The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 10

by Michael T Payne

  “Satana, get Venalina some real clothes, get her out of those strips of cloth, and that damn old cloak,” Dracon wasn’t asking anyone anything, he was giving orders, “The rest of you get ready, we are leaving as soon as we have what we need.”

  “Yes, my lord.” They said as Dracon left the room. Dracon was furious with Velen and wanted to wring his neck for what he said. If not for Satana Dracon knew he would have tried to hurt Velen badly. What he said was uncalled for, trying to liken her to a dog, or a stupid beast. At the same time some of what he said was true. He was at odds with himself and now, with his Captain. Satana followed him out, as did all the men, on their way to carry out Dracon’s orders.

  “My lord, a word?” Satana walked side by side with him, as he marched angrily toward his room. He stopped and turned to her as the others continued down the hall.

  “What?” he said still growling. She gave him a look that said ‘really?’ and he calmed slightly, he wasn’t mad at her, but he was still mad.

  “Velen fears her, that’s all, my lord.” Satana tried to explain.

  “Am I doing the right thing here Satana? Is it as he says?” Dracon stopped and faced her.

  “Of course not, Dracon,” Satana smiled at him, “Maybe a little bit, but only in that there is something between you two. Something I think is good, good for both of you.” Dracon exhaled frustrated and confused.

  “I feel so at odds with myself, I don’t know if I am in control or, or I am under some kind of spell.” Dracon said shaking his head.

  “Every woman has that power over a man, you don’t need magic for that,” She said and chuckled. Dracon looked at her confused, “She may not be human, Dracon, but she is a beautiful woman,” Dracon considered what she said. It calmed him further, “You have a great capacity to see the good in people, your judgement has always been sound when it comes to the people you surround yourself with, my lord, I mean look at me?” Dracon chuckled at her, “Trust yourself, I do. Follow your instincts, they’ve got us this far, yeah?”

  “Then you think I am making good choices, even now, with her?” He asked.

  “Yes,” Satana nodded, “Velen misses home same as the rest of us, I’m sure he will come to see her as you do, as we do. If he does not he only cheats himself of knowing a good, loving, creature that she is. Just because he doesn’t see what you see, doesn’t mean you’re wrong?” Satana put her hand on Dracon’s arm as he considered her words.

  “I should go talk to her.” Dracon started away from her.

  “Wait, let me, you’ll only step all over your tongue,” Satana said getting in front of him, blocking his path, “You should go speak with the queen.” Dracon was about to protest, but then considered, what could he say to Venalina? She was right, he would only make things worse. Letting Satana talk to her was probably for the best. He nodded his agreement with Satana then went to see the queen. Dracon was escorted to a large room to await Queen Jenzenya, who was busy when he came to see her. He waited for a while in the room, it was a large library. He looked at the spines of the books on the shelves along the wall. He could not read any of them. He recognized the characters of their letters, but couldn’t quite place where he had seen them before. An elderly man entered the room, carrying rolled up documents, then he set them and himself down at a large desk. He ignored Dracon, not even giving him a glance, to acknowledge his presence in the room with him. Dracon wandered slowly over to the man at the desk, not wanting to startle him, if he indeed was unaware that Dracon was in the library.

  “Her highness, the queen, will be with you shortly. You may sit if you wish.” The man said without looking up from his papers. Dracon thought how rude this Ffrei was, but he let it go, chalking it up to strange people, strange customs. He reminded him of the counselor who asked Queen Jenzenya about Dracon’s intentions in their lands. He chuckled to himself at the attitude of these old, Ffrei, men. What made them think they were so much better than everyone else. It was clear to Dracon, they acted like that all the time, and not just toward Dracon. He could imagine how tedious it had to be for Queen Jenzenya, being surrounded by such men, trying to manipulate her.

  “What do you do here?” Dracon asked the man.

  “I am the keeper of the books.” The man said, again without giving Dracon the courtesy of looking at him.

  “So, the royal librarian?” Dracon asked.

  “I, am responsible for the knowledge, handed down from generation to generation, for all Ffrei.” The man looked up a Dracon, offended.

