Call Me Crazy

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by Kayla Coca

Call Me Crazy

  Kayla Coca

  Copyright 2012 Kayla Coca

  Chapter 1

  Day 0

  “Do you really think you can hit me?” She shrieked in a shrill challenging voice. My eyebrows raised and I almost laughed, but I was too pissed. I’d wanted to hit her for so long it was ridiculous. How many times had I daydreamed about this moment when I could finally knock that self-absorbed smirk off her face forever? She was an idiot to even ask.

  “I don’t think so you bimbo, I know so!” I yelled at her. She shrieked and stomped her foot. I had to refrain from laughing again. She looked like a little kid having a fit because they didn’t get what they wanted. I thought people only did that on television? Well, Jessica had always had a flair for the dramatic that was better suited to fiction then reality.

  “Fine then, I dare you,” She yelled smirking. “You could never hit me, but please go for it.” I didn’t hesitate. I unleashed my fist and it swung towards her face knocking her back. I heard the sound of her nose breaking and a sharp pain in my fist. Red blood started to pour down her face and onto her bright pink skin-tight top. I knew I’d be in trouble, but it was extremely satisfying. I turned to come face to face with the school's cop and stopped dead. Uh, oh.

  A few minutes later I was sitting outside the principal’s office. I was bouncing my legs impatiently. I shouldn’t have let her get to me, but she did. She always had been able to get under my skin, since we were little kids. She’d picked on me since first grade when I was the only kid who didn’t wear the dress or skirt uniform options and had played with the boys at school. We’d inevitably been in the same classes, forever.

  The last time we’d reached the breaking point was in fifth grade. I’d been best friends with the same guy since kindergarten. His mom had been best friends with mine for years. His name was Chris. Then Princess Jessica decided she liked him. Of course she tried to demand he became her boyfriend and he told her no way. She’s instantly blamed me, as she’d done every time she didn’t get her way. She came up behind me with her clique and had demanded we break up. I’d rolled my eyes at her stupidity and had turned to leave. She pulled my hair out and I’d whipped around and pushed her to the ground. It ended up being me verses them and obviously they won. I’d been missing a few chunks of hair, and had a few small cuts and bruises. A few of Jessica’s friends had massive bruises, and one chick even had a black eye. The principal made the whole thing go away quietly, so they didn’t have to admit I’d been attacked by Jessica. Chris agreed to go out with her so they’d stop messing with me, and within a month we didn’t even speak. She turned him against me and Princess Jessica got her way again.

  Thankfully, in high school we only had one class together, PE. Today our teacher had gone to go talk to someone and had left me in charge. Everyone was supposed to keep running, unless they were taking short water breaks. Naturally Jessica stopped to flirt with the football team that was practicing. I went over to tell her to run and she said no. Then her cronies, AKA the other freshman cheerleaders, came over. I told her they’d better start running before I bitch-slapped, her like the bitch she is.

  “Bring her in,” The principal called, her high pitched voice hurting my ears. A cop led me into her office and sat me down next to Jessica. He sat behind me watching. “Why did you attack Jessica for no reason?” The principal asked glaring at me. I wanted to roll my eyes. Jessica’s mom was best friends with her and so it was no surprise that she would get away with this. Her mom was either friends with or sleeping with everyone important in our town. Everything she ever wanted she got and anything she ever did was covered up.

  “I never attacked her. Coach Macintyre left me in charge while she went to talk to Carmen. She told me to keep everyone running, with no exceptions. She stopped running and was flirting with the football team. I told her to move and keep running. She rolled her eyes and said no. Then the cron-, cheerleaders stopped too, and I told them to move their anorexic asses before I herded them like sheep. They started mocking me again and I told them to get a life and run or I’d slap her. She said she didn’t think I could hit her. I said I knew I could. She told me to and I did. I’m sorry. Jessica I shouldn’t have hit you. I’ll pay for whatever needs to be done to fix your nose and the cleaning for your shirt.” I said the last part sincerely. I was sorry and I shouldn’t have punched her, even if it felt really good.

