CONVICT: An Unfit Hero Novel

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CONVICT: An Unfit Hero Novel Page 17

by Faiman, Hayley

  A smile pulls up on his lips, and he leans forward, flicking my nipple with his tongue. “Your body does, though,” he points out as I automatically arch my back closer toward him.

  “That doesn’t mean anything,” I breathe.

  He chuckles, his warm breath sliding over my wet breast. “It does, sweetheart,” he murmurs. His eyes lift to mine, sadness crosses over his features. “I’m going to slip. I don’t want to ever tumble the way I did the other night. I will slip, but I will try not to let myself get to that place again.”

  I bite the corner of my lip and nod. “Don’t push me away like that, not ever again. I can’t take it, Rylan. My heart can’t take it.” I sound weak, I know that I do. The thing is, I don’t really care. I am weak. For him, I am so damn weak.

  “I’ll try, sweetheart. Swear to fuck I will try my hardest,” he promises.

  His mouth finds mine, and he kisses me breathless before I can say anything else.


  Maneuvering Channing down to her back, I slowly kiss down her body. She’s wearing nothing but a little pair of black cotton panties. I never knew cotton could be so damn sexy, but here it is, proving me fucking wrong. My lips stop on her belly, and I glance up at her. She’s got her eyes closed, her back arched, and her hands fisting the sheets beneath her. She’s goddamn breathtaking.

  “Your appointment go okay?” I ask against her stomach.

  She’s bigger than she was before I left on that hurricane storm work. It’s gorgeous, the way her body is shifting and changing to accommodate the life growing inside of her. She hums, lifting her hips in a silent demand for my mouth. I chuckle but don’t call her on her little greedy pussy.

  Hooking my fingers in her panties, I pull them down her legs, throwing them to the side of the bed while she spreads wide for me. “Rylan, it’s been weeks,” she softly whines.

  I hum, my mouth finding her center. I inhale her scent before I taste her, moaning at just the intoxicating smell that is her. My tongue slides through her entire center, groaning in the back of my throat at her fucking flavor. Christ. I missed this more than I realized.

  After only a few swipes of my tongue, I can take it no longer. I need to be inside of her. I need that sweet silky cunt wrapped around me, squeezing me like only she can. Climbing back up her body, I align my cock with her wet center.

  “Please, Rylan. God, please,” she begs.

  Gritting my teeth together, I slowly ease myself inside of her. The muscles in my arms tremble as I try to hold back from slamming into her body. Channing lifts her hips, wrapping her legs higher around my waist. Fuck. She feels like heaven. I can’t believe that I almost fucked this up.

  “I love you, Rylan,” she breathes, cupping my clenched jaw.

  My eyes focus on hers, my arms shake, my control on the verge of slipping. Lowering my head slightly, I run my nose alongside her own before I rest my forehead against hers.

  “I love you, Channing.”

  My words come out hoarse. They come out calmer sounding than I feel. On the inside, I’m on the verge of losing my shit. Completely and totally losing my shit. I want to pound into her body, prove to her that I own her, that she’s mine and nobody else’s. There is not a goddamn person alive that can make her feel the way I do, just like I know there is nobody else but her for me.

  “I need more, Ry,” she whimpers.

  Her hips lift to meet my thrusts. Her head shakes from side to side, her eyes are pinched tightly closed. Her wetness coats my cock, her breathing turns to panting and she is a complete fucking pile of need. I don’t give her what she wants though. I’m going to build her up, higher and higher, until she fucking explodes. It’s going to be downright goddamn beautiful.

  I continue my pace, sweat forming on my forehead with each stroke of my cock. I want to slam, to pound into her body, but I refuse. Not today, not this time. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never, I don’t know. All I know is that I won’t let her go again, and I won’t push her away anymore. I’ll have the opportunity to fuck her any way that I want, for the rest of my goddamn life.

  Groaning, my eyes automatically close when I feel her pussy flutter around my cock. I move a little faster, wanting this to last so much fucking longer than I know that I’m capable of making it last. I let out a shaky breath and grit my teeth even harder. I’m sure they’ll be ground down to nubs, but fuck if I care right now.

