Your Psychic Self

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Your Psychic Self Page 16

by Melissa Alvarez

  Think of the records as a library with books for each lifetime of every soul. For those who can access the Akashic Records, it is a phenomenal resource for spiritual growth and development. The Akashic Records can reveal your soul truths and your spiritual path.

  An Akashic Record reader is an intuitive who is able to access the records on the Other Side to obtain and deliver information for the person whom they are reading. We all have access to the Akashic Records; it’s just a matter of knowing how to get to them and how to read them. During an Akashic Record reading, the intuitive will access your records. Each intuitive has different methods of how they retrieve the records and the method I share here is based on my own experience.

  I had been doing Akashic Record readings for years before I ran across a name to describe the place I was accessing, which is an indicator that you have to follow your own path and understand your own intuitive nature in order to grow. Because, when I did learn what it was, it was a huge confirmation of the work that I do. I had to experience it firsthand and then later find out that other people experienced it in the same way as I did and had used the same terminology to describe it. That was one of those moments where I experienced the Chills of Universal Truth.

  I called the place where I received my information during a reading the “Hall of Records,” and I still refer to it that way most of the time. In order to get to the Hall of Records, I clear my energy of any negativity that I may have accumulated during the day, then I envision myself moving through the layers of the Other Side until I am in a place of high frequency and positively charged light. Then the Hall of Records appears directly in front of me as a huge set of stairs with large fluted columns that are at least twelve feet wide, all made of shiny white marble. The columns are massive and as I look upward at them, I can see the beginnings of decoration at the top but I can’t see where the column ends. I climb the steps thinking about the person I’m there to read for and wait until the man I call the “Gatekeeper,” the “Guardian,” or the “Guardian Gatekeeper” shows up. His appearance is that of an old man; he has a long white beard and white hair that reaches his shoulders. He’s dressed differently every time I see him. He hands me the book that contains the information that I need. In my experience, he is the sole entity that can go into the Hall of Records and get the books. Everyone can access the material but only he can give you the correct book, at least in my experience; yours may be different.

  The books also appear to me in a variety of forms. They may have hard, flat covers or puffy ones. Most seem to have some sort of decoration on the cover that is symbolic of your life path. I’ve seen jewels, golden stitching, and a number of different designs on the book cover. Then, holding the book between my palms with the outer edge of the pages pointing upward, I open the book and let the pages flutter down, opening the book to the passage I’m supposed to read. I read the information, normally typing as I read, and that is what I deliver to the person I’m reading for. Sometimes I am given more than one book to read during the session and sometimes it’s already opened to a specific page when it’s handed to me. When it’s over, I thank the Guardian Gatekeeper for allowing me to read the passage(s) and then he’ll go on his way and I walk back down the steps as I leave my trancelike state. You, too, can access the Akashic Records in this way. When you visit, just be clear in your intent and the reason you need to check the records.

  Psychics/Intuitives/Spiritual Consultants/Mediums

  A psychic is a person who uses any of the clair abilities (see chapter three) to do a reading for another person in order to answer specific questions about present situations or future occurrences.

  Every person is born with intuitive (psychic) abilities. Some choose to develop their abilities and use them to help others along their spiritual path while others only use their abilities for themselves. Some people deny their abilities and others embrace them. Whatever scenario fits you, it’s the right one for you in this lifetime and on your spiritual path. You may have had situations where you felt that you were tapping into your intuitive nature but were unsure. If this is the case, you can always choose to explore your abilities further and learn to use them.

  During a reading, an intuitive (psychic) will tell you what they see for you at the time of the reading. However, this can change based upon the decisions you make between the time of the reading and the event occurring. You can even prevent things from happening with your decisions. Just as each of us has abilities, each of us also has free will. It is this free will that gives us the choice to allow or to avoid the things seen during the reading. Each person who does readings approaches it differently. This is because each person is a unique individual. The way I do a reading and the way you do a reading may be completely different in method and procedure, but we may pick up similar information.

  Using their abilities, a spiritual consultant—whether they call themselves an advisor, counselor, or coach—helps a person connect with themselves at a soul level through intuitive readings. This allows the person to understand their spiritual nature through the development of their own abilities. A spiritual consultant may offer a variety of spiritual readings such as accessing the Akashic Records, revealing past lives, mentoring, or angel and spirit guide communication. These types of readings address the growth that is needed to progress along a person’s spiritual path; they help a person understand and connect to their soul essence and see themselves as a spiritual being. Spiritual consultants may also offer a variety of intuitive readings as well. Some readings may use tools such as cards or runes, or they may just be done using intuition or clair abilities. These readings will answer specific questions for the person, and these answers might enable them to understand current situations. With this gained clarity, they are better equipped to handle situations in their lives, allowing for more spiritual growth.