  “Sydney,” Jessica sniffed tears and blood ran down her face, “Stop lying!” I couldn’t believe she was crying. She’d tried to pull that before, and it always helped her get what she wanted. She was destined for television, and not the good kind either.

  “I’m not lying, Jessica and you know it. If we had a witness who wasn’t your friend they’d tell you,” I finished. Then a small mousy girl came in. I recognized her from PE, but I wasn’t sure if I could trust her. She was probably my best shot at getting out of this.

  “Ma’am I’m here as a witness to the fight,” She said calmly.

  The principal smiled, “What happened?” She smiled warmly at the girl.

  “Well Ma’am we were running laps in PE and coach got a call so she left Sydney in charge. Then Jessica stopped running and so did the other cheerleaders. I can’t tell you the whole conversation, but when I ran by I heard Jessica asking if Sydney thought she could hit her, then 'I don’t think so bimbo, I know so!' That was Sydney. Then a lot of really shrill shrieking. Then Jessica yelled, 'Fine then I dare you! You could never hit me, but please go for it.' Then Sydney punched Jessica.” She finished looking away from us both.

  “She’s lying!” Jessica yelled. A small part of me wanted to smile. She wasn’t used to anyone standing up to her. I wondered who this girl was, and was grateful she was here. She’d done something few kids at our school would ever dare to do.

  “Regardless of how it came about,” the principal looked mad at the girl for doing the right thing, “Fighting is not tolerated nor is name calling. Sydney you will be suspended.” She glared at me.

  “What,” I yelled in shock. “She told me to do it and was antagonizing me. Let me guess she isn’t getting punished at all?” I struggled not to yell.

  “You are the one who broke school rules. You’re lucky, it should be expulsion.” The principal glared evilly at me. “Francesca, go to class.”

  “That’s not fair,” She said. “It was Jessica’s fault as much as Sydney’s if not more. Sydney was doing what she was told and Jessica started it.”

  “I said go to class. Now,” She yelled.

  Then my mom walked in, “You can’t suspend my daughter. I’ve pulled her out of school here. I have her file now to send to drop off at her new school. The incident report, filled out by this young lady,” She gestured to my only aid, “is in the file. I’ve also filed a complaint with the school board of the state about your favoritism towards certain students. Come on Sydney.” She led me out.

  “I’m still pressing charges!” Jessica wailed.

  “Like that would hold up in a court.” My mom rolled her eyes.

  “Ma’am, if she presses charges I have to take your daughter to prison awaiting trial.” The cop said.

  “This is a load of crap!” I said rudely.

  “Well I have to arrest you anyway,” The cop said leading me out and handcuffing me.

  “Don’t say a word. I’ll be there with a lawyer soon.” My mom yelled after me. A week later I was in court. They were trying to put me in juvenile for a year, and my lawyer was pretty sure he could just get me community service. I was sure as hell not going to prison, and I didn’t want a criminal record. The day before I had to give my testimony my friend came to visit me.

  “Hey crazy!” she smiled. My eyes widened and the idea came to me.

; “I need your help. If anyone asks tell them I’ve been acting weird. Tell them you think I’m a lunatic. It’s my only chance.” I whispered hurriedly to her.

  “Ok.” She smiled.

  I nodded and helped her to her feet, “Remember, just improvise and follow my lead.”

  “I’ve got it.”

  “Stop it Samantha! I promise I won’t listen to Bob!” I yelled grabbing her arm tightly. Her eyes widened.

  “My name isn’t Samantha its Ellie!” She yelled pulling her arm out of my grasp and walked towards the exit. She looked honestly surprised. I ran after her.

  “No! Samantha you promised! You promised!” I yelled grabbing the bars as they slammed shut and she ran away. I noticed people staring at me. “What?” I said calmly before muttering to myself and playing with my hands. Then my lawyer came and took me into a totally private room, no cameras.

