Solitude And Freedom (Solitude And Freedom #0.5)

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Solitude And Freedom (Solitude And Freedom #0.5) Page 2

by Toota Alqallaf

  The English accented person I’ve just been thinking about walked into the light causing me to sigh in relief. It was Tom. “What are you doing here?”

  He laughed “Shouldn’t I be asking you that since I live only three minutes from here.” He smirked that trademark smirk of his.

  I started to lay back down as I spoke “I thought you were a monster. Dude, don’t sneak up on people like that.” We both laughed simultaneously.

  “A monster? You have a big imagination.” He paused then smiled wider, “How can this ‘dude’” he made air quotes when he said dude, “be a monster? He’s way too nice,” I rolled my eyes at him, I didn’t reply, though. He lay down next to me and said “You looked great tonight, by the way.”

  “You didn’t look so bad yourself,” I smiled at him, causing his eyes to sparkle a little while reflecting the light in the park; I know I’m boosting his ego but he seriously rocks the casual look.

  “So, Justin’s your boyfriend, huh?”

  “Yea, Jay jay’s my boyfriend,” I paused wondering where this conversation was going. “So, Anna’s your girlfriend, huh?” I asked, mimicking his sexy English accent though not as sexy as him.

  “Uh, yea, you can say that.”

  We stayed quiet for a while, just staring at the stars. He was wearing some shorts and the same tee he was wearing earlier, his hair messed up. He looked so good and I love his hair, it looks so soft. He was being really nice to me, contrary to any hypocrite I know. I was feeling so content and relaxed that I actually slept right there next to him. Just seconds later or minutes or hours, I felt some arms lift me up until I was gently placed onto a soft mattress.

  Chapter 3


  “Tom?” she whispered gently, I didn’t even register who she was or that she was trying to wake me up. “Tom, wake up,” I still didn’t register her voice. “Tom.” she whispered louder and firmer.

  “What?” He replied louder than she was. Suddenly, I was up and said “Amelie, hi.” I’m clutching the covers and holding them to my hips, she still doesn’t seem to notice but when she did she was flushed and turned away. She looked amazing with that blush on her porcelain face and slightly tinted pink cheeks. She had a morning face on which made her look even more flawless.

  “Morning,” she said and paused. “I’ll wait outside.”

  “Sorry,” I said making her blush harder. I got dressed as quickly as I could, not bothering to put a shirt on, then called out, “All clear” when she came back in I asked “Breakfast?” Still not wearing a shirt

  “No, I gotta go, I told Becks I’m sleeping at her house if she wakes up and I’m not there she’ll freak.”

  “Come on, I’ll take you but first breakfast, is that all right?” She followed me downstairs to my clean living room then to my kitchen it’s a pretty big place for myself only but that’s fine it makes me feel more alone.

  We entered the kitchen which was dazzlingly cleaned thanks to a maid that comes every few days. I started to make breakfast and made a little small talk, something I’ve never been good at. When I finished cooking and took two plates of eggs and chicken bacon and placed them in front of each of us, then went over to get some spoons and forks and came to sit down next to her. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Depends,” she replied warily.

  “Are you really into Justin?” her expression suddenly turned hard

  “Are you really into Anna?” she asked, surprising me a little

  “No, I’m different.”

  “Oh. How so?”

  “Well, number 1, I only have one night stands. No serious relationships. Number 2, I have rules that do not allow me to actually date.” She pondered my answer for what seems like hours.

  “Can I ask you another question?”


  “Why did you bring me here?” her question caught me off guard.

  “Here?” I honestly have no idea how to answer her question because I myself do not know why.

  “Yes, as in why did you let me sleep here?”

  I pondered her question for a few moments then answered, “because you were sleeping, I couldn’t leave you there and like I said last night, my place is only minutes away.”

  “Oh, thanks,” I didn’t reply, I think she figured I wasn’t going to reply, so she moved on from the subject. “I want to go on a road trip, for the weekend. Alone. Unless if you’d want to come and drive, instead of letting me take a taxi.” She’s really surprising me.

