It's Getting Hot in Here

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It's Getting Hot in Here Page 4

by J. D. Light

  "I'm the asshole?" I demanded, my body heating with both anger and want. "You pull shit all the time designed specifically to irritate the hell out of me. Who stops off at the store to buy panties for the sole purpose of making me think you were fucking in my storage room?"

  "Listening to you bitch about something I did on purpose, sure beats listening to you bitch about absolutely nothing. What does it matter if the box of sunglasses shaped like boobs is stored one shelf higher? There was plenty of room on both shelves. I thought leaving the lower one open would make it easier for you to store something else when I wasn't there."

  That actually sounded not only reasonable, but also kinda thoughtful, but I'd be damned if I admitted that right then.

  "You've obviously never tried to wiggle something off the top shelf and caught the corner of the old box fan only to pull the fucking thing off on your head. Otherwise, you'd fully understand my fucking system."

  "Well, maybe if someone would explain their system instead of constantly saying they'll do it themselves and then getting pissed off if something is left in the middle of the floor because everyone is too worried about putting shit on the wrong shelf and––" He pretended to gasp, covering his mouth and widening his eyes before leaning close to whisper, "pissing them off." He dropped his hand away. "You get bent out of shape no matter what I do, and you have ever since you started working here."

  I growled, reaching out to grab his shoulders and shove him back against the wall beside us hard. "I'll fucking show you bent out of shape."

  What happened next was… definitely not planned. I had no idea what possessed me to grab the bottom of his shirt and lift it up high enough to expose his chest, but I definitely did, and then I leaned in and bit him hard on the top of the pec while pressing my lower body against his, grinding my hard dick against his thigh.

  He gasped and then groaned, letting his head fall back against the wall behind him as I released the abused skin from my teeth and licked the flesh.

  "Huh, look at that," I said, using one hand to hold his shirt in place while the other skimmed along his spectacular abs. "You're a lot less irritating like this." I pressed his shirt up further, glaring when he didn't seem to get the hint. "Take this off."

  He was breathing hard, his eyes glossy with want. He blinked at me slowly, grunting and raising his arms to allow me to push his shirt off over his head. When he arched his back away from the wall to allow the material to move between his body and the hard surface, I once again leaned in and bit at the flesh at the top of his pec, right next to the spot I'd bitten him a moment before.

  It was still wet and looked like it was starting to redden, and when I pulled back both spots had distinguishable teeth marks, not deep enough to cause damage, but definitely visible and sexy as fuck. Another wave of heat swept through my body along with a healthy––or possibly unhealthy––dose of possession.

  "You're kinky as fuck, aren't you, Jen-Jen?" he growled, unwinding his arms from the material of his nearly forgotten T-shirt before letting his hands settle on the upper swell of my ass, pulling me even closer to his body.

  I met his eyes as I moved a little lower, rolling my tongue over the nub and then flicking it with the tip. "Look who's talking," I growled huskily, pressing myself against his thick erection before once again biting at his pec, this time moving to the rounded outside of the beautiful muscle.

  He groaned and I smiled before reaching up with one hand, clutching the hair on the top of his head and jerking his mouth down to mine, crushing our lips together painfully.

  Fuck! There was just something so hot about the way his fingers dug into my flesh, hopefully bruising. Lord, help me, but I wanted to be marked by this. I wanted to look in the mirror later and see where he'd been. I wanted to press down on the bruised skin and remember the way I felt right then while I was tasting and touching what I'd wanted for a long time.

  I was getting too hot. My hole was tingling as my body begged for him to fuck me, and I felt the slick between my cheeks. I needed to cool down before I jizzed in my pants.

  I pulled away from the kiss slightly, just letting our lips brush as I slid my hand between us, gripping his dick and smiling when I felt the damp fabric brush against my wrist, letting me know he was leaking just as much as I was.

