The Radiolaria are one-celled animals whose protoplasm is contained in siliceous shells of extraordinary beauty. These minute shells, sinking to the bottom, accumulate there to form one of the characteristic oozes or sediments of the sea floor. The Foraminifera are another unicellular group. Most have calcareous shells, though some build their protective structures with sand grains or sponge spicules. The shells, eventually drifting to the floor of the ocean, cover vast areas with calcareous sediments that, through geologic change, may become compacted into limestone or chalk, and raised to form such features of the present landscape as the chalk cliffs of England. Most Foraminifera are so minute that one gram of sand might contain up to 50,000 shells. On the other hand, a fossil species, Nummulites, was sometimes 6 or 7 inches across and formed limestone beds in Northern Africa, Europe, and Asia. This limestone was used in the building of the Sphinx and the great pyramids. Fossil Foraminifera are much used by geologists in the oil industry in correlating rock strata.
Diatoms (Greek, diatomos—cut in two) are minute plants usually classified among the yellow-green algae because they contain granules of yellow pigment. They exist as single cells or in chains of cells. The living tissue of a diatom is encased within a shell of silica, of which one half fits over the other, as a lid over a box. Fine etchings on the surface of the shell create beautiful patterns and are characteristic for the various species. Most diatoms live in the open sea, and because they exist in inconceivable abundance are the most important single food stuff in the ocean, being eaten not only by many small animals of the plankton, but by many larger creatures, as mussels and oysters. The hard shells sink to the bottom after the death of the tissues, and accumulate there to form diatom oozes that cover vast areas of ocean floor.
The blue-green algae, or Cyanophyceae, are among the simplest and oldest forms of life and are the most ancient plants that still exist. They are widely distributed and occur even in hot springs and other places where conditions are so difficult that no other plant life can exist. They often multiply in phenomenal numbers, giving the surface of ponds and other still waters a colored film known as water bloom. Most are encased in gelatinous sheaths that protect them from extreme heat or cold. They are well represented in the "black zone" above high-tide line on rocky shores.
Thallophyta: Higher Algae
THE GREEN ALGAE, or Chlorophyceae, are able to endure strong light and thrive high in the intertidal zone. They include such familiar forms as the leafy sea lettuce and a stringy, tube-like alga of high rocks and tide pools called Enteromorpha ("intestine-shaped"). In the tropics some of the most common green algae are the brush-shaped Penicillus that forms minute groves over the coral reef flats, and the beautiful little cup alga, Acetabularia, like tiny, inverted mushrooms of purest green. Some of the green algae of the tropics are important in the economy of the sea as concentrators of calcium. Although the group is most typical of warm, tropical seas, the green algae are found on the shore wherever there is strong sunlight, and others of the group live in fresh water.
The brown algae, or Phaeophyceae, possess various pigments that conceal their chlorophyll, so their prevailing colors are brown, yellowish, or olive-green. They are largely absent from warmer latitudes except in deep water, being unable to endure heat and strong sun. An exception is the Sargassum weed of tropical shores, which drifts northward in the Gulf Stream. On northern coasts the brown rockweeds live between tide lines, and the kelps or oarweeds from the low-tide line down to depths of 40 to 50 feet. Although all of the algae select and concentrate in their tissues many different chemicals present in sea water, the brown seaweeds and especially the kelps are extraordinary in the quantity of iodine stored. Formerly they were utilized widely in the industrial production of iodine. The same seaweeds now are important in the production of the carbohydrate algin for use in fire-resistant textiles, jellies, ice cream, cosmetics, and various industrial processes. The presence of alginic acid gives these seaweeds their great resilience in heavy surf.
The red algae, or Rhodophyceae, most sensitive light of all the seaweeds, send only a few hardy species (including Irish moss and dulse) into the intertidal zone; most are delicate and graceful seaweeds living for the most part below low water. Some live deeper than any other seaweeds, going down into the dim regions 200 fathoms or more below the surface. Some (the corallines) form hard crusts on rocks or shells. Containing magnesium carbonate as well as calcium carbonate, these algae seem to have played an important geochemical role in earth history, perhaps having aided the formation of the magnesium-rich marble dolomite.
