Your Psychic Self

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Your Psychic Self Page 21

by Melissa Alvarez

  Sometimes music is the tool used to get you to focus on your guides or departed loved ones. They’ll send you messages through the words of songs. When you’re trying to further develop your abilities, try different types of instrumental music to see which works best for you.

  Try It Now:

  Listen to Music to Connect to Your Intuition

  Make sure you’ve allotted some quiet time where you can listen to music without interruption. As you listen, pay attention to both the piece as a whole and the individual instruments that make up the song. Don’t try to think logically, but instead look clairvoyantly, feel empathically, and listen not only with your ears but with your clairaudient abilities as well. When you’ve finished listening to the selections, don’t immediately jump up and start doing something. Instead, take a few minutes to notice anything you may sense intuitively. Are you getting messages from your guides? Seeing a future event? Or do you suddenly know how to resolve a situation? Music is an excellent tool to attune to a higher frequency, thus increasing your intuitive abilities.

  Repeating Numbers

  When you see repeating numbers, pay attention to what you’re thinking at the time and what is going on in your life. You may be seeing numbers like 11:11, 222, or 1515. Whatever the numbers are, you see that number repeated over and over again. Just the other day, I was buying shovels at a store and when I checked out the clerk said, “That’ll be $44.44.” I immediately said, “What?” because I’d seen 444 a couple of times earlier in the day. She repeated the total and told me that I should play the lottery that night, which goes to show you that people in general think repeated numbers hold some kind of importance, even if they don’t know what it means. When numbers show up in repetition and in multiples during the day, then it is a sign for you. You are intuitively receiving a sign from your spirit guide or your higher self. There are several excellent books on the market that give you meanings for these numbers. Not every author will give the same meaning to each number, but you can read these to get an idea of what other people think. However, you should always look at your own situation to determine what this number means in your own life.

  People may say that it’s just coincidence when this happens. Logical thinking would suggest that because you see so many numbers during a day, your mind fixates on the repetition. I can see that point. But I also know that I don’t notice repeating numbers every day. When I do see them and they make me pause, I become very aware of them. It’s almost as if I’m supposed to notice them. The other day our power was out due to a storm and every time I looked at my cell phone or a battery-operated clock, it was 11:11, 1:11, 4:44, 5:55, etc. I was really uptight and on edge that day and had a lot of different unexpected things going on: First, we lost power, so the extreme heat in the house meant I could only write in longhand. Next, a dog needed stitches. Then, a horse’s eye was infected and needed treatment. I kept thinking, I’ve got to look that number up, because it is always helpful to read what others think the messages are for repeating numbers. Later that day, after seeing these numbers many times, I realized it didn’t matter what anyone else said the numbers meant; to me, on that day, they all meant “calm down, everything is going to be okay.” Once I got that message clearly in my mind, I didn’t see any more repeating numbers. I did calm down and everything was okay.

  Be aware. Look at what you’re going through, your emotions, and the way you’re thinking about your situation. Notice the numbers, look them up, and then apply what you’ve read to what you empathically feel or clairvoyantly sense to discover the message held in repetitive numbers.

  By now you should be feeling a true connection to your intuitive abilities, your guides, and those on the Other Side. You are probably using your abilities daily to assist you and make your life easier. Keep up the great work and continue to always research and learn more about your abilities and your spiritual self. This is part of your spiritual growth. You are connecting to your true soul essence by delving into this part of your being.



  Protecting Yourself

  from Negative


  While no one likes to talk about negative things in life, there are times when they should be addressed. I’ve tried to give you a very positive approach to learning about your abilities and the development of those abilities. However, because the world is full of both positive and negative energy, I’ve also included some of the things you should watch out for in this chapter.

  Psychic Vampire

  Psychic abilities are based in energy. We all have a life force, a personal frequency, and spiritual energy. The higher these levels are, the more in tune you are with your intuitive nature and Universal Energy. While we all have intuitive abilities, a psychic vampire is a person who uses their abilities to drain the energy of surrounding people, thereby increasing their own energy levels.

  We all have the tendency and ability to drain another’s energy. You do not want to become a psychic vampire because using your abilities in this way is negative and impedes your spiritual growth. While we all have relied on someone else’s energy during times of need, hardship, or despair, this is not the same as intentionally drawing energy from those around you on a regular basis so that you feel better. People who drain energy from others subconsciously usually aren’t even aware of what they are doing.

