Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance

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Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance Page 14

by Bailey Bradford

  A third stinging slap came down and Rory had to grip the base of his prick hard to keep from coming. He felt Chance pulling back and heard his lover’s swift intake of breath.

  “Fuck, baby!” Chance’s voice sounded nearly reverent.

  Rory hissed as Chance’s hands slid over the heated skin of his ass. He pushed his hips back when the caresses stopped, wanting more of the soft touch. Instead, Chance covered his RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  body, slipping his hands under Rory’s chest and giving both nipple rings a hard tug. Rory moaned and squeezed his dick harder. Chance’s hands slid up until they were gripping Rory’s shoulders from the front.

  “Better hold on,” Chance whispered in his ear.

  Rory was going to ask what he should hold on to, but then Chance began fucking him just like he needed and Rory forgot what he wanted to ask. The only thing that mattered was Chance, and him, and the way they felt together.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Seventeen

  Chance hung up the cell phone and stared at it, not really seeing a damn thing.

  “Everything okay?”

  Max’s question startled Chance out of his stupor. He turned and looked at the wiry man and watched the confusion dance across Max’s face. Chance felt his smile spreading wide and he nodded.

  “Yeah, better than, really. Where’s Rory at today?” He had news for his lover that would, hopefully, vanquish that faint worried look that would creep up on the younger man every now and then. Ever since they’d talked to Detective Malone.

  “Yeah, he’s over in the North pasture.” Max gestured with his thumb over his shoulder.

  His eyes sparkled as he winked at Chance. “Maybe I should stay home tonight.”

  Chance shook his head. “No, you still better have your ass at the house for dinner.” He slapped Max on the back as he passed the ranch hand. “I promise we’ll behave.” Mostly, he added to himself.

  “All right, I’ll see ya then.”

  Waving one hand at Max, Chance grabbed the reins to his gelding Zeus and quickly mounted. He took off, giving Zeus his head and letting the quarter horse run.

  Chance pushed his hat down farther then gripped the reins again with both hands, enjoying the hard ride.

  He brought the gelding up to a walk when they reached the North pasture, patting the horse’s sweaty neck and praising him for being such a good boy. Rory was waiting for him by the gate, and Chance sidled Zeus up to it so he could lean over and plant a fast kiss on his lover’s lips.

  “Something wrong?” Rory studied him intently for a few seconds before he dismounted and pulled the gate open.

  Zeus nickered and walked through the gate. Chance slid from the saddle and took both horses’ reins, looping them over a couple of posts. He turned and nearly smacked into Rory.

  The worry in his lover’s blue eyes made Chance feel like shit for not answering sooner.

  “No, nothing’s wrong.” He leant in and tipped his head up for another kiss. Rory’s RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  strong arms wrapped around him and it felt so right that Chance wanted to purr. Instead, he stroked the roof of Rory’s mouth with his tongue, revelling in the shudder that rocked through his lover’s body. Chance grabbed Rory’s biceps and held on tight.

  Rory’s hands dipped down to cup Chance’s ass and pull him up so that their dicks rubbed together. Chance was pretty sure he did purr then, twining his tongue with Rory’s as they moved against each other.

  When Rory lifted his head, his lips were red and puffy, slicked with moisture from the kiss. His heavy-lidded gaze had Chance’s cock pushing hard against his zipper. Chance reached down and tried to adjust himself into a less painful spot. He glanced up to see those red lips quirking up in a grin.

  “So you just came out here to say hello?” The deep timbre of his lover’s voice ensured there was no comfortable position in which Chance could rearrange his dick.

  “Actually,”—Chance rubbed the ball of his hand over his cock, trying to ease the discomfort—“I came to tell you some good news.”

  “And what’s that?” Rory’s hand batted Chance’s aside. He stroked over the denim-clad erection and Chance’s thoughts scattered.

  “No, baby, I can’t think when you’re doing that.” Chance pulled Rory’s hand away.

