The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 7

by Michael T Payne

  “Stay your blades.” Dracon commanded. His men circled the fire facing out, ready to fight. Dracon looked at Venalina, she was panicked, panting in fear, ready to run off, if a way out were available to her. He could tell she knew enough of these people to fear them.

  “What business have you in these lands?” A voice asked behind him. Dracon turned around slowly, his sword still lowered. He tried to be as non-threatening as possible.

  “We are far from our home, we only seek safe passage, we are no threat to you, or yours.” Dracon said facing the man who spoke. He wore armor made of scales, he was tan, as were all his men. He wore different accessories than the other men, which Dracon took to mean his rank above them. None of them wore plate armor, only leather. He sized Dracon up carefully, then the rest of his group.

  “From where do you hail?” He finally asked, relaxing slightly.

  “I am Dracon-” he started.

  “King Dracon!” Satana yelled out. The man looked at Satana, curiously, then back to Dracon. Satana regretted yelling that almost immediately, she just exposed him as their king and to danger. Velen gave her a look that said, ‘what are you doing?’

  “From where do you hail, King Dracon?” He asked a second time, conceding to the correction.

  “We come from Ganlin, a land across from what you call, The Expanse of Death.” Dracon said. The man looked around at his men, who began to murmur amongst themselves.

  “You came from across the expanse?” He asked, “How did you traverse the expanse with such few men?” His men became very uneasy.

  “It was not easy, we were fifty strong when we started out,” Dracon said motioning to his men behind him. The man spotted Venalina and drew his sword, pointing it at her.

  “Kina!” he yelled. His men let loose their arrows at Dracon and his group. Venalina screamed, raising her hands in the air. A blue light instantly covered those around the fire, like a bubble, protecting them from the hail of arrows. Dracon was too far away to enjoy the benefits of her shield. He didn’t need it. The arrows stuck in his armor but did not pierce his skin, he look like a porcupine within seconds. Dracon raised his sword and the scale armored warrior moved in on him with a sword of his own. Their swords clashed, Dracon could tell immediately this man was a warrior of immense strength, forcing him to dig his heels in to hold his position. Men from behind the trees roared battle cries, then came rushing in to aid their leader. Satana tried to leave the protection of the bubble Venalina created, but she could not, it worked both ways like it was made of glass. Dracon stood alone against the army that emerged from the forest. The man in the scaled armor and Dracon went back and forth, neither gaining ground on the other, Dracon was fighting on two fronts. As Dracon turned to block the onslaught from the men around him, the man in the scaled armor brought down a blow from his blade aimed for Dracon’s skull. Dracon was parrying another attacker but saw the blade. He dropped to his knee and reached up catching the blade in one hand with a growl, the blade should have cut his hand clean off. Every warrior around him took the opportunity to stab him repeatedly. Their blows did not puncture his skin. One by one as they realized what was happening they backed away from him, amazed. Dracon held fast to their leader’s sword, not letting him pull it back. The man in the scaled armor held his hand up, halting the attack on Dracon and his men. The arrows ceased, and everyone stared at Dracon, with fear and surprise. Dracon released the man’s sword letting him back away with it. Dracon used his sword to snap the arrows that stuck to his armor, then readied himself for another attack. The man in the scaled armor spoke.

  “I am Thikuf Muluuk, we are the Ffrei,” He introduced himself, “Give us that Kina. She will only harm you, harm you all! It may already be too late for you.” He glanced at Venalina, pointing his sword at her.

  “You can have nothing but my blade!” Dracon growled facing Thikuf, sword at the ready. The Ffrei warriors backed away, further from Dracon. Thikuf alone stood his ground.

  “The Kina may be protecting you now, but she will kill you,” Thikuf growled, “Give her to us and you may leave in peace.” Dracon looked at his men, still in the protective bubble of Venalina’s magic. Then he looked directly at Venalina, giving her a quick smile.