  I leaned back, glancing down at the spot on his jeans that was definitely darker than the rest of the light, stonewashed color and bit my lip on a groan at how fucking sexy that was. "Look at this." I massaged the head with my thumb, and his dick jumped against my hand as he groaned low and deep. "This wet spot for me?"

  He growled again, and I gasped as he bent his knees slightly, hooked his hands just below my ass and lifted me off the floor. I wrapped myself around him, moaning when his mouth went directly to my collarbone, sucking hard at the skin before raking his teeth along the nob there.

  We started moving and soon I was being pressed back into the lounge in the center of the room and my shirt was being dragged up and off my body.

  Wagoner leaned up, looking down at me with heated, searing eyes as he mapped out my skin with his hands, stopping to slide his finger over the stretchmark on my belly with a strange look on his face. It was like he had an odd fascination with the mark. He definitely didn't seem to be disgusted or put off in any way by it.

  He scooted down my body, making me gasp and arch against him as he pressed a sweet kiss where his finger had been before drawing the tip of his tongue over the jagged stripe.

  "Wait," he said suddenly, his eyes snapping up to meet mine. "You don't have an alpha, right?"

  What the fuck? "No," I said indignantly, more than a little offended. "If I had an alpha, you definitely wouldn't be touching me, right now."

  He smiled, brushing the whiskers of his chin along my skin as he slowly moved up my body. "Are you saying you're so hard up, you'll even let me touch you?" he asked, before letting the bristly hair of his cheek slide over my nipple, and I whimpered.

  "Basically, yeah." My voice was hoarse and breathy, and I had to clear my throat. "That and I'm not a cheating asshole." I shoved him up to a sitting position before straddling his thighs and pressing my dick down on his erection while fisting his hair roughly and attacking his mouth with bruising kisses and hard nips. I sucked his tongue as far into my mouth as I could while I ground against him, whimpering into his mouth.

  His hands slid over my ass cheeks before squeezing the globes hard enough to make me flinch. He pulled back from the kiss and ground the inside of one of his hands along the crack of my ass, putting pressure on my hole and I spread my legs further, rolling my hips as I ground down on him with my dick and pressed my ass up into his hand hard.

  Why the fuck was I still wearing jeans? I needed more pressure against my hole, and my pants were in the fucking way.

  "Are you all slick for me Jen-Jen?" He pressed harder and I whimpered. "I bet you are."

  Smug prick. If I didn't need his hands on me so bad… Oh fuck. I didn't know what the hell I'd do. I just needed him to fucking do something that would end the pleasurable misery in my pants.

  "I haven't had sex in a long, long time," I growled, using his hair to jerk his head back so I could lick and bite at his lips. "I get slick when I chop vegetables." I spread my legs as wide as I could manage and pressed down harder on his dick. We both gasped and the pinched pleasure. "But I bet you're dying to fuck me, aren't you? I know your kind. You only want what you can't have and knowing you can't have me has probably been driving you crazy since the beginning. I bet you'd be so hot for it, you wouldn't be able to stop from knotting me, would you?"

  He growled, sliding his hand up to my lower back before sliding it back down so that it slid under the gap in the back of my pants and I cried out as the tip of his middle finger slid along my crack.

  I closed my eyes and threw my head back, pushing into that finger until it nearly pressed against the rim of my opening.

  "Okay. Wow," Lizzy said from the doorway, startling m
e. "I was not expecting…" She trailed off, shaking her head and fanning herself dramatically with her hand. "I knew it would be fucking hot, but damn. If I didn't have to get back to the bar, I'd go rub one out in the ladies' room. Fuck."

  She walked back out, shutting the door behind her, and I suddenly noticed that the lighting was back to being mostly dim in the room while Wagoner groaned, dropping his head to my chest, his hot breath fanning over one of my nipples and making me shudder.

  His hand was still down the back of my pants, and my dick was still throbbing against his.

  He pulled his head back slowly, looking me in the eyes, and I bit down hard on my lip to keep from begging him to finish me off. We sat there like that, staring at each other, both of us unsure of what the next move should be.

