SEAL & Veteran Series: The Complete Series

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SEAL & Veteran Series: The Complete Series Page 34

by Leslie North

  A red flag wouldn’t stop waving in his mind. “Just how well do you Katrin? When was the last time you saw her?”

  A low growl rumbled from Viktoria and her skin tinged pink. “I trust Katrin,” she snarled, leaning so close, the words puffed against his lips. “She has no earthly reason to want to hurt me, so whatever you’re going to say, don’t.” She held up her phone. “I’ve already left a message on Katrin’s phone before I came out here, saying I couldn’t wait to see her.”

  “You did what?” Lee drew up to his full height. “You confirmed your location with a person I know nothing about without talking to me first?”

  “Yes,” she answered bluntly. “She knows exactly who I am and what my life is like.”

  Viktoria showed him the real her. The woman beneath the cold façade, and she had the gall to act like it never happened? “You think I don’t know you?” he asked, his tone on the razor edge between ice and burning anger.

  An emotion flashed too quickly in her eyes for him to catch, but she didn’t back down or move away. Instead, she placed her hand on his shoulder and moved her lips to his ear, opposite Mike and Andrew. “Just because we fucked,” she uttered so low, he almost didn’t hear her himself, “doesn’t mean you know me. It doesn’t put us on equal footing.”

  If she physically punched him, it wouldn’t have hurt more than those callous words. “I never said it did,” he replied, stiffly moving to get away from her touch. He hadn’t been referring to the sex, though he’d thought it drew them closer. But the physical intimacy had just built on the emotional intimacy he thought they’d established through sharing their vulnerabilities, leaning on and trusting each other.

  It seemed he’d been mistaken about that. He’d been mistaken about a lot of things.

  Her hand lingered in the air, then she dropped her arm as her face closed completely into an emotionless mask, probably matching his shuttered expression.

  “I’m supposed to be in charge of your safety,” he rigidly responded. “But I can’t stop you if you insist on putting your life in danger.”

  The mask fell away as anger blazed from her eyes, making the blue deepen to a beautiful hue. “Katrin is not a threat.” Her grip strangled the phone. “And I don’t need your permission to see my friend. You’re security, not my chaperone.”

  Guess that puts me in my place. Lee turned to Andrew and Mike. “Ms. Jonsdottir may not see a threat, but as her lowly security team, we’re going to stay on high alert anyway.” He faced Viktoria again. “We’ll do our jobs as contracted by your father, ma’am.”

  She stilled for a moment, then closed her expression again. “When do we land?”

  “Ten minutes,” Mike answered after Lee looked to him.

  Her blue eyes traced over Lee’s face one more time, then she pivoted and marched to the bedroom, leaving the door open.

  How had he gotten everything so wrong? Rubbing his bleating heart, he dropped back into his seat and turned toward the front of the plane. He thought they had connected, but apparently, he was only good enough to play with when no one in her high society was around.


  Viktoria stared a hole in Lee’s back as they waited for the new copilot to lower the stairs to the tarmac. Mike and Andrew were directly behind Lee in the line to disembark, but she maneuvered to see the expanse of his broad shoulders encapsulated in tight black cotton.

  She couldn’t get the pain slicing through his face out of her mind. She had misread his posturing, assuming he’d been acting like the other men she’d known, mistaking sex for the right to exert control over her. She should have realized Lee wouldn’t act like that. He’d consistently treated her with respect even when he acted like a heathen. If she was honest, a little fear that he did know her better than anyone made her unjustly lash out. He’d seen her in a way no one else had ever experienced or even knew existed inside her—

  The steps hit the blacktop, cutting into her mental tongue-lashing. She’d have to find a way to apologize later.

  Craning her neck, she anxiously peered over Andrew’s shoulders to catch a glimpse of Katrin. Due to her hectic schedule and starting up the new division, Viktoria hadn’t seen her friend in a year and she couldn’t wait to catch up in person. A long black limousine parked beyond the jet’s wings had three men in black suits standing with their hands clasped in front of them. A soft chuckle escaped Viktoria’s lips. Of course Katrin would have her security decked out in the finest suits. Her friend always surrounded herself in luxury…while Viktoria’s team had on T-shirts and jeans…

  Wonder what Katrin’s going to say about that?

