Finally (RiffRaff Records Book 9)

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Finally (RiffRaff Records Book 9) Page 8

by L. P. Maxa

  “So ten kids, with eight grandbabies and counting? That’s a good-size family for four ex-rockers.” Sean crossed one leg over the other, the picture of business elegance. “At least you’re never lonely, are you?”

  I smiled, loving the way you sounded more like yah. But the truth was, all of us felt lonely at one time or another. We had each other, and we had so much love surrounding us, but that didn’t mean we didn’t have to go through the trials and tribulations of growing up.

  “Crue, hey, man, glad you could make it.” Emmet stood from where he’d been chatting with Jett, extending his hand to the ex-love of my life who’d waltzed in like he was the king of the world. Such swagger, always. It was infuriating.

  “Wouldn’t have missed it.” He shook Emmet’s hand, and then shot a wink my way.

  I glared at him, trying my best to make his blond head explode with the powers of my mind.

  “Careful, love, you’ll give yourself an aneurism.” Sean topped off my drink, distracting me from Crue. “What’s the story there? Isn’t Crue another one of the Devil’s Share offspring?”

  I sat back in my seat, crossing my legs and leaning closer to Sean. It was an automatic response to the threat of Crue in my space. I had trained myself to ignore him, to put my attention and focus on someone, anyone, else. “Crue Matthews, son of Luke and Harlow Matthews, heir to a third of the RiffRaff Records fortune. And my first love.”

  “Ah, that makes sense then.” Sean put his hand on my knee, winking at me when I looked up in question. “Every cell in your body hardened to stone when he walked in.” He tapped his fingers playfully against my bare leg. “And you turned to me like you were seeking shelter from a storm.”

  I smiled, loving that Sean was instantly on my side, instantly playing my game. Maybe he’d grown up being a brat like I had. We recognized that in each other. “I was enamored with him, and he broke my heart.”

  “A tale as old as time.”

  I sighed, sipping my drink. “I got over it, for the most part. But I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and it seems Crue has decided it’s time for us to get back together.”

  “He’s gorgeous.” Sean eyed him appreciatively over the rim of his crystal glass.

  “He’s an entitled asshole who shattered my tiny teenage heart into a million pieces.” I rested my chin on my palm. “But he’s still the best sex I’ve ever had.” Wow. That was some good whiskey. I hadn’t admitted that to anyone, including myself.

  “That’s a shame, love.” Sean turned to me, true pity evident on his face. “If the sex was that good, why not give him another romp? You’re single, he’s single, and from what you’re telling me, he’s interested.”

  Hm. Give him another romp? I’d never thought of that. I had spent so much energy getting Crue out of my mind and my heart that the possibility of ever letting him touch me again hadn’t even entered my brain. But the other night, his anger had turned me on. Then his texts, and the memories that’d been swamping me. Crue could still get me going, that was for fucking sure. No one made me feel the way Crue could make me feel. No one had ever been able to play my body the way he had.

  I let myself look at Crue, really look at him for the first time in what felt like an eternity. He was sexy, he always had been. Blond hair, light eyes, muscles that seemed to only get bigger as the years dragged on.

  “He looks like Thor.”

  I snorted, hiding my smile behind my glass. “He has the hammer to match too.”

  Sean threw his head back, laughing loudly, his hand still on my leg. Crue’s attention immediately flew to the two of us sitting together in the corner. I watched as his eyes moved from my face to Sean’s hand on my skin, then back again. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like someone touching what he thought of as his.

  “You’re mine, baby, all fucking mine.”

  “Was I supposed to tell him that?” Another one of his teammates had propositioned me at a party, inviting me to come see his new truck. Insert eye roll.

  “He touched you.” Crue’s fists were clenched at his sides, his anger barely contained.

  I climbed into his lap, astride him the way he liked. “But he’s gone, and it’s you and me here in this dark truck…in this empty field.” I tangled my hands in his hair, pulling on it hard like he did to mine. “Make me scream, Crue.”

