Onyx Dragons- Amber

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Onyx Dragons- Amber Page 9

by Starla Night

  She looked surprised. Then the warmth of her amber eyes bubbled with heat. She fell into step with him, her small strides matched to his. "I hope we'll get to ring shopping."

  "That's a guarantee."

  He led her into the first jeweler on the corner and instructed her to walk around perusing the selection. For himself, he focused on her. Where her brows lightened, where her gaze lingered, how her pupils darkened when she found a color she liked.

  If he lost her now, he'd never forgive himself.

  "You like orange sapphires and baroque scroll work," he noted as her gaze lingered on another playful yet classy princess-cut ring.

  "Aren't human wedding rings white diamonds?"

  "We're not traditional." He waved over an assistant and slid the ring Amber had looked at the longest onto her finger. It stopped at the knuckle.

  She turned it, testing the look on her finger. "What about you?"

  "I'll get a band with a matching inlay of orange sapphire."

  Her brows returned to their worried frown.

  He nuzzled her neck. "Let's visit another shop."

  She accommodated him, but her frown didn't lighten. His stomach nerves couldn't handle the strain. In the fourth shop, where her gaze didn't linger on anything and her frown darkened to the horizon, he tugged her into his arms. "Hey. We can custom order online."

  "No, I liked the sapphire princess-cut wedding set with baroque scroll work and flourishes."


  "I don't know how to bribe your mother with kindness."

  Relief cascaded through him. He sucked in a deep breath, laughed, and squeezed her. "We'll buy her a custom 'mother of the groom' ring and let her be in charge of everything. She'll agree in a heartbeat."

  "Do you really think so?"

  When Amber looked at him with those big eyes, Darcy's chest clenched. He wanted to be more than a smooth talker. His assurances should mean something.

  "Yes," he promised and kissed her fingertips. "We'll change her mind together."

  Amber's brows lifted and a smile relaxed her face. "I want your family to welcome me."

  "They will."

  She tipped up on her toes and brushed his lips with hers. "Thank you, Darcy."

  The quick movement shocked and heated him. Amber's first kiss had changed everything. This one, initiated by her, tipped the balance once again. He was more hers than he'd ever been. And he'd been hers for a long, long time.

  They returned to the first shop, finished the ring arrangements for resizing, custom ordered his band, and picked up a ring for his mom. The afternoon sun descended between the tallest buildings causing a kaleidoscope on the street. He barely felt the concrete.

  * * *

  Amber strolled with Darcy back to the boutique shop, a new lightness in her heart. She wanted things to go well with his family. A dragon crew was fixing and installing new locks, which surprised Darcy, but she couldn't destroy his things and leave them unfixed. They passed into the back room.

  Tara hid behind a folding wall to change and called to the crowd at the other side. "Sorry you had so many alterations! I stress eat."

  "It's okay so long as you don't gain a single pound more," the fitter returned, zipping up the dress into its bag. "Got it? No more stress."

  "Got it!"

  The fitter nodded to Amber and Darcy and left with the bagged dress.

  Amber braced to confront Darcy's family once more.

  Nicole scrolled on her phone.

  Kris packed things into her purse and shook her head at a laptop.

  Tara emerged in jeans and a flowing peach blouse with Bohemian flower designs. "Well, the last hours have been positively Zen. Haven't they? Oh, hey, Darcy and Amber."

  "Are those the rings?" Nicole peered from her seat at the bag Amber carried.

  "No, they're on order," Darcy answered.

  Kris tilted a laptop photo gallery at him. "Wow, these are bad. Like, awkward stock photo bad."

  Darcy suppressed his smile. "Amber, this is Tara's college roommate and involuntary wedding planner, Kris."

  "Oh, at this point, it's voluntary."

  Amber shook the wedding planner's hand. "Nice to meet you."

  "Nice to meet you too, honey. Mostly I see you dragons as distant specks floating across the sky." Kris tsked and dumped the printed photo in the trash. "Darcy, you're fired."

  "Thank god."

  Tara worried. "But my groom gift..."

  "We'll get skanky photos at the bachelorette."

