Nadia Siddiqui - [Anonymous 02]

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Nadia Siddiqui - [Anonymous 02] Page 5

by Diann Merit

  Anonymous can’t imagine that he was born like this. He can’t have been. Then again,

  Anonymous can kill without losing sleep at night. He has done it regularly. What sets him

  apart from this bastard? The method in which they kill? Because Brandt doesn’t kill for the

  fun of it? What is it about this case in particular that has him questioning, and second-

  guessing everything that he knows? Regardless of when Scarlet plucked him off the streets,

  Anonymous/Brandt has been living this life for more years than he hasn’t. This is who he is.

  He takes a second look at the body before him. She is posed carefully, the pile of entrails

  on the ground leading him in the direction of the office. He knows that whatever he is walking

  in on, is going to be a trap. Tara’s entrails direct Anonymous in the direction of the office. He

  approaches slowly, hearing Malcolm talking to himself softly between sniffled sobs.

  “Is this the price that I am meant to pay?” Malcolm sobs into the air and stares at a blank

  spot on the far wall. Malcolm’s beady eyes focus back to the same spot over and over again.

  “How have I failed you?” He pulls at his shirt, looking like a scorned child. “I just wanted to

  make my art, to share it with the world. When you told me that my day would come, you

  never said that it would be so soon! And at the hands of one so like me. Can fate be so cruel?”

  He must have known that Anonymous was here; he is certain of it, but Malcolm makes

  no movements to show it. “Of course they know. They must be who they are. Too corrupt to

  give and take checks and balances and this is mine.” Malcolm speaks more quickly, his throat

  clogging with emotion as he does. “But he will not turn me into art. He will not make me what

  I am; he will not do me justice!” Malcolm’s body sags and Anonymous stands there, transfixed

  and unable to move.

  “It all must end I know . . . I do.” Malcolm rises to his feet and heads out past Anonymous

  as if he can’t even see him. His eyes are glassed over, red-rimmed from the tears. Anonymous

  knows he should have taken his shot. He should have used the free moment to end him, to

  put his hands on either side of his head and snap his neck one final time to the side. End this

  once and for all, but something inside him needs to know whom he is talking to. It isn’t just

  the deranged ramblings of a madman; it is a conversation. He can feel it. He needs answers;

  there is something in his gut telling him that he needs to follow.

  Malcolm moves down the hallway, staggering as he goes, bumping from one wall to the

  other in a wailing stupor. Not at all the man that Anonymous had seen the other day standing

  at the foot of Tara’s bed. This is somebody else entirely.

  Malcolm moves like a man possessed. On his way past his previous works, he is like a

  shell of a human. Anonymous follows him. Malcolm stops to caress each painting for a second

  or two--but never longer than that--until he reaches what seems to be either a storeroom or

  a staging area or something of that nature. A large space has a white tarp draped tightly over

  the floor. Malcolm steps out of his blood-splattered boots before stepping onto the mat,

  leaving bloody sock prints as he goes.

  Anonymous has been expecting a showdown. He has been prepared for something

  violent that will end in more pain; he has been expecting a fight. He hasn't been expecting

  Malcolm to have a full mental breakdown. Malcolm freezes, looking at something just to the

  side. "Why, hello," Malcolm’s head tilts curiously.

  Malcolm holds his hand as if he’s tracing the outline of a lover’s face. "Can you see

  them?" For the first time tonight, Anonymous thinks that he is being addressed directly. He

  turns in a half-circle, as if he is looking at a myriad of faces surrounding him. He points in

  turn from one invisible being to another. "How they would love to tear me apart," Malcolm

  laughs "only I did it to them first." He pulls his shirt from his body and holds his hand over

  the lower half of his face. "Can you feel their rage? I know you can; they told me the one who

  would come is like me."

  Again, he is comparing the two of them and Anonymous doesn’t care for it. He doesn’t

  want to be lumped in with the crazy . . . but he can see them. He can see hazy outlines like

  ripples of air outlining the places where Malcolm is looking.

  He must have lost more blood than he thought.

  He must have hit his head too hard, or something, but he can fucking see them.

  Anonymous’ eyes widen in surprise, almost taking his focus off the target at hand. He has a

  million questions. Does Malcolm have visions too? Does he see things before they happen?

