Owned by a Sinner

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Owned by a Sinner Page 12

by A G Henderson

  I was doing a fish out of water impersonation without really meaning to. My mouth opened, closed. Opened. Closed. No words actually made it to the surface.

  The four letter word.

  I hit rewind on my memory, listening to it again. And again. And again. Making sure I hadn’t substituted something completely different in its place.

  But I hadn’t.

  Holy hell, he really said it!

  My heart swelled to bursting, pushing tears out of my eyes so fast I couldn’t try to catch them as they left warm trails down my cheeks. Creed’s expression crumbled and he reached out for me, stopping halfway. That hesitation told the truth better than if he had repeated himself.

  I threw myself off the barstool and into his arms, collapsing against him, wetness pouring freely as I buried my head into his neck and breathed him in.

  “I love you too,” I croaked against his skin, sobbing loudly as he rubbed my back, making soothing little noises. “But-”

  “No, no buts.” Creed pulled me up to a standing position and looked down at me, eyes warm. His fingers traced my cheeks, wiping at my tears as they finally started to slow. “If I have to spank you here in front of all these people, it’s going to be fucking weird.”

  “All these people?”

  In that same heartbeat, the lights flooded on, revealing… everyone. My mouth dropped open and Creed’s body shook with repressed laughter.

  “Surprise!” They screamed at once, popping open bottles and releasing black and grey balloons while music started thumping in the background.

  Lizzy was front and center in a blue dress, clapping excitedly. Texas was right behind her, raising a bottle in our direction, and the other Sinners were spread out around them.

  Kane and Saze kept their arms around their wives as they fist bumped each other. Sylvia was smiling gently, holding up a flute of champagne. Tanner actually managed a wave and a grin before being distracted by the large tablet in his hands. Rain and his girlfriend nodded politely and I scanned the rest of the room, not even on a first name basis with most of them but they all looked genuinely happy. Excited.

  And more than a little grateful for any excuse to party.

  I wiped at my eyes before turning back to the man who was making all of my dreams come true. Arrogant bastard that he was, Creed was looking way too proud of himself as he offered the pen again.

  Rolling my eyes, I snatched it and scribbled my name on the appropriate places. “You realize you’re not getting this place back, right?”

  A dark promise flashed in his eyes but all he did was shrug. “I don’t care. Exodus is officially yours. Gut the place and redecorate it if you want. Rename it. Whatever. All I care about is that you’re mine. For good.”

  “Always and forever,” I promised, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to my gorgeous monster’s lips. I let my gaze sweep the room again, taking it in. The place had its own flavor but there were a few things I wanted to change already.

  One of them more important than the others.

  “You said I could change the name?”

  “Mmhmm.” He tucked me into his side and I released a happy sigh. “What did you have in mind?”



  “I like the sound of that.”

  Creed tipped my face towards his, coming in for a kiss that I doubted would be anywhere near as innocent as the last. I was willing to bet we would be leaving soon, and no one would catch me complaining.

  I needed to thank the man I loved. Privately.

  Epilogue - Creed

  Five months later

  “Babe,” Caitlin sang, her voice instantly winning out over the background noise and grabbing hold of my attention. “You’re scaring the nice doctors and nurses. Would you please sit down?”

  I stopped pacing, looking around, unable to miss the glances that fluttered away from me the second my attention shifted that direction.

  As usual, Caitlin was right.

  We were in Charlotte for Lizzy’s delivery and I had bought out an entire floor of the city’s largest hospital the moment I got the news that she was going into labor. The staff was understandably caught off guard. What celebrity had they been hoping would show up? Instead, a bunch of leather clad savages and their women had filed into the hospital, looking more like we were ready to loot it than anything.

  Or maybe that was just me.

  Every member of the inner circle was camped right outside the delivery room where Lizzy had been in labor for what felt like countless hours, but hadn’t really been that long. They were all taking this remarkably well. Meanwhile, I was a nervous wreck for the second time in my fucking life. The first being that day I waited for Caitlin to answer me after I said I loved her.

  I was cracking under the pressure of wanting to force this to go well but my hands were effectively tied. Delivering babies wasn’t in my skill set, but fuck, maybe it needed to be. How long did this shit take? And was it too much to ask to get a fucking update without having to find someone every few minutes? I was precariously close to threatening bodily harm in order to have one of these staff members relegated to doing nothing but stepping through those doors every couple minutes and telling me how things were going. Fucking hell I was going to-

  “Creed,” Caitlin hissed, pointing to the seat beside her. “Sit.”

  I exhaled a rough breath, irritably popping my knuckles, but I made my way to her side, daring the other Sinners to say anything at all with a heated look. The more time we spent together, the more I was okay with taking her orders. But that courtesy extended to her and her alone. I was more than willing to make an example of anyone who forgot that.

