Your Psychic Self

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Your Psychic Self Page 12

by Melissa Alvarez

  When you experience a vision, you may not be sure of it at first. You may second-guess yourself, doubting that what you’ve seen will happen or that it is true. But then, in time, you might discover that what you saw was exactly right, that an event happened just as you saw it happen in your vision. When this pattern repeats over and over again, you as an intuitive will start to know that what you’re seeing is true and real.

  Visions are useful tools that every intuitive uses. As an intuitive, you can practice having visions. This will help to further develop the ability so that when you receive a spontaneous vision, you will recognize the truth in it and know how you should react. Many people will choose to try to have a vision during meditation. You can also take a simpler approach by just asking your guides to “show” you something very specific, a past life for example. Then pay particular attention to the vision as it plays out. If it’s a past life, then see if there are facts from your vision that you can check out to confirm that what you saw is correct. You can also test your ability to see future events in a vision by asking a specific question. You might ask if it will be sunny or rainy tomorrow, or you could ask if you’ll have unexpected visitors over the weekend. Write down what you saw in the vision. Then, when the time has passed, compare what you saw in the vision to what really happened.

  Psychography/Automatic Writing

  Using your mediumistic abilities, you can choose to participate in automatic writing to receive messages from entities and spirits. The information received can be meant for you, someone you’re reading for, or the world in general.

  There are two methods in automatic writing. The first type is when a spirit is inside your body; the second type is when a spirit is outside your body and communicating telepathically. In both methods, you should protect yourself with white light prior to beginning the session. This will prevent negative energy from attaching to you.

  In the first method, you will go into a trance and the spirit or entity enters your body or part of your body (your arm and hand) to write the message. You are unaware of what was written until after the fact. Some mediums choose to use the second method, where the spirit doesn’t enter their body or use their arm, but instead gives guided messages telepathically that the medium writes down or types. It’s like dictation. The spirit talks and the medium writes or types. As the medium, you can choose to go into a light or deep trance or to be a conscious channel while the message is written. I am a conscious-channel medium, which means I’m fully conscious and aware during the reading, and use all of my intuitive senses to receive the information from the spirit; however, I will sometimes go into a light trace if I’m having a difficult time hearing the spirit (the light trance makes it easier to hear soft speakers). I type as I’m receiving the message.

  The text created through automatic writing on paper seems to have one unique factor: the pen is never lifted from the page and there is a line connecting one word to the next. This is important to know so that you can tell the difference between automatic writing conducted by a spirit and regular human writing. Sometimes there may be perfect punctuation and other times the words are misspelled. The writing may be in your handwriting or one that you don’t recognize.

  What are the benefits of automatic writing? If you are a grounded, well-practiced medium who understands how this tool works for contacting spirits, then it can be used to contact your spirit guides or higher-level spirits. However, there are causes for warnings against using this method. I cannot stress enough that if you do not know what you’re doing when it comes to psychic and paranormal experiences, then you should seek the advice of someone who does have the knowledge and experience and who can make contact for you instead of trying to do it on your own. They will take protective measures and they can teach you how to do things correctly. It is dangerous to delve into the spirit realms when you don’t know what you’re doing, and it could result in lower-level negative spirit attachment. In helping others along their path, I have experienced these kinds of situations firsthand many times.

  It is important that you don’t become addicted to conversing with negative spirits through automatic writing sessions. This can cause you to create a bond with them, which allows them to attach to your energy. For this reason, it is important to protect yourself with white light before the session. It is also not advisable to believe everything you read from your automatic writing. You may be in contact with a lower-level negative entity who is pretending to be your guide. Using your intuitive ability of clairvoyance to search out the truth is an imperative step that must be taken if you want to pursue automatic writing. The people I know who did automatic writing without knowing what they were really doing had problems for many years, and may still be having problems today.

  Automatic writing is one way of using your psychic abilities that I would avoid unless you know what you’re doing and it’s a natural progression in the development of your abilities. Some guides or departed loved ones will communicate in this manner, but it happens only when the intuitive is at a point in their development where automatic writing is the next logical stage. An intuitive should not just decide one day to let any spirit hop into their arm at random. A choice like that can lead to problems.

  Spontaneous Drawing

  I can’t draw well, but I like to doodle. When I’m talking on the phone, or especially when I’m on hold waiting for the person to come back on the line, I find that I’m drawing all kinds of shapes on some piece of paper that’s nearby. I’m not consciously thinking about what I’m drawing, I’m just doing it. At some point in my doodling, I realize what I’m doing and look at the mess I’ve made all over the paper. At times, these doodles may create a picture that holds an impression for me or the person I’m talking to on the phone. Other times, they’re just doodles that hold no meaning whatsoever.

