Christmas Protection Detail

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Christmas Protection Detail Page 12

by Terri Reed

  Alex’s SUV skidded to a halt, sliding slightly in the slick snow. He jumped out. “Kaitlyn!”

  She stood, her legs rubbery, but she remained upright. “Here. We have a man down.”

  Alex rushed forward. “We received numerous calls of shots fired. An ambulance is on the way. What happened?”

  “We were ambushed,” she said. “Three men. Dark blue utility vehicle. They wanted the flash drive.”

  Nick, still crouched beside Porter, said to the downed agent, “Tell us now. What is this all about?”

  Porter trained his gaze on the sheriff. “Holtsen Pharmaceuticals has been selling tainted drugs and suppressing adverse side effects that have left many dead or comatose.”

  “How was Lexi involved?” Nick asked.

  Porter flicked his gaze to Nick. “She had been living with the CEO, Harrison Reece. She gathered intel that proved Harrison and the company knowingly kept the drugs on the market despite the internal reports from their scientist saying the drugs were contaminated.”

  “And they killed her for it,” Nick said. “We have to make this man pay.”

  “I’ve been in contact with the special agent in charge at the DC office,” Alex said. “He told me the same thing, which is why I told Agent Porter you had the flash drive.”

  “You need to get the evidence to DC,” Porter insisted. “It’s the only way to stop Harrison Reece and Holtsen Pharmaceuticals before anyone else dies.”

  “I’ll take it,” Nick said. “I won’t let Lexi’s death be in vain.”

  Incredulous, Kaitlyn stared. “How do you intend to transport the flash drive without your armored Humvee? Those men aren’t going to stop.”

  Nick’s dark eyes flashed with determination. “I’ll fly it there.”

  “Again, driving from here to Denver to catch a flight—”

  He held up a hand, cutting her off. “Not Denver. We keep a hangar on the mountain.”

  There was an airstrip at the top of Eagle Peak near the Eagle Peak Resort. “Your family has a plane there?”

  “We keep two there, actually. Ian and Dad prefer the Learjet. We can take the Cirrus.” He took out his phone. “I’ll have the plane readied.”

  “I’ll drive you up the mountain,” Alex said.

  Mind reeling, Kaitlyn said, “You’re a civilian. I’ll go.”

  Nick smiled. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Tamping down her frustration, she clarified, “You’ll stay, and I’ll go.”

  He shook his head. “My plane. I’m going.”

  Stubborn man. Didn’t Nick realize how dangerous this would be? Kaitlyn fisted her hands in frustration. She turned to Alex for support, but he had already moved away to greet the paramedics and direct them to Porter.

  If Alex wouldn’t back her on this, then the only thing she could do was stick close to Nick and make sure he didn’t get himself killed trying to avenge his friend’s death. For Rosie’s sake, she told herself. Okay, she’d admit her feelings had changed after learning more about him while at the estate, seeing him with Rosie and now his actions here with Porter. But that didn’t mean she was developing feelings for Nick.

  Once Porter was in the ambulance and on his way to the hospital, Alex said, “You two ride with me. I’ll have someone come back for your vehicle.”

  As Alex drove toward town, he said, “You both are in need of some supplies. We’ll stop at the station before heading up the mountain.”

  Because Main Street was cordoned off for the Christmas craft fair, Alex took the residential route to the back alley behind the department building. He backed his vehicle into a spot near the door. Kaitlyn glanced around, noting the multitude of cars parked along the side streets. Music and laughter drifted on the air from the holiday festival, which was in full swing on Main Street.

  Nick stopped next to her. “What’s going on in town?”

  “The annual Christmas bazaar,” she said. “All the local craftspeople set up booths along the sidewalk, and the stores have specials to draw in the tourists either coming from or going up the mountain.”

  “Sounds fun. I’ve only been to the open marketplaces in Europe,” he said.

  “I’m sure our humble craft fair won’t compare,” she said. Their lives were so different. She’d never been beyond the Rockies and had only seen the Pacific Ocean once, when she was young. While he’d traveled the world.

