Accelerant- Sixth Extinction

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Accelerant- Sixth Extinction Page 19

by James Morris Robinson

  There was a thunderous applause in the conference room. Even the MPs joined in. Daniel noticed Jeff smiling and nodding in approval. He asked Jeff, “Does that make you happy?”

  Jeff suddenly stopped smiling and held his head down.

  Sara noticed the mood swing and whispered softly to Daniel, “Jeff is conflicted, but this is not unusual. Give him time, okay?”

  Colonel Werner paced the floor. “How do you get the captain of a container ship to buy into a level of evil and destruction on this scale?”

  Sara looked at J.R. and they both looked at Daniel and the three of them looked at Jeff.

  “Colonel Werner, sir. May I answer?”

  “Of course you can, Jeff.”

  “Well, Genesis could use aggressive recruiting with vast amounts of capital. This is not difficult when you realize that the average captain of one of these vessels makes about $80,000 to $125,000 a year. A person really has to think twice when looking at triple his lifetime earnings lying on a beautiful cherry wood desk. Genesis could deploy shame techniques. Genesis believes that if you grab a man by his balls, his heart will indeed follow. Genesis might use strong-arm tactics like positioning a captain with a prostitute and taking dirty pictures to create shame with family and peers or kidnapping or systematically addicting crew members to drugs such as crack cocaine.”

  Colonel Werner complimented Jeff and dared the group to think further into scary territory. “Smart lad. But you all are missing a key component.” Colonel Werner was very careful not to look at Jeff with his next statement. “You and I should not naively think of mind-control as science fiction. Under the force of aggressive persuasion, Roble told his interrogators’ that, in the 1950s, the Central Intelligence Agency experimented with brainwashing and creating a zombie-like U.S. soldier, one who would follow orders no matter how grisly and withstand any amount of torture if captured. The United States government funded a mind-control research program called MK-ULTRA with millions of U.S. dollars, led by a scientist named Sidney Gottlieb. MK-ULTRA developed effective techniques for enhancing the ability of individuals to withstand deprivation, torture, and coercion during interrogation and so-called brainwashing.”

  Colonel Werner paused and thought for a minute. “Jameela may have been a perfect example. She gave us disinformation after severe torture and killed herself. The CIA awarded Sidney Gottlieb the Distinguished Intelligence Medal and deliberately destroyed most of the MK-ULTRA records before his death. The US government later said the program was a complete failure and wasted the public money.”

  Surprisingly, Jeff humbly responded, “Colonel, that information is public. Anyone with an internet search engine has access to that information. Just search ‘CIA mind control.’”

  “Jeff is correct, but what the public and you do not know is that the interrogators distilled interesting facts from this Roble or Secretary Bird fellow. Roble said he oversaw a group of scientists who conducted experiments using this so-called destroyed research several years ago for Genesis. Roble said that Genesis captains and crew on the vessels had undergone mind-control therapy over the last two years.”

  Jeff was stunned. Suddenly, they heard, “Incoming satellite link. British intelligence.” The room darkened and the monitors showed live feeds. They saw the symbol for the British intelligence. They heard a quiet, distinctly British voice say, “Please stand by.”

  Colonel Werner motioned for everyone to quiet down. The well-dressed gentleman that appeared on the conference screens introduced himself. “I am Neil with the British Security Service MI5. We are working in collaboration with MI6 to help execute Operation Oglethorpe. We acted on a lead that Roble held the information to locate additional Tablets and Apophis. We also agreed that he might reveal the whereabouts of the sleeper. Roble is not being interrogated in the United Kingdom, but let’s just say in an out-of-country location where they are free to use aggressive interrogation techniques.”

  Daniel noticed Jeff's fear and anger as Neil talked. He whispered to his little brother, “It’s okay, bro. It’s okay.”