  Shifting my hips on my downstroke, I make sure to hit her clit at just the right spot, applying the amount of pressure that I already know she loves.

  “God,” she groans.

  Her nails dig into the back of my shoulders as she holds on tight. Her hips meeting mine with every fucking stroke. I can feel my back tingling. I know that I’m close, but I want her tight pussy squeezing me before I let go, strangling me like only she can.

  I feel the first wave of her climax before she says a word.

  “Yes, oh God yes,” she cries softly as her body begins to tremble.

  Lifting my head from hers, I let out a moan as she comes. Not only does her cunt squeeze me, but her arms and legs wrap me up as well. I’m surrounded by her sweetness. I thrust into her pulsing pussy three more times before I finally allow myself to let go and groan as she milks my release from my body.

  I want to collapse against her when she wrings me dry, but I refrain. Rolling to the side, I gather her in my arms, and hold her against me, my breathing still coming out in pants. I grunt as she curls closer to me, throwing her arm over my stomach.

  Channing’s lips touch my nipple, then her tongue tastes the pattern of one of my tattoos. Lifting my hand from beneath her, I sift my fingers through her blonde hair at the back of her head. I know we have to talk, I assume she has a lot to say to me. Not only did I fuck up with her, she has to think of me as a monster for what I did.

  “How can you love me, Channing?” I ask into the dark room.

  She pauses, then lifts her head and rests her chin on my chest. “How can I not?”

  Clearing my throat, I shake my head. “Seriously, sweetheart. You know what I did. You can’t pretend that I didn’t do that. I can’t pretend. I live with it, every single day of my life, it will never just go away.”

  She tilts her head to the side, her eyes searching mine. She stays that way for a while, and only when she’s good and fucking ready does she speak.

  “Did you do it on purpose?” she asks.

  “Never,” I grunt. “Not fucking ever.”

  A small smile appears on her lips. “I know that. If I can’t love someone who has made a mistake and learned from it in their life, then how can I expect to be loved the same way in return?”

  My grip tightens in her hair. “Sweetheart, circumstances are a bit different. You were manipulated by an abuser, and are having his child. I killed a pregnant woman and her baby.”

  She lifts up, then slowly climbs over me, straddling my hips when she does. I hate that I groan when her warm pussy touches my bare cock. We’re supposed to be having a serious conversation and all I can think about is my cum that’s leaking out of her, and how I want to fuck her again to fill her back up.

  Channing reaches for my hand, placing it on her hard belly before she looks down at me. “Rylan. You are a good man. You are willing to take us as we are. Me and this baby. How can I not take you as you are as well? You made a mistake. You paid for that mistake, and you’re going to be a better man than the one who made it, aren’t you?”

  “I’m going to fucking try,” I grunt.

  She smiles softly and nods. “That’s all you can do, that’s all any of us can do. Let’s go home,” she suggests.

  Shifting my hands to her hips, I grip her as a grin forms on my lips. “I don’t deserve you, Channing,” I point out.

  “But you will. You’ll work your ass off for me, for us, won’t you?”

  “Every day of my fucking life,” I swear.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  We’re home. Aft
er we made love he picked me up, packed my stuff and drove us home. I was too exhausted to argue, or even attempt to protest. I planned on cleaning my room before I left Wyatt’s as well, but that didn’t happen. I feel badly and maybe on my next day off I can go over and do just that, as a thank you for Wyatt’s hospitality.

  It won’t be happening today, though. I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck. I’m sore, everywhere. Rylan groans behind me and slips his arm around me, wrapping his fingers around my breast gripping me tightly as he tugs me back against his chest. I hear him mumble, his lips touching my shoulder, but I don’t know what he’s saying. My eyes ache, they feel like sandpaper, my days of crying finally catching up with me.

  “Don’t leave this bed, sweetheart,” Rylan says as he clears his throat.