  Andrew and Mike split off to ensure the area was secure (she’d overheard Lee give those instructions when they touched down) and two of Katrin’s security fell in step with them. Lee waited at the bottom of the steps, his sunglasses firmly in place and a stony expression on his face while a hot breeze lifted pieces of his reddish-brown hair.

  Viktoria’s four-inch heels clomped down the metal staircase, then clicked smartly on the tarmac. Lee waited for her to walk two steps toward the car before he paced behind her. She caught whiffs of her soap wafting off him on the wind, and she wanted to say something to fix the heavy tension between them. She missed the playful vibe more than she should.

  The chauffer popped open the back door and Katrin took his hand as she gracefully climbed out of the car. Long blond hair fell in waves around her beautiful face and her flirty sundress fit her trim frame perfectly, of course. Stilettos Viktoria instantly envied clattered on the pavement as Katrin hustled forward, squealing.

  “Darling!” Katrin cried, grabbing Viktoria’s shoulders and brushing a kiss on each cheek. “It’s been too long. You look gorgeous.”

  The third security guard shook Lee’s hand and led him a short distance away, presumably so they could talk in private. Viktoria didn’t miss the stiffness in Lee’s shoulders or the way he frowned as he kept checking on her. Like Katrin was going to kidnap her or something. As if her friend would do that.

  “Are you still on your way to meet your father in New York City?” Katrin asked, pulling Viktoria’s focus where it should be.

  “Yes,” she sighed, nodding. “And I can’t wait to get back into the negotiations.”

  “My father mentioned he had planned to attend the meetings in New York but something came up.” Katrin shrugged, then her blue eyes narrowed. “What’s this I hear about you being in danger? Aleta told me why your plane got diverted here.” She motioned to the regional airport outside of Columbus, Ohio. “Are you all right?”

  Viktoria couldn’t peel her eyes away from Lee who had taken his sunglasses off and made slashing motions with his free hand while he said something to Katrin’s lead guard. That didn’t look good.

  “Viktoria?” A warm hand on her forearm made her jump.

  “What? Oh, it’s under control.” Viktoria waved away the concern, not wanting to worry her friend. “My security has me well covered.”

  “Well covered, huh?” Katrin grinned as she turned to blatantly stare at Lee. “I’ll just bet he has you well covered.” She cackled so loud, Lee’s attention focused on her.

  Heat crept up Viktoria’s throat at her friend’s crude but accurate implication.

  “Oh my.” Katrin fanned her face. “Look at those eyes. Like an exotic feral cat.” She winked at Viktoria. “I’ll bet he’s wild between the sheets, or against the wall, or over the couch. Am I right?”

  The heat spread to Viktoria’s cheeks.

  “I knew it.” Katrin’s cackle turned vixenish. “Lucky woman. I don’t blame you for taking him to your bed. He’s gorgeous,” she purred, “and raw with an aura of danger surrounding him.” She licked her lips and Viktoria wanted to block her from sizing Lee up like a steak. “I’d be slumming it with him too.”

  “I am not slumming it,” Viktoria snapped, offended to the core. “He’s very smart and treats me with respect—”

  “Oh yes, I’m sure he’s just
darling—but it’s not like you could take him home and introduce him to Jon Aronsson,” Katrin sneered.

  And just like that, Katrin’s observation hit home. Her father would not be pleased. At all. What was she doing? Lee might be burrowing deeper into her heart, but he’d never have Father’s approval. For as long as Viktoria could remember, an unspoken expectation had been established that she’d marry someone who would either help the family or the company. Her mother had married her father to join two powerful families together; it was assumed Viktoria would follow in the same footsteps. Lee didn’t fit in either vein. He’d bring nothing to the family or the company—

  Where does happiness fall in the equation?

  That damn question still haunted her.