  “He’s coming this way, love,” Sean whispered low, drawing me out of another terrible flashback. I swallowed what was left of my whiskey, needing the distraction and the liquid courage.

  “Sean, congratulations. MJ Botanicals is good business.” Crue shook Sean’s hand, raising his whiskey glass in salute. “Good like this whiskey you and your brother brought.”

  Crue was talking like he, Sean, and Emmet were old friends, and I found it incredibly annoying. I curled my hand around Sean’s arm. “This whiskey is delicious.” I took another small sip. “I can’t wait to tour the distillery when I’m in Ireland.”

  Marley let us know that we’d all probably be making a few trips once the new location was up and running. Quality control and all that.

  Sean, my new best friend, played along. “Mmm, I’m going to enjoy showing you around, love.”

  I liked when he called me “love.” I liked the lilt in his voice and I relished the sour look my enjoyment put on Crue’s face. “Maybe I should spend part of the year with you and Emmet. I’m sure you’ll need help once the build breaks ground.” Not that I knew the first fucking thing about construction.

  “You are welcome any time.” Sean grabbed my hand off his arm, kissing the back of it. “You say the word, and I’ll send the jet.”

  Crue rolled his eyes. “She has her own jet.”

  I didn’t. RiffRaff and MJ Botanicals shared a jet. But I was intentionally jabbing him. The jealous tone in Crue’s voice let me know how well I was doing. “It’s always so much more fun to ride someone else’s though, isn’t it?”

  Sean chuckled, kissing the back of my hand again, his lips lingering this time.

  Crue’s gaze latched on Sean kissing my hand, and then Crue’s lips twitched. That didn’t bode well for me.

  “Avory.” Crue crouched down in front of me, completely ignoring Sean. “Let me drive you home.”

  I didn’t need him to drive me anywhere. I could walk to my parents’ house from here, or crash at Marley’s. Or even Jett’s for that matter. There were about a dozen safe places for me to sleep tonight that did not involve Crue’s help.

  Sean leaned closer, speaking against the shell of my ear, Crue tracking Sean’s movements. “If Thor’s hammer is that magnificent, why not go another couple rounds? If you’re over him, what could it hurt?”

  I smiled, which I’m sure only bothered Crue, but that was the point, wasn’t it? It looked like Sean and I were sharing some intimate moment, something more than two new friends commiserating. If only Crue knew what I was contemplating.

  What could it hurt? Maybe him. But certainly not me. I grinned, handing Sean my empty glass with a wink before letting Crue help me out of my seat.

  Game on, fucker.

  Chapter Nineteen



  Avory was tipsy, that was the only reason she’d let me lead her by the hand out of the MJ Botanical’s lobby. I knew Sean Ryan was gay, and I knew that she’d been trying to make me jealous. More to the point: Avory still cared. She still held a flame for me, her first love. Her only love if I had any say in the matter. She looked beautiful. Her black dress hugged her curves perfectly. Her long toned legs were on display, and leaning into Sean at the sight of me had only hiked her short dress even higher. There wasn’t a day that had gone by in the last five years that I didn’t crave the feel of her skin against mine.

  “I love the way you feel.” I moved inside her, my gaze locked on hers. Avory was the most beautiful girl in the world, always. But the way she looked when she came apart in my arms was mesmerizing.

  She arched her neck, pushing her naked chest ag
ainst mine. “Crue.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at the way she moaned my name. It was one word, but it spoke volumes. I could read Avory like a well-worn copy of a favorite book. She wanted more, she wanted me to let go. She was begging me to love her.

  Avory rolled her head on the passenger seat, turning to face me. “I could have walked home, you know?”

  I cleared the lust from my throat the small memory had created. “I was headed back to the compound anyway.” Emmet Ryan had invited me to their mini celebration before Avory had mistakenly texted me. He and I had hit it off while I was coordinating their trip here. Once I knew Avory was going to be in attendance too, I was all in. Which wasn’t stalking. I’d pulled that packet out of the trash in Marley’s office and read it to be sure.