  Rory’s dark gaze met Chance’s again.

  “Art’s pleading guilty.” Chance watched as Rory processed the news. “So, there’s no trial. It was part of a plea deal, since they have so much on him. He kept records…” Chance shut up. He didn’t want to get into detail about just how much proof the prosecutor had on Art.

  Rory stepped back, keeping a hand on Chance’s hip. The bobbing of his Adam’s apple told Chance his lover was struggling with some emotion, but he wasn’t sure if it was a happy one or not.

  “How long?” Rory finally managed to get out.

  “He’ll be lucky to get out before he dies in there.” Chance trailed a finger down Rory’s cheek then rested it on the younger man’s chest. Rory nodded and looked down. He took a few deep breaths before he looked at Chance.

  “So that’s it, right? We don’t have to go in for any more interviews and testimonies, nothing? It’s done?” The hope shining in Rory’s eyes made Chance’s heart pinch.

  “Yeah.” He stroked his lover’s chest, wanting nothing more than to take the man home.


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  “It’s done.”

  Rory yipped and the next thing Chance knew, he was being lifted and spun around as Rory’s laughter rang out. His feet touched the ground and Rory pulled him in for a hard hug.

  “Thank God,” Rory murmured over and over in Chance’s ear.

  Chance smoothed his hands in circles over his lover’s back. He could almost feel the coiled tension leaving Rory’s body.

  “I would have done what needed doing, but God, I didn’t want to, you know?” Rory leant back and looked at him. “Does that mean I’m a piece of shit?”

  Chance shook Rory a bit. “No! Who the hell would look forward to something like that?” He growled and had to suppress a shudder himself. “And for a gay man to have to do it? We both knew it would probably get ugly. No way to look forward to that.”

  Rory’s gaze travelled up and down the length of Chance’s body. His erection, which had begun to soften, perked right back up. He couldn’t help but notice Rory was rather perky, too.

  Chance pushed Rory up against the gate and quickly unbuckled his lover’s belt. With a tug, he unbuttoned and unzipped the tight jeans. He shoved his hands under Rory’s underwear and pushed them and the jeans down low enough to free his leaking dick.

  Chance couldn’t look away from the pre cum that was smeared across his lover’s cock head.

  “Slight change in plans.” Chance dropped to his knees and grabbed the gate on either side of Rory’s hips. He swiped his tongue over the wet spongy head, dipping into the slit.

  Rory’s moan echoed his own as Chance sucked the tip into his mouth, trying to gather every bit of the slightly salty liquid.

  “Chance, oh shit!” Rory’s hands knocked off Chance’s hat and buried into his hair, gripping almost painfully.

  Chance nodded and let Rory take control, fucking into Chance’s mouth in shallow strokes at first. Chance reached down and worked at his own belt and jeans, moaning when he freed his prick and the pressure on that tender skin let up.

  Rory began pumping his hips faster, his strokes deepening though not reaching Chance’s throat.

  When Chance felt Rory’s body tensing up and his thrusts becoming erratic, he grabbed Rory’s hands and tugged. Rory let go and grumbled when Chance let Rory’s dick slip from his mouth with a slurping noise. Chance rose, pressing his body hard against his lover’s. He RORY

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  went to work a hand between them. Rory must have had the same idea, because their fingers tangled together before they worked it out, their hands gripping and holding their dicks together. The found a smooth, easy rhythm and Rory’s other hand latched on to the back of Chance’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss that felt like more teeth than tongue.

  Rory’s palm swiped over the head of their cocks and Chance felt his balls snug close to his body. He broke their kiss and brought his other hand up under Rory’s shirt to tug at his lover’s nipple ring. A couple of twists and Rory was groaning as wet heat splashed between them. Rory’s hand faltered and Chance let go of the nipple ring long enough to clasp both hands to Rory’s and encourage him to stroke.

  A quick pump and Chance was trying not to yell, trying to remember not to spook the horses or cattle as his cock pulsed and bursts of semen erupted, mixing with Rory’s.