  Another reason for her to keep her heart from becoming attached to Nick. She could never be enough for such a globe-trotting man.

  Nick followed Alex into the sheriff’s station. Kaitlyn hesitated as a chill swept over her. The uncanny sensation of being watched made the skin on her arms prickle with foreboding. She glanced around, searching for the source of her unease, but there was no one in sight.

  She hurried inside the station but couldn’t shake the dread clawing through her. It was only a matter of time before Reece’s men attacked again.

  * * *

  Nick stood off to the side of the small tactical room inside the sheriff’s department building, unsure what he could do to help as Alex grabbed a duffel bag and proceeded to fill it with extra ammo and radios.

  “You remember how to use these, right?” Alex asked, indicating the Taser he now held.

  Not long ago, Alex had given Nick and Brady a lesson on Tasers. “Yes, I remember how the Taser works.”

  “What does that mean?” Kaitlyn asked as she joined them.

  Nick exchanged a glance with Alex. “Oh, you know. There’s nothing like experience.”

  She narrowed her gaze. Nick could see the questions forming in her eyes. He wasn’t sure he wanted to admit he’d voluntarily allowed Alex to tase him. It was an experience Nick didn’t relish repeating, but it was good to know what would happen. The only way Nick could describe it was that it was like having a full-body muscle cramp that lasted until the electric current was cut off. Three seconds in Nick’s case, but it had seemed like a lifetime.

  Alex spoke, drawing their attention. “You don’t know what you will encounter when you get to Washington, DC. I will let the special agent in charge there know to expect you and have his agents waiting for your arrival. But according to Agent Porter, Reece has wealthy friends in high places. Porter isn’t sure who to trust besides his SAC. That’s one of the reasons Porter is on his own here.”

  “He went rogue,” Nick said. “I knew there was something fishy about him.”

  “Going rogue isn’t cool,” Alex agreed. “But he can’t prove his case without the information that Lexi obtained.”

  “Surely the victims of this drug have filed lawsuits?” Kaitlyn asked.

  “According to Special Agent in Charge Jeff Lester, Holtsen Pharmaceuticals has paid off every lawsuit lodged against them,” Alex replied. “They have deep pockets and can afford it.”

  “Then it’s that much more important we get the flash drive into the right hands,” Nick said.

  “Shouldn’t we let Hannah try to decrypt the flash drive first?” Kaitlyn asked.

  “We can have her try or at least make a copy. She just returned from the accident scene,” Alex said. “Kaitlyn, take it down to her. Nick, a word.”

  Kaitlyn hesitated, then gave a sharp nod and left Nick and Alex alone.

  “What’s up?” Nick asked as soon as Kaitlyn was out of the room.

  “I wanted you to know I located Lexi’s family,” he said.

  Nick’s heart rate sped up. “And? Did you tell them about Rosie?” Would Lexi’s family want custody of the baby?

  “Her parents are deceased. I managed to talk to a cousin in Singapore who says she hadn’t seen Lexi in a decade. I got the impression she wasn’t too broken up to hear of her death. I mentioned Rosie, but she cut me off. Apparently, the Eng family disowned Lexi when she refused to return home after college.”

“That’s sad.” Nick understood what it was like to not have one’s family’s approval, but he’d never considered what it would be like to be completely cut out of their lives. That must have hurt Lexi. She’d never mentioned the rift with her parents when Nick had known her. The desire to call his brother and father to assure himself all was well was strong but would have to wait.

  He ached for Lexi not having a relationship with her family. However, that was one less obstacle to Nick gaining custody of Rosie. He was thankful he wasn’t navigating through this situation alone. He had his friendship with Alex.

  And Kaitlyn. Though he wasn’t exactly sure how to categorize their relationship. If he were honest with himself, he’d admit he cared for the woman in ways he’d never allowed himself to care about anyone else before.

  And that was almost as scary as being ambushed by armed men.

  * * *

  Curiosity burning as to why Alex needed to talk to Nick, Kaitlyn slowed her steps as she went down the stairs to the lower part of the building where the forensic lab was located. Finding out what the two men were discussing would have to wait. She absurdly wondered if it had to do with her. Would Nick ask Alex about her past?