  “Yeah, that’s what I said, you’re a librarian, right?” Dracon repeated.

  “Sire, if you don’t mind,” The man said, “I have lesson plans to develop for the queen’s further education. It is best I not be disturbed as I perform my work.”

  “Is there a lesson, somewhere in here, on the disrespect that is customary with the Ffrei treatment of visiting kings, of a potentially allied nation?” Dracon held his arms about him toward all the books, “Or, is it just that the Ffrei, have no use for allies?” The old man looked at Dracon stunned, considering his words a few seconds in silence, then stood and bowed.

  “My humblest apologies, your highness, I’m an old man who forgets himself sometimes, among all these books, and in my solitude, I meant no disrespect, sire.” He said humbly.

  “Do you have any maps?” Dracon asked, at the groveling man before him. Queen Jenzenya entered the room and greeted Dracon.

  “I apologize for my tardiness,” She said, “The tedium of duty calls, and of course, some people think I owe them as much time as I can give them,” She said smiling at Dracon.

  “I understand, your highness,” Dracon said smiling back at her, “I can’t imagine how you aren’t constantly exhausted by your court, your highness.” Queen Jenzenya laughed at his comment.

  “Is it the same in your court, Lord Dracon, are the old so tedious? And demanding, of your every waking moment?” She asked smiling.

  “I wouldn’t know,” Dracon said, “I have yet to hold court, but I can say I don’t look forward to it, after seeing what you have to go through.” He chuckled making her laugh.

  “It is overwhelming at times. I just want to empty the entire palace and run through it, completely alone for a day, just to keep my sanity. If not for the nobles incessant need to be seen and heard constantly, I would do just that!” Queen Jenzenya laughed putting her hand on Dracon’s arm.

  “Your highness, I have some questions, maybe you can help me with?” Dracon asked.

  “Yes, Thikuf tells me you wish to seek out the Priests of O’on?” She said.

  “Yes, I think we all need to know what to expect from them,” Dracon said his smile leaving him as they talked about the serious issue, “I wish to return to my lands without wondering if, or when, another Terrax will arise. Leaving us both in a better place.”

  “We, understand, and appreciate that. How can we be of assistance to you?” Queen Jenzenya said thoughtfully. The implications of what he was going to do would affect her people as well.

  “My lady, I simply require directions.” Dracon smiled and nodded.

  “A contingent of men could be helpful? Yes?” Queen Jenzenya smiled back at him.

  “Not this time, my lady, I wish only a scouting mission,” Dracon assured her, “There may come a time after that, where it will be necessary to fight, but I want to move in and out quietly. See what it is we are up against. It serves no one to run in blindly and shake a hornets’ nest.”

  “I see,” Queen Jenzenya chuckled at his analogy, “When will you be going?”

  “As quickly as we can resupply and get directions, maybe even a map?” Dracon said hopefully. The elderly librarian began to rustle through papers.

  “We have maps of the region, but only its borders, once inside, maps will no longer be of any use to you.” The elderly librarian said, then went about the room to get the map he spoke of, not finding it on his desk.

  “That will be just fine.” Dracon said watc
hing as the man retrieved a map, then showed Dracon where they were on the map and where he wanted to go. Dracon left the queen with the map, and went back to his room to prepare for the trip. Satana was coming out of his room with Venalina just as he arrived.

  “My lord,” They both said in turn.

  “Ladies,” Dracon said, he paused, uncomfortably, “How goes the preparations?” he finally asked.

  “Satana tells me I am to receive clothes, like a real human woman. That’s where we are going, my lord.” Venalina answered him bitterly, looking down at his feet, her face was red and she refused to look at him.

  “According to our Captain,” Satana said not wanting to say Velen’s name, “We should have all the supplies we need by the time Venalina and I return, we can leave then. Was the queen any help, my lord?” Satana asked.

  “She gave me a map and offered me men,” Dracon informed her, he looked at Venalina again, but she continued to look down, not wanting to make eye contact with him. “Venalina,” Dracon started.

  “Dracon,” Satana said stopping him, “We’ll meet you at the horses, when we’re ready to go,” Satana said, ushering Venalina off. Thikuf passed the two women as he arrived to speak with Dracon, he nodded politely as they rushed passed him.