  A snort and a nicker caught their attention. Rory and Chance turned their heads and found Rama and Zeus looking at them.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to put on a show.” Chance stepped back and did the best he could to get the spunk off of him before tucking his parts back in his jeans.

  “I feel like a perv,” Rory muttered, swiping at the sticky mess on his clothes and skin.

  Chance peeked over his shoulder then couldn’t bite back his grin as he faced Rory again. “Well, if that makes you feel like a perv, you sure don’t want to look up.”

  Of course, Rory’s head shot up. “What do you—oh fuck!”

  Chance snickered as Rory’s eyes widened. Yes, sometimes cattle were curious critters.

  He turned around and reached out to a particularly inquisitive heifer, careful not to let her slobber all over his hand.

  “Go on, now, before you embarrass my partner to death!” Chance gently shooed the cattle back before facing Rory again. “Feel better now? Less perv-y?”

  Rory gave him a considering look. “I’ve decided that I’m not the perv here.”

  “Oh really?” Chance worked his eyebrow up as far as he could get it. “Because you could have said no at any time.”

  “Yeah, right!” Rory rolled his eyes as he finished buckling his belt. “Like I could—or would—ever say no to you!” He walked over and slapped Chance on the ass. “I meant the cattle and our not-so-noble steeds were the pervs.”

  Chance rubbed his butt cheek and considered whether he should get revenge now or later. “Definitely later.” When he had his man naked and pleading beneath him.


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  “Definitely later what?” Rory stopped and looked at him.

  The only answer Chance gave him was a slow smile that had his lover drawing a stuttering breath.

  “Oh. Later.” Rory gave Chance a slow smile of his own. “I look forward to ‘definitely later’. And if you want it to be definitely sooner, you can hang around and help me finish up here.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” A very excellent plan since they would be having a guest for dinner and he had promised they would behave. Mostly.

  Chance swung up in to the saddle and grinned as he took in his land and cattle. Those things made him happy, but they couldn’t compare to the man riding by his side. Rory flashed him a bright smile, and Chance knew that nothing or no one ever would.


  Bailey Bradford



  Rory took a few minutes to watch Chance as his lover herded the cattle into the pasture.

  The man was pure magic on horseback, all long, sleek muscle that moved with the powerful horse as if the animal was an extension of himself. Rory had plenty of time to admire Chance’s moves—ever since the day Chance had sought him out in the North pasture, Chance spent at least part of each day working with him.

  He’d learned a lot watching his lover, the main thing being that Chance was an honest, hard-working man with many admirable qualities. Rory had thought it impossible to feel any stronger for the man than he did, but he’d been proven wrong, day after day.

  Max’s voice shattered the tranquil moment. “Rory, tell Chance to pick up his damn handset!”

  Rory jerked his off his belt and pressed the button down. “Something wrong, Max?

  Chance is finishing up moving the cattle.”

  Max didn’t even bother to try to hide his snort of laughter. “Ain’t nothing wrong, just got somebody here wanting a job—and Chance might be done faster if ye’d stop gawking at the man and help him!”

  Now how the hell did Max know he was gawking? “Max, I am not—”

  “Sure ya are! Seen ya do it often enough. Or he’s gawking while you’re working. Takes twice as long for the two of ye to get anything done.” The teasing note in Max’s voice took the sting from his words.

  “Well, do you blame me for gawking?” Rory let his gaze settle back on his lover.

  “I ain’t getting into that, boy.” Max laughed.

  Rory heard a voice in the background but couldn’t make out what was being said.

  Whoever their want-to-be employee was, he just got an earful. If he hadn’t known Rory and Chance were gay, he surely did now.

  “Just get the boss and get yerselves up here.”

  “You know we aren’t ready to hire anyone else yet,” Rory pointed out, but he did start edging Rama over towards Chance and Zeus.

  “Then you and Chance can be the people who send this one on their way. Ain’t gonna RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  be me.”