  She wasn’t even sure if Alex was privy to that information. Sheriff Ryder had been, but only because she’d told him. What if Nick mentioned that she’d practically run from him when he’d pressed her for answers? Would Alex then go snooping into her past?

  Stop it! She wasn’t normally one to be paranoid. Especially not over being excluded from a conversation.

  She knocked on the doorjamb outside the lab.

  Hannah waved Kaitlyn into her sanctuary. “What’s going on? Your brow’s all furrowed.”

  Purposely clearing her expression, Kaitlyn pulled the flash drive from her pocket. She didn’t need to let on to Hannah her confusing feelings for Nick. “There’s an encrypted file on this. Is there any way you could try to decrypt it for me quickly? Or at the very least make a copy?”

  “I can certainly try,” Hannah said, taking the USB stick and plugging it into her state-of-the-art computer equipment.

  The same window popped up that had appeared on Nick’s computer. Kaitlyn gave Hannah the password, Rosie’s birth date.

  “This is an encryption I’ve never seen,” Hannah said. “I can make a copy to work on, but I don’t know that I can decrypt the file within a reasonable amount of time. It might take me a month or two.”

  “We don’t even have two minutes,” Kaitlyn said. “Make a copy and do what you can. I need to take the original with me.”

  Hannah’s fingers flew over the keyboard. “Where you going?”

  “Washington, DC.”

  With a concerned glance, Hannah asked, “Alone?”

  Kaitlyn shook her head. “No. Nick Delaney’s coming with me.”

  A smile spread across her friend’s face. “You and Nick have been spending a lot of time together. Maya, Leslie and I were just talking yesterday about the fact that you are staying out at the Delaney estate.” Hannah removed the flash drive from her computer and handed it to Kaitlyn. “What’s it like out there? I’ve never been.”

  Uncomfortable with the fact that her friends were talking about her, Kaitlyn tucked the flash drive into the pocket of her coat. She couldn’t blame them. She was sure the whole town was in a twitter over the fact that she was staying at the Delaney mansion. Despite the fact she was protecting Rosie, under orders from her boss, she had no doubts tongues were wagging. However, she couldn’t do anything about the gossip.

  She sighed. “It’s actually very nice. It’s been an interesting visit. I’ve learned a lot about the Delaneys.”

  Speculation gleamed in Hannah’s green eyes. “About Nick specifically? Do tell.”

  Heat flushed through Kaitlyn’s cheeks and down her neck. She cleared her throat. “It’s not like that. I was more concerned with keeping everyone safe. The bad guys attempted to breach twice and almost succeeded once.”

  “I heard about that,” Hannah said. “But you fended them off. Good for you.”

  “I did what I was trained to do,” Kaitlyn replied. It always amazed her when people were surprised by her ability to do her job. “Plus, the Fed showed up.” She wasn’t above giving credit where credit was due. “He was wounded and is now at the hospital. So it’s up to Nick and me to transport the flash drive to DC.”

  “Where’s the baby?” Hannah’s smile was tender. “I hear she’s adorable.”

  Kaitlyn agreed. Little Rosie was so cute. Affection for the baby flooded her veins. It would be hard when the time came that Kaitlyn wouldn’t be a part of the child’s life. “At the estate. Nick hired professional bodyguards to protect her while we are away.”

  Wagging her eyebrows, Hannah commented, “Gotta love a guy who’s willing to go the extra mile for a tiny infant.”

  Kaitlyn’s heart fluttered. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Love? The word stuck in her chest like a thorn. She didn’t love Nick. Couldn’t love him. That would be beyond ridiculous. Yet the urge to rub at the aching spot beneath her breastbone was strong. Forcing herself to ignore the sensation and the silly sentiment, she said, “Thank you for your help. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Kaitlyn hurried back upstairs and found Nick waiting with the sheriff’s jacket on.

  He must have seen the question on her face because he shrugged and said, “My jacket was ruined.”