  Your connection to your clairvoyant abilities can still come out on paper while you’re gabbing away on the phone. When this ability occurs, you’re usually not consciously thinking about any specific problem, but a solution may show up in the drawing because you’re clairvoyantly connecting to Universal Energy and the solution. Artists who paint may experience this same type of event in their paintings.

  You can do spontaneous drawing with purpose by focusing on a specific area of concern or interest and then letting your mind relax, connecting with your abilities and core energy, and drawing. It takes a little of the spontaneity out of the exercise, but you can still obtain results. When you do attempt this with purpose, you have to make sure you’re not allowing the thinking part of your mind to interfere and you’re relying on your clairvoyant nature. It’s easy to get distracted and lose the connection if you suddenly notice the lines in the picture and think that it is starting to look like something specific. If this happens, you’ll have to start over because the image you create will not truly be clairvoyant but will be a product of your creativity.

  Another way that spontaneous drawing can be beneficial is that it hones your abilities, strengthening and manifesting them in a physical way on paper or canvas. You can also do spontaneous drawing with the purpose of doing a soul portrait. This is best done with colored pencils or paint because your soul/chakra colors will become apparent. If there are areas of concern, you can work on them. Before you begin, connect with your higher self and your guides. Tell them what you’re attempting and ask them to help you portray your soul in the most accurate way. Then follow your feelings and don’t try to interpret what you’re drawing. Just draw. Change colors when you feel the need to do so. You might draw yourself, or an image that is a plethora of color and light. When you are finished, look at the drawing to determine if it portrays the deepest feelings within your soul.


  Psychokinesis, also known as telekinesis, is a rare ability. It is being able to move, manipulate the properties of, or change the appearance of tangible objects by using only your intuitive a
bilities and your mind. You do not physically touch or use any kind of force upon the object in any way other than the power of your mind and the strength of your ability. There is no sleight of hand involved—otherwise it is a magician’s trick and not true psychokinesis. There aren’t many people who can demonstrate true psychokinesis, although everyone has psychokinetic potential. You’ll never know if you’re one of those rare psychic talents until you try to move or bend something purely by using your mind.

  How do you go about it? Because psychokinesis is thought to happen at higher levels of consciousness, you have to connect to that part of yourself by using your abilities prior to beginning. There are plenty of online games that test your psychokinetic ability but I feel it’s better to try this using a physical object placed in front of you. First choose the item that you are going to try to move. It could be something small like a playing card, a CD, matches, or anything that is small and lightweight. If you experience success, you can move on to heavier items and bending silverware later. Take a moment to clear your thoughts and really focus on connecting with your higher consciousness and the intuitive part of yourself. Now move this focus from inside yourself to the object you want to move and then ask it to move. Demanding that it moves or wishing it would move isn’t the way to go about this. You’re creating a deliberate flow of energy between you and the object on a subconscious intuitive level. You’re giving this flow of energy a specific intention to move the object. So focus and ask the object to move. Try practicing every day for a while to see if you have success. Try not to block yourself by thinking that you’ll fail. If you think that, then it’s not going to work. You create what you think, so believe in yourself. You just might be surprised at the results.


  Dowsing is the ability of an intuitive to connect to the energy frequencies within the earth through the higher self by using a divining rod to locate water, minerals, gemstones, and other buried objects. It is also known as rhabdomancy, radiesthesia, water witching, witching, doodlebugging, or divining. In order to practice dowsing, you use a dowsing rod, which is often a y-shaped branch from a tree. Some dowsers prefer one type of tree over others, willow often being a favorite. I was taught to use a willow branch as a child. Other dowsers use l- or y-shaped rods made of metal, or a pendulum. The dowser knows when they’ve hit upon an object under the ground because the point of the y-shaped diving rod will turn downward toward the earth. The l-shaped rods will cross over themselves using an X to mark the spot. A pendulum will move in the preprogrammed direction for “yes.” Dowsing can be used to locate lines of positive energy within the earth as well as negative energy lines. If you locate negative energy lines, you can effectively move them using dowsing rods.

  In order to dowse, you have to intuitively connect to your higher self and to the energy of the divining rod, giving it a telepathic intention to find the object you’re seeking. You can do this by feeling your intention going into the rod, by clairvoyantly seeing it happen, or by visualizing your intention being fulfilled. It is my opinion that if the dowser isn’t able to connect with the energy of their higher self and the divining tool, then it will be difficult to locate the objects they are looking for or to obtain answers to their question. I remember my grandmother telling me that I had to feel the water in order to find it.