  Rolling over in his arms, I look into his pretty brown eyes. Sadness ripples through me as I stare into his gaze. I wish that this baby had a chance at having his features. The color of his eyes, his dark blond hair, or even his strong jaw. It never will. I will be lucky if it looks like me, and takes nothing from its biological father.

  “What’s working behind those pretty blue eyes?” he asks.

  I watch as a wrinkle forms between his own eyes as his brows furrow. Lifting my hand between us, I press the pad of my thumb to the crease in an attempt to smooth it out. He only chuckles softly, but otherwise silently waits for me to speak.

  Shaking my head, he holds my eyes and doesn’t allow me to turn from him. I’m frozen, stolen breathless by him. “This baby will never have your eyes,” I whisper.

  Rylan’s eyes soften, he shifts a bit closer to me, his nose sliding along my own before it moves to my ear. “We’ll have more. A whole fuckin’ house full if that’s what you want,” he breathes against my ear.

  I can’t help myself, I let out a small laugh. Pulling away from his mouth, I look into those brown eyes that I adore so much. “Who will pay for them all? You’re crazy,” I smile, shaking my head.

  Rylan lifts his hand, sifting his fingers through my hair, holding me at the back of my head. “Work my fingers to the bone to make you happy, sweetheart. Whatever you want, I’ll make it happen, one way or another you’ll get it, whatever it is.”

  “Whatever?” I ask.

  His eyes darken, and I watch as he wets his bottom lip with his tongue. I press my thighs together, to try and relieve the ache that’s beginning to form there. His lips turn up into a cocky grin as if he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

  Rylan’s fingers tighten in my hair, tugging my neck back and I let out a gasp. His lips touch my neck before his tongue licks the entire column, tasting my flesh, and leaving a wet trail which causes my nipples to tighten and goosebumps to break out all over my skin.

  He gently bites my jaw, then kisses over to my ear. “Whatever, Channing. You will never regret taking me on and giving me a chance at a life I could have only ever imagined possible.”

  I arch my back, pressing my chest closer to his, rubbing my hard nipples against his chest and sighing when I finally have a bit of relief from their ache. His hand releases my hair, his fingers dancing down my spine until they reach my ass. He grips me hard, his fingertips digging into my flesh, marking me in a way that I love.

  “Wrap that leg around my hip, sweetheart,” he mumbles against my ear.

  I hum, lifting my leg, doing as he’s instructed and hum when I feel his hard length against my clit. He shifts his hips, rubbing himself against my wet opening. My head falls back, and I let out a long moan at the delicious sensation. Without any more teasing, he grips my hip and slowly slips inside of me. He tugs me down until he’s filled me completely.

  “Look at me. I want your eyes on mine. I want to see inside of you when you come, Channing,” he demands.

  My eyes widen, my words are stolen, he’s taken them for himself. To be locked inside of him, and to stay that way always. He moves inside of me. Slowly, methodically, with unmatched precision. I inhale a shaky breath as I stare at him.

  This is my life.

  He is mine.

  This is what I have to look forward to—forever.

  My eyes water at the thought. The happiness that flows through me is like nothing I’ve felt before. Even with all of his hardness, his rough edges, and his past, he is still the best man I have ever known.

  He growls, his eyes still focused on my own watery ones. “This baby will look like you. I want all of them to look like you, sweetheart. You’re the most beautiful creature on this goddamn earth,” he rasps.

  We’re wrapped in our own little cocoon, in this small duplex, in this bed—together. I hope that our lives are always like this, the two of us wrapped up in one another. I hope that he always sees me this way too, like I am something special, like I am beautiful. I don’t think I could see him in any other light than the way I do now.

  “Are you going to come all over me?” he asks, his gaze never leaving mine.

  I nod, biting on the corner of my lip. I am going to come all over him. I shouldn’t have any more orgasms left in me, especially after last night, but I can feel this one building. It’s coming, and when it does, it’s going to be magnificent, just like all of the others have been.

  Rylan’s fingers dig farther into my hip, holding me tighter, or maybe it’s the only way he’s able to hold back his control and keep his restraint in check. Shifting my hips, I meet his thrusts, coming down when he lifts up.