  “You have no claim on her,” He said looking back at Thikuf, “She is part of my group. While I draw breath, she will be protected,” Dracon pointed his sword at Thikuf to resume fighting, “Your offer is refused.” He said with a growl.

  “Do you know what it is, the Kina?” Thikuf raised his hand to settle the Ffrei warriors around him.

  “I know she is with us, she is our friend. That is enough for me. I will defend her with my life, as would we all.” Dracon said, his men roared their support behind him. Thikuf waved his hand at the Ffrei archers and they returned to the forest, leaving only Thikuf and ten warriors, their swords still at the ready.

  “Your loyalty is admirable. However, it is poorly placed in this case, Dracon from across the expanse,” Thikuf said sheathing his sword, he motioned to his men to do the same, “You have made your choice. I hope you know what it is you have done. In any case, our queen will want to meet you, King Dracon,” Thikuf turned to his men, waving them off, most disappeared back into the forest. “Come, warrior king, I invite you to our home, speak with our queen, she would hear your tale.”

  Dracon looked around at his men, “I am less than eager to follow you to your lair,” Dracon lowered his sword returning to a noncombative posture, “Not after the manner you announced yourselves with. I’m sure you can understand my concern for the safety of my men, and for her. Given that you just attacked us while we were trying to eat? Then demanded we hand her over to you.”

  “Not in my lifetime has anyone successfully traversed The Expanse of Death, my queen would be angry with me if I did not arrange an audience, despite the Kina. I can promise you, we will stay our blades and safely see you to our city, then back to where we found you, unmolested, even the Kina.” Thikuf promised. Dracon nodded at his words, mulling them over.

  “A moment, with my men? We need to think on your offer,” Dracon said then walked back to his men. Venalina lowered her hands and the bubble disappeared, fear still filled her. She moved close to Dracon wanting his protection. “Well, what are your thoughts?” Dracon asked.

  “Who are they? What do they want with you?” Satana asked Venalina.

  “They have a city to the east, I didn’t think they would ever come this close to the expanse. They are evil! Wish only death for me!” Venalina said to Satana, “I told you why people hunt me! It is because of them I have to fee-”

  Satana stopped her before she could say more, “Calm down!” she said reaching over and grabbing her shoulder. She did not want her outing herself in front of them men, not like this, they were already in danger.

  “How did you make that shield?” Simon asked Venalina. She panted fearfully and said nothing, looking at Satana as if she did not hear him.

  “That’s not important right now,” Dracon said to Simon, “Should we go? That is the question before us.”

  “These are the first people we’ve met since we entered this land. It would be nice to know whether or not to expect another Terrax, or if they are just a peaceful people.” Danyll said.

  “We go where you say, my lord,” Velen said, “But I don’t think we can judge them based on their fear of her? We know nothing of her past with these people or these lands.” he said glancing at Venalina. Dracon glared at Velen a moment, and as much as he wanted to be mad at him or hating Venalina, his words were true.

  “Agreed,” Dracon reluctantly forced himself to say, “There are too few of us left. I will not make this decision alone. I will have you speak your minds on this question before us. You have earned that right. We survive here together, we get home together.” The men all nodded their agreement with their king.

  “They don’t look like Terrax, or any of his follower’s, they seem woodsier,” Satana offered, “I admit, I am
curious.” Satana said with a smirk.

  Velen looked at Satana then around the group, “Yes, me too, a city means supplies, food, maybe we could trade them for fresh horses, these we have are on death’s door. And, I wouldn’t mind a bed for a night or two, maybe even a tavern? If the gods willed it.” Velen chuckled and looked around. Dracon looked around at the faces of the men and they all seemed to agree with Velen. All except Venalina.

  “My lord, I will stay in the forest if you must go there.” Venalina stuttered in her fear, her eyes were wild, like a trapped animal, constantly scanning the forest for an escape. Dracon looked around the group.

  “We won’t let any harm come to you, Lady Venalina.” Simon said. The other men all spoke up, pledging their swords to defend Venalina. Still, fear filled her. Dracon grabbed her hand.