  Spiritual consultants should never tell a person what to do or what actions to take. The decision must always come from within the person getting the reading, from the core of their soul’s essence. The intuitive coach can give the information that they see, but it is up to the person receiving the reading to process that information, make their own decisions, and grow in their own spirituality.

  The term “psychic medium” is relatively new and there is still some confusion as to exactly what a psychic medium is and what they can do. While all mediums have psychic ability, not all psychics are mediums because they may not be contacting entities in the spiritual realm to gain their insight. A psychic medium is a person who has one or more psychic abilities as well as the ability of mediumship, which is communicating with those who have returned home to, or reside on, the Other Side. Mediums also have the ability to communicate directly with spirit guides, masters, and angels. Because there are a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to psychic mediums, I want to clarify what I believe a psychic medium can and cannot do.

  A psychic medium will tell you that they cannot “summon” the dead. Instead, when doing a reading for you, they will tell you who they see or sense around you and then deliver any messages that spirit may choose share with them (if any). They will not guarantee that they can connect with the specific departed loved one you want to contact. Why? Because who shows up in spirit form is completely out of the psychic medium’s control. To promise contact when you can’t guarantee delivery is simply playing on the emotions of the person left behind, which is unethical. During a reading you may want to talk to your favorite uncle but instead the aunt that grated on your nerves is the one who appears. She may have a message for you that will enable you to understand your relationship with her, a message that gives you peace or helps you deal with a situation in your life. I firmly believe that a spirit isn’t going to show up unless there’s a specific reason they need to communicate with you.

  When a psychic medium makes contact, they do it in a number of ways. Mediums quite often see a physical representation of the spirit and can descri
be what they’re wearing and their physical appearance. Other mediums do not see a physical manifestation of someone standing in front of them but instead see a spirit manifested in their third eye. They may clairvoyantly see the spirit before them, hear them talk through clairaudience, see them through their third eye, consciously or unconsciously channel the spirit, or use telepathy. Psychic mediums may do group readings, or séances, and usually do not use divination tools during the mediumistic part of a reading. For instance, if I’m right in the middle of a clairvoyant reading and a spirit pops in with a message, I stop what I’m doing and attend to the spirit message. When it’s over, I’ll go back to the clairvoyant reading.

  Before getting a reading with a psychic medium, you should check them out, and find out how they conduct their readings, then get the reading with them if you feel a connection with them and agree with the way they work. You may discover that some mediums will say they’re not psychics and that only a medium can deliver messages from the Other Side. While the “medium” part is true, these mediums are just not using the term “psychic” because they prefer the word “medium”. Quite honestly, the word “psychic” has gotten a really bad reputation due to the sheer number of unethical people calling themselves psychics who haven’t properly honed and practiced their abilities, so it’s no wonder that people with true, trained abilities are turning away from the word. Others, myself included, prefer the word “intuitive” to describe their abilities. Without the ability of mediumship and the clair abilities, psychic mediums wouldn’t be able to communicate with spirits, just as someone who is very psychic but who lacks the ability of mediumship will not be able to deliver messages to you from beyond.

  Psychic Detectives

  A psychic detective is normally thought of as someone who uses their intuitive abilities to help law enforcement officers solve crimes. Most people who do this are at high spiritual frequencies and have been working as a professional intuitive for many years. Some police departments never accept the help of psychics and others are more open to receiving assistance in this manner. When psychics are used by the law, it’s normally kept under wraps and psychic detectives are often only called in as a last resort.

  Psychic detectives work on many different kinds of cases—robberies, missing persons, cold cases, and the like. They can often give a different perspective on the crime, and the information received by the intuitive may point the police in a different direction where they may discover new clues.

  Not all psychic detectives work with the police, nor do they own a detective agency. You’re a psychic detective if you’ve ever used your intuitive abilities to obtain information that you’ve needed, or to find a lost item that belongs to you or another person, if you’ve intuitively scanned someone who made you feel uncomfortable or scared, or if you’ve used remote viewing to check on a loved one. These are all forms of psychic detective work.

  You may also use your psychic detective abilities in paranormal investigations. Many psychic detectives regularly assist local paranormal investigative units in this way. Paranormal investigators want to see if a psychic detective’s impressions are in sync with what they are picking up at the site. Whether you choose to use your abilities to find a lost object, help the police track down a criminal, or aid paranormal investigators, you can be a psychic detective if that is where your path is leading you.

  Medical Intuitives

  Before we get into what a medical intuitive is and what they can do, I need to say that information received from a medical intuitive should never be used as a replacement for proper medical treatment. If you choose to use the services of a medical intuitive, use their readings along with the treatment deemed necessary by a licensed medical doctor. Medical intuitives are not doctors and cannot in any way diagnose or treat disease of any kind. That being said, there are many medical doctors who are also medical intuitives who can diagnose and treat disease. There are also people who could be classified as medical intuitives but shy away from the term because they do not have the proper medical licensing and credentials behind their name, therefore they will not offer medical impressions.

