The Traveling Killer and Jason Smith

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The Traveling Killer and Jason Smith Page 17

by S Jay Starring

  “How did you know him, that lawyer Smith?” Jason asked with a sullen face. He was still moody about him.

  Kate sighed as if she didn't want to talk about that. “I arrested his client. His client made trouble in B07, so I had to testify at the court here because his client had abused me while he was arrest. But his client wasn’t imprisoned for sexual harassment the government official; me, because Smith claimed that his client had mental problems and committed an unconsciousness from the drug effect,”

  “Oh ... He’s smart ...” Jason exclaimed.

  “Yes, he’s smart, but he turn black to white with that kind of intelligence,” Kate said and shook her head.

  They walked inside the building and Jason noticed when he was near the Roman columns it made him felt he was so small. Everyone who passed this way all looked tiny like an ant.

  When Jason and Kate arrived at the coffee shop on the second floor, they saw Thomas Ivan sat at one of the tables in the shop. He wore an expensive suit that looked clean as well, the hair was neat. He was reading the documents to prepare for the case.

  “Good morning, Mr. Ivan,” Kate greeted, and Thomas looked up at them with a flat face.

  “I'm Katherine Isaac, and this is my partner Jason Smith. We are from ACPSP B07. We are investigating the case of murders between parallel universes that occurring. The three women from several parallel universes were kidnapped and killed, then their bodies were dumped in other parallel universes. Have you ever heard about that news?”

  “Yes, I’ve heard it many months ago. That murder case doesn't get much attention here. As far as I know, here, it's not happened, yet. And I think you are wondering if I am the murderer who kills those women and messing around all over the parallel universes. Otherwise, you may not come from another universe to talk to me about this,” Thomas said. He's smart….

  Kate stumbled a bit with his words. “I just want you to know Mr. Ivan, personally, I think you didn't do anything wrong but I have to follow the duty and procedures of the investigation,”

  "It’s good for you to think like that, Miss. Isaac. I’m a famous lawyer and I don't have time to go to other parallel universes like that. You can see my schedule, but it's a bit long because, as you know, my job is very busy. Famous people all want me to help,” Thomas said.

  Kate listened to him until the end. “Where were you last Friday?” She began to ask calmly and flat voice.

  “I was here until the evening. My client came to court. For what the case was, I don't have to tell you, but if you want to know, try to ask the court officials for yourself,” Thomas said.

  Although, Kate wore sunglasses to prevent anyone from seeing bruises on her face, but Jason could acknowledge that she was closing her eyes as if tried to control her emotions.

  “Do you know any women who disappeared from other parallel universes? Jessie Lee, Piper Mason and Bella ....”

  “No,” He answered before she finished the sentence.

  Kate took out the tablet to show the pictures of those women for him in case he could remember something.

  “You don't need to show me those pictures, Miss. Isaac. If you pay attention enough in what I just said, and I said I do not know them,” Thomas replied with a flat face and back to read the document.

  Jason noticed that Kate’s face has started to become red and she was breathing harder than usual. “Do you have a problem with your ears?” He asked, interrupted, and Thomas turned to look at his face while frowning.


  “Yes, your ears are disability or not, for example, deaf or can't hear clearly,” Jason said.

  “No, if you have eyes, you can see that I don't wear hearing aids and I can talk to you as usual. Also, I think my parents won’t let me disability like that because they have enough money to select the ‘most perfect’ embryo to be born,”

  “Do you know how to use binary code?” Jason asked.

  Thomas frowned. “I am a lawyer, Mr. Smith. I probably don't need to use binary code,”

  “So do you know the hexagram?” Jason continuously asked like a robot tried to not pay attention to Mr. Ivan sneer face.

  “Hexagram? Star of David? Yes, I know. It's a symbol of religion or a different dimension or something,” Thomas said.

  “Good, good for you to know that because it’s involved the kidnapping and killing of women in many parallel universes. You are a lawyer I think you don’t need to use Star of David, either but you just know the meaning,” Jason said.