  “You will not leave my side. I promise to protect you,” He said. Venalina grabbed his hand desperately. Dracon turned to the waiting Thikuf, “If you can promise us provisions, I think maybe, we can visit with your queen.”

  “I think we can manage to resupply you, before sending you off again.” Thikuf answered.

  They travelled with Thikuf to his city and were met with curiosity. Word spread quickly of the men from across The Expanse of Death. Thikuf took the group to the leader of the Ffrei, Queen Jenzenya. She welcomed them, intrigued to meet with a mysterious king from across the expanse, her curiosity of what lie beyond the expanse was very alluring to her, even outshining her desire for killing a dreaded Kina. She could see Dracon and his men were road weary and gave them all rooms in her palace, so they could rest and clean themselves up a bit. They were followed by an armed escort, as expected. Venalina clung to Dracon’s side, fear made her shake like she was cold. People looked at her with disgust, further igniting a fear in her that a riot would erupt, and they would tear her to bits. In Dracon’s room alone, Venalina confided in Dracon.

  “These people hunt my kind. My mother told me they would put us in the street and beat us to death with sticks. Then drag our bodies behind horses for all to see and spit upon. They are the very reason I may be the last of my kind. It’s because of them I have to feed! They’ve killed all my kind; do you know what that means?” She was tearful as she spoke, scared to death.

  “No one will harm you while I live.” Dracon tried to assure her, but she was inconsolable, and terrified. They were barely able to talk before a knock came at the door. It startled Venalina so badly, she almost fled out the balcony. Dracon walked across the large palatial room and answered the door, looking over his shoulder at her to make sure she didn’t flee out and over the edge of the balcony, to her death. She had him convinced that she might.

  “Her majesty wishes an audience with your highness, King Dracon.” The man politely informed him.

  “Ok.” He said. Venalina ran across the room and grabbed Dracon from behind, pulling him away from the door.

  “No! Don’t leave me, it’s a trap, I know it.” Venalina would not let go of him. The polite young man looked at them curiously. It took a lot for Dracon to pry free of her grip.

  “Excuse me,” Dracon said to the young man and shut the door. Her fear made him question his decision to come to the Ffrei city, but his reasoning told him it was her fear of these people that made her so irrational. Velen’s words to him tempered his thoughts, and he was right, they couldn’t judge these people by their war with Venalina’s kind. Dracon simply did not know enough of their history with her kind to choose a side. “Venalina, stop!” Dracon held both her arms by the elbows, “It will be ok.”

  “They’re going to kill me, I know it!” She said terrified, almost screaming it.

  “It’s going to be ok, Venalina, you need to get a hold of yourself,” She was panicked beyond Dracon’s ability to soothe, “Listen,” He said shaking her slightly, but she was looking around, still wild eyed, “Listen!” he shouted getting her attention again on him, “I’m going to take you to Satana’s room to wait until I get back.”

  “No! You promised you wouldn’t leave me!” She screamed.

  “Then do you want to go with me to meet the queen?” He shouted back at her. She calmed slightly, considering his question, then shook her head no.

  They left the room together. Dracon told the young man at his door he would be just a moment then escorted Venalina down the hall to Satana’s room, all the while Venalina watched the young man as if he were going to attack her.

  As soon as Satana opened the door to her room Venalina slinked quickly passed her, it reminded Dracon of a cat sneaking out of the house when you opened the door. Satana stepped aside, watching her pass, surprised and confused. Dracon smirked at Satana and shook his head, “I need you to keep an eye on her while I meet with the queen,” Satana stepped into the hall with Dracon, “She seems unreasonably terrified of these people, don’t take that lightly, be on your guard, just in case.”

  “You be on guard, my lord. If they scare her that bad, they should scare us at least a little. No matter how normal they all seem.” Satana advised. Dracon nodded, then headed off to follow the polite young man that waited in front of Dracon’s room.