  If you have ever known a person’s medical problem by reading their energy or aura, then you have the ability to be a medical intuitive. Medical intuitives are people with a highly developed sense of intuition who specifically look for and obtain information about the internal workings of the human body through analyzing the energy held within that body, thereby identifying potential problems before they become dysfunctional and turn into an illness. Medical intuitives can read information about any of the complex systems within human anatomy by intuitively scanning for areas that are out of balance. Some medical intuitives see problems within the body as dark gray or black spots, holes, fading or blurred sections, or other types of disturbances within the energy field. When found early, these areas of imbalance can be brought into balance before the onset of disease or severe medical problems. Medical intuitives can do this for both medical illnesses and emotional issues that require further attention by a licensed medical professional.

  For true healing to occur, any emotional issues that block the natural flow of your frequency must be addressed in addition to receiving medical treatment. If you’re holding on to fear, it has to be released. As a medical intuitive, you can also look inside yourself, find those emotions you’re hanging on to, address them, and bring about inner healing.

  My dad has always said this about illness: “If you think about it hard and long enough, it’ll happen. If you’re in stressful situations over a long or extended period of time, you’ll get bellyaches and headaches. If you worry over it long enough, it’ll do something to you and make you sick.” But he also believes that this applies to alleviating illness as well. I remember a story that he told me about a wart that he had on his elbow. Every time he looked at it, he said to himself, that’s getting smaller. Pretty soon, the wart was gone. So you see, your emotional frame of mind can positively or negatively affect your physical body. If you’re the kind of person who holds your emotions inside, never releasing them, then you may be causing issues that would disappear if you’d just fly off the handle every once in a while.

  Spirit Guides/Ancestral Guides/Departed Spirits

  What is a spirit guide? The words are pretty easy to understand—it’s a spirit that guides. A spirit guide is a soul on the Other Side who has agreed to help us move along our path toward greater spiritual growth and enlightenment while we are residing on the earthly plane. They watch over us from the Other Side. Spirit guides have an extremely high vibrational rate; they teach us and help us learn our life lessons.

  Does everyone have a spirit guide? I believe that each of us has many guides over our lifetime. I’ve found that we have one or two who are our life guides, meaning that they have been with us since birth and are always there to help us with anything and everything that we experience. Then we have other guides who are with us for shorter periods of time to help us with specific lessons or during times of need. One guide may help raise your vibrational level, another one may help you deal with a family crisis, and another one helps you learn lessons of trust. Spirit guides have very positive energy and only have your best interests at heart. Everyone has spirit guides just as everyone has guardian angels, though the two are not the same. If you’re intuitively aware, you can make contact with these highly developed spiritual entities. Sometimes first contact can be difficult, but your spirit guide will never give up trying to get through to you.

  How do you communicate with your guides? Usually the messages received are related to your current lifetime and are received telepathically. You’ll get a feeling that you act on, or you’ll have a thought that makes you pay attention to a certain detail or event. They can come to you in dreams to deliver messages that you may be ignoring during your waking hours. It’s easy to become distracted with the stresses of daily life and not pay attention to the communications
your guides are trying to give you. When this happens, then they may have better success at reaching you during dreams. Or they may help you by creating synchronicities that really grab your attention and make you more aware. In other words, if you won’t listen to the subtle messages, they’ll knock you over the head with it. Spirit guides may also be connected to you from past lifetimes, so they show you things from that past lifetime to help you understand the present—but this can be confusing if you don’t remember the past lifetime.

  The easiest way that I have found to connect to my guides is to sit quietly, put a protective bubble of white light around myself, ask that only higher level entities are allowed to contact me, clear my mind, and then reach out telepathically to my guides. I ask them to connect with me and deliver any messages that I should know at this point on my life path. My guides often visit my dreams, because as they say, I’m thickheaded and don’t pay enough attention, and it’s easier to connect that way. What can I say? I have a lot of things going on in my life that distract me, but I always come back around.

  When you’re connecting with your guides, it’s very rare that they will be someone famous whom you’ve heard of in your current lifetime. Your guides may or may not have previously incarnated. They can appear in any form. I’ve seen guides fully dressed in period clothing, in white garb, as a ball of golden energy, as an animal totem, and as male or female. Guides tend to give you messages that will enable your spiritual growth instead of predicting future events in your life. You have free will and they normally don’t predict outcomes, but will instead guide you on your life path. If you’re experiencing difficulties connecting with your guides, sometimes you’ll be successful if you speak your questions out loud. Write down your experiences with your guides in your journal so that you can refer back to them. While some events will be so profound that you’ll never forget them, the everyday encounters may tend to fade in your memory. Writing them down allows you to refer back to them at a later date. When reaching out to your guides, open your intuitive channels and remain receptive to the spirit guides who choose to contact you.


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