Royal Mess (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation Book 3)

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Royal Mess (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation Book 3) Page 4

by Winter Travers

  “Lemonade with strawberry puree,” Bristol called. “I just made it.”

  “That sounds amazing.” Homemade strawberry lemonade? Wow.

  Marco set the pitcher on the counter and reached into a cabinet for glasses.

  “I’m rather impressed you know where the glasses are.”

  Marco set two glasses next to the pitcher and glared at me. “You act like I can’t even tie my own shoes.”

  I pursed my lips and glanced at Bristol. “Uh, well, I’m sure you know how to do that.” I glanced at his bare feet. “I mean, I assume you know how.”

  He filled the two glasses and set the pitcher back in the fridge. “Your long nap seems to have agreed with you.” He nodded to the stools under the kitchen island. “We can sit here.”

  “Dinner will be ready in five minutes,” Bristol called. “I just need to drop your fries in the fryer.”

  My stomach growled at the mention of actual deep-fried fries.

  I pulled out a stool and managed to hoist myself up on it. “A girl could get used to this kind of service,” I laughed.

  Bristol winked and dunked the basket of fries into the hot oil.

  “Whatever you need, you can have, Royal,” Marco mumbled. He set my glass in front of me and then sat in the stool next to mine.

  I knew there were a ton of things I needed, but at the moment, the only thing I could think of was food. Lots of yummy food.

  A few minutes later, Bristol set a steaming hot cheeseburger in front of me along with a pile of sweet potato fries. She grabbed a jar of spicy pickles out of the fridge and added them to the feast. “I try to always make everything, but these are some of the best pickles ever. I can’t seem to duplicate their deliciousness.” She twisted off the top and laid a fork next to the jar. “Enjoy.”

  She disappeared from the kitchen, and I was left alone with Marco.

  Without a glance at him, I grabbed my burger and took a bite.

  “Oh my,” I moaned. “Maybe I should have asked for two.” This was the best burger I had ever eaten in my whole life. The meat was a juicy medium rare and all the veggies were fresh and crisp. I wouldn’t even go into the amazing creaminess of the cheese.

  “How is it?” Marco asked.

  I gave a thumbs up and reached for a napkin.

  “So good you can’t even talk,” he chuckled.

  I wiped my mouth and smiled. “This is the best thing I have ever put in my mouth.”

  We sat in silence while we both ate our full plates of food.

  I shoved the last French fry into my mouth and groaned. “Wow.”

  Marco chuckled. “I think that’s a good word to describe that burger. Bristol always seems to make the simplest things taste amazing.”

  I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my stomach. Little baby had finally stopped moving around and was now in a food coma just like I was. “She can make that for me every night, and I will never complain.”

  “Want dessert?” Marco asked.

  I was ashamed to say that even though I had managed to eat the huge burger and mountain of fries, that I still had room for whatever dessert Marco had in mind.

  “Bristol,” he called.

  Bristol magically appeared with a huge smile on her face. I wasn’t too sure I would be as happy as she was if I had to be on call twenty-four-seven.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “What do you have for dessert?” he asked her.

  Bristol pursed her lips and tapped her chin. “Uh, well, I can do a quick bananas foster, if you’d like.”

  Yeah, I was going to weigh fifteen hundred pounds if I stayed here for any length of time. “I think that sounds amazing.” I know she was talking to Marco and asking for his approval, but I couldn’t not have her make that.

  Marco nodded and drained his glass of lemonade. “Better make it two. I gotta trust a pregnant woman’s cravings.”

  Bristol set about making bananas foster with vanilla ice cream.

  “Are you feeling better?” Marco asked softly.

  Physically? Yes. Emotionally? No. “Uh, I’m feeling rested.” I wasn’t sure I wanted to spill my guts to Marco. After all, he was the reason Grit was gone, and now, I was holed up in his estate. Though if you were going to have to be held prisoner, this had to be the best place for it.