  Thomas looked at his face contemplative. “You know what, Judge Prompt will help me if you try to put some kind of guilt on me,” Thomas said confidently.

  He seemed to overreact. An innocent person didn’t have to show he has a connection or has a relationship with a big guy when being suspected like this. And if he has a problem with only one ear, then it wasn’t necessary to wear hearing aids.

  “So please tell me again if you know these women?” Jason said reduced his voice before opening the pictures of all 16 women’s bodies from his tablet.

  Thomas looked away. “I told you, I don't know them. And take these stupid pictures out of my face,” Even though Jason used a soften voice but Thomas seemed to be able to hear what Jason had said.

  “Okay, get out of here before I call Judge Prompt,” Thomas said, waved his hand to Jason and Kate impolitely.

  Kate took a deep deep breath to control her emotion before spoke to him in a soft voice.

  “We really sorry for bothering you and I know you have connections but for your peace of mind, Mr. Ivan. As I said, personally, I don't think a person like you can make such a great horrible thing. Because you are too arrogant, big mouth but coward and still be a mama’s boy. This characteristic is not exact to our killer profile. And importantly, we haven't said a word that we suspect you, so it is not necessary for you to bother Judge Prompt for this misunderstanding. He’s busy enough and I think his schedule must be tight more than yours,” she said with a flat face.

  This was an uppercut volley right through his balls. Jason has never disappointed with Kate's talking skills. And this time it's even more impressive. He tried to cover up his laugh but couldn’t hide his satisfied face.

  “Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Ivan. We really appreciate and we must hurry to find ‘another’ Thomas Ivan, who’s smart and brave enough to do the world-class murder like that elsewhere. Hope to see you again in a better situation,” Kate said with a cold smile and left the table.

  Jason quickly followed her closely. He saw Thomas Ivan sat still, frowned and fisted tightly, like a resented little child. It seemed Thomas Ivan B07 was a lot more likable.

  “Judge Prompt?” Jason asked Kate doubtfully after left the coffee shop.

  “Yes, Steve Prompt of this universe is the President of the Supreme Court,” Kate answered. That was the largest position for the Court of Justice community. That's why Kate warned Jason not to talk about Steve Prompt in his parallel universe. Unless Prompt was just a sausage seller because he like to comparison his life to other Prompt.

  “I don't think Thomas Ivan of this universe is the killer, Jess. Although he knows the meaning of the hexagram that more meaning than a symbol of some religions. He both arrogant and self-conscious, and try to show off clearly that he is a big guy,” Kate said.

  Jason nodded. He both agreed and disagreed. Thomas Ivan was a wealthy lawyer. Stalker those women for many days might possible because his career didn't have to go to the court every day. He also knew about the collecting of evidence well, he could clean everything completely. He also had a relationship with the President of the Supreme Court, then concealment and protection would make him work easier.

  After that, they both searched for the information from the court officials and received an unsatisfactory answer. Because Thomas had a case on Friday afternoon. Could check from the security camera as well. He left the courtroom7 at 04:30, then talked to the client at the coffee shop until 06:15. During that time, he had
no way to follow Bella West at the park for sure.

  Jason was a bit disappointed that Thomas had a lot of info to confirm, but Kate didn't seem to be surprised. It was as she had berated him a moment ago that Thomas was too coward to do something like that and Jason agreed with her.

  They left the criminal court and took a non-driver car along the winding roads then stop for lunch at a restaurant near The ACPSP building of B01. It was three large tall buildings joined together. Looked like the index finger, middle finger and ring finger were towering.

  “These foods look like an astronaut’s food,” Jason said after a robot served it on the table.

  “Yes, the look isn’t good, but the taste is not bad,” said Kate, while using a fork to stab a wither chicken breast meat that topped with gravy and put it in her mouth.

  Jason followed, and he found out that it was delicious, just feeling the meat was a little too dry.