  "Where's Mom?" Darcy asked, shutting down the laptop.

  No one spoke.

  Nicole finally answered. "She realized you were missing ten minutes into the fitting, and then she raced out the back door screaming about the courthouse. I think she's stalking the halls."

  Amber's heart dropped. "I'm so sorry to steal your thunder."

  "No, no," Tara assured her. "This type of thunder needs to be stolen."

  "We did the whole fitting in record time. And it was fabulous! It's been fun," Kris said.

  "It was fun," Nicole agreed.

  "Really fun." Tara stretched. "I haven't felt this lighthearted since our venue got canceled."

  Amber waited for the truth to come out, but the trio of females remained relaxed, unruffled, and busy. A slight hope uncurled in her chest. "Then you don't mind if I marry Darcy?"

  "No!" Tara assured her.

  "Right now?"

  Tara blinked and then bit her lip. She looked at Kris.

  Kris hustled over and took Amber's hand between her two smooth, manicured hands. "Well, actually, could you please wait until after Tara's wedding? It's this Sunday and I just know that Gayle's feeling left out of Tara's wedding. If she has another distraction like today ... well, you're so accommodating; she'll fulfill herself by being in charge of your wedding."

  "And she'll leave mine alone," Tara said.

  "It'll be win-win for everyone," Kris promised. "What do you say?"

  "We could get married on Monday then?"

  "Monday would be perfect!" Tara cried.

  "My calendar's clear," Nicole said.

  "Oh, we'll be on our honeymoon," Tara said.

  "I could fly you in. Anywhere within the solar system just takes a few minutes."

  "So, great. Right." Tara blinked several times and then smiled again. "For distracting my mother, even hours would be worth it."

  This was too easy. Too, too easy. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

  "Amber, you're the best thing that could happen to my brother." Tara glanced at Nicole for agreement. "Probably. I mean, I know nothing about dragons, but you're normal and you seem nice."

  "I thought he would live at home until he fused into the furniture," Nicole commented. "Any living object is an improvement."

  "Hey!" Darcy straightened. "I haven't been between apartments that long."

  "Just a decade," Nicole said.

  "No...er, was it? It's not that long since college..."

  "He's matured a lot," Tara continued, ignoring her siblings. "And your wedding is the best thing that could happen to me, trust me. Are you sure you don't mind? You don't have any dragon rituals we should be careful about, do you?"

  "Dragons don't have clothed ceremonies. We considered exporting bridal gowns but couldn't figure out when we would wear them."

  The women nodded without seeming to understand.

  "Tara meant traditions, honey," Kris said. "Events that always happen around a marriage."

  "Oh. Yes, when the bride approaches the groom's family for permission, she must fight all the female relatives. If they really disapprove, it will be a fight to the death."

  Tara choked. Nicole's eyes widened.

  Kris laughed. "Engagement parties gladiator-style. All right, sure, why not?"

  "We do hugs." Tara threw open her arms. "Welcome to the family."

  Amber had a second hug with her and then a more restrained one from Nicole. "Like I said before, welcome to the crazy house. I hope
you're wearing your crash helmet."

  "Thank you. But I don't need a helmet. My head is very hard." She rapped the skull plate.

  "There's confidence."

  "Thank you."

  Nicole blinked. "You aren't big on sarcasm, are you?"

  "I know of it. Darcy has constant teasing. He assures me that this time, he is not teasing."

  "That's true." He swooped to her side, offering her a small chocolate. "I'm not."

  "Ooh, toffee. Where's mine?" Nicole demanded.

  "Behind you, lazy. Get it yourself."

  "Aw. Where's my future slave? I mean, husband?"

  "He only exists fan fiction, like the rest of your fantasy life."

  "Burn, guys."

  Amber unwrapped and crunched the sweet, buttery toffee. Darcy collected the foil wrapper for her and smoothed it, then folded it into a ring and slipped it on her finger. "There. A placeholder until ours comes."

  Another sweet lump formed in Amber's throat. She swallowed past it and cleared her throat. "It's not very durable."

  "So handle it with care." He teased her, the light in his brown eyes making her chest swirl with emotion. "Just like my heart."