  “Will you be able to sleep tonight since you slept most of the evening?”

  I wasn’t too sure about that. The last few weeks, I had struggled to sleep, and I just wondered if all of that had finally caught up with me. “I think I should be able to go back to sleep. Especially if my stomach is full.”

  Marco nodded to my stomach. “Do you know what you are having?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No, but I have a good feeling that it’s a boy.”

  “And what if it’s a girl?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I mean, it doesn’t really matter as long as the baby is healthy. Either way, I will be able to figure it out. My mom was a pretty good role model even though her life was a bit of a wreck.”

  “She’s not around anymore?” he asked.

  I shook my head and watched Bristol pour the brandy into the pan over the bananas. “She passed away when I was fifteen. I’ve been on my own since then. Thankfully, I had Indiana as my best friend when I was growing up.”

  “Sorry, babe.”

  “What about your parents?” I asked.

  Marco laughed. “Well, I’m pretty sure you have met my mom, and my dad walked out before I was even born.”

  “I know your mom?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah. At least, I think you do. You weren’t at the clubhouse for too long, but it’s likely you met her. She’s married to Slider.”

  My jaw dropped. “No way,” I gasped.

  “Yes, way,” he chuckled. “My mom is Fayth.”

  “The mafia and the MC mixed? That sounds like a book or movie or something.” A movie I would totally watch.

  “It sounds way more exciting than it actually is, Royal. Most of the time, we all live in harmony without bumping heads.”

  Bristol set a bowl in front of Marco and me. “Bananas foster with French vanilla ice cream,” she said proudly.

  I took a bite of warm banana in the rich caramel sauce and moaned. “Oh, God.” How on earth could she make something so good, so quickly?

  Marco grabbed a spoonful and held it in front of his mouth. “Your talent is wasted on us here, Bristol. You need to be working in some fancy restaurant in New York.” He took a bite and moaned just like I did.

  Bristol wrinkled her nose. “That doesn’t sound like fun at all. I went to Chicago for school, and that was enough of the big city for me.”

  “You’re from Rockton?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “Falls City. About an hour from here. I was lucky enough to snag the job for the Banachis four years ago.” She leaned toward me and whispered loudly. “Don’t tell Leo or Marco, but they really pay me too much for cooking only five or six days a month.”

  Marco chuckled. “We know exactly how much we pay you, Bristol. And you’re worth every single penny.”

  Bristol shrugged. “I’m not going to tell you what to do with your money.”

  “You only work a few days a month?” I asked. What did she do the rest of the time? I always thought it would be cool to not have to work, but I knew I would be bored within a week after I cleaned everything and blew through my list of shows to binge watch.

  “It really depends. If someone is here, I’m here. If someone isn’t here, then I’m not.” Bristol grabbed a towel and wiped her hands. “There is a skeleton crew here all of the time to keep things clean and tidy, but that doesn’t include me.”

  “Well, if you ever feel like cooking but aren’t working, I’m sure you can come hangout at the clubhouse.” I took another bite of my ice cream. “I know Indiana would absolutely love this.”

  “Meg would love it, too. I remember these banana foster bars she used to make when I hung around
the clubhouse. One of the best things I’ve ever ate.”

  “Meg Birch?” Bristol asked.

  Marco nodded. “Yeah. She’s sort of like an honorary aunt for me. Along with all of the other ol’ ladies.”

  Bristol laughed. “That woman is an absolute trip. I used to have a booth at the local craft and art fair in Rockton. She once bought out the booth because she didn’t want to have to bake anything for the clubhouse.”

  “What did she buy?” I asked. In the brief couple of days I was at the clubhouse, I had quickly discovered that Meg was one hell of a cook. The first night there, we had ravioli in a meat sauce that was amazing.

  “A mixture of lemon tarts, pecan bars, and cherry almond bread, I think.”

  My mouth watered at the thought of anything cherry. “I won’t be upset at all if you decide to make cherry almond bread while I’m here.”