  “It’s a growth meat from the lab. No more animal farms for consumption here. Most of the animals are in the zoo, including cows, pigs, chicken. Only chicken that can give quality eggs is still on a farm. Although the taste doesn’t the same as the meat we are familiar with but it’s still delicious. In addition to the taste, the meat dealer also added vitamins, minerals and nutrients that the body needs, too,”

  Sounded amazing. Meats contained vitamins and minerals like this didn't have to eat vegetables anymore, right?

  After lunch, they went to the ACPSP building of B01. The inside of the building looked so vast, luckily there was an internal transportation service.

  “This’s the headquarters of the ACPSP. It so big that I had been lost for an hour when I came to contact the government officials and asked for using wormhole for the return trip,” said Kate while walking to the bus stop near the entrance.

  Jason looked around with excitement, he never saw a building that so large until could call it a city.

  Inside the building, there was a moving walkway throughout the building. Or they could take a minibus or taxi inside. It would take passengers to different floors and the same as B07, there were many shops and restaurants for staff.

  At least working with Kate allowed Jason to see modern technology and many exotic cities. Different from his monotonous life before. He might bumpkin as lawyer Smith had said because Jason kept staring at the people and shops inside the building almost walked into Kate who stopped for calling a taxi.

  Kate and Jason took a small taxi for an internal user and the destination was the wormhole connecting lab for staff. The rooms here looked modern like they came out of the sci-fi movie. Each desk looked like a 135-degree reclining chair with a monitor attached. This was probably the most comfortable working posture. Jason saw robots crowding around, carrying things or guiding people to contact with officers in many departments.

  “Is that Julia?” Jason asked after saw the line of command in every department with Julia’s picture at the top position.

  “Yes, this universe, Julia is the director of ACPSP,” Kate whispered.

  Sounded creepy. Jason could remember her voice and facial expression clearly when she commanded Todd.

  They reached the front of the lab, Kate opened the door to get in fluently and found that there was a crowd of 50 people standing in line.

  “Oh…my, still so much queue,” Kate exclaimed surprisingly. And turned to frown at Jason “Let’s stand in line, Jess,”

  For a few seconds they just decided to queue up, then there were more than 20 staff entered the room and queued behind them. Jason noticed that many people he knew in his universe were here, too; the postman, the neighbors, the owner of the neighborhood restaurant, the musician, the actor, and the politician.

  Felt strange to be surrounded by these people but he couldn't say hello or talk to each other as usual. Even though Jason was so excited to see his favorite stars, it would misbehave to ask him or her to take a photo. And even though the face of them were the same as the stars Jason liked but they were different people.

  They waited more than half an hour to return to the parallel universe B07. They thought that the next day they had to talk to the next Thomas Ivan.

  Chapter 18

  The next day, Jason and Kate traveled by wormhole to parallel universe B02. They appeared in a lab that looked like Emma's lab but the color was gray and metallic instead of white.

  Jason hurriedly took off his sunglasses because it was too dark to see inside the room clearly. Then he saw Todd at the control panel for connecting wormhole. He has long hair and pulled back, also has a mustache that made him looked older for his age.

  “Emma asked me to send her greetings to you, Todd,” Kate said.

  Long hair Todd smiled at her “Please tell her. Her meatballs were delicious. On the way back, I have a boiled squid for her. Oh, for you, too, Kate,” He replied and Kate smiled happily. Jason thought this Todd got more weight than Todd he knew, probably 30-40 kilograms.

  “Hello, Mr. Smith. Emma tells me a lot about your story. You're a funny guy,” He greeted in a good mood. His accent like a cowboy.

  Funny guy? What’s Emma told him? Jason curious.

  “Emma and Todd of this universe are a close friend. They like to exchange information and new knowledge about the wormhole connector. Sometimes Todd helps her to fix some tools that Ted can't do. When I come here, Emma always asks me to greet him. Sometimes they give souvenirs or snacks to each other. They both are a great gourmet,” Kate said.