  Somebody––probably Lizzy––pounded hard on the metal door, making me jump and scramble backward out of Wagoner's hold, and I fell to my ass on the floor.

  He looked stunned for a moment before a slow, half smile slid on to his face and he brought his fingers up to his mouth, licking off what had to be my slick, both making my body react in a way that nearly had me coming in my pants, and irritated the hell out of me, because I suddenly realized how close I'd come to begging him to fuck me.

  I glared, scrambling to my feet, and swiping my shirt off the floor. He watched me, still licking at his fingers and moaning as I pulled the thing on.

  When the material fell to my upper thighs, clearly far too big for me, I growled, ripping it off and throwing it at his face when he started laughing.

  I snatched mine on the way out, holding my head high as I left the room, pulling the correct, properly fitting shirt on this time and ignoring all the catcalls from down the hall. I wasn't sure if it was patrons of the club or my fellow employees, and I honestly wasn't sure I wanted to know.

  Maybe if I didn't see who all had been watching, I could pretend nobody had been, and still be able to meet people's eyes. Maybe.


  I watched Calen offer Arden a toy and then jerk it away when his brother reached for it, and I chuckled softly when they both started laughing like it was the best trick they'd ever seen. It was only like the twentieth time he'd done it, but as I did my best to pick up some of the toys around the house, so they'd have space to spread more later, I simply couldn't bring myself to care all that much, since they were getting along and laughing instead of fighting over something stupid… like that damn dust bunny they'd found when one of them had reached into the little cutout under the entertainment center a few days before.

  Seriously, the only fight I'd seen bigger than that one had been two grown ass alphas at Slick back in the changing room before they were set to perform fighting over silver tassels. They both swore one was better than the other, but when I put the mother fuckers behind my back and pulled them back around, neither seemed to realize they'd been fighting over the one in my left had before the little switcharoo, so I'd made them both put on gold tassels and damn near pulled a Three Stooges on them and banged their fucking heads together when their bearded chins wobbled.

  I was supposed to be getting ready for work since it was a little after seven, and it was my night to get there at eight, but as I'd worried would happen, I hadn't yet been able to find a suitable sitter, and the temp I'd gotten ahold of after Amanda left had worked her last day the night before, and I was all out of options for the time being, which really sucked, since it was a Saturday, and I usually made almost a third of my weekly income on Saturday's.

  I watched Arden bend down and pick up another toy at random, holding it out to Calen and pulling the same hilarious trick his brother had and the two dorks nearly fell down laughing and I sighed, thinking maybe it would be worth not being able to put money away in saving and barely skate by for a week or so just to get to spend time with these two.

  Of course, a week or two of having to call into work was most likely going to get me fired, but at least I wouldn't have to face Wagoner anymore after nearly begging him to fuck me right there in front of everyone. I'd managed to avoid him the rest of the night last night after the incident in the room because we'd been slammed, but without me being on room duty tonight, and it being so crazy, we'd be stuck behind the bar together, and I could absolutely live without his unnecessary touches when he brushed past me, or when he needed to lean around me to grab something off of the bar. I didn't need his breath on my neck as he asked me to scoot over even as he never gave me a chance to scoot over before he was grabbing my hips and moving me out of the way on his own, making sure to press my body against the counter so that my hard dick, barely hidden beneath my T-shirt and jeans, pressed against the wood.

  The doorbell rang, surprising me out of my daydreaming and making me groan as I realized I'd been sitting there fantasizing about Wagoner touching me, and my dick was rock hard.

  I'm such a fucking idiot. Wagoner was too good looking for his own good, and he knew it. Not only was thinking about him like that pointless, since he insisted that he didn't have anything but professional relationships with the omegas who worked for him, I didn't have relationships aside from working ones, with anyone, especially cocky alphas who knew how fucking appealing they were. It never ended well for people like me.

