Beauty and the Dragon

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Beauty and the Dragon Page 12

by Melody Rose

  Pomi, already unfazed by any slights Astrid threw his way, seemed vindicated, thrilled to watch the cocky battle maiden lectured publicly. He snickered and already began piecing together a limerick about the scene.

  “There once was a petulant little battle maid… whose mood was darker than the shade… slinging insults sharp as arrows… thinking she would shoot them down like sparrows…” he sang cheekily. “But along came Harlin, who roasted her like a pheasant!”

  Though I did not look kindly upon Astrid seeking to shun Lady Rosalind and rob her of the day’s glory, I did feel a bit guilty at how the crafty bard had a bit of fun at the battle maiden’s expense. He’d already inspired the warriors around him to snigger at the lightly cruel rhymes, and Harlin was in no mind to tell the clan poet to stop. I supposed that it was only fair as Astrid had certainly given the bard more than enough taunts to warrant this.

  Harlin didn’t give Astrid a second thought, satisfied that he’d dissuaded her from holding airs with anyone, and strode over to Lady Rosalind. He took both of her hands with paternal affection, then lead the Sorceress over to me. Her seamstress friend trailed after them, a lightness in her step.

  “Pardon that unfortunate outburst, esteemed Sorceress,” Harlin apologized as he positioned her in the middle of him, myself, and Nadine. “That is not how we are accustomed to treating others, particularly those that have proven such promise.”

  “Indeed,” I continued my Chieftain’s line of thought as I wrapped an arm around Lady Rosalind’s back and pulling her in. “I am thoroughly impressed with your work, Lady Rosalind, and I, for one, would be proud to call you one of us.”

  “And so it is!” our Chieftain cried out, his eyes gleaming with pride.

  Nadine winked at Lady Rosalind, then edged closer to the towering and commanding man, now comfortable to display her ties with him. This bravery seemed to spur Harlin to declare his excitement fully.

  “We shall throw a banquet to celebrate our esteemed Sorceress!” he announced. “She has shown us our roots and will surely restore our rightful claim on our draconic powers!”

  Lady Rosalind tilted her down respectfully, though her voice had an assertive clarity. “If you’d like that, then I welcome it. I just wanted to show what I was capable of and let you all know that I would be willing to use my skills to help the clan. It’s been nice of you to take care of me during my stay here.”

  The notion that she may only wish to be here temporarily caused my heart to twinge, though I tried to conceal this with a sporting smile. “I know that you had an… unusual… introduction to our culture, but I am glad that you’ve found your time here agreeable.” I then removed my arm from around her to clapped my hands together, raising my voice so my entire clan could hear me.

  “Now, as Harlin has proposed, let us dedicate the evening to your gifts.”



  I kept a keen eye on Lady Rosalind as she was spirited away to our banquet hall as the guest of honor. From there, she was shepherded to long tables that were piled with platters of our finest desserts. Chef Ramsey must have already suspected that the Sorceress would excel in her spellwork because our attendants brought forth a dizzying array of celebratory treats.

  I smirked as I took in the spread, ranging from buttery tarts piled with glistening red strawberries to golden yellow custards. In fact, the cook seemed to outdo himself on Lady Rosalind’s account, representing every color dragonly possible. Not a single fruit from our orchards was neglected this evening, candied orange slices and baked plums with dollops of cream lending even more vibrancy to the banquet.

  Most breathtaking was a five-tiered cake he designed, an edible recreation of our stronghold with an emerald dragon fashioned from fondant imported from aristocats in the alpine empire west of us. I had never seen our ancestors rendered into confections, and in any other scenario, it may have been disconcerting. This evening, though, it seemed only fitting that we break tradition to acknowledge Lady Rosalind’s inventiveness.

  “Well, if you insist,” the Sorceress exclaimed, delightfully overwhelmed with all that was laid before her. As she studied all of her options, she snapped off a wing from the fondant dragon and popped it into her mouth. I would have expected a horrified gasp, especially since she was technically a foreigner, but no one so much as blinked an eye.