Porifera: Sponges
THE SPONGES (Porifera, or pore-bearers) are among the simplest of animals, being little more than an aggregation of cells. Yet they have gone a step beyond the Protozoa, for there are inner and outer layers of cells, with some hint of specialization of function—some for drawing in water, some for taking in food, some for reproduction. All these cells cohere and work together to carry out the single purpose of the sponge—to pass the waters of the sea through the sieves of its own being. A sponge is an elaborate system of canals contained in a matrix of fibrous or mineral substance, the whole pierced by numerous small entrance pores and larger exit holes. The inmost or central cavities are lined with flagellated cells that remind one of protozoan flagellates. The lashing of the whiplike flagella creates currents to draw in water. In passage through the sponge, the water gives up food, minerals, and oxygen, and carries away waste products.
To a certain extent, each of the smaller groups within the sponge phylum has a physical appearance and habit of life that is characteristic, yet the sponges are probably more plastic in relation to their environment than any other animals. In surf they take the form of a flattened crust, almost without regard to species; in deep, quiet water they may assume an upright tubular form, or branch in a way suggestive of shrubbery. Their shape, therefore, is little or no aid in identification, and the classification of sponges is based chiefly on the nature of their skeleton, which is a loose network of minute hard structures called spicules. In some the spicules are calcareous. In others they are siliceous, although sea water contains only a trace of silica and the sponge must have to filter prodigious quantities to obtain enough for its spicules. The function of extracting silica from sea water is confined to primitive forms of life, and among animals does not occur above the sponges. Commercial sponges fall into a third group, having a skeleton of horny fibers. They are confined to tropical waters.
From such a beginning toward specialization, nature seems to have gone back and made a fresh start with, other materials. All evidence points toward a separate origin for the coelenterates and all other more complex animals, leaving the sponges in an evolutionary blind alley.
Coelenterata: Anemones, Corals, Jellyfish, Hydroids
THE COELENTERATES, despite their simplicity, foreshadow the basic plan on which, with elaborations, all the more highly developed animals are formed. They possess two distinct layers of cells, the outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm, sometimes with an undifferentiated middle layer that is not cellular but is the forerunner of the third cell layer, the mesoderm, of the higher groups. Each coelenterate is basically a hollow double-walled tube, closed at one end and open at the other. Variations of this plan have resulted in such diverse forms as the sea anemones, corals, jellyfish, and hydroids.
All coelenterates possess stinging cells called nematocysts, each of which is a coiled, pointed thread contained in a sac of turgid fluid, ready to be expelled to impale or entangle passing prey. Stinging cells are not developed in higher animals; although they have been reported in flatworms and sea slugs, they have been secondarily acquired by eating coelenterates.
The Hydrozoa display most clearly another peculiarity of this group, known as alternation of generations. An attached, plantlike generation produces a medusoid generation, shaped like small jellyfish. These, in turn, produce another plantlike generation. In the hydroids the more conspicuous generation is a
n attached, branching colony bearing tentacled individuals, or hydranths, on its "stems." Most of these are shaped like small sea anemones and capture food. Other individuals bud off the new generation—tiny medusae that (in many forms) swim away, mature, and shed eggs or sperm cells into the sea. An egg produced by such a medusa, when fertilized, develops into another plantlike stage.
In another group, the Scyphozoa, or true jellyfish, the plantlike generation is the inconspicuous one, and the medusae are highly developed. The jellyfish range from very small creatures to the immense arctic jelly, Cyanea, which reaches an extreme diameter of 8 feet (1 to 3 feet is more common) with tentacles up to 75 feet long.
