Mara's Story

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Mara's Story Page 5

by Beth Hoyer


  I came to finding myself back in my apartment lying on the floor with my left hand holding my keys in some tight grip and feeling refreshed from the mating and sleeping. I got up and went to my laptop computer to type a letter about this mating. I hoped that the next time I meet him I would make it clear that I wanted to be loved instead of just used for mating.

  This time I received another message from the Watchers saying "We're still trying to find out who this Bloody male assigned to you at the moment. We is currently working with the King leader of six social groups in Bloody society."

  I didn't respond to the message due to finding nothing to indicate it.



  Dear Elizabeth,

  I stopped typing for a bit to stare at the computer screen seeing my previous letter entry I typed already saved onto there. I found nothing to indicate it was read by someone else despite still unsure of how the Watchers were able to do it. I wound up recalling the mating with this male brought feelings of like I mated with him before our meeting in my apartment. That except his muscular body from the feel of his chest and abs onto my front was felt familiar. He filled me completely within inside me and made me feel very happy having him doing the thrusting movements into me. He was much better than any male I had mated with for money while stuck in some shanty town and trying to gain a good amount to take the bus ride out of there. The money kept on being balked on given to me by males who break their words of giving it to me soon after their done mating with me. Their mating inside me have caused me to feel awkward and not satisfied enough to feel much pleasure and that their hands' touching me was felt like pawing and not gentle caressing like I felt from my assigned male. I not even sure of what his name was. I wasn't sure who this male was and that mating with him for the first time seemed familiar. I couldn't explain it at all. Anyway I have to next time I'm pounced by this male mentally talk to him on getting him to his senses to think straight enough to communicate to me back despite feeling like needing to mate again due to the familiar pains hitting me again.



  Dear Elizabeth,

  Talking was a waste of time the assigned male on a meeting again pounced onto me while I was in the alleyway leading to the apartment building's back entrance after I stepped out that way. He didn't seem to be interested in communicating to me mentally back despite my attempts to talk to him mentally. He didn't seem to resists to me touching his face all over the place to see and feel if it was fake. He managed to get my dress pulled up that I was bare from the waist down. His face felt realistic to me but felt familiar to me like I've touched him there before. I wound up tearing at his hair trying to see if it was fake or not only to discover pieces of it came off appearing to be clipped on I tossed aside. He ignored me while in the middle of being animalistic mouth and hands all over me and ignoring my hair and face. I managed to toss off a good amount of long waist length hair till it most of it became above shoulder length with some part of it at a waist length in a familiar hairstyle that reminded me of the popular hairstyles used by males living in the shanty town I used to live in. The males that kept on using me for mating and refusing to pay me money despite me expecting it like they kept on promising the sum to me. That after doing something I find nice to me like defending me from a male as always appearing to be drunk from drinking too much beer from a bar down the street that always kept on hitting onto me for mating favors. I felt confused to why this male had the familiar hairstyle including having a different face that didn't seem familiar to me. I easily recalling those lousy males who mated with me and as always refusing to pay me money. They always dumping me onto another male by pulling this drunk act onto me which the other male would defend me and then mated with me once in his house. This stunt of being used for mating was kept all over the shanty town. Some military convoy jeep came by with Missy aboard who managed to get the males off of me and into the vehicle despite females using gun weapons pointed at the males to force them away from me and get me inside a jeep. I wound up taken to the military camp as a result after a lengthy drive on the dirt roads and even plowing through the jungle despite roads not made for that. I think the jeep was driving all over the place anyway just to confused people tracking them in order to find me. That's due to driving into the river in low water seemingly lengthy and getting wet from the water splashing onto me making me uncomfortable. Anyway my male kept up the mating seemingly lengthy till I fell asleep again.



  Dear Elizabeth,

  I woke up lying on my apartment floor with my clothes back onto my form and found my male lying on the floor next to me asleep while using the cape as a blanket to cover his naked form. I went to the laptop computer to type a letter finding my typing noise wasn't waking him up and he seemingly passed out unconscious. That judging by still form but I could sense he was still living due to a feeling of warmth hitting me each time I eyed him till I felt sleepy again. I figured I interrupted my sleep rest cycle and needed the rest and decided to quit the typing to go cuddle with him. I woke up feeling like needing to mate again and him not in sight. I discovered the bathroom door locked managed to knock onto it but got no answer. I figured that he was inside using the facilities so I went to the armchair adjusting it to face the bathroom's direction to get familiar message from the Watchers' group.

  The message said "We have identified your male who's name is John. He's from files on him being half Bloody born of a Human female who died from the birth and a Bloody male that targeted John's Mother in some forced mating issue. We believe the mating issue was based off her looks as some blonde with implants all over the place inside her form and a slim form. John's Father was reportedly told off by her no he refusing to get it that no means no. She wound up raped forced to carry John himself inside her carrying him in some impossible to terminate pregnancy status. She from medical tests done onto her body was repeatedly trying to use abortion medicine repeatedly to kill him off. The combination medicines into her body wound up killing her in response. John wound up born unaffected from the medicines used and him born premature but he managed to survive and appeared to have no problems involving his preemie birth. John's familiarity is from a tracker implanted inside him that tracked him at your location in the shanty town. He was tracked into your living space and must have been very touchy onto you including mating with you. You not remembering due to not yet developing the Sonya female ability for females to have by their eyes turning all Human night looking and skin turning into a pale cloud color to indicate this status. Bloodies only males can mentally wipe mating memories out of females' minds if their not Sonyas. Besides this John has reportedly visited you at residences of males where you're living in the shanty town including keeping up the visits. We suspect that he has used his mental powers influence to keep the males from mating with you and made them and yourself think they mated with you when he actually did the mating. He had those males play some joke trick of dumping you onto another male just to keep males from wanting to have you as their wives."

  I was shocked to read that which I found the message continued "We checked your records of how you got into the possession of the shanty town's natives. They on questioning have admitted of you being dumped onto them as in thrown out of an unidentified moving vehicle as a baby contained in a box. This is something Brazilian natives do towards female offsprings. That's due to natives insisting on having males in their family to pass down the family name line. Its because of a one child law in the country as ordered by their President just to control overpopulation growth. The law was put in place to keep the Bloodies from doing a massacre onto towns' people like they have done before wiping out towns. The shanty town's natives have indicated of raising you all over the place among them. That includes a female actual name of Selva despite calling herself Elizabeth to you, you typing letters to her. She managed to adopt you at the age of ten years old and raised you till she pas
sed away from a medical ailment involving her heart. The actual story of your origins is that you came from a female unsure of who she is despite she appearing to be well known among the public as some foreign language actress using some stage name of Lupita Merchado. She mysteriously got expecting and has claimed the pregnancy as a miscarriage soon after you were born. Besides all records of who your Father was wasn't determined till a DNA tests done onto you to determine who you are which was compared to the living Bloodies at the moment. It turns out that you are related to the King himself as a family member despite unsure of where in the family tree if was as indicating that."

  I again was shocked to read that but found the message came to an end and nothing else to indicate on my family towards me. This explained why the people at the military camp acted odd towards my questioning them about seeing the Bloodies' King when I was actually a family member of him. It also figures on why the military convoy forced me out of the shanty town despite resistance done by the males there. It was due to recognizing me as the King's

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