  “Why won’t you take Justin?”

  “He said he’s busy,” I rolled my eyes at him.

  I remained silent for a while, then replied “I’ll pick you up midnight, but when?,” she smiled at me, her smile kind of makes me want to smile and that hasn’t happened in a while.

  “How about in two weeks? Friday?”

  “Sure.” I don’t really mind going on a road trip, maybe it would take my mind off school. We spent the rest of the day hanging out. I dropped her off at becks house wanting to kiss her so badly but holding back, knowing there are boundaries.



  Me and Becks have been hanging around a lot with Tom and Adam, most of the last two weeks, they were both nothing but nice, which surprised me a little because I thought that was a one-time thing. Since both of our boyfriends are always busy we could use someone to hang out with. No one knows about me and Tom’s road trip together. I was shocked when I asked him to come with me because I usually prefer going alone on road trips, with the taxi driver of course. I packed my stuff for a two days trip and currently waiting for Tom to pick me up. It’s almost midnight so either nobody’s home or only mom or dad.

  I made my way downstairs to find the living room empty, I put my stuff on the sofa and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee to calm my nerves when I heard a shuffle and turned from facing the kitchen to nearly slamming into my dad. “Dad, you scared the crap out of me.”

  “Well, next time look where you’re going.” He paused to look over my clothes. “And what are you wearing?” He again looked to my golden tee and then to me jean cutoffs. “Where are you going? It’s nearly midnight.”

  “Like you care, dad.”

  “Yea, you’re right, I don’t”

  “Bye,” I rolled my eyes at him and started to make my way to the door with my bag, just in time to see Tom pull into my drive way. He looked stunning even in the dark lightings and I felt my breath catch in my throat as I made my way to his truck, he looked good even in the dim lighting. “Hey,” I said, feigning nonchalance while actually I was being ripped apart by an internal argument and I think the one with Tom in it is winning over.

  “Hello,” he said casually then continued in his English accent. “So, where are we going?”

  “Wisconsin. What do you think?”

  “That sounds… Okay.”

  He turned up the radio. I recognized the song as “Here’s to never growing up” by Avril Lavigne and started to sing along. Soon after, Tom started to sing along and his voice was angelic. I’m not even exaggerating. I stopped singing a few times to just stare at him. I noticed he was smiling, something he doesn’t do that much. It’s a good look on him.

  “What?” he asked, smiling the realest smile I’ve ever seen on him. I suddenly realized I was smiling like a goofball.

  “Nothing,” I answered and shook my head at the same time, still smiling just less goofily. He shrugged with furrowed brows and turned up the volume more and we started to shout the lyrics together again. We finished singing with a long laugh. We talked and sang and laughed all the drive to Wisconsin. I felt closer to him than anyone. For some reason in just those few hours I understood something. Something broke him. Causing him not to smile. He isn’t the same guy he was before. Although I didn’t know the old Tom that’s buried deep inside him I’m going to get him to realize who he was. I know it’s too soon and I’ve only known him for two weeks but it feels like I’ve known hi
m all my life. I felt connected to someone for the first time ever. I know it’s sudden and a little too soon to think this but it’s the truth and no one can run away from the truth.

  When we got to the hotel I booked for us, it struck me like a bomb. I forgot to call and get separate beds. We’re going to share a bed. Together. Alone. This will be super awkward especially with the attraction, I refuse to admit to anyone, I have towards him and now we’re going straight to bed, too.

  “I’ll get our bags,” he says. I nod once and make my way to the front desk to see Stanley, a hotel employee, sitting and sleeping in his chair.

  “Stanley?” I whispered to him, gently.

  “Wah? Huh?” he says groggily, proof that he was sleeping. I snickered a little. “Milly? What are you doing here?”

  “I booked a room with my name.” I smiled to him. He’s a middle aged man with black hair streaked with white and a wrinkled face. His eyes are onyx that reminded me of his baby granddaughter. He swiped through a book that was placed near his elbow. He swiped another few pages and finally landed on my name. He turned in his chair to face the wall behind him filled with keys. He handed me a key that said “Room 115” right as Tom walked in with our stuff. I gestured for him to follow me into the elevator.