In the Anthozoa (flower animals) the medusoid generation has been completely lost. This group includes the anemones, corals, sea fans, and sea whips. The anemone represents the basic plan; all the rest of this group are colonial forms in which the individual, anemone-like polyps are embedded in some sort of matrix, which may be stony, as in the reef-building corals, or, in the sea fans and sea whips, may consist of a horny substance of protein nature, similar to the keratin of vertebrate hair, nails, and scales.
Ctenophora: Comb Jellies
THE ENGLISH WRITER Barbellion once said that a comb jelly in sunlight is the most beautiful thing in the world. Its tissues are almost crystal clear, and as this little ovoid creature twirls in the water it flashes iridescent lights. The ctenophores, or comb jellies, are sometimes mistaken for jellyfish because of their transparency, but there are various structural differences, with the "comb-plates" being characteristic of the phylum. These occur in eight rows on the outer surface. Each plate has a hinged attachment and bears hairlike cilia along its free edge; as the plates flash in succession to propel the animal through the water, the cilia break up the rays of sunlight and produce the characteristic flashing.
Like some of the jellyfish, most ctenophores possess long tentacles. These are equipped not with stinging cells, but with sticky pads that capture prey by entanglement. Ctenophores eat enormous numbers of fish fry and other small animals. They live chiefly in the surface waters.
The ctenophores comprise a small phylum, with less than 100 species. Members of one of their groups have flattened bodies and do not swim, but creep on the ocean floor. Some specialists believe these creeping ctenophores have given rise to the flatworms.
Platyhelminthes: Flatworms
THE FLATWORMS include many parasitic as well as many free-living forms. Leafy thin, the free-living flatworms flow like a living film over rocks or sometimes swim by flapping undulations in a way reminiscent of skates. They have made significant advances in an evolutionary sense. They are the first to possess three primary layers of cells, a characteristic of all higher animals. They also have a bilateral type of symmetry (one side being a mirror image of the other), with a head end that always goes first. They have the simple beginnings of a nervous system and eyes that may be only simple pigment spots or, in some species, well-developed organs with lenses. There is no circulatory system, and perhaps it is because of this that all flatworms have such thin bodies, in which all parts are in easy communication with the exterior, and oxygen and carbon dioxide are easily passed through surface membranes to underlying tissues.
Flatworms are found among seaweeds, on rocks, in tide pools, and lurking in dead mollusk shells. They are usually carnivorous, devouring worms, crustaceans, and mollusks of minute size.
Nemertea: Ribbon Worms
THE RIBBON WORMS have extraordinarily elastic bodies, sometimes round, sometimes flat. One of them, the bootlace worm (Lineus longissimus) of British waters, may attain a length of 90 feet and is the longest of all the invertebrates. The American Cerebratulus of shallow coastal waters often is 20 feet long and about an inch wide. Most, however, are only a few inches long and many are considerably less than an inch. They habitually contract into coils or knots when disturbed.
All ribbon worms are highly muscular but lack the co-ordination of nerve and muscle that higher worms have. There is a brain consisting of simple nerve ganglia. Some have primitive hearing organs, and the characteristic slits along the sides of the head (suggestive of a mouth) seem to contain important organs of sensation. Although there are a few hermaphroditic species, in most ribbon worms the sexes are separate. There is, however, a strong tendency toward asexual reproduction, and associated with this is a habit of breaking up into many pieces when handled. The fragments then regenerate complete worms. Professor Wesley Coe of Yale University found that a certain species of ribbon worm could be cut repeatedly until eventually miniature worms less than one one-hundred thousandth the volume of the original were obtained. An adult can live a year without food, according to Professor Coe, compensating for lack of nourishment by diminishing in size.
The ribbon worms are unique in the possession of an extensible weapon called a proboscis, enclosed in a sheath and capable of being suddenly everted, hurled out, and coiled around the prey, which is then drawn back toward the mouth. In many species the proboscis is armed with a sharp lance, or stylet, which if lost is quickly replaced by another held in reserve. All ribbon worms are carnivorous, and many prey on the bristle worms.
