Daria 5

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by Martin E. Silenus

  Beast gets up, wags his tail and walks over to snuff Volar’s open hand.

  “I admire your animal, Matt, he is magnificent. Beast is an earth Wolf replica is he not?” says Volar as he strokes Beasts head and ears.

  “Yes I am,” xmits Beast “and thank you for the kind words.”

  Volar is caught off-guard and chuckles softly.

  “I should have realized,” he thinks.

  “Permit me to send you the coordinates of our barren area for your mining company to inspect. Then we will meet here again.”

  Volar pats beast on the head and turns and walks slowly back to his creatures, and back into the forest.

  “A very interesting creature,” xmits Beast.

  “Very interesting indeed,”

  “But not human, or animal, or anything we would recognize, just seemed to be an energy shape in general human form.”

  “Well, I guess that makes some sense,” I say, “Easier for us to speak with.”

  “Exactly,” xmits Beast.

  “I’ve got the location coordinates, let’s go have a look see what we are up against,” says Poe.

  Back aboard the ship we get ourselves collected as we move to the designated coordinates. It’s easy to see why Volar is concerned, an avalanche has slid down the steep valley slopes and dammed the lazy flow of a small river, which is now backing up the valley creating a lake. The avalanche debris requires the bulldozer, and a few demolition experts to knock a hole in the rock fall, drain the lake and then the bulldozer guys can clean up the mess. Maybe do some terrain modifications on the slopes to make them less avalanche prone. A couple of weeks work for a mining crew equipped for such things. It’s a small price to pay for the minerals they are after.

  Chapter 8: Agreement

  Next day we transmit the video to Lynas Corp executives and explain what has transpired. They are very pleased and after re-examining the video of the avalanche dam by their chief engineer they are delighted to commit to removing the blockage and do the cleanup in exchange for access to the required minerals. When the inspection is complete we return to the reclaimed original mine site to meet with Volar.

  We don’t have to wait long. I’m sure he has been observing our every action. Within minutes of our arrival at the emerald green lawn, with thick grass about four inches high now, Volar walks in with his creatures.

  The Lynas Corp VP Harold is nervous, even though he is here in VR only, but we reassure him and Beast and I accompany them to negotiate with Volar. It goes well, Volar is happy to see beast again, and happy to have a solution to his river blockage problem. The Lynas Corp is respectful and apologetic, keen to mend their fences with Volar and rectify any issue he might have to ensure access to their much sought after minerals.

  It’s a done deal, everyone is happy.

  Volar has a solution.

  The Lynas Mining Company can get access.

  We got a handsome compensation package.

  Beast has a standing offer to visit Volar.

  We are feeling quite proud of ourselves by and large, we enjoyed the reclaiming work and the weather, while controlled by Volar, is really perfect. It’s been a very pleasant outing, Volar is a fascinating entity and very sensible to deal with as far as the removal of some of his planets REE. Lynas Corp is still a suspicion as I just never trust corporate bastards, but they seem to have been holding up their end.

  “Excuse the interruption, I’ve just received a priority data squirt via Muther from Big Mike, you’re gonna want to hear this.” says Poe. “I’ll feed you the video/audio signal”.

  “I’ve just been advised by reliable sources there is a high probability of attack by Claim Jumping Pirates. It looks like Lynas Corp. was not quite as forthright with the complete information package as they might have been. While it is true they were having difficulty with the Planet it also seems they have been dogged by Claim Pirates following them around and attempting to grab the mineral claim and hold it by force. Typically for ransom and given the need Lynas Corp. has for the mineral claim they would likely pay a handsome ransom if they had too. You might want to have a chat with Lynas about this new development. Good luck Mike out!”

  “I also have a supplemental message from Muther regarding the Pirates” says Poe.