  Right. When he’d used it to stem the blood flow from Porter’s leg wound. “You did a really reckless thing back at the funeral home.”

  His eyebrows rose. “I did?”

  Frustration burned in her gut. Of course, he would be flippant about the situation. “You risked your life by pulling Porter to safety.”

  His expression was mockingly innocent. “I shouldn’t have?”

  “Yes. I mean, no.” He so easily flustered her. How did she get it through his head not to put his life in danger? “I mean, you’re a civilian. I should have done it.”

  “You were shooting back at the bad guys at the time,” he pointed out. “You’re not a superhero who can perform two death-defying feats at once.”

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Don’t use logic on me.”

  He laughed, and she smiled, feeling some of the tension in her shoulders ease. “Thank you for not getting yourself killed.”

  “I aim to please,” he quipped.

  Alex walked out of his office. “Here’s the plan. Daniel and Chase are both going to park their vehicles beside my car. We’re going to play a little shell game. I’ll take the lead and head to the Delaney estate. You two will hide in Daniel’s vehicle and he’ll drive toward Eagle Peak Resort via the backside mountain pass. And Chase will take the highway for Denver. Hopefully, Reece’s men won’t know which of the vehicles you two are in.”

  “Won’t they see us walk out the door and get into one of them?” Nick asked.

  “We have that covered, as well. All the doors will be open. You two will get into my vehicle, hunker down, then climb out and get into Daniel’s. You’ll need to stay down and out of sight. It will be tight, but you can do it.”

  Grateful for her new boss’s quick and strategic thinking, Kaitlyn said, “Sounds like a solid idea.”

  Within a few minutes, Daniel and Chase both arrived and came inside the station. After both were brought up to speed on the situation, the five of them left the building with Nick in the middle. Kaitlyn hoped that, with Nick wearing the sheriff’s jacket, sunglasses and a department-issued hat, anyone watching wouldn’t pick him out of the group.

  Kaitlyn and Nick climbed into the back of Alex’s vehicle. Daniel and Chase had backed up alongside. Kaitlyn and Nick crouched down and crawled from Alex’s car to Daniel’s. Both deputies and the sheriff closed the doors simultaneously before climbing behind their respective wheels a
nd starting their engines.

  Over the radio, Alex said, “Take off.”

  Daniel drove through the back alleys of town to avoid the festive crowds. Kaitlyn shifted on the floorboards, trying to get comfortable for the drive up the mountain. Nick had his back leaned against the door and his legs drawn up so that he could rest his arms on his legs.

  “You’re like Gumby,” she muttered.

  “It pays to stay limber,” he said. “When we return to the estate, we can work out the kinks in the dojo.”

  Remembering the last time they’d sparred sent a flush creeping up her neck. She’d been surprised by his prowess. But then, learning he’d been trained at a young age in martial arts explained his abilities. She didn’t comment because once this task of delivering the flash drive to the FBI was done, there would be no reason for her to return to the estate.

  Daniel beeped his horn. “I feel like a salmon swimming upstream in the Snake River. I thought there’d be less traffic taking the alleys, but apparently so did everyone else.”

  “Keep an eye out for anybody following us,” Kaitlyn said.

  “Roger that,” Daniel replied. “So far, so good.”

  “Alex found Lexi’s family,” Nick said softly.

  “Really?” Kaitlyn studied him. The sadness in his eyes tangled up her insides. “And?”

  “Her family had disowned her. They don’t want Rosie.”

  A spark of anger ignited in her. How could they not want Rosie? “Their loss.”

  “Okay, we’re leaving town proper,” Daniel said. “But I think we’ve picked up a tail. A small white pickup truck. I’ve seen it around town the last few days but haven’t gotten a good look at the driver.”

  Kaitlyn fisted her hands against the urge to see for herself. “I guess our shell game didn’t work.”

  Nick scoffed. “This Holtsen company has money to burn. There’s probably a whole slew of Reece’s henchmen in town. There could be someone following each vehicle.”

  “Should we abort?” Daniel asked.


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