  No doubt that both Emma and Todd has such a little bloat around their waists. Then Kate took Jason out of the lab. They walked down the passageway of metal-like colors with large screws on the walls that seamed and overlap into layers. They took the elevator to exit the building.

  “Thomas Ivan of this universe is an opera singer. He should practice at the theater in the city. I will call the car from the center,” Kate said.

  An opera singer? Felt like something strange…. Jason still remembered Thomas Ivan's appearance from parallel universe B01. He was arrogant and disgusting and also a mama’s boy. But today he would see Thomas singing opera, really?

  Sounded funny, hoping he wouldn’t comb his hair neatly and oily like yesterday.

  Jason wondered what he himself of this universe did and what kind of person he was. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be like the lawyer Smith.

  Jason and Kate took a non-driver car to see the city that different from others than before. It looked like a metal city. Everything was color of gray and metallic, which reminded Jason to think about the sculpture in the learning center at B01.

  This city was no trees. The road was full of cars and traffic jams. The cars in this universe used normal wheels and some models got caterpillar tractor.

  “Is that a robot?” Jason asked. He saw people walked on the footpath and they had something strange, they looked like a robot but not robot.

  Kate looked at the way that Jason said. “Those are human half-robots,” Kate answered. “Some call them cyborg,”


  “Yes, they may have lost their organs from wars or illness or accident. The robotic arm you saw is an implant prosthesis that connected to their nerves directly. There is no need to take it off when showering or sleeping because the material has a skin texture similar or close to human skin. Although it looks like metal but it has the same temperature of the user’s body,” Kate explained.

  Other parallel universes always have something truly remarkable. Implant prosthesis? And also allowed to feel like real skin. That's awesome.

  “But why don't they make it in a skin color?”

  “Well... I think it's some kind of fashion and social values in this universe. If you notice, you can see all buildings are built and decorated with metal,” Kate answered.

  A fashion? ....strange but cool.

  On the way to the theater, the traffic was very crowded. They stuck in the car for almost two hours. And had to stop for lunch before talking to Thomas because it was almost noon.
  “They won't serve a scrap metal, right?” Jason asked Kate who sat on the sofa opposite him.

  “Actually no, Jess. It's not really metal. You will see,” Kate gave him a mysteriously smile. What did she mean ‘not really metal’....?

  When the meal had been served, Jason understood what Kate meant. He ordered a steak and what he got was a big screw and French fries.

  “In this universe, they make food looks like metal. As I said, it’s about fashionable but delicious. Guarantee by Todd's waist,” said Kate, smiled at him.

  After lunch, they went to the theater with metal masks of a smiling face and a crying face. Although there had no show, yet but there were a lot of posters of drama shows stuck on the wall of the corridor. Jason saw a human-size standee of the actors and opera singers lined up for fans to take a photo. One of them was Thomas Ivan standee included.

  His appearance was very different from the parallel universe that Jason had met before.

  “He looks ... lithesome ...” Jason said.

  Kate nodded, agreed with him while looking at Thomas's pose on standee, long flowing hair and also flirty and flitting. The hand that holding the pen showed his tipped up little finger. Slim red suit with bellbottom and high-heeled leather shoes.

  “But maybe ... it's just a role-playing,” Kate said uncertainly.

  Jason thought that today's work would end sooner than expected. The time they had spent on the road might longer. Then they entered the rehearsing room that was being performed. There were many sloping seats. Jason saw Thomas was standing on stage in a leotard and had a pink headband and singing an opera with a tenor voice while glancing at the big muscles guys that decorating the scene.

  “I practice here until the late afternoon, then I went back home. Have to take a break for the Saturday and Sunday show,” said Thomas Ivan. He stuck his eyes on Jason from head to toe, chest muscles, long legs and especially his crotch. Jason had to stay behind Kate that she could cover his body or at least his crotch.


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