  “You boys are going to have the pleasure of dealing with a very wretched gang of miscreants, covering a wide range of the criminal element. However they seem to be “opportunistic maggots” and little else. I have not found any connections to large organized crime. As far as I can see they are a “one off”. That said they are vicious as rabid rats and heavily armed with a distinct inclination to slaughter any opposition. Frankly not unlike some of the Mexican roving Cartel gangs in that they are making their money between the cracks and grabbing the crumbs. Let me know if you need us to rally some troops for backup.”

  “Well, doesn’t this just get better and better with every passing day?” I muse.

  Chapter 9: Disclosure

  “Well isn’t that just precious, I think we have been dealt an incomplete hand and the Lynas boys have conveniently been withholding information. Potentially very dangerous information too considering the nature of Pirates and the business they conduct.” I comment.

  “Recommend we find a strategic position to occupy while we chat with Lynas and advise Volar. I doubt he is going to be overly impressed with a battle tearing up his planet.” xmits Beast.

  “There is a deep canyon up the side of mountains just east of us that I can nestle the ship into and with cloaking on it is all but impossible to locate our position. In addition we have clear line of site to this reclaimed mine site containing the REE.” offers Poe.

  “Excellent Poe lets relocate there immediately and see if you can contact Lynas Mining for me. I’d like to have a word with that prick Hennessey on this matter.” I reply.

  I’m in the weapons shop fussing and muttering when Poe says “I have contact with Hennessey, where do you want to talk?”

  “Thanks Poe, I’ll take the call in the VR Suite.” I reply and head down the hallway of the ship.

  Hennessey is standing in the middle of a Virtual Reality map of the reclaimed mine site. In the near distance some of Volar’s very large Rhinoceros type creatures are grazing and watching him. He is looking very exposed and uncomfortable. I let him sweat for a couple of extra seconds before joining him.

  “Matt Southam, how nice to see you again, to what do I owe this pleasure.” smarms Hennessey.

  “Hennessey, when were you going to tell us about the Claim Jumper Pirates that are following you around and are due to show up here anytime?” I bark at him.

  He finches as apparently nobody speaks to him as if he is an errant little prick stuffed full of himself.

  “I or we elected to treat that possibility as a separate inconvenience and to focus on the immediate task of negotiating an arrangement to gain access to the REE.” he replies, sweating. “Perhaps in hindsight that may have not been the most appropriate way of handling the situation Mr. Southam, but I assure you we were not concealing or misrepresenting the challenge we asked you to assist us with.”

  “I’m not inclined to believe much of that Hennessey, we have completed our agreement and you have a working agreement with Volar. Our work here is complete. If Pirates show up and jump your claim and you become empty handed it is not our concern.”

  “Yes, well that brings me to a second offer I would like to extend to you Mr. Southam. Lynas Corp really has no facilities to deal with this sort of circumstances. Therefore I wonder if I might persuade you to handle this rather untidy ugly detail for us, say for an amount equivalent to our original agreement and our eternal gratitude.”

  “And what components are you choosing to leave out of this information package Hennessey?”

  “I assure you Mr. Southam there are not any further details or aspects of these despicable beggars that have plagued our mining efforts of late.”

  “What would you have
us do with these “despicable beggars” Hennessey?”

  “Lynas Corp would be extremely grateful if you could eliminate them completely.”

  “You are referencing “termination” is that correct?”

  “Yes, termination with extreme prejudice, Mr. Southam and a bonus if it is done quickly and quietly.”

  “You understand Hennessey that this is not an errant group of teenagers that you are asking us to scare off. These Pirates are armed ex-military and combat hardened.”

  “A bonus of $50,000.00 per dead Pirate Mr. Southam!

  Chapter 10: Pirates

  I meet D in the Virtual Reality Suite; I have prepared a picnic lunch for us. She arrives as I am smoothing out our picnic blanket. The grass is thick and strong, the weather is sunny, and warm.

  “Hey soldier, you look like a boyfriend I used to have.” as she hugs me till my ribs crack.