  “Your friend called said you had an idea?” He asked.

  “I’m gonna be crazy. Like legally insane. An asylum looks better than prison, and it looks better to me on a record.” I smiled brightly.

  “Good luck.” He chuckled. “That plea rarely works." The next day in court I walked in with my breakfast, McDonalds. I left it sitting and walked up to the jury.

  “Hi! Bob says you should be blown up, but I’m not gonna listen, he might hurt me though.” I cringed from an imaginary person.

  “Are you ok?” One woman asked hesitantly.

  “No! Bob has a knife, look!” I yelled pointing. “You have to stop him! Where’s security?”

  “Stop it Bob! You made me do bad things, I’m going to prison!” I yelled. “No!” I yelled running and hiding under the prosecution’s table. After a few moments I climbed out and looked at the door. “That’s right Bob! Leave!” I walked back over and started shoveling down my pancakes with my hands and drinking syrup.

  Then the judge walked in. “Are you anorexic?” I asked, she was really thin, so it made sense. “Here have some pancakes!” I ran over putting my demolished looking pancakes and syrup in front of her.

  She looked both disgusted and surprised. Then Ellie came in. “Samantha! You came back. I’m sorry, Bob won’t come between us! You’re my friend!” I yelled across the room.

  She began to cry, “Sydney, its Ellie, please stop it. I miss my friend.” She wailed and left the court room.

  “No! I won’t do it!” I yelled going to the corner. I sat with my knees curled near my chest in the fetal position rocking back and forth fingers in my ears yelling no quickly over and over again.

  “Councilor, control her!” the judge roared squeakily.

  I jumped to my feet. “The power of them speaks to me, they are my only commanders. I must do as they say, I have to I have to!” I muttered it yelling at the end. I ran back over to the jury, “They say your evil. The evil doers must be punished. You’ll see. You’ll all see when they come for you.” I walked away calmly and went back to the judge.

  “You know I asked you nicely to eat,” I said. “But it appears you need help.” I put food on a fork and made airplane noises while moving it towards her mouth. She jumped away.

  “Has she had a mental health test?” The judge squeaked. I jumped the table hugging her tightly. I knew my show was almost over.

  “Minnie, can I have your autograph?” I asked.

  “No ma’am,” Both my lawyer and the prosecutor said at once. A security guard pulled me away.

  “They want me to kill you Minnie,” I whispered. Then I yelled and acted like a crazed animal till the cop pulled me away. “We wish you a happy Christmas and a merry Easter!” I yelled loudly as I left the room.

  I was put in a small room alone. The room was a hideous grey color and had no windows. The only light came from a single fluorescent bulb that hadn’t burned out yet. The table was bolted to the floor and a hollow stainless steel with matching chairs on opposite sides of the table. Then a therapist came in. He had salt and pepper hair and harsh grey eyes that matched the table. “No! I don’t want to die! I’ll listen I swear!” I yelled backing away as much as my restraints would allow.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered.

  “Shut up Bob, Jenny, Jeremy, and Karen!” I yelled turning around.

  “I’m a kangaroo!” I yelled jumping up and down.

  “Who’s Bob? He asked.

  I gestured behind me, “The one on the right in the black shirt.”

  “There is no one behind you.” He said.

  “Well then you sir are an idiot or blind. I heard thunder, Zeus is angry. Can you send Hermes in? I have a message for Zeus.” I said.

  The confused man stood without moving for a moment, “Whom?”

  “Hermes,” I said simply. “I need to send a message to Zeus.”

  “Where are they?”

  “Well no one ever knows where Hermes is, but you can call him through Iris and Zeus is on Mount Olympus of course.”

  The next day I was sentenced to a year in North Nevada Mental Institution, 12 months, 365 days before I was free and clear. Challenge accepted.


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