  “You’re slumming it.” Katrin clapped Viktoria’s bare bicep, ripping her out of her head. “There’s nothing wrong with getting a little animalistic in bed once in a while. It’s good for the soul.”

  “What have you been up to?” Viktoria asked, needing the subject changed. She couldn’t think about it anymore or take the lump forming in the back of her throat at the prospect of having to walk away from Lee in New York City. “Why are you able to meet me here? In rural Ohio, of all places. It’s a far cry from Milan or Paris.”

  While no cornfields or farms surrounded the airport this time, the single level, weathered buildings didn’t exactly scream couture or money.

  Katrin waved the question away with a manicured hand, but her blue eyes danced with excitement. “I may not have any interest in father’s business, but I’ve decided to turn my passion into profit.” She clasped her hands together and held them to her chin. “I’m in the process of launching my own clothing line!” she squealed.

  Viktoria blinked, too many reactions hit her at once. Katrin had barely graduated university, and she’d taken the easiest course selection possible. She’d been more focused on boys and spending her father’s money. Sure, Katrin had an eye for fashion and stayed on top of trends, but could her friend successfully launch a new clothing line without having a basic business sense?

  “I can see those wheels turning.” Katrin’s eyes narrowed, and she pointed at Viktoria’s brain. “I may not have two PhDs, but I do know fashion and I know how to hire people to look after the business side for me.”

  Viktoria ducked her eyes, embarrassed her thoughts had been so easy to read. “I’m sorry. You’re right.” She clutched Katrin’s forearm and smiled. “I am happy you’ve found your niche. So, how does that lead you to Ohio?”

  The sparkle erupted in her eyes again. “There’s a fashion show in Columbus and I want you to attend as my guest.”

  “What?” Viktoria blinked, once again caught off guard. “A fashion show? Here?”

  Katrin nodded. “I know! Brilliant, right? I’m doing a whole ‘hidden treasures’ thing, choosing unusual locations to find undiscovered talent. You’ll be amazed at the genius I’ve found so far. Some real gems who’ve not been able to get their work seen by the big established houses are open to designing for me.”

  Viktoria’s eyes slid to Lee and found him ignoring the other security guard to stare at her.

  “I’m so glad your plane detoured to here,” Katrin continued, her enthusiasm contagious. “It’s like fate knew I wanted to you to attend the show tonight, and Columbus isn’t far from here at all.” She touched Viktoria’s hand. “And here’s the best part. Your attendance will do wonders for your dwindling public image.”

  Shame made her duck her eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve been hidden away so much on this trip, you’re bordering on being perceived as inconsequential and ineffectual. That won’t help your company with the negotiations or close any deals,” Katrin mewed. “You have to start networking. Tonight is a great opportunity to rub shoulders with the right people. The people with the money and influence. The same kind of people your father is meeting with in other cities.” Katrin patted Viktoria’s forearm. “If you can brush off the rust, you might strike up a few deals of your own and show Jon Aronsson you shouldn’t be kept in isolation like an embarrassment.”

  Mortification shot through Viktoria, her mind reeling with Katrin’s blunt truths. Questions and disbelief assaulted her. How had she not known about her reputation going downhill so fast? What was her father not telling her about the negotiations?

  She couldn’t be seen as useless. She’d worked too hard to be an asset to her father and his business. A whisper of determination straightened her spine. The rich did love to show off at parties like fashion shows and movie premieres. She had to be in the public eye to capitalize on that.

  “You’re right, Katrin.” A new fire simmered in her blood as echoes of the argument on the plane rang in her head. “Let me talk to Lee first—”

  “You’re asking permission from your security?” Katrin’s chin jerked back and she goggled at Viktoria. “He’s not your master or your jailer. You don’t answer to him. He works for you.” Her eyes flashed. “Just tell Lee what your plans are and let him handle the security details. It’s what your father pays him to do.”