  How long has it been happening? What does he see? How is he controlling it? Confused,

  Anonymous moves to step onto the canvas to pepper him with questions. He will torture the

  answers out of him if he has to. This is something he can’t live with not knowing. Not when

  he is so close to finally, really, learning something useful.

  Anonymous’ boots wrinkle the tarp they are standing on. The makeshift canvas shifts

  and Malcolm screams holding his arm up to stop Anonymous. "No! This is what you're here


  Anonymous realizes what he means a second too late. He is here to see Malcolm die, and

  he is going to take that right away from Anonymous.

  Malcolm stands in the center of the canvas with his arms outstretched to his sides for a

  long moment. He spins in a slow circle and Anonymous can see the large knife tucked into

  the back of his pants. Anonymous moves to stop him, just until he gets the answers that he

  so desperately needs.

  "My masterpiece," Malcolm whispers. A flint of silver and the knife is lifted above his

  head. Malcolm plunges the knife deep into his own belly with a yowl and takes the knife up

  his person until his organs start to fall from his body. The stupidly pleased smile never once

  leaves Anonymous’ face.

  After all of that . . . all of the blood on his hands . . . he kills himself.

  Malcolm's body drops to his knees and he kneels there, using his last gleeful breaths to

  flick the blood like paint splatters around himself. Sirens sound in the distance and

  Anonymous knows he doesn't have enough time to search the scene like he would want. He

  barely has time to check Malcolm’s pockets for clues, for anything that might help him make

  sense of the situation. He must have had visions too . . . and if he is working for or with

  somebody, he needs to know.

  Malcolm has been saying over and over that ‘they’ had told him things. Did he mean the

  visions spoke to him or was he working with that other party that had warned Alyssa’s father

  about his coming? Malcolm said that somebody was saying that Anonymous was coming

  even though he hadn't known who Anonymous was.

  Whoever had known it . . . it couldn’t have been Scarlet. They wouldn’t have sent him

  here to die, would they? He doesn’t know anymore. Not with what he has just learned about

  Hayley and himself.

  He has to get out of here before the police arrive. Accidentally, he leaves a path of bloody

  boot prints on the large canvas in his hasty escape. He is leaving with more questions than

  he came here with. He hates to think that prick is right in saying that they are like one another

  in any way
. He needs to find Malcolm's file at Scarlet, and he certainly needs to find his own.

  He has to figure out these visions. He hasn’t been allowed back at the headquarters building

  since he finished his training and he is going to have to change that now.

  Nothing about this case is right. It is all too easy. Nothing is fitting as it should and he

  feels like there is way too much missing information. It doesn’t matter to him if Malcolm is

  killed because he isn’t the one to do it.

  Technically, Anonymous failed this mission. How is he supposed to report that to


  Does he even really have a choice?

  He needs to go home. This is entirely too much for him.

  Brandt has never had a harder time going home.

  It almost doesn’t even feel like a home anymore, not because of who is in it, but because

  it doesn’t feel like his anymore. With how much he is questioning Scarlet now, he doesn’t

  want to step back into the life that they have carved out for him.

  It is going to be impossible to look Alyssa in the eye. He has hardly cleaned himself up

  properly since coming back to his town. He goes straight to the apartment and showers

  without a single word. He knows that she is full of questions.

  He knows that she's dying to ask him what happened, or why he hasn’t called, or what

  has taken him so long. What’s more, she has that somber look on her face that he has only

  seen a couple times before.

  “You know, don’t you,” he starts, unsure of how to break the news to her any other way,

  carefully rubbing the water from his hair with his towel.

  “That my mom is gone? Yeah.” She folds further in on herself where she sits on the

  couch. He hates when she makes herself look so very small. “So she called you?”

  “Yeah, sort of. I was in the middle of the case; it isn’t like I was really able to talk to her

  much; for what it’s worth, I told her not to go.”

  “All I got is a ‘Goodbye’ text. Don’t suppose that you’re going to fill in the blanks for me

  as to what must have happened with her to make her leave again?”

  “I don’t think it is a good idea to involve you any more than you already have been.”

  “You always say that!” Alyssa snaps, standing from the couch and nearly stomping her

  foot. “I’m here aren’t I? I’m not running away, I can handle it!”

  Perhaps that is true. With what she has already been through in her life, perhaps she

  can handle it. Brandt isn’t going to tell her to breathe. He isn’t going to tell her to calm down

  because he knows that it would do no good. Alyssa is on the brink of tears as it is. Being alone

  this last while must have been really hard on her.