Annelida: Bristle Worms
THE ANNELID (ringed, or segmented) worms include several classes, one of which, the Polychaeta (many bristles) includes most marine annelids. Many of the polychaetes, or bristle worms, are active swimmers that make their living as predators; others are more or less sedentary, building tubes of various sorts in which they live, either feeding on detritus in sand or mud or on plankton which they strain from the water. Some of these worms are among the most beautiful creatures of the sea, their bodies shining with iridescent splendor, or adorned with feathery crowns of tentacles in soft and beautiful colors.
In their structure they represent a great advance over lower forms. Most of them possess a circulatory system (although the blood worm, Glycera, much used as bait, has no blood vessels but a blood-filled cavity between the skin and the alimentary canal) and so are able to dispense with the thinness of body of the flatworms, for the blood flowing through vessels transports food and oxygen to all parts of the body. The blood is red in some, green in others. The body consists of a series of segments, several of the anterior ones being fused to form the head. Each segment bears a pair of unbranched, unsegmented paddle-like appendages for crawling or swimming.
Bristle worms include many diverse forms. The familiar nereids, or clam worms, often used for bait, spend most of their lives in crude burrows among stones on the sea bottom but emerge to hunt or, in swarms, to spawn. The sluggish scale worms live under rocks, in muddy burrows, or among the holdfasts of seaweeds. The serpulid worms build variously shaped limy tubes from which only their heads emerge; other worms, like the beautifully plumed Amphitrite, form mucous tubes under rocks or crusts of coralline algae or on muddy bottoms, and a worm of colonial habit, Sabellaria, uses coarse sand grains to build elaborate structures that may be several feet across. Though honeycombed with the burrows of the worms, these massive dwelling places are strong enough to bear the weight of a man.
Arthropoda: Lobsters, Barnacles, Amphipods
THE ARTHROPOD (jointed foot) phylum is an enormous group, comprising five times as many species as are included in all the rest of the animal phyla combined. The arthropods include the crustacea (e.g., crabs, shrimps, lobsters), the insects, the myriopods (centipedes and millipedes), the arachnids (spiders, mites, and king crabs) and the tropical, wormlike Ony-chophora. All marine arthropods belong to the class Copepod Crustacea except for a scant handful of insects, a few mites and sea spiders, and the king crabs.
Whereas the paired appendages of the annelids are simple flaps, those of the arthropods possess multiple joints and are specialized to perform such varied functions as swimming, walking, handling food, and gaining sensory impressions of the environment. Whereas the annelids interpose only a simple cuticle between their internal organs and the environment, the arthropods protect themselv
es by a rigid skeleton of chitin impregnated with lime salts. This, in addition to being protective, has the advantage of giving a firm support for the insertion of muscles. On the other hand there is the disadvantage that, as the animal grows, the rigid outer covering must be shed from time to time.
The crustaceans include such familiar animals as crabs, lobsters, shrimps, and barnacles, as well as less-known creatures like the ostracods, isopods, amphipods, and copepods, all of which are important or interesting for one reason or another.
The ostracods are unusual arthropods in that they are not segmented but are enclosed in a two-part carapace, or shell, flattened from side to side, and opened and closed by muscles like a mollusk's shell. The antennae act as oars and are extended through the opened carapace to row the little animal through the water. Ostracods often live in seaweeds or in sand on the ocean floor, usually being quiet by day and coming out to feed at night. Many marine ostracods are luminous and as they swim about emit little puffs of bluish light. They are one of the chief sources of phosphorescence at sea. Even when dead and dried they retain the phosphorescent quality to an astonishing degree. Professor E. Newton Harvey of Princeton University says in his authoritative volume Bioluminescence that during the Second World War Japanese army officers used dried ostracod powder in advanced positions where use of flashlights was prohibited—by adding a few drops of water to a little powder in the palm of the hand, they could obtain enough light to read dispatches.
The Edge of the Sea Page 23