  Both of her hands wrapped around one of mine the second I sat down.

  “Everything is going to be fine,” she said softly, green eyes sincere.

  “We’re not doing this shit anytime soon,” I grumbled, not even caring that this was a horrible time for this talk.

  Her eyes danced. She was enjoying this way too much. “That's fine. I'm just hitting my groove with Genesis. I'm not in any hurry to retire.”

  Caitlin was being modest. From day one, it was like she had breathed new life into the place. At the rate things were progressing, she was going to straight up run out of room before long. The bar was packed from wall to wall at all times of the day. I wanted to broach the topic of expanding it, maybe building a second level for a nightclub and widening the parking lot, but I was content to keep those ideas to myself for now. At least until I felt like I could run it by her without stepping on her toes.

  I promised that it was all hers and I meant it. I wouldn't step in unless she asked me to.

  She leaned in close, pitching her voice so only I could hear. “Have you heard anything else about him?”

  There was no doubt in my mind as to who she was asking about. Nearly a month ago, shortly after Tex and Lizzy’s wedding - yes, I’d been the best man - I'd gotten an anonymous tip about Rebel making waves down in Florida and possibly chartering a boat. The problem with anonymous tips, though, was that they didn't usually offer up any updates. I knew a few people down that way, but no one I really trusted, and I couldn't exactly chase that lead down myself, so the trail had gone cold.

  “Nothing I can use,” I said, hating the way her face fell. “We'll find him, baby. Someday. No one can disappear forever.”

  “You don't think he's…” She swallowed thickly, words trailing off.

  “Not a chance.” Whatever else Rebel was, and I had to wonder how well I truly knew the man, he was smart. I didn't know what he was up to, and as long as it didn't affect me and mine, I didn't care. But I did know he wouldn't stop until he saw it done. That was our very nature as Sinners.

  Caitlin leaned her back against the sterile, white wall, closing her eyes. “Good. Because when he shows up again, I'm going to strangle him, thank him and ask him why. Not necessarily in that order.”

  “I’ll help. At least with the stragg
ling part.” His reasons didn’t matter to me, only that he had done my woman wrong. His actions may have resulted in Caitlin and I being together, but it would be a cold day in hell before I thanked him for that.

  She cracked one eye open, grinning at me. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Red.” Some of the tension from the day seeped out of my shoulders and I leaned back in my chair. I knew one thing for sure at least.

  I could deal with anything as long as she was at my side.

  The door to the delivery room opened and all our heads snapped that way. Dr. Carmichael stepped out, pulling the blue mask down over his face to reveal a gentle smile. If he was bothered by the overwhelming amount of testosterone flooding the hall and suddenly focused on him, he didn’t show it. There was nothing but warmth on his lined face and I realized I could breathe easier even before he spoke.

  “The baby girl and the new mom are perfectly healthy. If-”

  He was cut off by the loud whoops, hollers and whistles that sounded as some of the deadliest men in the state jumped up and down in celebration. This was why I bought out the floor. Dumbasses would’ve gotten us kicked out otherwise. But I was smiling too, foot tapping excitedly on the floor as Caitlin stood and spun in a circle with Kayla, both of them squealing at an ear piercing decibel.

  The doctor cut a glance my way, obviously amused, but his look said he still had shit to do with his day.

  I stuck my fingers in my mouth and whistled sharply, cutting through the racket. “Let the man finish.” There was some grumbling, but no one disobeyed. I stood, pulling Caitlin back against my front as the doctor nodded his thanks.

  “As I was saying,” he continued. “If you would like to enter in groups of two while we prepare the recovery room, now would be the time. Please, do your best to make it quick. They both need their rest but I promise there’ll be plenty of space in the new room for all of you.” He smiled again and set off down the hall at a brisk pace.

  We didn’t need to debate who was going first. The others stepped back as I guided Caitlin towards the door. We stepped in to a sight I knew I would never forget.

  Lizzy was pale, blonde hair in disarray, skin covered in a sheen of sweat, but the look in her eyes as she carefully held the small bundle in her arms was nothing short of angelic. She smiled at us both briefly.

  “Here comes her first set of godparents.” Tex’s voice was quieter than I’d ever heard it and filled with emotion as he glanced at me. He was hovering right over the side of the bed, a giant protector. Anyone that fucked with either of them was doomed to a fate worse than death.

  Caitlin sniffed beside me as we stopped by the bed and looked down. Their little girl was something special. I knew that for a fact.

  “Congratulations,” I said softly so I wouldn’t wake her. “Both of you.”

  “What he said.” Caitlin leaned into me and my arm wrapped around her. It was second nature. “She’s beautiful.”