  "Oh, barf." Nicole carried her handful of toffee toward the back door. "I'll be outside with the refreshing scent of the fish market dumpster. You two are so sickly sweet; you'll give me a cavity."

  Darcy tilted his head at the handful of candies. "Oh, we'll give you the cavity?"

  "I can feel it starting." She escaped outside. The door clanged shut.

  Kris straightened. "Perfect. Well, Tara, we better leave too before your mom gets back."

  "Good idea." Tara reached for the back door handle.

  The door flew open and Gayle walked in. "Tara! You aren't leaving, are you? I didn't find your—Darcy!" Tears filled her eyes and her chin wrinkled. She stumbled to him with open arms. "I searched for you everywhere."

  Amber rose as Darcy enfolded his mom in a comforting hug. His gaze touched on Amber's. He spoke soothingly to his mom. "We were ring shopping."

  "Ring shopping!" She pulled back with a sniffle. "Darcy, you can't marry anyone with a factory ring. I always thought your future wife would wear Great Aunt Harriet's ring."

  Nicole leaned in the doorway. "Since Jackie's wearing it that would be awkward."

  "Jackie's marriage is practically over." Gayle waved the objection away. "And you can't marry Amber, Darcy. I have to stop you from making a terrible mistake. Tara, where are you sneaking off to?"

  Tara froze, halfway through sneaking out the door, and straightened with a guilty grin. "It's time to pick up Ed's cousins from the airport."

  "You're coming home for dinner, aren't you? It's your last Fancy Monday as an unmarried woman."

  "I thought that was last week."

  "But this is the real last one."

  Kris ushered Tara out the back door. "You won't miss her. And anyway, you should be celebrating the newly engaged couple."

  "We can't detract from the current wedding."

  "I don't mind!" Tara called through the doorway.

  "No, it's not right. This is a family dinner."

  "Amber will be family."

  Gayle rubbed her temples. "My stress will explode."

  "It's okay, Mom. Don't stress anymore." Darcy rubbed her shoulders. "You don't have to host Amber. I'll take her out."

  Gayle straightened. "Darcy, stop your sister from leaving."

  He held up his hands. "She's gone."

  "Darcy. Now."

  He shrugged and headed out the door calling. "Tara? ... Tara..."

  Nicole smirked at Amber. "She hasn't even noticed your ring yet, has she?"

  "No," Amber said.

  "Ring!" Darcy's mom whirled away from Tara and hurried to Amber. She saw the gold loop. Her face pinched. "That's so plain."

  "Darcy made it himself from a toffee wrapper." Amber handed Gayle the jewelry bag. "This is a bribe for you."

  "A bribe?" She pinched the bag.

  "So you will approve and be in charge of our wedding. It is a 'mother of the bride' ring."

  Gayle removed the fuzzy jewel box from the black satin wrap and opened it. A single blue topaz surrounded by the word "Mom" in silver lettering. Her lips puckered. "It's ugly."

  "I chose it," Darcy said from the doorway.

  Her face lit up. She whirled to him. "For me? Oh, honey! This is so thoughtful, especially now, when I'm so stressed." She hugged him.

  He patted her back, his knowing smile lightening the mood. "It's from both of us."


  "Me and Amber. As a thank you for planning our wedding."

  Gayle pulled back. "When?"

  "Er, well..."

  "On Monday," Amber said.

  Darcy's mom blinked at the two of them. Her chest rose and fell. A lock of hair fell across her face.

  "Bring wine to dinner tonight," Nicole told Amber.

  "Great idea." Darcy slid to Amber's side. "Shall we go pick one out? Mom, Nicole, we'll meet you at home."

  "You don't have a car," Nicole said.

  "I can fly," Amber said.

  Nicole laughed. "Right. You can fly. Because dragons can fly. Okay, see you later, soon-to-be sister." She headed out the back door.

  "Darcy." Gayle's voice sounded strange. "Go put my sunflowers in the minivan."


  "Don't argue, son. Now."

  He shrugged and squeezed Amber's fingers. "I'll be right back."


