroking hers.

  Mira gasped as Gavriel tore his mouth from her, his eyes ablaze. Her eyes closed as he began planting kisses along her jaw and down her neck.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed against her skin. “Perfection.”

  Her eyes snapped open, and she stared over his shoulder into the darkness.

  Perfection. He used to say that to Emma.

  A sob lodged in her throat, and she swallowed it down. This was what she was trying to protect herself from.

  Mira released Gavriel, and he paused, lifting his head. His heated gaze met hers and his brows furrowed.

  “What’s wrong?” he rasped.

  “Nothing,” she said with a slight smile, feeling as if she was about to lose it. “I think it’s time I went to bed.”

  Gav blinked slowly. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Not at all, but it’s been a long day.”

  He nodded but didn’t move away. “When should we make the announcement?”

  Mira swallowed and looked away. She could do this. Get through the conversation and then she could crawl into her bed and have a good cry. “I don’t need any fanfare. I’d like to marry this week.”

  He frowned. “This week? That won’t give us any time to read the banns nor to plan a small ceremony.”

  “I only need my best dress and some wildflowers,” she managed. “The sooner we marry, the sooner Isa will settle into her new routine.”

  Gav nodded slowly, his attention glued to her face. “If that’s what you want.”

  She popped onto he
r toes and kissed his cheek, before scooting out of his grip. He caught her hand, forcing Mira to glance back at him over her shoulder.

  “Goodnight, Mira. You and I forever, right?” he asked, their old childhood motto ringing in her ears.

  “You and I,” Mira answered before letting go.

  It was a lie, though.

  The ghost of their best friend stood between them.

  Chapter 19


  He lounged in a chair near the fireplace in Tehl’s office, his gaze glued to Mira and Isa who sat on the floor quietly reading a book together. It was almost picturesque and soothed some of the aching parts of his soul. Gav cracked a smile as Isa’s eyes began to droop. Any minute, she’d be fast asleep.

  “Soon that will be us,” Tehl murmured softly.

  Gavriel glanced at Sage and Tehl, who cuddled on a small couch across from him, their attention focused on Mira and Isa as well. Sage’s hand ran over her belly, and she grinned up at the crown prince.

  “Are you ready for a girl, my lord?” she whispered, pushing her dark sable hair from her face.

  Tehl grinned. “I heard that certain forms of procreation lead to male children. You and I both know it’s a boy.”

  Mira snorted, causing all three of them to look in her direction. The healer smirked and shook her head, all the while combing Isa’s red hair from her face. She was gone to the world. Her little lips were wide open, a small snore buzzing in her nose.

  “I can tell you there is nothing that supports that theory whatsoever.”

  “I told you.” Sage gave Tehl a triumphant look.

  “So much for wishful thinking,” Tehl sighed. Sage pinched the crown prince’s side, and he rolled his eyes. “You know I don’t care what the gender of our child is. I just like to needle you.”

  “You’re turning into Sam,” Sage muttered.

  Gav chuckled at the disconcerted look that crossed his cousin’s face.


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