No Longer Alone (House of Garner Book 1)

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No Longer Alone (House of Garner Book 1) Page 20

by Erin R Flynn

  “It was yours from the moment I saw you, all of me was,” he whispered, licking his fangs as they slid out. “Do with me what you want, Inez. My cock is yours to use. My body is yours for whatever you need. My heart is yours to treat as you will. My very soul belongs to only you and never another now that I’ve known you.”

  Damn, that was awesome and quelled whatever was going on inside of me. Maybe that he was fine with me being with others and I realized they might want the same. The idea of him even hugging another woman made me see red.

  I snarled as I rocked my hips. “I’m your princess. I’m your everything. Say it.” He did, moaning it more as I moved faster. “You even think about touching another woman and I will gut you.”

  “No, none ever,” he agreed, getting close and apparently totally into me being demanding and aggressive.

  Except I slowed down, barely moving much to his dismay. Hey, he’d done it to me first. I ran my hands over my body as I slowly rolled my hips. “Do you want more, Jaxon? What would you give to have more of me?”

  “Everything. I will always give everything to have anything from you, Inez.”

  I went slow for a bit more and then changed to faster, bouncing on his lap, loving the way his eyes went from my face to my breasts to lower like he couldn’t choose which was best and he wanted to see all of it.

  “Come inside your princess and know you will only ever be inside of her forever.”

  He roared my name and came harder than I thought a man could, pulling me down on him as I climaxed as well. I hadn’t even felt it building, and then suddenly it was blowing me over.

  “Well, that was something to come back to,” Darius muttered from my right. “Then again, you did watch us so it seemed only fair.”

  I licked my lower lip and slowly looked at him, crooking my finger at him. He came right over, giving me a curious look. “Undress.” He didn’t hesitate, yanking off his clothes as I leaned over and gave Jaxon a soft kiss. Then I turned back to Darius. “Kneel.” He did, and I wrapped my hand around his already hard dick. “Is this mine?”

  “Yes, all of me is yours, Inez,” he hissed, his fangs coming out as fire filled his eyes.

  “Do you want your princess?”

  “Yes, always.”

  “Even if it means you won’t ever touch another woman? Never consider another princess?”

  “Yes, I only want you,” he swore to me, leaning in closer like a moth to a flame.

  I nodded, looking between them. “I’m thirsty. You both will feed me and then fuck your princess.” I waited until they nodded, giving Darius’s dick a squeeze before repeating the same threats about him with another woman as I had Jaxon.

  He answered the same but then leaned in until we were almost kissing. “Inez, there is no woman who comes close to you that I would ever bother with when perfection lets me near her. I am forever yours.”

  “Good,” I hissed but then stood, moving off of Jaxon. Much to their confusion, I went over to the leopards. “Undress.” I smirked at the shock but was thrilled they did it. I went to Vance first. “Kiss your princess and then shift, go run and let your leopard out and hunt. You guys need a chance to not be afraid and breathe too.”

  “Thank you, Princess,” he breathed against my lips and gave me a soft, chaste kiss. The others did the same, each being sweet and respectful, but there was a trickle of something there.

  After they shifted, I squatted down and petted them, letting them nuzzle against me and giving them affection before they raced off to hunt. Then I went back to my nobles, my men, and did exactly what I said I would, possessed with a confidence and selfishness I hadn’t known was in me.

  I smirked at them. “Who am I biting, and who’s fucking me first?”

  In a flash Darius moved me onto all fours over Jaxon and I bit him while Darius fucked me. I mean, just wild, passionate, animal fucking filled with grunting, growling, and snarling from both of us.

  Then Darius laid me down, my back on his chest, and I fed from his wrist while Jaxon did everything to my body, spreading me wide and open to him in more ways than just how far apart my legs would go for him. I was completely, totally, and utterly theirs as they gave me everything they had, and it was the first firm step in my admitting this was forever, my life would now always include them.

  “I have no idea what that was,” I admitted when we were done, my heart still racing as I gasped for air. My voice sounded raw and like it would give out any moment from all the screaming.