  When using a pendulum, hold the end of the chain or string with your thumb, index, and middle fingers. First program the pendulum to move in specific directions for “yes” and “no.” Once the directions are clear, you’re now ready to ask questions and receive answers. You can use pendulum dowsing to locate lost items. If you’re using a hollow pendulum to search for something like water, gold, or gemstones, you can fill it with bits of the item prior to beginning your search. Pendulums can also be used over maps to dowse the location of what you’re seeking. The type of pendulum you choose is completely up to you. Quartz-crystal pendulums work very well, but you can use other kinds as well. You may have one you prefer to use when looking for items and another one when asking personal questions. Many people make their own pendulums or use a needle or ring on a piece of string. (See “Pendulum” in chapter two.)

  Portrait Clairvoyance

  There are two different ways to use your intuitive abilities when it comes to photographs, digital pictures, and portraits. While this is typically called portrait clairvoyance, the way the picture is created isn’t important. It could be taken with a camera, painted, or drawn. You may use only one of your abilities or a combination of several, in addition to your clairvoyance, as you receive impressions from the picture. Either way can be effective if it’s the way you receive impressions. You should use as many of your abilities as you need to receive the information.

  The first method is when you receive impressions by looking at a photo. An acquaintance hands you a picture and says, “That’s my wife.” You take it, look at the woman portrayed there, and immediately see vivid details about her that have nothing to do with what your acquaintance is saying or the way she is portrayed in the photo. You may feel her happiness and see an image in your mind of her holding a little girl, so you ask how many kids they have. He replies that they don’t have any yet, indicating your vision is reflecting a future event.

  The second method is when you use your abilities to connect with the entities that help you, your guides, departed loved ones, and anyone else from the spiritual realm that is with you. With this method, you’re not going to look at a portrait; you’re going to draw one. This is not the same as automatic writing or spontaneous drawing, because you’re doing this with intention in order to see and draw those around you. You don’t have to be an expert artist to do this, nor do you have to go into any type of trance (although you might choose to). Sit quietly and draw a picture of yourself. As you’re drawing, focus your attention on your aura and then expand your intuitive vision and feelings to the area around you. Sense who is nearby and then, using the impressions that you’re receiving, draw those around you. If you receive their name, jot it down by their picture so that you don’t forget it. Once you’ve finished your drawing, look at it in detail to see if you recognize anyone from your current lifetime who may have already passed. Do you recognize your spirit guide? If you received names, are any of them ones that you know? New names should be investigated using your intuitive ability. This may be your first introduction to a new guide.

  Psychic Photography

  Psychic photography is the ability of a psychic medium to capture images of deceased relatives, spirits, and other anomalies on film. During the years that I’ve worked as a spiritual intuitive, people often ask me to look at pictures that they’ve taken and give them any impressions I receive about an anomaly that has shown up in the photo—things that weren’t visible to the participants or photographer at the time the picture was taken. I’ve run across a handful of people whose ability to capture spirits on film really amazed me. Their photographs contained much more than the random dust-spot orb (see “Orbs” on the next page). These are the psychic photographers of the world. Once they have a camera in their hands, these intuitives are able to capture astonishing images that even surprise them. If you’ve ever taken a picture and discovered a strange anomaly, then you, too, are a psychic photographer.

  How is it that some people are able to take pictures that contain clear images of deceased loved ones, angels, nature spirits, ectoplasm, full-body apparitions, and other things that can’t be explained, some that you don’t even know how to categorize? I think that the reason is twofold. First, those who are on the Other Side or who live in different dimensions or planes of existence want us to know that there is life after death, so they show us every chance they get. Secondly, the photographer intuitively connects to the spirit world, which in turn impresses its images within the photos.

  Some psychic photographers aren’t aware of any changes in the atmosphere around them when they’re taking pictures. They just snap
away at random during family events or whenever they see something they like and want to remember. It’s only when the pictures are developed, viewed on the digital camera’s LED screen, or downloaded to a computer that they notice the anomaly. If this happens to you, make sure you write down notes about the event, the names of the people in attendance, and what the conversation was about when the photo was taken so you don’t forget later. Other psychic photographers specifically visit places where they think they may be able to pick up spirits on film. If they notice cold spots or a mist while taking photos, they take pictures in those areas and oftentimes something will show up in the image.

  If you’ve ever wondered about this ability, then whip out your own camera, take some random pictures and pictures in areas that are thought to be haunted, and see what happens.


  Intuitive ability and the paranormal often go hand in hand. When you’re intuitive, you have the ability to see, hear, and sense more than what is normal for the physical plane of existence, and this includes the paranormal. Orbs belong to the paranormal realm and most people believe they are the physical manifestation of ghosts, the spirits of the dead. Depending on the type of orb, they could also be nature spirits or as some believe, a completely different life form. You can see them manifest as quick-moving balls of light on this plane of existence and you’ll intuitively sense what they are when you see them. Orbs are seen with your physical eyes, not with the third eye. While I have seen orbs manifest in the physical, I tend not to attribute every orb that shows up in photographs to the paranormal.


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