Book Read Free

Your Psychic Self

Page 15

by Melissa Alvarez

  Let’s look at an example. In your past lifetime, you were a sailor. During one of your voyages, the ship sunk. You were below deck and were caught in a small room and couldn’t get out, so you drowned in that lifetime. In your current lifetime, you’re deathly afraid of the ocean and are severely claustrophobic. Remembering this past lifetime can help you release the fear of the ocean and the claustrophobia. Sometimes the effects are instant, but usually it takes time for you to completely let go of the fear so that you’re no longer afraid at all. In this example, you may never love the ocean or small spaces, but you’ll no longer be deathly afraid of them, either.

  The Circle of Souls

  Do you ever reincarnate with the same people that you knew in previous lifetimes? I think you do. As you move from one life to the next, you do so within the same circle of souls, even if you don’t meet each of these souls in every lifetime. For instance, your mother from your past lifetime may be your son in your current lifetime or your son from the past is a coworker in this life. Your circle of souls is very large and layered. Those closest to you are in your inner circle in this lifetime but they may be in your outer circle in a future life.

  If you’ve ever met someone and felt as if you’d known them forever, even though you’d just met, then you’ve encountered someone within your circle of souls. You’ve more than likely known this person very well in a past lifetime or over several lifetimes, and that is why they are so familiar to you now. It doesn’t matter if they stay in your life for a short or long time during your current lifetime; it is the connection to them and to the past that allows you to bond with them on a soul level in the present.

  Try It Now:

  Connect with Your Circle of Souls

  For this exercise you’re going to make a list to connect to your circle of souls. Make enough columns on your paper to give each of the following groups its own column: your immediate family, your extended family, close friends, coworkers, and people from your past. You may need several sheets of paper to include all of the people you know. Now, once you’ve made the list, place stars beside the people with whom you’ve felt a close personal connection that resonates with you at a soul level. These are the people whom you have felt as if you’ve known before or whom you know so well that a large span of time could pass without you having contact with them and then, when you do reconnect, it feels as if you just saw them yesterday. These are the people in your circle of souls.

  Once you have your list, take a few minutes and ask to see each person as they were when you met for the very first time. You’re going to get past life information when you do this part. When they appear in your mind’s eye, notice what they’re wearing. Can you tell anything about the location from the background? If you see them wearing clothing that is no longer in use today, then that will give you an indication of the time. Notice as much as you can about what you’re seeing because you are being shown the first lifetime that you lived with this person.

  Test and Develop

  Now that you’ve reviewed the types of psychic abilities, learned more about your own spirituality and intuitive nature, and determined your abilities, how do you develop your talents to their fullest potential? Where do you turn? What do you do?

  The one thing that I would recommend above all else is to practice, practice, practice. Try to predict who is on the phone before you look at the caller ID or answer. When I was newly developing my abilities, one of my favorite ways to practice was to watch psychics on television and answer the audience members’ questions before the psychic did. It doesn’t count if you can’t say it before the psychic speaks; if you think it but only say part of the answer, then you get half of a credit. It’s a fun way to test your abilities and accuracy against the best and most famous in the metaphysical field. The more you use a talent, the better you become at it. That said, you should always trust in your own abilities because it may turn out that the person you’re testing your abilities against might be wrong (no intuitive is 100 percent right) or tuning in to different information than you are; even worse, they might be a fraud.

  Second on my list is to read everything you can get your hands on. There are so many excellent books on the market about intuitive abilities, the spirit realm, and metaphysics. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips; all you have to do is buy the book and begin your own reference library or check it out of the public library. Because we all experience our abilities in different ways, reading various experts’ descriptions of a subject may enable you to find someone who experiences things in exactly the same way that you do.

  Join online groups and then lurk. Sit back and read what people say but only take to heart what rings true to you. It’s amazing how much you can absorb when someone else does the talking. Once you feel comfortable with the group, participate by asking questions and sharing your own experiences. I feel it is very important to share experiences because in that way others learn from you. Right now, you may be the one asking for advice and help as you hone your abilities. One day, someone may turn to you for advice. I’m a firm believer in what goes around comes around. We should all do our part to make sure what we’re getting back is the best we can expect by giving our best now.

  Once you’ve started feeling comfortable with your abilities, it’s time to start pushing them. This is where you truly develop and expand. I think that we all go through several stages of developing our abilities. What I’d like to do now is explain these stages and offer ways for you to develop your abilities and reach the next level. For simplicity, let’s just call these the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.