  “You’re princess, you’re the leader, and you know we live for you, to serve you, and you own us,” Darius murmured as he ran his hand along my body. He sounded thrilled like I’d accepted part of who I was.

  And maybe I had.

  “So does that mean someone else is handling dinner?” I teased, scratching my arm as I swallowed roughly. “I need some water, and there’s no way my body is working anytime soon.”

  “Well, then we did our job well,” Jaxon chuckled, kissing my hair. “I’ll handle dinner, Darius, you want to clean our lover up? She’s gotten all dirty somehow.”

  “Apparently that happens if I wear lingerie,” I drawled, noting that garters were torn off and only a sliced up stocking remained.

  “So we’re getting more and soon?” Darius asked.

  I laughed as he lifted me in his arms and stood. “Do I get the rub downs too? That felt amazing, and every inch of me ached from today. Shit, who knew fixing some panels and charging some batteries would do that?” I hissed as I itched more, my neck and head aching as I did.

  “She needs to get it out,” Jaxon worried.

  “I know,” Darius muttered, carrying me over to the vehicles.

  I let it out and charged them all up, sighing as the itching stopped. “Thanks, I wasn’t—I feel all over the place.”

  “That might be because you didn’t do some panels and batteries. You did all of them, even in the back of those plants.” He nodded when I gave him a disbelieving look. “We tried a bunch of them as we loaded them up just to make sure they didn’t get a zap or part of whatever. You fixed and charged it all up, enough to seriously start your own solar farm and power plant. We’ll be set at your coven.”

  “Well, that explains a lot.” I frowned as he carried me towards the lake. “Maybe not the aggressive seeing red part where I threatened to murder people, but you know, I guess that happens?”

  “You care so much for us you’re willing to do anything to keep us near,” he said gently. “We feel the same so it’s okay.” He shook his head when I opened my mouth to object. “You’ve got enough on your plate, and we need to figure out if you’re doing it again or what.”

  “Right, more will come tonight,” I sighed, letting him wash me like a brat because there was no chance I could handle it. Jaxon tossed out a bottle of water for me, and I chugged it down, my throat totally raw.

  I tried to listen to what Darius told me about the gobs of batteries they’d put in industrial cases and loaded into more trailers along with solar panels, doing both in each trailer so the weight wasn’t too much, but also we’d get a jump on setting up the coven if we had both. He chuckled as I kissed along his neck and rubbed against him.

  “You’re so not listening.”

  “No, I’m still on fire,” I admitted, sucking on his earlobe. “Bleed on your cock and fuck me with it, Darius. Bleed all over me as you fuck me like your bitch in heat.” I kept talking when he sucked in a harsh breath and said not to say that about myself again. “Fuck me. Please, fuck me like a cat. Bend me over and just fuck me again. Please. Rub your blood all over me and fuck your princess for them to see.”

  I blinked, and we were back at the mattress and doing just that, his blood setting me on volcano level fire. Jaxon came over, and I gave him a hand job while the leopards watched, loving their eyes on me. Then I begged Jaxon to take me, every inch of me aching as I begged for more and took care of Darius, both of them smearing their blood on my skin as we had fun.

  They switched again, and Jaxon couldn’t even get hard for a hand job, gasping for air. I tried not to pass out as Darius pounded into me, his cut hand touching me everywhere. The moment Darius came and was completely spent, not ready to go again, I figured out what was going on.

  “So not all of that was me,” I slurred, too tired to even open my eyes.

  “What, love?” Jaxon asked.

  “You swore you’re mine, and I took on your needs,” I tried again, not sure that made more sense.

  “Oh fuck, sexy bite,” Vance groaned, catching on. “She’s saying like when we gave her our oath of being hers she took on our ghosts, you swore you were hers—even if not the official blood oath you guys do—and she was taking on your needs. Your needs for her mostly.” I felt him move nearer. “The fire stopped when they went soft?”