  “Are you going to keep doing this? Keep showing up everywhere I am, texting me in the middle of the night?” She turned to stare out the window as we pulled into the Devil’s Share gates. She waved to the guard and I swear I could see him blush in the dim light of his post. Avory had that effect on people, on men in particular. She was so beautiful, so innately sexy, even when she wasn’t trying. “Is this your new normal?”

  I tightened my hands on the steering wheel, contemplating her questions. Was this my new normal? No. “This is me waking up from five years of bullshit.”

  “Excuse me?” Avory whirled around, her long hair flying like a silky fan. “Bullshit?”

  I passed her parents’ house, turning the corner and heading to the old red barn instead. “Yeah, baby, bullshit.” I drove the rest of the way to my house before putting my truck in park. “You’ve been throwing this temper tantrum for half a decade and I’m done being your whipping boy.” I’d paid my penance, Marley and Katie were spot on. It was time Avory owned up to the part she played in our demise when we were kids.

  “Temper tantrum?” She laughed, but the sound held no humor. “Are you fucking insane? You cheated on me.”

  I rolled my eyes, which, I was sure, only further pissed her off. “Cheated? Come on. I didn’t fuck her. I didn’t even touch her. She kissed me. I kissed her back. She took her shirt off and I tossed her off me.” When I was in the thick of it, when I could see the hurt and betrayal in Avory’s gaze every time I looked at her, I felt like the lowest of the low. But time and age had brought a new clarity to the situation. It was high time I shared that with her.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, but you hurt me too. And my reasons for doing what I did had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with you and my twin. You know that. You’ve always known that. And I’m done letting you punish me. Us. Punish us.”

  “There is no us, Crue.” Her brow furrowed as she took in her surroundings. “Why are we here? I thought you were taking me home.”

  “And we both fucking know that you agreed to come with me for one reason and one reason only.” Once upon a time I’d known Avory, better than she knew herself. And the look in her eyes back at MJ Botanicals was one I recognized all too well.

  I got out of the car, leaving her in there to pout. She could either stay here with me like she’d originally intended or walk back to her childhood home. I opened the front door, using the keypad with a passcode every one of my cousins knew by heart. I flipped on the lamp in the living room, taking off my suit jacket and tossing it on the back of the couch. I couldn’t help but smirk when I heard the front door close, and I felt Avory step inside.

  She was standing in the entryway, her arms crossed over her chest and the toe of her shiny black Louboutin tapping in irritation. She was mad that she couldn’t shake me. She wanted to play coy and act like this wasn’t exactly what she wanted when she’d climbed inside my truck.

  I had other plans.

  “Take off your dress.”

  Her jaw dropped open in outrage and it took everything inside me not to laugh at the absurdity of her expression. “What? You can’t be serious.”

  I removed my tie, tossing it on top of my suit jacket. “Avory, you haven’t willingly gotten in a car with me since you were seventeen years old and I can’t recall the last time you let me hold your hand.” I started to unbutton my shirt. “We both know why you agreed to let me take you home tonight. So take off your fucking dress.”

  She narrowed her pretty eyes. “Arrogant asshole.”

  “Self-righteous spoiled brat.” I lifted my chin, silently daring her to leave.

  She dragged her lower lip through her straight white teeth, her eyes darting to my abs. “This means nothing.”

  I shrugged. “Whatever you say.” She was lying to me, but she was lying to herself as well so I figured I’d give her that one.

  She reached behind her, unzipping her sexy black dress before letting it fall off her shoulders and pool around her heels. She was wearing a black strapless bra underneath, panties that matched. I schooled my expression, trying like hell to look unaffected when I was anything but.

  This was the first time I’d seen Avory’s body bared to me like this in so fucking long I nearly cried. I felt like a man dying of thirst. I wanted to drop to my knees and worship her the way she deserved. But I was afraid that much emotion would scare her off, would make her leave.