  The Beginning Level: We’ve all been beginners at some point in our lives. This is completely normal. Regardless of the field, we all have to start at the beginning and learn. In the realm of metaphysics, this level is when you first realize that something is different with you. It’s when you suddenly have the urge to search out more information about metaphysical topics and feel driven to do it from a spiritual level. It’s when you pick up that first metaphysical book from the New Age section of the bookstore. Maybe you bought some runes or angel cards to go with that book on developing your intuitive abilities. At this stage, you may often correctly know who is on the phone when it rings, but you can’t do it every time. Maybe you’ve felt a presence near you but weren’t sure what it was. As you read and learned, you may have even started to include some metaphysical words in your vocabulary.

  I like to compare these levels to a baby learning to walk. When you’re a beginner in metaphysics, you’re like the baby who can crawl. You’ve got the rocking down pat, can get up on all fours, and now you’ve got the movement going without falling flat on your face. This stage is not the time to start advertising your intuitive services to the world. This is still the time to research, study, and associate yourself with people who can mentor you.

  How can you get to the intermediate level? When I was a beginner trying to expand my abilities, I used to practice with my best friend. She would test me by asking questions about someone before we saw them (for example, what color is so-and-so wearing to school today) and I would try to look for the answer. It was cool when I got it right. Practicing with a friend is one way to expand to the next level. Another way is to practice on your own. Try to make predictions about a variety of different situations. Or just sit quietly and listen to that voice that keeps trying to talk to you, which you may be ignoring. Your spirit guide just might have something very important to say to you.

  Another good way is to open yourself to messages during meditation. Some people enjoy a formalized method of meditation. I personally don’t have the time to use a formalized method because I have kids, animals, and businesses that require my attention. So I tend to like the “bathroom intuitive” approach. You’re probably asking yourself what I mean by that, and I’ll explain it in a moment. Quite often I get impressions when I’m in the bathroom, especially when I�
��m working on my own personal growth or trying to work out a personal problem. I could be in the shower or taking a bath when the impressions start coming through. Why is this? Because I’m letting my mind relax for a few minutes. I’m not focusing on anything except the hot water in the shower. When I first started thinking of the information I wanted to include in this book, Cassandra, my spirit guide, started giving me information while I was in the shower. I started laughing and asked her to please wait until I was some place where I could type it up or write it down.

  The same thing happens regardless of the task at hand. We have horses, and mucking out their stalls takes a while because we have individual turnouts attached to each stall. Let me tell you, picking up horse poop is boring work, but it’s a great time to get impressions. It’s amazing the kinds of information you can receive when you allow your thought processes to disengage and your mind to open up to the Universal Energy when doing mundane tasks.

  The Intermediate Level: At this level, you’ve advanced far enough along your spiritual pathway that you’ve recognized that having abilities is only part of your overall growth. You’ve read and learned, and have mentors who are helping you to understand psychic abilities and spirituality. You now recognize that there is much more to learn and have claimed your growth and abilities as your own. Your selections at the bookstore may now include more specialized areas of metaphysics or paranormal topics because you’re developing the areas that fit your path. You’re feeling more comfortable with your inner self and the path you are taking. At this level not only are you still developing your abilities, but you’re also expanding your consciousness to a higher plane.

  You have moved past the beginning-level use of your abilities and are now concentrating your efforts on more individualized readings. At this level, you may be able to tap into a person’s energy field to give them a reading; however, you may still be unsure and only relay information that is current and relevant to them without actually giving information that they can use. In other words, you’re just telling them things they already know or that are too generalized to be specific to their needs. And that’s totally fine. Everyone has to go through these types of readings in order to move into deeper parts of a person’s energy.

  To get to the advanced level, you not only have to trust your guides and yourself, but you must also make a concentrated effort to focus on raising your frequency (your personal vibrational level) by accepting that this is your path and allowing yourself to absorb all that you are offered. It’s very easy to get stuck in the intermediate level because you are at a place of comfort. To get to the advanced level, you must take that step outside your comfort zone, take a leap of faith, and dive headfirst into your spiritual path. It’s not an easy thing to do, but once you take that step, the rewards far outweigh any fears you may have had.

  The Advanced Level: At this level you’re still learning. In fact, you’ll continue to learn new things about metaphysical topics throughout your entire life. You’ve come a long way since your days as a beginner. You’ve probably taken a few years to get to this level (I know for me it took over twenty, but then again, I didn’t get here willingly but fought it most of the way). You now have a greater understanding of your spiritual self, your role in the Universe, and your relationship with your spirit guides; and if you want to, you’re able to give in-depth, detailed readings. You could, if you so desired, become a spiritual coach, which entails so much more than just doing readings. You could also be a mentor or a public speaker. It is up to you to decide how far you want to share yourself with others to aid in their enlightenment.