  “Nobody said that you couldn’t handle it. I said that it would be a bad idea.”

  “That’s not your choice to make! You don’t get to shelter me!”

  “I don’t even fully know what happened, Alyssa. It was a garbled phone call and we were

  both rushed. I told her to call me again before she left. She promised to talk to me about it . .

  . but she didn’t. She just left. I don’t know what she found out; I haven’t had a chance to check

  back in and when I do, it isn’t going to be good. Whatever little test they put me through, I

  failed; I have no idea what’s about to come for us, what sort of shit storm we are about to

  have to handle and I need to figure that out first!” He is so close to losing his temper.

  Alyssa’s eyes widen; she’s never heard him say so many words at once in the months

  that she has known him.

  Brandt continues. “I have to go back there, and that isn’t something that I thought I

  would have to do. It isn’t something that I ever wanted to do. All I know is that your mother

  found something in her file and I need to do the same. This asshole that they had me kill--

  that I failed to kill on this last case--I think he might have had visions like me, and now he’s

  dead because that is my job and I need to finish the mission. I have to face the consequences

  of my failure and face whatever the hell is about to come for me next. I can’t fix your mother.

  She is an adult, and she will do whatever she feels she needs to do and you can either

  understand that or you can go pout somewhere else.”

  Alyssa sits down again, contemplating what she wants to say. They have never lashed

  out at one another before.

  “You think this monster had visions?”

  “Yes. I think we shared a vision there at the end. I think he was attempting to pull me

  into whatever he was seeing only I couldn’t quite do it. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to

  get a handle on how to control it . . . and every place I went, every murder that I witnessed

  seemed to be pulling me into their death, wanting me to see it . . . for me to hear them. I don’t

  know how else to explain it.”

  “So then we need to focus on figuring out the source of these visions, and if they

  happened to you before or after Scarlet.”

  “Yes. I have no idea how to do that.”

  “Me either, Brandt.”

  “Well so long as we have a plan then.”

  Alyssa laughs. It is an insane thing that they are to embark on.

  Anonymous doesn’t have any idea where to start. “I need to go through his personal


  Alyssa nods. “Do you want to be alone when you do it?” Brandt nods.

  He takes the bag of bloody personal effects with him back into the bedroom and shuts

  the door. There is the shirt and knife that Malcolm touched last. Brandt is wary to touch them

  at first because he is not ready to trigger another vision, not yet. Instead he goes for the

  wallet, picking apart the license, hoping for any insight at all, hoping to gather enough

  information to figure out who Malcolm was before all of this. Perhaps, since he couldn’t track

  his own history then he could at least track Malcolm’s and figure out who he was before all

  of this. If he had always had visions, then there would likely at least be something to tell him

  where Malcolm came from. Maybe they had something in common? Those were things that

  he would have Alyssa look into. That was absolutely her strong suit.

  The last thing in the wallet is a thick manilla business card. Brandt turns it over slowly

  in his fingers.

  The manilla card has one word typed on it in a simple font. Failure. It isn’t meant for

  him; it is meant for Malcolm; once again they have seen him coming. Once again, they are

  ahead of him. Anonymous isn’t used to having the wool pulled over his eyes, or perhaps he

  is too used to it. He just isn’t used to it being done by somebody other than Scarlet. Is this

  another player out there? Does Scarlet have competition? Even more, what do they want

  with him?

  The story continuous . . .

  If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review on Amazon—it would

  be greatly appreciated.

  Check out the next episode of Nadia Siddiqui’s

  ANONYMOUS, The Loving Man-Eater.

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  Nadia Siddiqui has always been an author at heart—writing stories in her room since she

  was in high school. Now her stories come to life. She spends time with her calico cat in Los

  Angeles, CA.

  Join her as she embarks on her writing journey by subscribing
to her newsletter here.

  Like her Facebook page for updates on free books, prizes, and giveaways!


  In the Blood of Justice (Anonymous Series Book 1)

  Painted Corpses (Anonymous Series Book 2)

  The Loving Man-Eater (Anonymous Series Book 3)

  Red Tears (Anonymous Series Book 4)

  The Road to Remember (Anonymous Series Book 5)

  Preyed Upon (Dark Place collection)

  Document Outline









  The story continuous . . .

  Check out the next episode of Nadia Siddiqui’s






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