  So I lifted my chin, stared down at her like she was nothing more than a toy I thought I’d lost ages ago. “Come here.” I pointed to the ground in front of me, clenching my molars together at the ire that flared in her gorgeous eyes. I was pissing her off. But I was also turning her on.

  She stepped over her dress, crossing the room to me. “What now, Crue?”

  What now, Crue. That’s what she’d asked me when we were kids sneaking around by the back gate. I’d made her cancel her plans, and then I’d hauled her body onto my lap and kissed her senseless.

  My arm snapped out and wrapped around her slim waist as I dragged her against me. I didn’t give either of us time to change our minds, time to think about what would happen when the sun came up. I fused my lips to hers, barely holding in my sigh of relief.

  I was home.

  After all these years, I was finally where I was supposed to be.

  My tongue tangled with hers, both of us fighting for dominance. I’d win, because she wanted me to. I knew what Avory had been missing. I knew what my girl was after. And I knew I was the only one who could ever give it to her.

  I picked her up, her long legs encircling my hips. I carried her up the stairs, my hands on her ass and my mouth still playing with hers. I kicked my bedroom door shut and then tossed her onto my bed. Her hair fanned out around her and she bounced against my pillows.

  “This means nothing.”

  I smirked, knowing that arguing with her right now would only delay what we both needed. “Whatever you say, baby.” I unbuttoned my pants, sliding them and my boxer briefs down my legs. I watched, satisfied, as her gaze moved up and down my naked body. Her lips parted, a small gasp escaping.

  She’d missed me as much as I’d missed her. Her words might deny it, but her body never could.

  “Take off the rest, baby.”

  Her eyes shuttered as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, then dangled it over the edge of the bed before dropping it. She slid her hands down her body, teasing herself as she tempted me, stuck her fingers in her panties and lifted her ass to wriggle the lace down her legs. She flicked a foot and sent the panties flying.

  I put my palms on her knees, spreading them wide and pinning them down to the mattress. I dipped low, placing kisses on her inner thighs. I wanted to feast on her. I wanted her pliant and—

  “No.” Her hands tangled in my hair, pulling my head up. “This is sex, Crue. Nothing more.”

  So she was going to stick with that game? Fine. I didn’t need my tongue in her pussy to make her mine again. I nodded toward the edge of the bed. “Grab a condom.”

  She took a deep breath, like she was steadying herself, before reaching between the mattress and the box spring. She ripped one off the long strip and then flicked it at me, eyebrow
raised in defiance. She wouldn’t put it on for me, and her expression was daring me to try to make her. But I knew when to pick my battles.

  I slid on the condom, the contact to my dick making tingles race up my spine. I was so fucking turned on having her spread before me. If I didn’t get my shit together, this would be over a hell of a lot sooner than I wanted it to be. I needed to keep her here. I needed to make this night last until dawn.

  I needed her exhausted and sated.

  I needed her to let me hold her.

  I needed her defenses down.

  I moved up her body, planting my hands on either side of her beautiful face, positioning the head of my cock at her entrance. Her breathing was shallow, and I was sweating already. We were both faking it. Both trying to act like what was happening between us meant nothing.

  I gripped her slender throat in my hand, pushing into her pussy until I couldn’t possibly go any farther. I closed my eyes, trying like hell to slow my pounding heart. Emotion clogged my throat. Tears threatened the back of my eyes.

  This meant everything.

  Her back arched off the bed, a soft moan escaping. I pulled out, almost all the way, and then surged forward again. I watched her face, the way she bit her bottom lip, the way her eyebrows drew in. I squeezed her throat, knowing that she’d fucking love it. She whimpered, her nails clawing at my bare back. “Open your eyes and tell me what you want, baby.”

  I wanted to hear her say it. I wanted her to put words to everything she’d been missing for the last five years.

  “Harder, Crue.” Her gaze collided with mine. “Please, I need…it.”

  You. I need you. That’s what she was going to say. It was working. This was all working. She was lowering that wall, she was remembering the way we loved each other, the way no one else ever could. I hammered into her, giving her exactly what she wanted, moving her body up the mattress with each thrust.


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