  Everything about Katrin’s assessment of Lee rubbed Viktoria wrong, but arguing with Katrin about it didn’t register on her radar as important in the grand scheme of things. Viktoria’s entire focus centered on proving she had value. Maybe she should consult with Lee before making the decision, but Katrin was right about the need to take drastic steps to revitalize her image. Remaining insulated risked everything she’d worked so hard to build. She was going to the fashion show regardless if she told him first or not. Whoever tried to grab her earlier shouldn’t know she’d landed here, and she trusted Lee and his team to keep her safe if something happened.

  “Okay.” Viktoria smiled at her friend. “I’d love to be your guest.”

  Katrin squealed and laughed. “Excellent! We’re going to have so much fun!”

  Viktoria didn’t care about fun; she planned to work this event with everything she had.


  The red flag that waved in his mind on the plane earlier now had a ton of buddies joining the brigade. Lee did not like Katrin’s security. Their command of English was okay and the lead security man communicated his points well enough, but something about him and the other two men continuing to dog Mike and Andrew set Lee’s instincts on high alert.

  Click. Click. Click. Click. Viktoria strode across the tarmac toward him with purpose while her friend climbed back into the limo. He’d watched them the entire time and he didn’t like what he’d seen. Katrin’s posture and expressions weren’t those of a longtime best friend happy to reunite with someone she cared about. Despite the smiles and laughter, tense undertones and unsettling currents surrounded their conversation.

  Just because we fucked…doesn’t put us on equal footing. Viktoria’s haughty voice flittered through his head, clenching his hands. After witnessing her interaction with Katrin, his instincts said that Katrin could influence (or more bluntly, manipulate) Viktoria. Was it possible those slicing words were actually shaped by Katrin? They were hurled at him after Viktoria had received the message from Katrin…as if they made her remember the person she thought she was supposed to be instead of who she was. He felt sure Viktoria had shown him pieces of herself people rarely saw…but maybe he was grasping, seeing what he wanted to see…

  Sunlight soaked into Viktoria’s rich tresses, making some strands look almost blue in the sea of black, and her mint green dress hugged her figure in the most professionally naughty way. Goddamn, he wished he didn’t care or notice a damn thing about her, but he couldn’t stop.

  “We’re going to be staying here overnight,” Viktoria announced when she reached him.

  “Absolutely not,” he retorted. “Your father’s orders are very specific: no more than five hours on the ground in any location.”

  Her shoulders snapped back. “You’re not my master or my jailer, Lee. My father pays you to protect me.”

  Anger ripped through his
veins, but he clamped his mouth shut. Once again, this did not sound like Viktoria. He’d gotten a front-row seat to the scorching fire in her eyes when she truly believed in something. He searched her face. The intense blaze was missing. “This isn’t you talking. It’s something Katrin said, isn’t it?”

  Her eyelids blinked rapidly, then she rallied. “It’s true regardless of who said it. She’s hosting a fashion show in Columbus and has invited me to be her guest—”

  “Are you out of your mind?” he hissed instead of exploding like he wanted. “A fashion show? Seriously?” He leaned forward. “You want to attend something with a crowd of people? The variables I’d need to account for are through the roof, and I haven’t even seen the place yet. You’ll be on display and a tempting target to the people after you.” He shook his head to keep from shaking her. “I’m sorry, but you can’t go.”

  “Excuse me?” she asked, her voice low and icy. “You don’t get to make that decision. Your job is to keep me safe whatever the circumstances are, and you’ll have Katrin’s security there to help.”

  Oh, hell no. Katrin’s security set off too many alarms. He couldn’t count on them. His eyes slid to the head of Katrin’s team. The man hung on their every word.

  Viktoria’s cheeks tinged pink as if she just realized arguing in front of a stranger wasn’t good form. “I need to change.” Her eyebrow lifted and she shot him a look that told him she expected him to follow. He’d already planned on doing that.

  Trailing a few steps behind, he slapped his comms’ mic on. “Mike, Andrew, stay out here and keep watch over the plane. Don’t let anyone on. And don’t let Katrin’s security out of your sight. I have a bad feeling about them.” He glowered at Viktoria’s back. “I’m going to try and talk Ms. Jonsdottir out of the monumentally stupid decision she’s just made.”


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