  “How are you doing sweetness?” I ask in between kisses and hugs

  “Still missing you soldier; I was excited you would be home soon. Then I heard the news from Muther. What the hell have you got us embroiled in here Matt? Are you coming back or what?

  “Yes D, I’m coming back, we have just had a detail develop that the Lynas Corp had neglected to mention that we need to take care of.”

  “Like killing seventeen ex-military battle hardened miscreant sons of bitches that will butcher you give even a miniscule chance?”

  “Well, that’s more or less the jest of it,”

  “I’m not happy with you Matt, I miss you, need you, want you back, and you are out here killing things for fun and profit, and I’m not, this is not fair at all!”

  “I made us a picnic lunch,” I offer.

  “Goddamn you Matt, don’t trivialize my emotions.”

  “D, I understand, I was looking forward to getting back to you and Trade Station until this recent development took place. Now I need to deal with it and move on.”

  “Ok, but you make me pout; let’s eat I’m hungry.”

  We had a lovely picnic and Beast came to join us and the three of us laid on the blanket in the very high resolution VR Sim of the reclaimed mine site and it was really nice to be together. Or as together as we could be given the circumstances.

  “Promise me that you will come home as soon as you can after dealing with the Pirates Matt, please, and please be careful to not get killed, you know you tend to get shot in these skirmishes.”

  “I promise D, I’ll do my best, and be home as soon as possible in one piece.”

  One last prolonged hug, a kiss, a little wave to both Beast and me and D disappeared from the sim. I wave of sadness and loneliness swept over me.

  “Let’s get this done and get back to where we belong.”

  “Roger that, boss” xmits Beast.

  Poe has the ship scanners on very long distance to ensure that we detect the Pirate vessel or vessels as far out as possible. In addition he has the Pulse Cannon gun turrets warmed up and the targeting software ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  Beast says he knows how to contact Volar, didn’t say how but I gather it is something that even a modified human like me cannot do. No doubt it is a form of communication via Wolf genetics augmented and enhanced by AI and nanobe tech. He just asked Poe to drop the loading ramp down so it was level and so he could get outside the ship’s hull. He’s sitting out there now quietly no doubt reaching out to Volar.

  I am doing pre-engagement checks and recheck of our combat equipment ensuring our load outs will handle as many possible situations as I can imagine. And of course running through the scenarios of battle management strategies to be damn sure we kill those we are supposed to kill and not get shot-up ourselves.

  “Boss?” xmits Beast

  “Ya Beast”

  “Volar is on the loading ramp with me.”

  “Wow, quick work Beast, great, I’ll be right there.”

  The three of us stand in a triangle on the loading ramp, looking out over the stunning scenery of the valley and the plain where the re-claimed mine scar was.

  “I have disturbing news Volar, we have been notified Pirate Claim Jumpers are going to attack and attempt to capture and hold the mine site of the REE for ransom. Lynas Corp has negotiated a contract with us to defend the mine site, discourage them and in fact to eliminate all of the pirates. We felt it was proper to advise you of the nature of these events such that you can withdraw your grazing creatures from the area for safety reasons.” I say.

  Volar nods, “It would not be the first time that the Pirates have visited 55 Cancri e, although on other visits they are simply hunting for food. We lose a few of our beasts to their hunting parties and then they take their leave. I know their intentions the Pirates approach 55 Cancri e, and I arrange for some of our older beasts that are not reproductive to be in a place convenient to the Pirates for hunting purposes. Matt, I appreciate the notification and if there is anything that I can provide to assist you please let me know.”

  “You knew our intention when we first arrived at 55 Cancri e didn’t you?

  Yes, and I knew it to be one of peacefulness and re-construction, we watched and helped with rain and had our beasts test your mixed grass plants. Which I can tell you our beasts are most appreciative of, they quite enjoyed it. The beasts look terrifying but they shall never harm you. However if we need them to they are a formidable weapon.”

  “Then you knew the Pirate Claim Jumpers were coming as soon as you formed the agreement with Lynas Corp.”