  “King Dracon, my queen tells me you refused a contingent of men to assist you in your search for the Priests of O’on?” he asked as he approached, “I ask that you at least allow me to accompany you, to act as a guide through our lands. I have been given leave to join your party, should you accept my sword?” Dracon smiled, Thikuf was a strong warrior, and had Venalina not made him impervious to blades, he would have surely cleaved Dracon in two, had he not been able to grab Thikuf’s blade the way he did. Yet, another reason to thank Venalina.

  “It would be my honor to have you with us, Thikuf. You are a formidable warrior. Your sword is welcome among us.” His comment made Thikuf smile.

  “I shall make ready, and join you at the stables.” He left quickly, excited, “Don’t leave without me, your highness.”

  “I would sooner pull out my own eyes,” Dracon laughed.

  Thikuf stopped and gave him a curious look, “Is that something that people do where you are from?” He asked walking backwards chuckling, then shook his head as he left.

  Chapter Nine

  In the palace kitchen, behind the pantry, was a secret room. In it, Ohmbryn met with four other elves. Ilrune, Pirphal, Gaelin and Elduin. All soldiers in Ayana’s hidden army, with sights set higher than their current positions.

  “She is much more powerful than her mother,” Ohmbryn said to the others, “You would not believe how she handled her brothers. She has a level of cunning I have never seen before.”

  “Can she be trusted to follow through with our plans?” Ilrune asked.

  “Queen Ayana cared for us like her children, Princess Menina has always acted like her mother before, why would she change now?” Pirphal asked.

  “Her mother was not a solitary ruler, only the wife of the king. Menina is sole ruler of Ganlin now, that is the difference. She answers only to her own council, only the memory of her mother guides her.” Ohmbryn pointed out.

  “Will she take a mate, Ohmbryn, as women are prone to do?” Gaelin asked.

  “I can’t even imagine that of our queen at this time,” Ohmbryn said, “She hasn’t given any reason for us to doubt her, and her resolve to follow her mother’s wishes seem pure, thus far.”

  “I struggle with that statement, Ohmbryn, her mother set this plan in motion. Queen Ayana ordered them all killed! She was to kill all of them, then you were to install us as the new governors of their regions. She let her most violent brother leave, that wasn’t the plan. He at least should have died as an example to the others. Yet, we saw them all leave together. What happened, Ohmbryn?” Ilrune asked concerned.

  “I fear our queen sampled wine for the first time, it had an adverse effect on her, which is why the change of plans. He may yet die, he is a stubborn, emotional fool,” Ohmbryn smiled.

  “She is a child,” Ilrune snarled, “Are you sure it was the wine, Ohmbryn?”

  “She is our queen, regardless of why, it is done. This is as Queen Ayana wished it, we must give her a chance. She may change her strategy to her taste, but control of Ganlin is the goal. I feel she will control it, even if she chooses another way” Ohmbryn looked at each of the elves around him, “If it will put you at ease, we can always make a change later.”

  “Yes, that’s true.” Gaelin said, “What if we convinced her to take an elven mate? We could oust her and rule Ganlin ourselves!” Ohmbryn’s face changed.

  “That is not what I meant! Don’t ever say that again! That is treason,” He walked around the room with his hands on his hips, “I must get back. I’ll keep you informed, contact me in a week. We’ll meet here again.”

  “Ohmbryn, we are supposed to replace the Princes and rule their territories ourselves, remember that? You need to find a way to make this right, make that happen.” Ilrune said extremely upset. The four elves left the small room by way of a ladder to a tunnel, under the hidden room, that led out of the palace. Ohmbryn waited until they all left the room, then exited the hidden room behind the pantry. The kitchen was a buzz with activity. No one really paid him any mind. He left the kitchen and went to the queen’s garden. He wandered around the garden for hours, admiring the serene pools filled with lilies.

  “Lord Ohmbryn,” A page called to him, “The queen requests your presence.” The page waited for him, then opened the door for Ohmbryn when he joined the page at the door. There were two guards waiting for them when he opened the door. One on either side of the door, they followed Ohmbryn and the page. They went to the dungeon followed by their escorts.