  Still, while the atmosphere was cordial and lively so far, I didn’t want any spiteful clan members such as Astrid hassling Lady Rosalind for her decision. So, I smirked in approval and broke off the remaining wing, signaling that this was perfectly normal. I was glad I did, as the crystallized sugar had an intriguing lime flavor and burst with a bright sweetness.

  “Please, continue to enjoy the fruits of your labor, Lady Rosalind,” I implored with a touch of saucy wordplay. “And do call upon me should you need any assistance tonight. I don’t want to hold you back from your merriment, but I am at your beck and call otherwise.”

  Lady Rosalind spooned some custard onto her decorative plate, the best of our dining ware that bore emblems of dragons. “Thank you so much, Troy! You all really pulled out the stops for me. And here I thought I was obligated to serve you, and now, I feel like I’m practically a queen.” A girlish innocence filled her voice as she spoke.

  Perhaps extravagant desserts were the way to her heart. I locked that tidbit away for future use.

  After expressing her gratitude, though, she slipped through my fingers. A swarm of soldiers encircled her, chuckling heartily and clapping her on her armored shoulder. They chattered excitedly, pouncing on the prospect to learn more from her. It was clear that the clan was enamored with her mastery over legends of their own heritage and shocked at how a foreigner could resurrect the perfect likeness of their beloved queen.

  “We’ve been so carried away with protecting our stronghold and what’s left of our clan that we haven’t even had time to… study our culture,” one of our best javelin throwers, Maddox, remarked while trying to hide any telltale signs of illiteracy. “But I would be happy to invite you into my quarters to study our lore. I am sure it will come back to me.”

  I stewed quietly from my table as Astrid picked sullenly at her bowl of grapes, alternating between chewing some and flicking others away. I could see that she was disappointed at the turn of the evening, but I wasn’t inclined to console her. Though I could have used her as a diversion, I simply had no desire. Instead, I braved a smile to hide my resentment, acting as though I was elated for the Sorceress to receive this attention. In truth, I was, but I did not take kindly to men trying to lure her away from me.

  Luckily, Lady Rosalind brushed off his advances with admirable grace. “Thank you, but I’ve spent weeks in your library and have lovingly drowned myself in just about everything I could get my hands on, so I think I have it covered. Plus, Troy’s told me that he’ll set me up with more books all in due time, and I trust him on that count. Isn’t this cake divine, though?”

  When Lady Rosalind rebuffed Maddox, heat rose to my cheeks, and a warmth swelled in my chest. I considered stifling my smile but instead allowed it to spread across my face. I wasn’t above intimidating other men, and I was willing to bet that this sent the message that the spellmistress and I shared our own private joke. Perhaps he would even believe that I was intimate with her and leave Lady Rosalind be.

  “Oh, how special is our Sorceress,” Astrid said then as she rolled her eyes, wrinkling her nose in spite. “So fetching in her prudishness, as though the rest of us don’t also rehearse the right lines to get the elders off our backs. I’m just so inspired, as though she were an angel who dropped right out of the cosmos.”

  Bard Pomi edged out of the shadows, nibbling on a berry tart as his eyes glittered with amusement. He must have been keeping to himself in a corner, not because he was particularly afraid, but because he enjoyed spying on others uninterrupted.

  “That’s rather lyrical, Astrid!” the singer cheekily complimented her. “So melodic that your
way with words almost made me forget your way with our warriors! It’s all just a lot of lip service after all, isn’t it?”

  The blonde froze in her seat, her muscles tightening, and her jaw set with irritation. I wondered if this would finally be the end for the bard. Maybe the battle maiden would slice his throat or perhaps rip out his tongue. She’d certainly thrown out these exact threats often enough.

  I wasn’t certain if Bard Pomi’s suggestions were true, but it was indeed the case that us warriors were rather unruly behind closed doors. While our elders wished for us to make wise choices in partnerships, it was simply too difficult to resist our passions. With all the battles we endured, we needed more enjoyable outlets.

