Your Psychic Self

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Your Psychic Self Page 14

by Melissa Alvarez

  Remote Injuries

  Feeling pain in a specific part of your body, only to discover later that someone you are close to has had an injury in exactly that same location, is an extreme form of empathy. Many people have this ability. In the past, I’ve had situations where I had such significant pain that came on suddenly that I actually went to the doctor, who was unable to find anything wrong with the area that hurt me. It wouldn’t be until hours later that I discovered someone close to me had been injured in the same spot. Upon discovering the cause, my pain disappeared. At first I didn’t understand why I would feel the same pain as someone else, but now I have a theory about why this happens.

  When you’re close to someone, you are able to connect intuitively with them through energy. It may be a spouse, child, sibling, parent, or friend. I find that this happens more often between people who are close than it does between strangers. That doesn’t mean that as an intuitive you’ll never pick up on a stranger’s pain as a physical manifestation within your own body—you can. It’s just more common between people who have some type of close relationship. The pain you feel may manifest in a number of ways. It may be the same type of pain as the injury itself, a pricking sensation in the area of injury, or a shudder of pain that you feel move through your body at the moment the person is injured. You may also experience a feeling of unease during your day and an urgency to find out the cause of your pain. I’m not big on running to the doctor for every little thing, but in each instance where I’ve felt someone else’s pain on a grand scale (because it was a major injury), I’ve found myself at the doctor’s office within hours of the onset of pain.

  It can be difficult to tell when the pain you’re feeling is your own or someone else’s. Sometimes there are subtle signs that will let you know the pain isn’t yours; other times, you just have to deal with it until the true source has been revealed, especially if you’ve had yourself checked out and there wasn’t anything wrong. If you do find yourself in this situation and nothing is wrong, sit quietly and focus your attention on whose energy you may be picking up. Once you feel you’ve connected to the correct person, call them up and make sure they’re okay. If they aren’t okay, you’ve discovered the root cause and your pain should dissipate quickly; if they are okay, then at least you’ll have peace of mind where they’re concerned and can try again to figure out where the pain coming from.

  Energy and Electronics

  You go through several cell phones a year; when your cell is working, it frequently drops calls or has static and other strange noises interfering with your conversation, especially when you’re talking to someone who is also intuitive. You touch a light switch and the bulb blows, or you walk into a room and all the lights dim. Streetlights dim or blow when you’re near. The electrical system, lights, or alternator in your car have problems. Your watch batteries drain much sooner than normal. Your computer frequently goes on the fritz and doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to—it loses its Internet connection, freezes, or has other problems that aren’t related to technical difficulties or viruses. Does any of this sound familiar to you? These are all situations where your intuitive energy is affecting the electronics around you. It can be frustrating and expensive if you don’t know how to control it.

  People with abilities tend to have higher frequency levels and increased energy fields, which amplifies the electricity within them and can cause electrical malfunction. At other times, because intuitives use more energy, they pull it from the electronics around them, thus draining batteries or short-circuiting phones. The term “SLIDERS” (Street Lamp Interference Data Exchange) is often associated with people who have this ability. It’s named after the street-light phenomenon in which people with this ability can not only make street lights turn on or off, but can affect any other electrical devices as well. For example, SLIDERS often can’t wear watches for very long without them malfunctioning, regardless of the number of battery replacements made. They often have problems with static on cell phones, and dropped calls as well; they can have problems with the magnetic strips on credit cards malfunctioning after they’ve carried them on their person.

  You may notice this happens more often when you’re very excited, angry, or emotionally wound tight. Because the body is made up of electricity, people who have this ability are sent into overload when emotions run high. The electricity leaves your body and affects the electrical devices around you. People who have had encounters with electricity in the past are often affected more than others. In my case, I was nearly electrocuted as a child. You may have had a similar incident, had a near-death experience, or even been struck by lightning. Any major encounter with electricity can be a catalyst for this type of ability.

  How do you control it so you’re not spending a fortune on replacement electronics and light bulbs? One way you can control this ability is with white light. By putting a barrier of white light around you and giving it the intention of keeping you grounded and centered (even when your energy is running high), you can avoid shorting out devices around you. It doesn’t always work, and sometimes you’ll forget until you notice that electronics aren’t acting normally around you. Just reinforce your barrier to stay grounded.

  Electronics can also be affected by spirits, especially when they’re trying to get your attention. Spirits blow light bulbs around me all of the time. If you have a barrier in place, but you’re still experiencing difficulties with your electronics, take some time to sit quietly and ask the spirit or your guides if they have a message for you.