  Marco chuckled.

  “I just so happen to have everything on hand to do just that.” Bristol hung the towel on the handle of the stove. “I’ll let you two finish eating now, though.” She headed down the mystery hallway I had spotted before when I walked up the steps.

  “Where did she go?” I asked Marco.

  Marco finished his dessert and pushed the bowl away. “Staff quarters.”

  “Staff quarters? Is that like servant quarters back in the day?”

  “Uh, well, I suppose so, but none of these people are my servants, Royal. They’re all paid well above normal, and as you heard from Bristol, they work only a few days a month.”

  I laughed. “Well, that’s good to know. How many people do you have on staff?”

  Marco leveled his gaze on me. “I think you already know my answer to that.”

  I chuckled and finished my dessert. “Shall I add counting the staff when I’m counting the rooms in the house?”

  “I have a feeling you’re making fun of me, Royal.”

  I shrugged. “I would never do that.” I was, and I planned on continuing. Something told me Marco needed a little bit of teasing to loosen him up.

  “Do you want me to show you back to your room?”

  “Back to the dungeon with me?” I laughed.

  “I just figured you were ready for bed.”

  I shook my head. “Hardly. I just slept for six hours, Marco. I’m ready for a Golden Girls marathon.”

  “Well,” he drawled. “You have a TV in your bedroom or I can show you to the media room.”

  “Of course the estate has a media room,” I laughed. Not surprised at all. Well, maybe I was a little bit. I was immersed in a life I could barely imagine. I was going to enjoy it for what it was, but I knew I couldn’t get used to it at all.

  Marco stood and held out his hand to me. “Come. I’ll show you the media room and then you can decide where you want to watch TV.”

  I put my hand in his, and he helped me off the stool. “Lead the way, mafia man.”

  Marco chuckled and shook his head. “Not too sure you should call me that, Royal. At least, not when we’re around anyone.”

  He led the way back toward the stairs, but this time, we didn’t climb them. “Are we headed into the east wing?” I joked.

  “West wing,” Marco clarified.

  Of course. “How foolish of me. Of course, it’s the west wing.”

  Marco glanced back at me with a huge grin on his face. “I’m joking, Royal.”

  Oh. Well, now I actually did feel a little foolish.

  We walked into a large room with one row of recliners and a row of couches in front of a huge TV screen. Large bookcases lined opposite walls that were filled with tons of books and movies.

  “Uh, yeah. I think the name media room fits nicely.”

  “This room is my uncle’s pride and joy. He’s a movie buff and loves to read any book he can get his hands on.” Marco walked over to the overstuffed couch that was directly in front of the TV. “Sit here. I’ll get you the remote.”

  I plopped down on the couch and sunk into the softest and most plush cushions ever. I waved my hand in the air. “Just leave me here. I believe the couch and I have become one.”

  Marco chuckled and moved to the TV. “Just wait until you sit in one of the recliners.”

  “I think I might give birth on this couch and raise the baby right here.”

  Marco turned on the TV. “I’m sure Bristol would love it. She seemed to take a liking to you.”

  “She’s more than nice. Totally someone I would hang out with on a normal day.”

  Marco stepped toward me and handed me the remote. “This isn’t a normal day?”

  I grabbed the remote and rolled my eyes. “Well, my brother dying and then being whisked off to Wyndemere Estates isn’t really what I would call normal.” My words brought a chill to the room. For a moment, I had forgotten Grit was gone. I had forgotten the reason why I was tucked away at Wyndemere Estates.

  Meeks had killed Grit, and now, he was coming for me and the baby.

  I handed the remote back to Marco and jumped up. “I changed my mind. I think I’ll just go back to bed.

  “Royal,” Marco pleaded.

  I shook my head and stepped around him. “I can find the way back to my room. Thank you for dinner.” I dashed from the room and jogged up the stairs. At the top, a sharp pain ran down my side, but I didn’t stop.