  “Yes, it is true I predicted what would transpire and I know the Pirates will be here in two of your days’ time. They will go directly to the mine site and begin setting up an armored encampment. Is there anything that I can help with?”

  “Their arrival time and location gives us great advantage, thank you. Also can you keep the mine site under continuous rain? I inquire. “To have them impeded by inclement weather would give us a significant and strategic advantage.”

  “Yes, I can provide for that as soon as you give me the word, you can request whatever weather you prefer. And perhaps other help if so required.

  “Do you know their strength and armaments?”

  “The Pirates number seventeen and are equipped with very serviceable Military grade weapons. Nothing of recent design and development though as that would not be cost effective for a Pirate and his meager budget. They are extremely viscous and determined. Some of their numbers are large reptilian/human hybrids. You will need to be very careful with these Pirates Matt as they are extremely battle hardened.

  And with that Volar bowed slightly in my direction, stepped over and spoke softly to Beast and scrubbed his ears, and then just disappeared without a sound into thin air.

  Chapter 11: Strategy

  We took stock of our assets and liabilities. There were seventeen Pirates and three of us, Poe representing the considerable assets and weaponry of the ship, Beast, as a formidable predator for stalking and dispatching single roving Pirates. Myself, trained in combat and specializing in sniping and terrorist/counter terrorist insurgents. In addition of course we had backup copies of Muther and her sisters. So we had astronomical computing power for battle strategic simulations, research of corresponding battle-sims in history, analysis of guerilla warfare, and effective techniques of physiological warfare. By our assessment they did not stand a chance and were babes in the woods. But we had to be smart about it and use time as a weapon.

  The additional profile data that I received from the Trade Station did little to calm my nerves. The Pirates were a random group of extreme opportunists who worked alone and had no other criminal links to organized crime, or none that showed. The renegade group was led by an extremist from one of the Arab countries. Involved in government overthrow as a child, captured imprisoned, tortured, managed to escape, disappeared and lived by proceeds of crime involving considerable violence and torture. Far as the report could discern he currently went by the name of Amir Ali Asfour. It’s not like he h
ad a birth certificate, social security number, hospitalization or driver’s license to cross check him with. These guys operate entirely off the grid and are recognized only for their flavor of violence, carnage, and sometimes appearance. That’s if someone even admits to seeing the piece of shit. Those who talk generally wind up dead.

  So it appears that at some point Asfour found a way to get off-world, likely forged papers via a Mining Company, and at some point collected a few rabid followers and a few alien human/reptile hybrids as they are dull, violent, and immensely strong. Then violently commandeered some form of ship, again likely from a mining company, to conduct their claim jumping, extreme violence and ransoming of valuable claim deposits.

  It was a pretty lucrative gig as Mining Companies don’t have much in the way of highly trained intent Security Warriors. So the Pirate brigade was always able to kill the Security personnel that were sent to “shoo” them away. Eventually the Mining Company would just pay and write the cost off as “attendant expenses” for the project. That is until we showed up and spoiled their game. The rank and file pirate associates with Asfour might be little more than terrorists but Asfour had lived his whole life by his wits and he knew his way around. He is well past dangerous!

  The backup version of Muther ran thousands and thousands of strategic battle simulations looking for the optimum. No damage to us, no losses, minimum environmental damage, and timing to cause the Pirates maximum fear and terror. It would be a guerilla warfare campaign with generous amounts of PSYOPS mixed in to wear on their minds, emotions, motives, and objective reasoning. As every soldier knows the waiting for the inevitable is hardest on the nerves. Beast was in his element and I confess I had a heightened awareness of impending battle.

  The Pirate vessel appeared on our sensors on the day Volar predicted they would arrive. I’m not sure how he manages that but suspect he can feel thoughts and intent over great distances. To be frank I cannot imagine how this Pirate vessel managed to make it as far as it had. The only explanation was it was outfitted internally with equipment much more modern and in good operating shape that its exterior suggested as it looked like a wreck.


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