  Maddox looked into the distance with glassy eyes, as though a rush of carnal memories had washed over him. Lady Rosalind didn’t seem frustrated that his mind was carried away but rather understanding. The worldly Sorceress even glanced toward Astrid with a mixture of pity and solidarity.

  “Speaking of studying up on Jörmungandr culture, I’ve laid eyes on the most sordid tales, so nothing can really surprise me,” Lady Rosalind remarked in a voice that sparkled like champagne. “I’ve read that any one of the lot of you could ‘rut’ with over a dozen comrades in any given year, so chiding a woman for it is hardly original. Come on, Pomi, find better material!”

  Bard Pomi chuckled, not the least bit scathed by Lady Rosalind’s barb. Of course, he thrived on a properly worded snub and relished in the opportunity to hone his craft. I’d never met someone who was such a glutton for punishment in my life, but I supposed it was an asset for his vocation. Apparently, this left Lady Rosalind in the position to be even bolder in her stance, as she continued to stand up for the woman who had only recently berated her.

  “And how many women have you sampled, Bard Pomi?” the saucy Sorceress challenged. “Ten? Twenty? Any at all? Whatever the number, I am sure Astrid is entitled to legions more, men or women. Whoever she prefers. From my estimation, she must be around your age, and yet she’s fought in every battle Troy has, and that should earn her a tryst each, according to your clan’s principles!”

  Despite the stockpile of grudges that Astrid had collected over the years, she appeared to melt, at least slightly, with Lady Rosalind’s support. She still wasn’t noble enough to bring herself to an apology, a reluctance that disappointed me. I found myself even more endeared to the spellmistress, impressed by her ability to transcend petty disputes and defend an important comrade.

  Maddox howled with laughter, more entertained by Lady Rosalind’s fearless defense than his lecherous nostalgia. Even Bard Pomi grinned from ear to ear, seemingly pleased with her ability to stand up for the woman who had recently suffered the brunt of the joke. Nadine and Harlin whispered to each other, likely agreeing with each other of how valuable Lady Rosalind was to our community.

  “Consider me solidly put in my place!” Bard Pomi raised his hands up as though he were begging to be spared. “I am as pointless as a pup with his tail between his legs, rendered speechless by your harrowing blow. Tonight, I am bested, but I might defend my honor yet. Wait and see, my spellmistress, wait and see. I might surprise you!”

  I decided this was the time to cut in and lead Lady Rosalind away from the swooning soldiers and giddy devotees, using the levity as an excuse to remove her casually.

  Astrid pursed her lips, grumbled, and shoved her bowl away in irritation as if deciphering my next moves. I didn’t care to stop her, as I was comforted with the thought of her making herself scarce. If she secluded herself in her quarters to process that she was no longer the center of attention, I would be freer to occupy myself with Lady Rosalind. Once the ignored battle mistress exited the banquet hall and disappeared into the night, I decided to rise and approach the Sorceress.

  As I closed the distance between the two of us, I blocked Maddox to assert my dominance effortlessly while Bard Pomi continued to nibble on his tart. He studied the three of us with intense interest, but that didn’t matter to me. Even though the singer loved to nose into matters, he knew to only give into this inclination in public. Since he wasn’t the most robust in the clan, he wouldn’t risk bothering us once I escorted Lady Rosalind out. At last, I may be able to have some privacy with her this evening.

  “I think we have taxed our esteemed Sorceress quite enough tonight,” I reasoned with a somber expression. “She has devoted much of her focus and mana into her display and even went so far as to entertain you all with her astute knowledge of our history, but I am sure that by now, she is in dire need of rest.”

  Either Lady Rosalind took my hint, or she was genuinely exhausted from the course of events. She plucked up a napkin and cleaned her fingers gingerly, then nodded weakly.