  He scooped up the bouquet of sunflowers and headed out the back door after Nicole.

  Gayle eyed Amber.

  Amber delivered her prepared speech. "Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I am so honored to join your family. For you to plan my wedding without first trying to cut my heart out is the most generous kindness I've ever received in my life. I hope to be the best daughter. Thank you."

  Gayle smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you. But I will never plan your wedding because you will never marry my son."

  Amber's heart surged into her throat.

  Gayle let her go. "See yourself out." She turned and walked out the back door. Outside, a vehicle door slammed, the engine gunned, and tires made a squealing sound.

  Amber stood alone in the empty bridal lingerie shop.

  Chapter Twelve

  Darcy tapped his index finger on his crossed arm and stared out the passenger window at the passing city street. "This is a kidnapping."

  "I know you're mad." Mom gunned the van up to the next traffic light and slammed on the brakes. "Hear me out. She's a strange girl who's not even human. And this is the first time I'm hearing about your relationship. Does she have something on you or is she blackmailing you? I don't know anything."


  "Why don't you talk to me? Why do you never talk to me? Are you trying to make me panic?"

  "No. It's just ... What do you want to know?"

  "I mean you should have talked to me before. You proposed the week of Tara's wedding!" The traffic light changed, and she zoomed forward, nearly clipping a cyclist. "What timing is that?"

  He shrugged, hating the hurt in her voice but unable to defend himself. "I didn't want to cause you stress."

  "Well, you did a bad job, Darcy, because I'm pretty stressed right now. Are you jealous of Tara and trying to steal her limelight? How's she going to feel if we're celebrating your engagement instead of her wedding?"

  "No, that's not—"

  "It's like you're trying to use her wedding to sneak your own in. You're not going to shove her off the altar and take her officiant, are you?"

  "No! Mom, I get that I made a mistake, but a lot's going on in Amber's life and I need to call. Can I please get my phone back?"

  "You need to answer to me. Why are you getting involved in these dragons again? I don't want you to be sad like the last time they abandoned you."

  "The dragons stopped using our business. They didn't abandon me. I had fewer excuses to
go over, and so I was sad because I lost touch with Amber."

  "You said nothing. I mean, this is out of nowhere. I want my children to be happy and to care about our family as I do. That means not keeping secrets. Is that so crazy? Am I crazy?"

  Nicole leaned forward from the crowded bench seat. "Well, you kidnapped Darcy, stole his phone, and are holding him hostage after inviting his fiancée to dinner. So, from an outside perspective, yeah, Mom, you're acting crazy."

  Darcy tried to suppress his smile.

  "I'm trying to get the truth out of my son about why he proposed to a former customer. This affects our business and our family."

  "Then maybe you should separate business and family."

  "All of my children hate me. I'm only trying to keep everyone in the family together and happy. It's so stressful."

  "And now you're playing the victim card."

  Mom straightened. "You don't know how hard I work—"

  "I don't because you never let us—"

  "Come on, Nicole," he said in warning. "Cut Mom some slack."

  She made a choking noise and crossed her arms over her chest. They finished the drive in silence.

  Darcy hadn't shared about Amber for a good reason. But he didn't want to hurt any of the women in his life. He loved all of them.

  And that's why he told his stiff, hurt mother, "I'm not angry and I'm sorry for not telling you about her before. I'm telling you about her now. Amber's important to me, Mom. I want tonight to go well."

  "You know, now that I know you're serious, I'll do my best to make you happy like I always do." She parked in front of the house and got out, leaving him and Nicole behind to carry in the wedding items.

  Nicole glared at Darcy.

  "If you're so unhappy with Mom why are you still living at home?" he asked, getting out of the car with her. "Grow up. Leave the nest."

  "Says the grown man who's also still living at home."

  Hot sweat prickled his torso. He adjusted his too-tight suit collar. "Mom asked me to stay."


  "I didn't have a reason to say no."

  "Oh, you mean you didn't have a reason to be independent? Live a life, get a real job, or bring home an actual girlfriend?" She shook her head. "Real mature. Sexy, even."

  His heart sank. "I wanted to be around to support my parents."


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