  “Why are we going down here?” Ohmbryn asked the page and the elven guards escorting them. The guards were quiet and did not even acknowledge he was speaking.

  “I don’t know my lord.” The page answered, not looking back at him, leading the way. Ohmbryn looked back at the two elven guards that still trailed them. He noticed they both wore an amulet, remarkably similar to the ones Queen Menina gave to her brothers. They entered the dungeon where Queen Menina was swaying back and forth, surrounded by guards. Ohmbryn immediately thought that she may have been drinking again, the way she swayed to music only she could hear. She turned in a slow circle, when she spotted him, her face lit up.

  “Ohmbryn!” She skipped over to him and took his hand smiling, “Come,” She said dragging him over to another area in the dungeon. He almost laughed at how silly, and childlike she was. She may not have been human, but she still acted like a little human girl, much younger than she was. His face changed when he saw Ilrune, Pirphal, Gaelin, and Elduin. They were on their knees, hands tied behind their backs. They were shackled around the neck, chained to the floor with a short chain, keeping the four elves bent over, faces close to the ground. An elf stood off to the side of his friends, with a pair of flaying knives. He too wore an eerily familiar amulet and stood by sharpening the blades without pause. “Look Ohmbryn!” Queen Menina let go of his hand and walked between each of the elves. “I found traitors!” Her eyes went wide, and she smiled with excitement. “My first uprising! And, they were in the palace!” She clapped her hands together repeatedly with excitement that now terrified him.

  “My queen?” Ohmbryn was stunned and started to think about everything they talked about in their meeting. Did he say anything that was treacherous? Did any of them? His heart was in his throat and his stomach dropped, hopefully they kept their wits and said nothing, then he could possibly talk her down and get them released, “My queen there must be some mis-”

  “Ohmbryn,” She interrupted, slowly saying his name, dragging it out, still smiling at him with a sideways glare, “Someone’s having secret meetings about his queen?” She giggled. Queen Menina walked to Gaelin, the elf nearest to her and Ohmbryn, then grabbed his ear, twisting it hard enough to make him scream. Her smile nev
er left her face and she stared at Ohmbryn the whole time. She started to jerk it, trying to rip it off. Ohmbryn looked on with his mouth open, in fear and shock. Her face became a snarling smile while she worked to rip his ear off. She stood up straight and tall, laughing, suddenly releasing Gaelin’s ear. He continued crying out in pain. Queen Menina walked in front of Gaelin and bent over, her lips, inches from the back of his head. “What is your name, good sir?” she asked very politely. When he didn’t answer right away she grabbed his other ear, then twisted it as hard as she could, growling and jerking her whole body, attempting to pull it free of his head. She put her foot on his shoulder to give herself more leverage. Still, it did not come free. Gaelin screamed the whole time. Ohmbryn was terrified, he wanted to stop her, but had no idea how. He noticed suddenly, more guards had joined them in the dungeon. There would be no escape for him. Queen Menina released Gaelin’s ear and spun in a circle, laughing. She was truly amused. She laughed so hard she snorted, just before she spoke, “That’s on there pretty good. I must confess, I thought it would be so much easier to rip from his head?” She said wagging her finger at Ohmbryn, then laughed again, amused with herself. She stood close to Ohmbryn, suddenly no longer smiling, glaring up into his eyes. “What is your name!” Queen Menina screamed the question in Ohmbryn’s face making him wince.

  “Gaelin!” The whimpering elf, chained to the ground, cried out, “Gaelin,” he said again in crying whimpers. Queen Menina looked at her palm.

  “Ooh,” She said then showed Ohmbryn her palm, “Blood, I almost had it.” She smiled up at him, then cocked her head, looking at his ear. A chill shot up his spine. His mouth hung slightly open, on the verge of saying something, but he was terrified into silence. She turned away from Ohmbryn, walking back to Gaelin. She leaned over, looking closely at Gaelin’s ear. He winced and began whimpering, cowering at her feet.

  “Please, no more.” Gaelin begged in a whimper.


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