  We both let out our own moans each time he buries himself inside of me. I’m close, I can feel myself rising higher and higher, peeking over the edge of the cliff and ready to fall off into blissful climax. His breathing comes out in puffs of air, his teeth grinding, and he nods once when my pussy flutters. I don’t bother telling him that I’m close, so so close, he knows it already.

  He lowers his forehead to mine, just like he did last night, except this time he doesn’t close his eyes. We keep both of our eyes open as we continue searching and climbing, both on the edge and ready to fall over.

  “Fuck,” he breathes.

  His raspy husky voice is what sends me over the edge. My thighs shake before the rest of me, and then my eyes unable to stay open a second longer slide closed as I let my climax take over. He thrusts up into me two more times before I hear his own groan of pleasure and feel his warmth fill me.

  “Fuck,” he grunts, his nose sliding along mine, then his lips brush my own for a moment. “Fuck,” he repeats, his breathing labored.

  I hum attempting to catch my own breath. We stay wrapped in one another’s arms. He lifts his hand and sifts his fingers through my hair. “We’re going to make this life beautiful,” I whisper.

  His brown eyes search mine and a small smile tips his lips. “Yeah, sweetheart, we will.”

  I curl closer into his body. He slips from inside of me, I wish I could keep him there, filling me always. He holds me for another few moments, until his hand moves between us and I feel his palm press against my belly.

  “You’re bigger than when I left for the Gulf,” he points out. “I can’t believe that you grew in just a few weeks.”

  I gulp, pinching my eyes closed, wondering how he feels about that. “Does it gross you out?” I chance asking on a whisper.

  He chuckles and my eyes pop back open. “It’s funny you think that anything about you could gross me out, especially you growing a life inside of you.”

  “But it’s not yours,” I say.

  He shakes his head once. His eyes softening and if I’m not mistaken, looking a bit sad. “Channing, this baby is mine. If you’ll allow me to be its father, it’s truly what I want to be. I am going to be here every single step of the way. You don’t have to keep reminding me that I’m not biologically tied to it.”

  A wave of guilt washes over me. “I’m sorry,” I gulp, trying to calm myself. “It’s just hard for me to believe that all of this is real,” I explain.

  He smirks. “I know, I feel the same way. No more reminding me about that biology aspect
of the life inside of you. And I won’t remind you how much I don’t deserve you, or about me being an ex-con, deal?”

  My lips turn up into their own smile and I nod. “Deal,” I whisper. His lips find mine, his tongue filling me and tasting me, our deal sealed with one of the best kisses of my entire life.


  “I thought you were going to put a deposit on a new place with that?” Wyatt asks after I ask him to stop somewhere after work.

  I lift my chin. “I am, but I need to get her something, even if it’s cheap.”

  “She won’t care about that, Ry. She’s just happy you’re with her,” he shrugs.

  I nod, agreeing with his sentiment, but also knowing that for me, I need her to have this. “It’s more for me than it is her, Wyatt,” I admit.

  “Afraid someone is going to hit on her?” he smirks.

  Lifting my hand, I run my fingers through my hair. “Hit on her? No,” I snort. “She can handle herself. I’m more interested in showing her exactly what she means to me,” I state.

  A woman walks up behind the counter. “How can I help you?”

  I glance around the ring case, wondering what I can really afford. The answer is none of them. However, I want to buy Channing something, and I will, today. “I need a ring for my fiancée,” I inform.

  The woman almost rolls her eyes. “What do you want to see?” she asks.

  I look over to Wyatt, pleading with him for advice. He smiles and shakes his head with a small laugh.

  “A plain band, maybe this pink color?” he suggests, pointing at a pinkish tinted ring.

  “Rose gold,” the girl corrects.

  She brings out the tray full of thin plain bands. They’re all about the same some thicker than others, all simple and boring. Although, I can’t really afford anything exciting right now, maybe one day. However, I don’t know if Channing would ever want something like this replaced, anyway. It’s simple, soft and pretty, just like her.


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