  Queen Jenzenya was not alone. She had her counsel and a full court in attendance, while Dracon, understanding royal protocol, stood embarrassingly alone, far less than regal. The hall was filled with curious people, whispering among themselves, Dracon never knew whispers could be so loud. He was a spectacle to them, and no one wanted to miss it. Queen Jenzenya was a beautiful young woman, with tan skin and long blonde hair. She wasn’t much older than Dracon, making him wonder how she came to be the queen, “My Lord Dracon, I trust you find your accommodations adequate?” Queen Jenzenya asked. A much older man to her right immediately spoke to her. He appeared very anxious.

  “Ask him why he is invading our lands.” He said very loudly to the queen. Dracon could hear him clearly as if he spoke to him directly. Dracon smiled, amused at him. Queen Jenzenya also smiled, seeing the humor in it, realizing how ridiculous it was that he did that. She looked at Dracon, embarrassed and amused, trying to hold back a laugh.

  “Invade is a bit strong, your highness, more accurately, passing through.” Dracon answered, before the queen could ask the question herself. Queen Jenzenya was relieved she did not have to struggle to hold back a laugh while trying to spit out the question a second time. Dracon smirked at her, he could tell she was watched over by the older counselors, who had little trust in the youthful queen.

  Queen Jenzenya leaned forward, looking Dracon over carefully, “Is it true you have captured a Kina?” her smile slowly left her. Dracon glanced around the throne room and spotted Thikuf, then look back to the queen.

  “There is a Kina among us, but she is not our prisoner.” Dracon answered his smile left him as well. He was not sure of the history between them and Venalina, but she was nothing but an ally to Dracon and he trusted his instincts, they had always served him well, especially in his choice of comrades. He prepared himself for whatever she may say about Venalina. He knew what she was and how easy it would be to hate her and her kind, seeing her as a monster.

  “I see, is it you she has chosen?” Queen Jenzenya asked.

  “I don’t understand what that means?” Dracon said.

  “Do you have Kina in your lands?” Queen Jenzenya asked.

  “We do not.” Dracon said flatly. Queen Jenzenya looked across from Dracon, to his left, where the warrior Thikuf stood.

  “Then you do not understand the Kina? My Captain says you may have felt the Kina’s kiss, is it so?” She asked still looking at Thikuf. Dracon glanced at Thikuf, not fully understanding what they wanted to know, maybe when she bit his neck? Or could they mean sex? Either way, he wanted to speak as little as possible about Venalina, and not unnerve the Ffrei any further about his group.

  “She travels with us as a friend. She has been helping us navigate these foreign lands. We are trying to find a way home, back across The Expanse of Death,” Whispers again overtook the
room at his words. Dracon relaxed, then casually walked a few steps before the queen, “Tell me your highness, do you know of one called Terrax?” He said changing the subject from Venalina. The room became silent at the mention of his name. Dracon looked around at the many faces looking back at him fearfully, “I take it he is familiar to you?”

  “We have been at war with him and his kind, for years,” The queen answered, he could see the fear reflected in her eyes, “How do you know of Terrax?” She asked.

  Dracon relaxed, comfortable with the change of subject, “He is why I am here. He has invaded our lands, across the expanse, since before I was born. The lands of Ganlin do not know peace because of this man. We chased him here from across the expanse, and these with me, my few companions, are all that are left from the journey, and our final battle with him. The Kina you speak of, she assisted me in defeating him and his men.” The room was suddenly a buzz in conversation.

  “Silence!” Queen Jenzenya commanded, “Are you implying you have killed Terrax? Destroyed the Priests of O’on?” A counselor leaned in to say something to Queen Jenzenya, but she would hear none of it and held her hand up to his face, silencing him.

  “I don’t know of these Priests of O’on, but Terrax… I took his head as a trophy,” The entire court gasped in unison, “It rests, even now, rotting in a bag on my horse. I also have his ax and his armor. A symbol of my victory. I had hoped to return home with it.” Dracon stopped pacing, standing tall and proud. He could tell what he was saying was hard for them to believe, which would hopefully make them look upon him favorably, when he proved it true.


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