  “Oh boy, that was—wasn’t she a virgin like a week ago?” Vance worried. “And you guys just drilled her for hours after what she went through today?”

  “She said she burned,” Darius muttered. “Fuck, sorry, Inez.”

  “Never apologize for sex,” I reminded him, hating that feeling like he regretted me. I passed out before I even got to hear his response.

  I hoped it was a good one that I’d like.

  Needless to say, things were awkward the next day. I had slept all night, even during the packs of corrupted that came for us, Wolfe and Wilson guarding me up on top of the trailer while taking sniper shots. So, yeah, I slept through all that gunfire even.

  That was tired.

  I woke with the sun and handled what I needed to, ducking everyone for a bit of space. Darius cornered me as we were packing up to head out, corralling me against the open back door of the cargo van and everything loaded inside of it.

  “I don’t want to apologize because I know it upsets you, but I need to know you don’t hate me,” he rasped, nuzzling my neck.

  My embarrassment melted when I realized they were so upset too. I curled up against his chest, relieved when he hugged me. “I don’t hate you at all.”

  “Good.” He kissed my forehead. “I need you to know that I would never, not ever think of you as—”

  “I know,” I whispered, not wanting him to even say it. I knew he would never treat me as his bitch or crap like that. “I didn’t feel that. I just—you both kneel for me, lick me, and do everything, and I don’t do the same. It was like I was dying to say I would be all of that for you too. I think that was me because I feel that way. Maybe it wasn’t the right way to say it, but I wanted the result.”

  “You did?” he worried, his tone doubting. “We feel how sore you are.”

  “I loved every fucking second of it,” I admitted as I kissed his neck. “I did. Even if I ache today and burn somewhere private. It makes me feel every thrust, every everything you both did to me.” He took in a shaky breath. “I would want it again even if I acted crazy and that’s embarrassing for me. I want it again even if it hurts later. It was that good, Darius.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. You might have to carry me around, and wow, I slept during gunfire and attacks, but yes, fuck, yes, do that all to me again.”

  “Shit, don’t get me so hot when I’m focused on you,” he grumbled.

  It made me realize he was hard. “I don’t feel your need.”


  “No, I think it was because of all the power or like all the ghosts and doing that overwhelmed me and… I don’t know.”

  “Other things slipped in when you were wide open maybe,” he offered, brushing his lips over my collarbone. “Thank you for wanting to give us all our desires. What I felt with you, Inez—fuck, I never thought it could be like that. Every inch of my body sang with need for you, to feel more of you, bleed on you. And that was after I promised I was yours. You have to keep me now, Inez. Don’t leave me ever.”

  “I won’t,” I promised. “I was thinking that it felt so right, not just what we did, but you both in my life, knowing my future will always have you both. If that makes sense.”

  “It does.” He let out a shaky breath, and I was pretty sure he wanted to say the words I wasn’t ready to hear. I knew there were levels of love, but it was too soon for me to understand it as he meant it, accept it as he deserved. “Can I ask for something?”


  “Don’t be embarrassed from demanding I be faithful and yours,” he breathed in my ear as he licked the shell of it. “It hurts me like you hurt if I apologize. I loved that you did that, demanded me to never touch another, be only yours. You getting embarrassed worries me that you’ve changed your mind.”

  “No, no, Darius,” I gasped, standing on my toes and kissing him softly. “That’s not it at all. I’m—that was unlike me to do it in that way. That’s why I’m embarrassed. I can tell you right now I would die if you were with another woman, touched them like you touch me. The thought of it kills me inside. But saying that I’d kill you both or your dick is mine is, that’s over the top.”

  “Thank you for explaining,” he muttered as he surrounded me with his larger body instead of hugging me. “No woman would ever interest me when I have you. Never. It would never happen. I don’t think I could even get excited for another woman after what we’ve shared. Only you, Inez.”

  “That’s so unfair if I won’t do the same,” I rasped, hating that I doubted this would work and to the level I did.