  When you’re driving, you are already in tune with your intuitive abilities as you watch the road. However, there are several things you can do that will help you avoid danger and arrive at your destination safely while keeping you centered and grounded. Though it’s not always possible, you should always avoid driving when you’re mad, upset, crying, or sleepy. As you get in your car, use creative visualization to see yourself reaching your destination safe and sound. Once inside, after you’ve safely buckled up, protect your car and its occupants with a bubble of white light. Next, take a moment to ground yourself by being aware of the wheels connecting to the road. Once you’ve done these things, begin driving. As you’re driving, if you sense anything amiss in the energy fields around you, slow down, speed up, or stop as needed and as your intuition guides you. If you suddenly feel like you should go in an entirely different direction, then take an alternate course. How many times have you said, after the fact, “I should have taken that turn,” or “if I’d only been five minutes earlier or later, this wouldn’t have happened”?

  Many people use driving time to think about the things going on in their lives. They may mull over situations, especially if they’re having a problem with something, and arrive at a course of action or solution to a problem. You can also use driving time, when you’re alone, to think about your intuitive abilities, to consider how they work for you, and to explore how you can enhance them. Driving isn’t a time to do specific exercises because you should concentrate on the road, but it is a good time to give thought to your abilities. Thinking about them enables you to connect to them within you and that alone will allow you to grow in your abilities.


  During your life, as you develop your intuitive abilities, you will experience what I call “lightning.” This type of lightning is spiritual, not the natural phenomenon that occurs during heavy storms, and it propels you along your path. It happens during times when your intuitive awareness increases dramatically and quickly, when you finally “click” with how your ability works, or any time that you experience an extreme jump in spiritual growth. You often experience this spiritual brand of lightning when you have moved from one level of understanding and enlightenment to the next.

  Lightning feels like its name. It is a surge of energy that flows through you, increasing your inner light as it strengthens and empowers you. You can feel your fre
quency (your internal personal vibration) elevating, and you may suddenly understand new knowledge about your abilities, life path, or soul essence. Lightning affects all parts of you. It is a rejoining of your physical self to your spiritual self and everything in between, including your abilities and the way you think about the Universe. It can start at your core and blast outward to your extremities. Or it may feel as if it’s coming through the top of your head at extreme speed, entering into your crown chakra, filling your body and spirit. Other times, it’s a slow burn that builds from within your core essence until it’s a hot fire scorching through you within minutes.

  Lightning can also be a sign from your guides. They send it to you and are cheering beside you when you suddenly understand and accept a Universal Truth. Just as déjà vu allows you to know that you’re on the right path, lightning wakes you and makes you aware and attentive so that you can experience even more spiritual growth. It is so powerful and electrifying that it can be life changing. You’ll feel lighter and less stressed, and you will know that you are achieving what you set out to learn on the earthly plane.

  When lightning happens, what’s next? You keep on doing what you’ve been doing. You keep learning about your intuitive abilities and spiritual self. You learn more about the Universe and the Other Side. Then, when you least expect it, you’ll experience lightning again. It can strike you many, many times during the course of your life. You may even come to expect it if you’ve gone through a period of growth. Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t come when you think it will. It comes when you’ve mastered something on your life path, when you’ve grown and developed spiritually, when you’ve faced and embraced the intuitive and spiritual part of your soul. Lightning is part of your true essence, a reminder of who you are and where you’re going in this lifetime.

  Third Eye Information

  Your third eye is related to the sixth sense and the sixth chakra, which is also called the third-eye chakra. It is located in the area between your eyebrows and your hairline, encompassing the forehead and going deep into the center of the brain at the pineal gland. It is thought to be in the center of the forehead or a little lower, right above the eyebrows. I tend to think of it as filling my entire forehead and sometimes it even feels like it encircles the top of my head and allows me to see both ahead of me and behind me. When you connect to your third eye, you’ll feel its exact location within you. The third eye is important to your intuitive abilities because this is what you use to look at the energy patterns around you and on the Other Side, to view things while astral traveling and to look back on your physical body when you’re having an OBE. Information from the third eye will sometimes feel as if it is coming in from one side or the other, from behind you or in front of you. As you learn more about your intuitive nature, each of these locations will have meaning to you. Spirit guides usually show up on my right side and past life information on my left.

  I’m specifically pointing out the third eye because it is so important when using your intuition. The third eye has no limits of space or time; you can see auras and other energy patterns using it, and it allows you to have visions. But how do you know if you’ve successfully opened your third eye? This is as unique to you as your hair color. Everyone will experience this differently. Some people have a process that they go through as the third eye is opening and they see a vision of it opening that may be symbolic to them. You may not experience it actually “opening” (I don’t), but will know that it is open because you’re using it. To keep it simple, you’ll know when the third eye is open when you experience an intuitive event, which wouldn’t be possible without your third eye being open. The following is an exercise you can do to try to open the third eye.