  Tex nodded absently, smoothing the hair from his wife’s face. “She has Lizzy’s eyes. I can’t wait for y’all to see ‘em.”

  “Have you picked a name?” I asked.

  The married couple shared a glance, something unspoken passing between them.

  Lizzy looked up at us again. “Abigail.”

  “That’s perfect,” Caitlin breathed. “Little Abby is going to be spoiled rotten.”

  Tex chuckled. “You fucking bet.”

  Lizzy’s eyes snapped up to him. “Hey. Caveman. Watch your language.”

  He held up his hands but he was grinning. “Angel, she’s gonna come up around a gang of bikers. We couldn’t stop cursing if we tried.”

  “Well try harder. I am not getting a call from her future teachers that her first word was ‘motherfucker.’” Lizzy’s eyes went wide and I imagined she would’ve clapped a hand over her mouth if her arms weren’t full.

  We all snickered and Caitlin doubled over, holding her stomach as little giggles escaped. I pulled her back, throwing my thumb over my shoulder.

  “I think that’s our cue. I’ll start sending the rest in.”

  Lizzy spoke up again. “Will you send Sylvia next? She’s been a big help through this whole thing.”

  “Will do.”

  I stepped back out into the hall and looked around while Caitlin slid down a wall nearby, still chuckling and wiping at her eyes. Fuck, I loved that woman. The Sinners surrounded me, trying to be next to get in. I scanned the excited faces quickly, then frowned.

  “Where’s Sly?”

  People blinked. Turned. Looked around.

  “She was just here.” Tanner shoved his phone in his pocket. He looked concerned.

  I extended a hand for Caitlin and she took it, quickly coming to her feet. “Corral the herd while I find her?”

  “Of course.”

  I heard her quieting everyone down as I headed for the elevator, boots thudding quickly through the hall before I stepped in and pushed the button for the ground floor. The ride was probably the slowest one I had ever been on and I was sure my impatience showed on my face. Each time the doors opened on a new floor, the people waiting on the other side chose not to come in. By the time I reached the bottom and strode outside, my hands were in tight fists.

  Sly had been by Lizzy’s side near constantly, especially during these last few months. Her subtle emotions were always difficult to read, but she’d seemed happy and I’d left it alone.

  Had that been a mistake?

  I wandered around outside the hospital for several minutes before I spotted a large, grassy hill and the form sitting motionless at the top of it.

  My long legs carried me the distance with ease, but even when I got close enough to make out her almost silver eyes beneath the brim of her baseball cap, she paid me no attention, absently spinning a tablet sized dry erase board around in her fingers. That trend of ignoring me continued as I took a seat in the grass beside her.

  “Lizzy and the baby are okay,” I said to break the silence.

  She pulled a marker from her pocket and popped the cap off with her teeth before writing on the board. “I heard that part.”

  How the hell did she walk away without me noticing right then?

  “Red and I saw them both.” No reaction. “Lizzy wants you to see her next.”

  Her fingers clenched the marker so tight that her knuckles whitened. “I can’t.”

  “You can. Get your ass up and go back through those doors.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  My jaw popped. “Of course I don’t understand. You’re not telling me anything.”

  “I can’t.”

  I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. Several theories turned over in my mind, all of them leading back to the past. Back to when Tex, Rebel and I had found her. “This has to do with the Cartel.”

  She went unresponsive again, which was answer enough.

  I stayed silent as well, swallowing back the hot flood of rage that rose inside me. We’d rescued her from a whorehouse. Suffice it to say there had been nothing about her appearance that led me to believe she’d been left untouched. I wanted nothing more than to go back and kill those fuckers all over again for stealing her willingness to use her voice and more. But I couldn’t know how much more because she had never told me and it didn’t seem like that was about to change today either.

  “I’m having second thoughts on giving you this city.” Her head turned sharply, scowl fierce, teeth bared. I returned it with a quelling look of my own, my voice growing hard. “You’re falling apart.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Don’t give me that shit.” I pointed at the hospital in front of us. “One of our brothers and his wife, which makes her a sister to you, are in there right now, expecting you to show up. You’re letting them down. Which means you’re letting me down. And you’ve never fucking done that before. So yeah, Sly, I’m pretty sure you’re falling apart.”

  Her eyes were molten silver as she fumed, writing turning
sloppy. “Stay out of my business.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t do that. You are my business and if I let you go into this thing without your head screwed on tight, that’s on me.”

  “I need this, Creed.” My heart about stopped at her quiet whisper. I wasn’t sure when I had heard her speak last. Her voice was low, slightly raspy.

  “I’m sure there’s a smaller operation I can find if you-”

  She grabbed the board again. “It has to be here.”

  “Goddamnit,” I mumbled, mostly to myself. “Why? What’s here that’s suddenly so important?”


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