  “That’s my choice. You didn’t grow up where this is totally normal, needed as we balance you out just as you give us purpose. Just know it’s my choice and I choose you whether it’s just us or you have twenty or a hundred nobles.” He flinched. “Okay, please don’t have a hundred, the nobles of that court are so neglected.”

  “A princess seriously has a hundred men that are hers?”

  “Yeah, she’s a bitch,” he grumbled. “She treats them like dolls to sit and look pretty, toys for when she wants a thrill. You could never be like that, and I’m so grateful you won’t be. My point is I will still choose you, so do what you feel is right because you doing that brought us together, so I trust you that it’s the perfect path.”

  “I choose you too,” I murmured, kissing him, thrilled he was touching me like I was special, precious, but fragile as I ached.

  “Can we make up now too?” Jaxon muttered from behind Darius.

  “I wasn’t mad,” I answered, chuckling when he hugged us both as best as he could. Darius turned us so they sandwiched me. “Everything I know you overheard me say was absolutely the truth.”

  “Even that we can do that again because fuck me, Inez, that was just everything.”

  “Yeah, we can do that again.” I shivered between them, loving the idea of just letting go and losing control. It wasn’t who I normally was, but wasn’t that half the fun of it? “So what’s the plan to handle the next wave of ghosts since a marathon like that just—I’m not sure I can have any sex at all today.”

  “We’ll please you when the burning starts and our blood will also heal you,” Darius said gently. “Plus, you need to eat. You didn’t get dinner, and you need something heavier than a cold toaster pastry.”

  “Fuel will help you heal, and last night after the attacks were done, we collected trailers full of solar panels and everything you can fix. But we also have an idea if you’re up for it.”

  “I tend to like your ideas,” I said, blushing when they both groaned. “That wasn’t what I meant. I was thinking like the hunting.”

  They brought me over to the group and started handing me food, jerky protein for breakfast and what I needed. But then Darius sat down with one of the navigators in a box. “Remember when I said I saw a princess change glass to sand? I want you to try the same with this.” He waved me off when I opened my mouth. “We found others, but it’s important to see if you can do it.”

  “Picture what you do when you think of the ghosts dissipating. It’s that same power,” Jaxon guided. “Try to turn that
to not dust to blow away, but like sand, tiny pieces.”

  I nodded, thinking of the electricity like I did when I charged vehicles, but instead, focused how he said. It took a few tries, but then I watched in awe as the navigator almost… Pixelated. It reminded me of pictures I’d seen of what computers used to be able to do with turning images into tiny dots and breaking them down for their information or whatever.

  That was what was now in the box, tons of pixels.

  “Okay?” Darius asked, smiling when I nodded. “So this is useful for taking down old construction so it can be made anew. It uses energy too, so we’ll try and work with you on this. Maybe even for hunting, destroy part of the building during the day and shoot all into it.”

  “Fish in a barrel,” I joked.

  I felt bad that we could actually leave the area and move on, but now we were waiting for my ghost situation. But the others said they were hitting up farms and mapping out supplies for later. It seemed like a lot for an area not near where we’d end up, but they told me it wasn’t even a two day drive if people switched shifts, so that made more sense then.

  What didn’t was when I came around the first time to let out the energy and Darius had that box again.

  He smiled at me. “Put it back together now. Try to. Think of the navigator as it was.”

  My eyes went wide. Right, he’d said that princess could change glass to sand and back again. Oh boy.

  It didn’t work though, the energy building too much and ghosts coming at me. I let it out into the solar panels and a bunch of them, almost the whole trailer.

  “We’ll work on control and not punching the gas soon,” Jaxon muttered, knowing how much that wore on me to do.

  Yeah, control and learning what to do both seemed smart. We made a few rounds, and I was getting better at handling so many and faster. Practice makes perfect and all of that.

  We were done with the last of them, and Darius brought out that box again. I wanted to brush it aside as crazy, but so was fixing and charging cars. Plus, he was so excited, wanted it so much I didn’t want to let him down. Somehow focusing on that—giving Darius what he wanted—seemed to open the right door, and I watched as the pixels became the navigator again.


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