  By the time I made it to my room and threw open the door, tears were streaming down my face. I pushed the door shut and twisted the lock.

  How could I have sat down in the kitchen with Marco like nothing had happened? Was I really about to watch TV and not wonder where Grit’s body was? How did I forget everything?

  Grit was dead, and I was next if the Meeks had their way.

  I flipped off the lights and fell into bed. I wasn’t tired, but I didn’t deserve to be happy right now.

  I didn’t know what I deserved, but I knew it wasn’t happiness.

  “Royal,” Marco called. He knocked on the door.

  I didn’t move. “I’m going to bed, Marco.”

  “You said you weren’t tired,” he recalled.

  “I changed my mind. I can do that.” I sounded like a cranky five-year-old.

  “Are you okay?”

  Okay? Was I okay? I really didn’t know. “I’m fine.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care.”

  He sighed heavily. “Can I come in?”

  “I’m naked.” I slapped my hand over my mouth. “I mean, I’m not.” As if anyone wanted to even think about my nine-month pregnant body being naked. I waited to hear Marco gag at the thought.

  “I don’t know what to say to that, Royal.”

  “You didn’t take the time to think before you spoke?” Marco seemed to always know what to say, no matter the circumstance.

  “I’ve never had someone tell me they are naked and then in the next breath tell me they’re not.” He cleared his throat. “You threw me for a loop.”

  Good. It was nice to know Marco Banachi was thrown off his game for a second.

  “Well, go hop your loop in your room.” Why was I talking like an idiot?

  “Hop my loop?” Marco drawled.

  I grabbed a pillow and put it over my face. And screamed.

  “Royal?” he called again.

  I pulled the pillow off my face and tossed it at the door. “Go away, Marco. I’m not fine, but it’s fine that I’m not fine.” Maybe I could say fine one more time just to get my point across.

  “If you say so,” he called.

  “Fine.” I slapped my hand over my mouth. Do not say another word, Royal.

  Marco chuckled. “Good night, Royal.” His footsteps moved away from the door, and I sighed.

  I was blaming this whole evening on my pregnancy hormones.

  That’s what it had to be.

  This little baby was throwing my emotions all out of whack.

  I laid my hand on my stomach and sighed. “Soon enough, you’ll be in my arms, and eve
rything will go back to normal.”

  Well, as back to normal as they could be.

  A new normal.

  Grit was gone, but Indiana was back in my life. Along with the Devil’s Knights.

  And Marco.

  But that was just for however long it took to fix the mess with the Meeks.

  Hopefully, I would be able to keep this baby inside until that happened. Right now, I wasn’t ready to bring a baby into this world when there were evil people who wanted me dead.

  I just had to hang in there for a little bit longer, and then, I could start my new life.



  Chapter Five


  “What did you do?”

  I glanced up from the stack of papers on my desk. “What are you talking about?”

  Apollo walked into my office and sat in the chair opposite me. “I happened to walk by the kitchen last night and saw you and Royal having dinner.”


  “You two looked like you were actually getting along.”

  I nodded and looked back down. “We were.”

  “And now, this morning, she’s refusing to come out of her room and asked for a tray of breakfast to be left at her door.”

  “She’s free to do whatever she wants, Apollo. If she wants to stay in her room, then that’s what she can do.”

  The stack of papers in front of me vanished, and my eyes snapped up to look at Apollo. “Knock it off, Marco.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? I’m in here working.” Last night, I went to bed after Royal told me to go away, and then, I was in my office when the sun rose.

  “What did you say to piss off Royal?” he asked.

  “Last I checked, it didn’t matter if Royal was pissed off or whatever as long as she was safe and not in a pine box.” She made it pretty clear to me last night that she was fine and didn’t want to be bothered. Though five minutes before that, it seemed like we were getting along pretty well.

  “You can catch a whole lot more flies with honey, Marco.” Apollo dropped the stack of papers back on the desk and sat back in his chair while he popped open the button of his coat.


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