  “You know that guy?” He asked me.

  “Yea, he was my neighbor but he moved here because he wanted to be close to his daughter who just got a baby girl a year ago or something.”

  He nodded “Oh.”

  We walked to our room and I opened it to a good enough bedroom, except for the twin sized bed. He walked in and placed our bags at the foot of the bed.

  “I forgot to call again after I asked you to come.” I said a little sheepishly.

  “It’s alright, I’ll just sleep on the floor,” he stated.

  “No, I’ll sleep on the floor since it’s my fault.”

  “Oh, I insist.”

  We got ready for bed just in time to see the sunrise, by that time I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. He went in the toilet for a few minutes then came back out shirtless with shorts on. He was absolutely stunning. I have seen plenty of abs but none as chiseled as his. I’m blaming my interest in him on my tiredness. I closed my eyes after getting tucked into bed. I scooted over to the wall then said. “Tom, can you do something for me?”

  “Sure.” He replied.

  “Can you come sleep next to me?” I asked sleepily. He seemed reluctant. “Please.” He paused again. “You don’t have a shirt on and no blanket or pillow.” He still seemed reluctant. I wasn’t sure it was for that reason or only so I can be close to him.

  “Okay.” Was the last thing I heard before I felt movement next to me and sleep took over me.



  I woke up to find a body next to me. Fully clothed. On her stomach. And I don’t have a hangover. Okay, this is weird. As I slowly realize what happened, it didn’t come in bits and pieces like it usually did it came slowly but fully. Then when I remembered everything I looked over to the window on our left to find it was sundown. It’s beautiful, just like she is. She’s sleeping so peacefully. I shook my head to get the thought out of my mind. I’ve had a lot of thoughts like this last night. I shouldn’t think these thoughts, she already has a boyfriend. She started to move next to me. I looked at her to find her eyes open and looking at me. She’s gorgeous when she has that sleepy face on her. She stiffened and I can understand why.

  “Morning,” I said so softly I surprised myself. She seemed to relax a little after that.

  “Good morning,” she replied in a whisper I could barely hear. We’re still laying down facing each other as we stared at each other. We stared at each other for what seemed like seconds but were actually minutes, she broke the stare and looked out at the sky. She stayed staring at it for a while as I stared at her. I can’t stop thinking about how good she looks. Curiosity about what she was thinking burned at the back of my head. She faced me again and smiled at me which caused my breathing to falter. “Where are we going today?”

  “I haven’t thought about it.” I paused contemplating what to do next then I decide to ask her what she’s thinking because I got a little more curious because she turned back to the sundown. “What are you thinking?”

  “I-uh-nothing.” She stumbles over her words. “I want to go sightseeing,” She states.

  “I’ll take you somewhere.” I think of where to take her. I remember a place she’ll probably love. “but first breakfast.” I get up, head over to the bathroom to shower. I turn on the shower, put my phone on the sink, hop in and close the curtain. I want to relax for a few minutes but my mind keeps drifting off to the girl outside. I hear her knock on the bathroom window. “Come in.” the door clicks open as she enters.

  “I-uh-want to brush my teeth.” She sounds a little nervous. She walks to the small mirror on the wall and starts to brush her teeth. I want to see what she looks like right now but I shouldn’t. I won’t. I give in and look out at her. She’s looking at the curtains while brushing her teeth, then she sees me and blushes this really deep crimson red and turned away. All I wanted to do then was pull her to me and kiss her but I can’t. What is wrong with me? Why am I thinking like this? These thoughts are too sweet for me. And sweet isn’t me. She spits what’s in her mouth, rinses and leaves me alone in the bathroom. I sigh and hurry to finish cleansing. I finish up and tie a towel around my hips. I leave the bathroom and find her sitting on the bed with a laptop open on her lap.