  “I have been giving my all to prepare for all of this, and to be honest…” She waved at everyone and gave a series of acknowledging looks, even though I could sense fatigue lurking underneath the friendly surface. “I’m not really keen on socializing, though all these desserts really sweetened the deal. I’ve pretty much had my fill, at this point, and could really do with a nap. I…”

  I smirked as I noticed that upon closer inspection, beads of sweat had formed on her temple, and she bashfully tucked away a lock of sleek black hair behind her ear. She glanced to the side, then returned her focus upon me, her amber eyes wide as though she were terrified to offend me.

  “... know it might not be seen as proper,” she continued. “And if you need me to stay a little longer to round out the night, you don’t have to worry about me having a conniption. Fair warning, though, I have about half an hour left in me before I totally clock out.”

  I laughed softly and shook my head. “Not at all, cherished spellmistress. It would be my honor to escort you out. Shall we?” I extended my hand and was pleased to find that Lady Rosalind accepted it without coercion.

  I tilted my head with gratitude at earning her trust, then resolved that I would spare her from needing to address everyone personally before taking her leave. It was the least I could do after she complied with all I needed, and I savored the chance to alleviate one of her burdens.

  I raised my other hand to capture the attention of all my comrades. “I thank all of you for treating Lady Rosalind to the celebration she so dearly deserves! Please, do not end your festivities on her account! Stay and remain merry! We will all reconvene on the morrow.”

  Lady Rosalind winced a bit at the noise, clearly more fond of serenity than shouting. We would need to amend this in due time, as the life of dragons revolved around chaos. Then again, perhaps she would be instrumental in the resistance against the Drikkende, and we may fall upon times of peace yet again.

  “Thank you,” Rosalind mouthed, then released my hand so she could wrap her arms around my muscular arm, ready to be taken away from the masses.

  While the rest of the crowd, particularly the men, glared at me with seething envy, I didn’t much mind. In fact, I was even more enticed to have a moment alone with the compelling spellmistress, knowing that I was helping myself to such a highly coveted opportunity.



  As I guided Lady Rosalind out of the banquet hall, I smirked at the difference between her soft flesh and my hardened muscles. Now that she was so close to me, I was certain that she could sense how highly trained I was, chiseled to perfection from a lifetime of discipline. But would my well-formed body be enough to hold her attention, though?

  The Sorceress seemed inordinately taken by what the ancients would have called the element of air, the cloudlands. Those that resided within their mind rather than thinking of their physical form were said to be ruled over by the skies. I, myself, was said to be brimming with fire, radiating passion and prone to impulses. By my estimates, that meant that Lady Rosalind was technically capable of subduing me. I wondered if I was entirely opposed to that prospect.

  Seeing that the spellmistress was more concerned with matters of the mind, I wondered if my might could be se
en as titillating to her. After all, if she did not focus on harnessing her own strength, perhaps she might be dazzled by a robust warrior such as myself?

  The only other courting strategy I could imagine was bestowing books upon her, but I didn’t know which to present, and I did not relish the idea of looking foolish. When she was obliged to isolation in the temple, it made sense to unload a puzzling assortment of tomes at her feet. I was issuing her a challenge, and it was up to her to make sense of her resources and design impressive spellwork.

  Were I to approach her as a suitor, though, it would only be proper for me to procure books that tantalized her. How could I have been able to sift through all my clan’s ancient works and decipher the ones that would most delight Lady Rosalind? Short of judging by illustrations, an imprecise technique, I would be absolutely lost. I may accidentally gift her a tome that discussed practices of cannibalism, betrayal, or shame. If I made such a glaring mistake, I would surely lose the favor of this woman.

  I wasn’t inclined to take that risk.

  So, I knew that I’d need to charm her some other way than leading with her general interests. And at that moment, I knew exactly what I would do. I would open her eyes to an experience she’d never encountered before. Since she was such a sheltered woman, the feats that made the battle maidens here swoon would be even more tempting for Lady Rosalind.

  “Lady Rosalind, do you feel well after dining on Chef Ramsey’s creations? Even for Jörmungandr standards, that was quite indulgent.” I certainly didn’t wish to spark one of her fatigue-driven outbursts yet again, so I wanted to ensure she was wakeful. If she truly wished to sleep, I’d need to wait another day before I could sway her.


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