  How can you tell if you’re a psychic vampire? There are certain characteristics associated with people who tend to drain another’s energy. They may be needy and require constant nurturing from everyone around them, feel like they always have low energy, need the approval of others, are never satisfied with what they have in life, and are always wanting more and more. They often feel alone, as if no one cares about them. When you encounter people like this, they connect to you, drawing on your energy stores, and you walk away feeling as if you’ve been run over by a truck and could sleep for a week, while they are bubbling over with energy. That’s because they drew from your energy while you weren’t paying attention. A psychic vampire can give you an instant headache, make you feel like you can’t think straight, or cause you to be irritable and feel bad all over. Sometimes these symptoms will disappear when you’re no longer interacting with these people, but other times they can linger and only a good night’s sleep can balance your energy flow.

  Try It Now:

  Protect Yourself from Psychic Vampires

  To protect yourself against psychic vampires, you can carry or wear quartz crystals and you should always protect yourself with white light. As you pay attention to those who drain your energy, you can make sure to specifically protect against them, too. You may even be able to help them see what they are doing if they don’t realize it, and teach them to use their abilities for positive work. Often there is a self-esteem issue going on with a psychic vampire. Just make sure that if you’re going to try to help them, your energy is well protected from their draining effects. You should also remove any negative connections that psychic vampires attach to you. Look for them on your body and use creative visualization to cut them loose or pull them out of your energy field. Then put up a protective barrier of mirrors on your bubble of white light so that no one can reconnect to your energy.

  Psychic Attack

  Human nature being what it is, there are people who thrive on pessimism, who expect that only bad, undesirable things will happen to them, who always see the glass as half empty instead of half full. Because they view the world in this manner, if they embrace their abilities they tend to use them in a negative way, especially when they have feelings of anger, jealousy, or hate. You may, at some point in your life, even find yourself under psychic attack from one of these individuals. A psychic attack is when a person consciously and deliberately sends a negative and destructive telepathic thought or psychic attachment to another person with the intention of harming that person on some level and in some way. These thoughts and att
achments are connected to the person’s energy and frequency by entering through the aura. A psychic attack is also considered to be when a negative entity from the lower spiritual realms attaches itself to someone, through these same energy channels, causing disruption, out-of-character actions, and disturbing thought patterns in the life of the victim.

  We all have fears within us that we haven’t resolved by facing them. Psychic attacks are based in fear and usually target your fears, leaving you feeling on edge, helpless, and as if you don’t have the power to change the situation. Psychic attacks can come from an individual or from a group. If you can eliminate the fear and replace it with love and compassion for the person(s) trying to psychically attack you, then your positive energy will overwhelm their negativity and they’ll stop the attack. It’s not easy by any means, because when you know someone is deliberately trying to harm you on a spiritual level, your first reaction may be to strike back. Just do so with positive energy and love instead of any kind of negativity.

  Being intuitive yourself, you can easily use your abilities to defend against

  all types of psychic attacks once you learn to recognize the signs. The first sign to look for is anything that is out of line with your normal behavior and character. The second sign is fatigue. Because a psychic attack drains your energy, you’ll feel tired—sometimes extremely so—even when you’re getting plenty of sleep. Being in the presence of the person doing the attack will fatigue you very quickly. You may also experience headaches, extreme sleepiness, nightmares, negative thoughts, sudden chills (not the good kind), or shaking and trembling throughout your body.

  Your intuitive self will often give you a warning when you’re in a situation that could potentially turn into a psychic attack. You’ll feel it as a tightening, sick feeling; if you don’t act on that feeling, you’ll start feeling fatigue as the person doing the psychic attacking drains your energy.

  Try It Now: Eliminate a Psychic Attack

  The best way to eliminate a psychic attack is to encase yourself completely inside a bubble of white light. You can empower it to great heights through creative visualization by adding a golden or blue tone and mirrors to increase the protection. Combine white light protection with love and compassion for the individual(s) attacking you. Ask your spirit guides to help you send the psychic attack back to where it came from. Use stones and crystals for protection, and use the power of prayer to end the attack. Sometimes you may have to get help from your intuitive friends if the attack is severe. Practice doing this so you’ll be prepared if you ever need to use this method in a hurry.

  Mental Influence/Psychic Manipulation

  Some intuitives have the ability to use mental influence to manipulate objects or other people. While there is nothing wrong with using your ability in this manner to clear phone lines or open up parking spaces, I have a big problem with intuitives who try to use this ability to influence and manipulate other people. When you’re using this ability to help you get through to a company whose phone is always busy or find a parking space in the middle of a holiday season, you’re not harming anyone in the process. But when you use this ability to manipulate someone so that they will do what you want them to do, then you have crossed an ethical line.

  We all have free will and we all have intuitive ability. It’s important to learn how to detect people who are trying to bend your will to theirs through the use of their ability. If you find yourself suddenly thinking out of character and in a way that might help someone else, stop what you’re doing and wait. Cleanse your energy with white light and put the intention of protection around you, reinforcing it around your mind. Do you feel a shift, as if you’ve released something from your energy? Do you no longer want to follow through on the help you were just about to give? If any of these things are true, then you have effectively stopped an intuitive manipulator from using their ability of mental influence on you.