  Neil continued his briefing. “I’ll bring you up to speed on what additional intelligence we have acquired as a result of this interrogation. There were originally six massive vessels. We were excited and pleased to hear that the United States Navy intelligence, in collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army Navy, captured the last two vessels leaving from Shanghai. The strike groups waited until the vessels turned east in the Philippine Sea and headed north towards the Hawaiian Islands before they radioed both vessels and ordered them to answer all stops. Both strike groups waited until there was enough open ocean in the back and in front of them to minimize the impact of the nuclear blast these vessels were capable of producing and the subsequent tsunami. The tanker launched an escape mini-sub carrying the Genesis captain and several commanders. However, one of the submarines in China’s strike group captured them. The hostiles are being held in China at an undisclosed location. From their actions, we know that the entire crew is asleep.”

  Daniel asked, “What do you mean by asleep?”

  Neil responded, “The crews have gone dark or are traveling with no communications and acting on their last order until they get…”

  Captain Parrish interrupted, “Radio silence. He meant no communication from their command center, to avoid detection unless someone breaks the expected sequence of events.”

  Neil confirmed Captain Parrish’s comment. “Sara said it brilliantly. Genesis will not detect any interceptions until the day they are to activate the Apophis Tablets. We were informed that Roble was interrogated for hours before he gave us the possible location of the other four vessels.”

  Colonel Werner asked, “So where are the other four vessels?”

  “Sir, since they are commercial vessels, we leveraged our relationship with a British company that uses a unique satellite data service that has the capacity to track over 150,000 vessels daily in a variety of government and commercial organizations in real-time.

  “Take a look at these images. The vessels have been out at sea and made routine port stops to conceal their movements. The images that you see are two of the four remaining vessels. The vessels left several weeks ago and are traveling through the Panama Canal.”

  Neil now placed an image of what looked like an ancient Royal Navy vessel on the screen. It was ablaze and it appeared to be igniting enemy ships around it. Neil then asked the question, “Anyone familiar with Hellburners?”

  J.R. responded, “Yeah, we studied them at the United States Naval Academy.”

  “Tell us what you know Captain Russell.”

  “Well, Hellburners were Fireships. They were defensive incendiary vessels used throughout naval history. Very few ships were designed to be Hellburners or Fireships. They are retrofits, sent on suicidal missions. Ships would be filled with combustible material of all kinds and manned by skeleton crews to steer into an enemy fleet, in order to destroy ships or to create panic and confusion until they could open the gates of hell and destroy the enemy vessels they were targeting. It is thought that the first military use of a Hellburner was recorded by the Greek historian Thucydides as he told the saga of the failed Athenian Sicilian expedition. Fireships were also decisively employed by the Vandals against the armada sent by the Eastern Roman Empire in the Battle of Cap Bo during the war between the Eastern Roman’s Byzantine Empire and the Vandalic Kingdom of Carthage. The Vandals were barbarians.”

  Jeff was offended. “J.R., why do whites always talk of Africans as barbarians? I get really insulted when I hear that.”

  “Jeff, the Vandals were an East Germanic tribe or group of tribes, first heard of in southern Poland. They sacked Rome, battled the Huns and the Goths, and founded a kingdom in North Africa that flourished for about a century until they were defeated in an invasion from the Byzantine Empire.”

  “Oh. Never mind then. I just hate racist remarks.”

  J.R. shook his head. “Jeff, you are hopeless.�

  Colonel Werner yelled, “Captain Russell, please continue your explanation.”

  “Yes sir, Colonel. The Greek navy also deployed Fireships. By the way Neil, defensive incendiary vessels served in the British Royal Navy over a period of several centuries. Sir Francis Drake used Fireships against the Spanish Armada at the Battle of Gravelines.”

  Neil seemed excited by J.R.’s storytelling. He proceeded to the story of the Siege of Antwerp. “As J.R. said earlier, very few ships were designed to be Hellburners or Fireships. But during the siege, that was the case. There were specialized engineered Fireships used in the Siege of Antwerp. In 1584, Dutch separatists began a bloody 80-year-long war of independence from the Spanish Empire. The Duke of Parma invaded the rebel city Antwerp with a massive army that guaranteed victory. The invading imperial troops lashed together ships to make an 800-foot-long wooden bridge barricading the Scheldt River. To break the siege of Antwerp, Spain’s wooden ship-barrier had to be destroyed. England’s help was sought. An Italian weapons expert in the pay of the English government created the 16th century equivalent of a tactical nuclear weapon. The British literally used the two newer technologies, which were clockwork and gunpowder, to create a Renaissance equivalent of a tactical nuclear weapon, called the Hellburner.