  Rory clipped the handset back to his belt and started working the herd with Chance. He would have been helping by now, anyway, Rory thought. It wasn’t his fault Chance looked so damned good on horseback—or on his back, period. Oh hell, Rory thought Chance looked good any which way he was.

  “Max wants us up at the house.” Rory had to raise his voice to be heard over the racket of the cattle. “Says someone wants a job and he isn’t going to be the one to tell them no.”

  Chance frowned as he worked the last bit of the cattle through the gate. “Now why would he have a problem telling someone no? He’s done it before.”

  Rory hopped down from Rama and grabbed the gate, jogging to close it quickly before he slid the bar that held it shut in place.

  “That’s what I’m wondering,” Rory confessed as he pulled himself back up into the saddle. He looked at Chance and shrugged. “Whoever it is, Max didn’t bother to hide the fact that we’re together. He kept giving me shit about gawking at you.”

  “You do gawk at me quite a bit.” Chance leant over the saddle horn and leered.

  Rory leered right back. “About as much as you gawk at me, lover.”

  They both laughed and turned their horses towards the ranch, teasing and flirting in their normal way. Rory was watching Chance, telling his lover about what improvements he thought they should make with their breeding stock, when Chance pulled Zeus up short and grunted.

  “Don’t think we’re gonna send this one packing.” Chance was looking in the direction of the house.

  Rory followed his lover’s gaze and let out a whoop when he saw who was there looking for a job. He tucked his heels into Rama’s sides and took off, his eyes drawn to the pretty blonde standing on the porch with Max.

  Annabelle ran down the porch steps and Rory leapt off Rama before the gelding had come to a full stop. He had enough time to fling his arms open then he was holding his sister, and rocking gently from side to side. He felt a tug on the reins and opened his eyes enough to see Max trying to take Rama for him. Rory let go of the reins and lifted Annabelle, spinning her around until she squealed with laughter.

  “Put me down!” Annabelle playfully swatted Rory on the shoulder. “I want to meet your man.” She cut her eyes in Chance’s direction. “Damn, brother, he is hot!”


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  Rory turned his head and looked at the sexy-as-fuck man sitting right where he’d reined Zeus in a few minutes ago. The brim of his black Stetson cast a shadow over most of his face, but there was no hiding the fact Chance was a handsome man—and kind enough to hang back and give Rory and Annabelle as much privacy as he could.

  “God, Rory, you look like you just melted inside.”

  Rory glanced at Annabelle and found her studying him. “Why wouldn’t I? He’s…he’s everything.”

  Annabelle’s eyes had a teary sheen to them, but she blinked furiously and gave Rory a quick hug. “Then tell your everything to get his butt over here so I can finally meet him in person.”

  Rory smiled at Chance and gestured him over. “You want to tell me why you’re here looking for a job, Annabelle?”

  “Can I tell you once your sexy boss gets over here?”

  Rory reached over and poked his sister in the ribs. “He’s gay, sis, and mine.”

  Annabelle sighed and stuck her tongue out at Rory. “Doesn’t mean he isn’t sexy.”

  Rory watched the blush sweep over Chance’s cheekbones and poked his sister again.

  “Doesn’t mean he’s deaf, either.”

  “Oops.” Annabelle walked over to Chance before he reined Zeus to a stop. “Sorry if I embarrassed you, but he is my brother—and you are sexy. And I’m Annabelle, as I’m sure you figured out.”

  The saddle creaked as Chance leant down and clasped Annabelle’s hand. “Yes ma’am.

  Chance Galloway.”

  Rory wondered if the ‘yes ma’am’ was an agreement that she had embarrassed him or an admission that he knew who she was. He met Chance’s amused gaze and decided it was both.

  “Here, boss, let me take Zeus so ya can sit down and tell this cowgirl how ya ain’t hiring.” Max grinned up at Chance.

  “You could have mentioned the person enquiring was Annabelle.” Rory’s lips quirked as Max shook his head.


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