  At this level, you are able to tap into the Universe’s higher energy. You are able to connect directly to the energy fields of those you read. You may still use runes, tarot cards, crystals, or other tools associated with divination, but you don’t necessarily need them. When you use these tools, you’ll lay out the cards, runes, or crystals, but you’re connecting on a much higher level than these tools can give you. Some people will seek you out specifically for these types of readings, so the tools still have their worth if you choose to use them. For example, when I’m unclear about an aspect of a reading or if I’m getting conflicting impressions, I will sometimes draw one oracle card to clarify.

  Since the advanced level is the highest that we can attain, how can you make yourself even stronger and grow further along your path? By becoming a spiritual coach, acting as a mentor, and sharing your insights with others, you are not only helping them move along their own spiritual path but you’re also moving further along yours.

  In order to accept your abilities, you must first realize how they connect to your physical self and your soul essence in this lifetime. If you are an empath, you will feel other’s emotions, but how can you separate those emotions from your own? If you’re clairvoyant, how do you physically know when you’re getting an impression? What is different physically that lets you know that an experience is indeed an intuitive impression? This is key in understanding how your abilities work. Can you find a source for the emotion? Do you feel like you’re in a semi-trance when you get a clairvoyant message? How can you connect the source to yourself? Once you learn to differentiate between your own feelings and emotions and information that is given to you from an outside source, you’re well on your way along your spiritual path.

  Intense emotions heighten your intuition—at least that’s my experience. Once you open the door and recognize your abilities, you’re able to do more and more. Your understanding will increase through experience. You’ll be better at some things than others; some of you will excel as clairvoyants, others as aura readers, and still others at palmistry, and so on. Find the path that calls to you and follow it, and you will excel.

  As with any type of study, if you think you have abilities in any of these areas, do more research. Read as much as you can on the topic and take what you feel applies to you and what will be helpful at this point of your development. As I have said before, my point of view is only one of many. If something doesn’t make sense, or you feel it doesn’t apply to you, then pass it by. At a later date you may feel differently, but you should always follow what you feel is right in your heart. Each of us has our own truths that are in continual growth and development. You’ll know it when you connect with yours.

  Regardless of what level you are currently on as you test and develop your intuitive abilities and progress along your spiritual path, always lead from the heart. Let love guide you, let trust edge you forward, and always treat others with the respect that they deserve. Be honest with yourself, don’t be overconfident, and keep your humility. If you can do these things, then you truly will become all that you can be, all that you’ve charted and planned to learn through your life lessons.

  Now that you’ve discovered some of the ways that you can have psychic experiences, talk with your friends to see if they, too, have had any of these things happen to them. You’re not alone on this path. In fact, many, many people have similar experiences. More and more people are opening up about psychic abilities and are willing to discuss them. The topic isn’t as taboo as it used to be. There are people who can help you, mentor you, and assist you on your path of enlightenment if you need or want help along the way. All you have to do is seek them out.



  Types of Readers/Readings/Spirit Beings

  Do you know how many different types of intuitive readings there are? Divination itself has hundreds of different methods. You can learn many more than what I’ve discussed in the scope of this book. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of readings that you can receive or give, or do simply for yourself.

  Spirits are all around us. You may not recognize them at first, or you may choose to ignore them simply because you’re not ready to receive their assistance, but they are there just the same. When the time is right, you will learn to connect with your guides or to recognize
others in the spirit world. Some of the greatest moments of enlightenment I’ve ever had were through my spirit guides. I wish the same for you. In this chapter, we’ll look at the different kinds of spirits and ways they can make themselves known to you; we’ll also look at the different types of readings and the people who do them.

  Most, if not all, of the intuitives and readers discussed in this chapter use the clair abilities. As you examine the types of readers, consider whether you, too, should be included in this category based on your intuitive abilities, or whether you could become one of these readers if you continue to develop your abilities. There are many ways that you can use your abilities. Do you have an ability that is unique? If so, you may be able to fill a niche and help others along their path while using that ability. You are already an intuitive; it’s up to you to decide how you will use the ability. Take the time to consider your path and your desires when it comes to developing your intuitive nature. This is a lifelong process that can’t be rushed.

  Akashic Records/Readers

  The Akashic Records are interactive books that contain a recording of every soul’s journey from the beginning of time. Contained within the Akashic Records are every thought, emotion, word, action, missed opportunity, desire, lesson, variance of personal frequency, decision, and nuance of every soul’s spiritual journey. The Hall of Records, where the Akashic Records reside, is an unlimited space of pure energy. The Akashic Records show our connections to other souls and animals and include details all of our lifetimes, as well as the lessons learned and the lessons we’re still working on. The Akashic Records contain our life maps for each incarnation, and it is where we can go to see if we’re indeed on the right track.


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