  As the story goes, there were thirty-two ships retrofitted and thirty of them became regular Fireships. The final two became the biggest bombs Europe had ever seen. Within the holds of the ships Fortyn, which means Fortune, and Hoop, which means Hope, the ship retrofitters built giant, massive bunkers. It is said that these bunkers were forty feet long with brick floors and walls one to five feet thick. They filled them with two and a half tons of the finest gunpowder made in Holland. To ensure maximum impact of explosions, the roofs were reinforced with recycled tombstones. Then, on top of that, they packed millstones and scrap around the bunkers, decked over the giant bombs and disguised the vessels as regular Fireships.

  Jeff interrupted. “And you call Genesis terrorists. You are the true devils.”

  Daniel frowned at Jeff. “Cut it out, Jeff. Let the gentleman finish.”

  “He is no gentleman.”

  J.R. replied, “But then, neither are you.”

  Captain Parris put her hand on J.R.’s shoulder. She whispered, “Let Daniel handle this J.R. Remember, Jeff is conflicted in his roles.”

  Neil continued, “The Fortune used a conventional chemical trigger and timer.”

  Jeff confirmed. “Yeah, a slow-match which burned at a steady rate. We get it.”

  “The other Hellburner, the Hope, introduced a quantum leap in technology. A mechanical timer which triggered a Wheelock firing mechanism. The Hope became the first known pre-programmed and remotely-triggered weapon of mass destruction. When it was over, the gigantic explosions instantly vaporized a quarter of the barricade and nearly 1,000 Spanish troops. Fireships had changed history and created a new normal. They were called weapons of mass destruction by war historians. This was the emergence of the modern Fireship.”

  Daniel asked a question. “What about America? Did we ever use Fireships or Hellburners?”

  J.R. proudly said, “Indeed, we did. The Navy’s first USS Intrepid was in effect a Hellburner. It all started with the USS Philadelphia, a 36-gun sailing warship that ran aground on an uncharted reef two miles off Tripoli Harbor in Libya in 1803 while giving chase and firing upon a pirate ship during the First Barbary War. The Captain and crew dumped everything overboard, including three bow anchors, many cannons, barrels of water, and other heavy articles to make her lighter. This didn't work, so they sawed off the foremast in one last desperate attempt to lighten her. All of these attempts failed. Out of desperation, the captain ordered holes drilled in the ship's bottom and sank her before the pirates captured the officers and crew and made them slaves for the Bashaw of Tripoli.”

  Jeff startled everyone with his statement, “Actually that is not how the story ends is it?”

  Everyone had a much-needed laugh. J.R. then shocked them. “The laugh is really on us because Jeff is right. Go ahead, Jeff . . . finish the story.”

  Sara smiled at J.R. She knew exactly what he was doing. Bonding with Jeff.

  Jeff sat up. “Okay…I'll take a plug at it. I didn't go to war college but I have learned a few things while at…”

  Daniel interrupted, “Jeff, please finish the story.”

  “Ok, bro…ok. You see the Tripolitans thought the USS Philadelphia was such a treasure that they re-floated her. The United States Navy was alarmed. The USS Philadelphia would now become Tripoli's largest and most powerful pirate ship in service in the Tripoli Harbor. It was decided by the US Navy that they must destroy the USS Philadelphia before the pirates could retrofit her for action. The schooner USS Enterprise had created an opportunity for them to do exactly this. While trolling for pirates, the USS Enterprise became the first American ship to engage the Barbary Pirates. They captured the pirate ship Mastico and took her into the United States Navy. They armed her and rechristened her as the USS Intrepid. They re-rigged her with short masts and triangular sails to look like the local pirate ships. The vessel was loaded with 100 barrels of powder and 150 fixed shells; the fuses leading to the explosives were calculated to burn for 15 minutes. Then the Captain and his crew waited until night and the USS Intrepid entered the harbor. The winds were right; strong and blowing in the right direction. Approximately two hours later, they were alongside the USS Philadelphia. When hailed by the pirates, the captain of the USS Intrepid convinced them that they were traders who had lost their anchor in the late strong winds. They begged for permission to fasten firmly to the USS Philadelphia until morning. Later that night, the captain and his crew of sixty men boarded the deck of the Philadelphia. The engaged the pirates and overcame them without firing a gun. They rendered the Philadelphia unseaworthy by setting her on fire. The Captain was the last man to leave the burning frigate. Actually, the story told is that he remained on board until flames blazed from the hatchways and ports of her upper deck. When he finally left the ship, her rigging and tops were afire. The Intrepid and the Philadelphia opened the gates of hell as only Hellburners’ could.