  Try It Now: Connect with Your Third Eye

  Here’s what you do. Sit or lie down in a completely darkened room. Make sure there isn’t any light coming in from streetlights or outside sources. Now, send your soul energy from the core of your being upward to the third eye. Use creative visualization to imagine it opening. Keep your physical eyes closed while you’re looking into the darkness with your third eye. What do you see? If you have successfully opened your third eye, you will see a golden, white, or blue light. It can be soft and glowing or it can be bright and streamlined. It may illuminate the room so that you can see what’s in it or you may only see the light within darkness. If you see any kind of light, then you have successfully opened your third eye.

  Physical Manifestations of Intuitive Occurrences

  Some intuitives are able to receive impressions as manifestations within their physical body. No, this is not possession. Sometimes an impression manifests as internal pain (see “Remote Injuries” earlier in this chapter); other times, it manifests in physical markings on the body. The intuitive may not realize what is happening at first, or give it any particular importance. Usually something that happens after the manifestation of the impression will bring you clarity about what happened.

  Let me give you an example of this happening to me. My grandmother had heart problems and would get blackened, bruised-looking marks on her arms, the kind that go along with heart issues. One day a spot on the side of my wrist got really itchy and within moments a dark red, blood-blister-looking thing popped up on my skin. It was relatively big, about the size of a nickel, so my first thought was that something had bit me, but it happened while I was driving so I wasn’t completely sure that it was a bug bite. It was a strange-looking mark, one that I haven’t had since. I have a lot of dogs and horses so I thought that maybe I hit my wrist on something at the farm and didn’t realize it, but I was pretty sure it hadn’t been there before the itching started. Because I’m constantly getting scratched and bitten by things, which happens when you have animals, I didn’t really think too much about it at the time. Two days later, my grandmother returned home to the Other Side. I was devastated, and it wasn’t until that evening that I noticed the mark had completely disappeared as if I’d never had it at all. It was in that moment that I knew I had somehow received the mark as a sign of her impending death. I didn’t get it at the time and I don’t entirely know how it happened, but when it vanished from my skin right after her death, I knew it was somehow connected to her.

  If you receive impressions in this way, then being in close proximity to a person with some sort of physical ailment may cause you to physically manifest symptoms of the other person—feeling pain in a part of your body only to discover they have pain or a problem in the same area, feeling hot when someone else has a fever, or physically feeling sick to your stomach when someone has a stomach virus—all of which disappear when you move away from the person. You usually will not have these physical symptoms as severely as the person that you’re picking up on. This usually happens suddenly and you’ll feel as if it doesn’t belong to you. If you’re sitting beside someone and suddenly start experiencing physical symptoms out of the blue, change your seat. If the symptoms go away, it is probably a physical manifestation of an intuitive impression you received from the person beside you.

  Intuitives who experience their abilities in this way may notice that touching someone or something (see “Clairtangency/Psychometry” and “Try It Now: Psychometry” in chapter three) sets it off. Once you realize that this is a way that your abilities work, when it happens in the future you’ll realize what is happening and can take appropriate action.


  Karma is the idea that your actions from a past lifetime will have an effect, either positive or negative, in your current lifetime when you interact with souls whom you have previously known in a past life. The nature of the karma (positive or negative) is based on the intention behind your actions in that past life. In other words, what comes around goes around. For instance, if in a past life you intentionally treated someone badly, then in this lifetime you will have the opportunity to treat that same person in a kind manner to right the past wrong. Or, because you treated a person b
adly in a past lifetime, they may treat you badly in your current lifetime to balance your past actions.

  When you consider that what you do will come back to you, in this lifetime or another, it becomes even more important to always base your actions in a place of love and positivity. That way, you will receive love and positivity in return. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and be aware that your intentions and actions will come back to you, one way or another and sooner or later.

  There is also something called instant karma. Consider this event that I saw happen one day. A woman in a bad mood is checking out at the grocery store. She is rude to the cashier for no apparent reason other than she’s in a bad mood herself and heatedly tells off the lady, who really hasn’t done anything other than ring up her purchase and accept the payment. The woman grabs her bag of groceries, storms out the door, and runs right into the glass, knocking herself in the head because she tried to go out through an entry door, not the exit, and one that didn’t open automatically. That’s instant karma—the woman received a knock on the head for treating the cashier badly.

  Overcoming Fears by

  Finding the Source in a Past Life

  If you have a fear that you just can’t seem to get a handle on, if your fear seems unreasonable even to you, or if you have an uncontrollable response to a specific thing, then it may be time to look to a past life for the instigating cause.

  I’ve done many past life readings over the years and one question that I always ask before doing the reading is whether the person has any fears they can’t get past. If they do, I’ll look for the situation in the past life that caused this fear in the present. Most of the time, when a person connects with the original cause of said fear, they can understand and release it. Fear holds you back from reaching your fullest potential; therefore, it must be released so that you can proceed forward on your spiritual path. By finding the cause, the fear loses its hold over you and the negative fearful response is replaced by positive understanding.


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