  I go to my backpack to take my clothes. When I turn back to her she’s watching me with pink cheeks. I chuckle at her then head over to the bathroom, again. I get dressed and leave the bathroom. Again.

  She’s still on the laptop and has barely moved an inch. She sees me and moves to her backpack and takes out some clothes. I figured she’s probably showering, too. I remembered my phone was on the bathroom sink, I waited for while then decided to go get it, so I went over and opened the door slowly. I don’t think she heard me come in because the next few things we do surprised me. She turns the shower off and flexes her hand out of the curtain and grabs a towel.

  As I start to take my phone she opens the curtain to reveal herself dressed in only a towel. She turns into a deeper shade of red than earlier. A sudden wave of lust ran through me to the point that I actually reached over, took her face in my hands and guided her face towards mine. I kissed her for a minute, a minute that felt like only seconds, until she broke the whole thing up and said “I-I can’t, I’m sorry,” she stumbles over the words and rushes out of the bathroom. I’m dumbfounded. I’ve never kissed anyone like that. Never. I follow her outside to see her blush gone and her lips slightly swollen. Her face is a mixture of many emotions. She talks and stumbles over her words once again, “Y-you shouldn’t have done that,” she also keeps avoiding eye contact.

  “Why not? We both obviously like each other and I know because you didn’t push me away from the start.” She’s probably going to deny it but that doesn’t change the fact that we really do even if she won’t admit it to me or anyone.

  “I have a boyfriend,” she says, this time firmly, but she doesn’t even bother to deny the fact that we like each other, “you know that.”

  “Yea, I do.” I reply, a little disappointed

  She walks back to the bathroom to get dressed and comes back a few minutes later fully dressed. “Can we go home?” she asks softly. That surprised me. If I would have known she’d do this I would have tried to hold back. I don’t want to argue with her.

  “Okay. If you want.”

  “I do want to,” but she seems doubtful.

  We head back to Chicago in silence with only the music playing in the background. It wasn’t as fun as us leaving Chicago. She barely spoke two words to me but I decided to talk as I stopped on her driveway. She started to get down until I talked. “Amelie, listen,” I tell her. It really feels like I messed up with her which is a weird feeling because I don’t us
ually give a shit if I screw up with any girl. “I’m sorry about what happened.”

  “It’s okay,” which doesn’t seem at all truthful because she gets down and slams my car door behind her. I contemplate getting down and kissing her again but right now that’s a really bad idea. I drive away leaving her behind but something about leaving her feels really wrong.

  Chapter 4


  We’re going shopping for my birthday. Becks insists she’d pay with me so I don’t finish all my money. We started off by going cake tasting. We ate about 300g of cake then settled on just getting the chocolate one with vanilla and chocolate icing. The cake reminded me of the night of our group date with Tom. Remembering him kind of got my mood down but I didn’t show it.

  We got everything Becks could think of for a party, we even got confetti which was pointless because it’s not a surprise party. She even wanted to order me a piñata but I didn’t let her go that far. When we finished loading the shopping bags, the back of her car was full, you couldn’t see any empty places between them. I’m hungry as hell so I made Becks stop by McDonald’s before we took everything to her place. We ate in the parking lot so we don’t have to go down. I was eating when suddenly a jet black Mercedes parked next to us, it was Tom and Adam. I remained stoic. I didn’t want to glance back at them because I knew I’d say or do something stupid, so I didn’t. Soon after they left, which was good.

  “What’s wrong with you? You know you should have said something.” She still doesn’t know about Wisconsin or she would have made me see him and talk to him.

  “I was eating.” I’m pretty sure she ignored me because she said nothing and finished her food.



  It’s been 2 weeks since what happened and I can’t get my mind off her and they way her hair blew in the wind when we stop at gas station. I saw her every day, except weekends, and I keep wanting to talk to her but telling myself that she needs space. Honestly, I think it’s for the best, because if we really got together, she would find out all that I’ve buried deep inside. I fear that if I really do get close to her she’d find out, but that’s not the part I fear. The part I fear is that if she found out she’d leave me and I don’t think I can handle that coming from her.


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