  On the other hand, if you’re using your mental influence to manipulate the energy of a person to help them clear their energy or find balance, with their permission, this is different. Why? Because you have their permission and they know what you’re doing; you both agreed what would happen when the person sought out your help. In this instance, you are still being ethical and trying to help the person. If you have this ability, always use it for the good of others instead of trying to bend another person to your will and desires.

  Another form of psychic manipulation that I want to mention here is intuitives who try to instill fear in you in order to get you to spend more money with them. They may tell you that they do all sorts of wonderful work, but can’t prove any of it. They may hint at horrible things coming your way, but in order for you to find out so you can be prepared, you must spend a gazillion dollars with them. Never give any psychic thousands of dollars for a reading. You can find all of the answers you seek by looking inside yourself and using your own abilities. If you really feel you need an intuitive to help you, find one who is reputable, honest, and operates with a statement of ethics. You should never feel that you have to depend on an intuitive for any reason. A legitimate intuitive will not allow you to become dependent on them but will help you help yourself, and they will not charge exorbitant fees. If you are doing readings for others, treat people as you want to be treated and be ethical in your practice.

  Psychic Kinetic Energy

  Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. When a person has abilities in using psychic kinetic energy, they involuntarily influence inanimate objects around them without having any physical contact. Instances of kinetic energy seem to be stronger during times of hormonal changes like puberty, menopause, or pregnancy, although it can happen at any time. It affects men, women, and children equally. The person who is affected by kinetic energy doesn’t seem to be able to control it; therefore, it happens at random or sporadically. The person may affect objects daily for months, and then this ability disappears as quickly as it appeared. It can re-emerge in the future during times of stress or hormonal changes within the body. There are other people who have it consistently throughout life and it’s especially apparent when they are around electrical or technological objects—they walk into your kitchen and the light bulbs blow and your microwave goes on the fritz!

  The word “poltergeist” is often used to describe kinetic energy. Because there have been movies made surrounding kinetic energy manifestations and attributing them to hauntings, there can be confusion between the two. I personally do not think that poltergeist activity is in any way related to a haunting. Instead, you’ll notice that the abrupt noises, bangs, movement of inanimate objects, audible voices, and the like only happen when a specific person is around. If that person is removed from the room, all instances of the “haunting” stop. Bring them back in and the “ghost” returns.

  What causes these kinds of psychic kinetic energy activity? I believe it comes from people who have intuitive abilities, especially if they do not know they have them, or they are ignoring or denying their abilities. I see this happening with individuals going through emotional turmoil, high levels of stress, and those who do not express their feelings. I also believe that there are others who intuitively and spiritually operate at a very high frequency (personal vibrational rate) and can affect the things around them unconsciously. Of course, these people can put up blocks around them so they’re not blowing every light bulb or street light they come into contact with, but it could still happen due to an overflow of their positive energy.

  So what do you do if you are affecting the world around you in this manner? The first thing to do is to take stock of your intuitive abilities and your frequency levels by focusing on where they are; if necessary, bring them back to center and ground them. The next thing you do is address any emotional problems you’re having—areas of high stress or frustration—and then try to reduce the stress levels or at least get them under control. Acknowledge how your energy is affecting your surroundings
and make a concentrated effort to keep your energy balanced within yourself so that it’s not projecting outwardly. And lastly, understand that outbursts of psychic kinetic energy are usually random and temporary. They will pass. If you help yourself by learning about this phenomenon and understanding yourself, you can help them pass sooner than later.

  A Grain of Salt: Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

  Psychic readings should never be blindly followed. You should always follow your own heart and your own gut instincts. You have free will and it’s this free will and the decisions you make after you’ve received a reading that will alter your path. Just as there are many people who truly have abilities and want to help you, there are also people who want to rip you off and put fear in your heart. I’ve run across this many times. I’ve given away many readings to people because they’ve been scared to death from a previous reading they received and couldn’t afford the amounts that the psychic said they had to pay to “fix them.” No one should ever charge you thousands of dollars for readings, scare you, or take advantage of you like this, leaving you feeling like you don’t know where to turn and frightened in the search for truth. Not only do these people give real intuitives a bad name, they work on your deepest fears in order to get you to buy more of their services. Don’t fall for their scams. Don’t pay ridiculous prices to anyone for a psychic service. Real intuitives will not tell you that something bad will happen to you if you don’t purchase three thousand dollars of additional services. Be aware of the people who do these kinds of negative things and don’t fall for it if it ever happens to you.


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