  Glancing down, I made sure my hardon was somewhat concealed and made my way to the front door, checking to make sure that the pranksters were still occupied.

  "Wagoner?" I croaked, blinking in surprise at the gorgeous alpha standing in my doorway and somehow making that smirk that usually irritated the hell out of me, seem endearing. "What are you doing here?"

  He looked me over, blinking for a long moment and then he sighed, looking relieved. "You called in, but you didn't say why. I was checking to make sure you weren't sick."

  Arden wandered up, catching Wagoner's eye, and I swear the man's face melted. Arden was my brave one, so I wasn't surprised at all when he walked directly up to stand in front of Wagoner as Calen stepped up beside me, wrapping one of his little arms around the back of my leg.

  "I'm fine," I said absently as Arden offered Wagoner a toy and then waited until the alpha reached for it before jerking it back out of his reach.

  Wagoner gave a theatrical gasp, and Arden started laughing, soon joined by Calen, and Arden did it again. This time when he jerked the toy back and Wagoner gasped, all three started laughing and I watched in amazement as this continued several times over.

  "My sitter quit on me," I said finally when Wagoner turned his laughing eyes on me. "I found a lady who could work for a few nights, but I don't have anyone permanent yet. I've been in contact with a guy around here that said he will find me someone, but it might take a while. I'm not really sure how long a while is, but for the time being, I don't have anyone."

  He smiled down at Arden as the little moron opened his arms wide for the man, clearly wanting to be picked up. "Why did your sitter quit?" he asked, easily bending to scoop my traitor of a child up in his arms and putting him on his hip like he'd done it a million times.

  His brother watched in astonishment, stepping closer.

  "She was young and didn't really want to work the middle of the night on the weekends," I said distractedly as I watched my cautious boy step closer and closer to the unknown alpha. "I can't really blame her, but I did warn her that it would be like that."

  Wagoner peeked down at Calen, giving him a small little finger wave and a big, beautiful smile that showed off his gorgeous dimples. Well, that was it. I'd probably open my arms and beg him to pick me up if he turned that thing on me. I merely sighed when Calen too lifted his arms to the man, demanding to also be picked up… which again, Wagoner did with ease, even with one arm and expertly perched him on the other hip like he threw toddlers around all the damn time.

  Well fuck. I definitely didn't need to be endeared to the man, but since the rest of my family seemed to be falling for him, and I'd already been losing the fight even before he'd gone and made the most adorable picture ever with
my two boys on his hips, smiling like he was having the time of his life, it didn't look like I stood much of a chance, did it?

  "What if I know someone who would very happily watch these two for a few nights until you find someone more permanent?" he asked, those dark blue eyes locking on me.

  Uh oh. Those aren't helping and neither is him being nice.

  "You know someone who would drop everything right now to watch two toddlers overnight who aren't potty trained? Very happily?" I asked skeptically.

  Who was this unicorn person? Nobody was happy to watch toddlers overnight. The people I usually got were just desperate.

  "I know two such people."


  He walked over to the couch, so he could sit down with the two cuties with questionable taste, since they were staring at him with all the adoration in their tiny little hearts and somehow managed to dig his phone out of his back pocket, stopping to poke Arden in the ribs when he reached for the device, making him laugh.

  He tapped on the screen a couple of times and held the phone out as the loud ringing let me know he was making a video call and after a few rings a handsome black man came on the screen with narrow eyes and pursed lips.

  "Well, if your calling me from your phone, then you're not in jail," he said dryly. "Of course, your Dad and I wouldn’t have had to worry at all if you'd have told us where the hell you were going when you tore out of here." His eyes shifted a bit back and forth and a small smile ticked up one side of his mouth. "Who are the cuties? They're a little young for you, don't you think?"

  "Sorry, Da, I had a work emergency, but I got you something to make up for it."

  "If they're too young for you, Wagoner, they're definitely too young for me."

  I snickered, happy to see at least one human in the world who gave Wagoner crap. The man definitely needed it.


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