  “Wow, Jeff.”

  “There is more, big brother. The plan was for a ship to wait for the captain and crew at a safe distance. The plan was for them to swim to safety. Yet the waiting ship and crew saw the USS Intrepid explode and light up the harbor, sending the hull, rigging and exploding shells in all directions, killing everyone on board and close by. The blast radius was much wider than expected. The anxious crew of the awaiting ship was shaken by the massive explosion but could not determine the exact fate of the captain and crew. They remained there the entire night with the hope that rowing vessels would return with their comrades. They never did. It was thought that the captain and crew decided to destroy the vessels and themselves to avoid capture and enslavement.”

  Neil’s comment was simply, “Well done Jeff.”

  J.R. patted Jeff on the back. “Well done indeed.”

  Colonel Werner was smiling from ear to ear.

  “So let’s get back to Secretary Bird, okay?” Neil said while reviewing his smart tablet notes. “Under very aggressive persuasion, Roble mentioned Fireship Savannah several times. Roble deliriously called it the Fireship of the fleet and that it alone contained enough nuclear materials to take out the eastern seaboard. Colonel, other than being the name of cities in Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri, Ohio, California, Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi and North Carolina, does the name Savannah mean anything to anyone there in Fort Stewart?”

  Jeff shook his head no.

  Colonel Werner muted all communication and asked, “You sure, son? I really need your help. What significance does Fireship Savannah have? Is that code for something?”

  Jeff stuck to his story. “I can’t help you there, Colonel Werner. I was a part of a cell that did not have that information. The Genesis operatives that could give you that bit of intelligence are dead.”r />
  Colonel Werner frowned at Jeff as he motioned for Captain Parrish to unmute communication. “Neil, we have no intel on this Fireship Savannah.”

  Neil placed additional images on the conference screens. “About a month and a half ago, two supertankers left their original point in China and headed around Cape Horn. Genesis intentionally went to considerable expense to send the vessels around Cape Horn in order to thwart detection. Roble also told us that these tankers' destination was the edge of Tybee Island near international waters. They will arrive from Vitória which is the capital and major port of the State of Espirito Santo in Eastern Brazil, which is located about 259 miles northeast of Rio de Janeiro.”

  Jeff asked, “Which port? The City of Vitória has two ports.”

  Neil asked Jeff a question which seemed a request for help. “Jeff, which port would you choose based on your instincts and training as a Genesis operative?”

  Jeff gave it some thought. The room was dead silent. Jeff responded, “The Port of Vitória would be my choice over the Port of Tubarão. My goal would be to conceal the tankers and that port is the most difficult port for ships to access in all of Brazil. The Bay of Vitória is extremely narrow, with stones and mountains that complicate access by freighters, coast guard, and navy vessels.”

  Neil looked amazed. “Let’s take a ten-minute break.” The screens faded to the symbol of British intelligence. After the brief break, everyone was back in their seats. Daniel was the first person to return to the conference room as he was very curious as to why Neil had suddenly called break time.

  Neil answered Daniel's question with his first statement. “We briefed the United States intelligence community immediately after we took the break, and they concur with the strategy of allowing the tankers to leave Vitória and head out to the open sea. This will minimize the risk of a nuclear event to Brazil and the other countries that could be impacted by the blast.”


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