The Vordalyn 1

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by Michael T Payne

  “And I, yours, my queen.” Dracon turned to the Priests of O’on, put his hands together to amplify his voice and yelled, “Do you mind if we borrow that thing?” The Priests slowly turned, a few at a time, looking at the pair behind them. Word spread quickly through their ranks. The warrior priests moved away from the portal and through the crowd of conjurers to see Dracon and Venalina. There was a long silence, the Priests of O’on were stunned. “Is that a no?” Dracon asked. The only sound was the portal whirring behind the priests, as they stared at the couple for a long time. A loud sucking noise began, like the air was being pulled from the room, then the portal vanished. Only then, did Dracon notice another priest, higher up, on a landing, who controlled a device that closed the portal. “That’s what we need,” Dracon whispered, “Think they’ll bargain for it?”

  “I don’t think so,” Venalina said, then walked forward, ahead of Dracon, and screamed, “Wind!” aiming both her hands at the hordes of priests. A blast of air blew through them, sending most flying high in the air. The warrior priests were, in fact, Battle Mages and responded quickly with defensive spells. Shields and walls of magic, appeared around most of the Battle Mages. The conjurers that were still on their feet, began summoning creatures out of thin air, that immediately knew the enemy was Dracon. He had no sword, but he moved like lightning, crossing the distance between them and the Priests of O’on in a blink of an eye, before many could fall back to the ground after being blasted into the sky. Dracon focused all his attention on the conjurers, killing one after another with his bare hands, faster than he could have with a sword. Some fought back with daggers, stabbing uselessly at Dracon. A creature flew down and grabbed Dracon, lifting him from the ground. As it pulled him up, Dracon climbed it, grabbing its throat and squeezing, it’s horned head struggled to free itself, letting Dracon go. Both he and it, fell back to the ground. Dracon quickly made it to his feet, breaking a horn from the creature’s head, then turned it on the other priests as his weapon. He managed two kills before the horn dissipated. Venalina’s magic was much stronger than the Battle Mages and she brought most of them to a quick, fiery end, melting man and armor. It wasn’t long before they realized Dracon was not able to be hurt by tooth or sword, nor could Venalina be reached behind her protective barrier. The Priest of O’on began to flee from the two of them. The Priest on the landing, who had operated the portal, began yelling to the other priests trying to rally them for another assault. He was ignored, and the only one whose attention he got, was Dracon’s. One after another they fell to their knees begging Dracon for mercy, he passed by them like they did not exist, his eyes set on the priest who wielded the portal.

  Venalina completely wiped out the Battle Mages, then dropped the barrier preventing Thikuf and the others from entering the area. They rushed in as soon as they noticed it. Satana was furious. Venalina teleported to Dracon’s side, in a black wisp, walking with him to the steps leading up to the portal, they had the same fire in their eyes. The priest watched them coming. He huddled in fear, with nowhere to go. When they reached the top step, the priest began an incantation. Venalina raised her hands, glowing red, ready to kill the priest.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Dracon growled and pointed at him. He stopped what he was doing.

  “Who are you? Why have you desecrated our holy temple?” He asked cowering.

  “Venalina, can you use that thing?” Dracon pointed at the portal, ignoring the priest. Venalina’s hands stopped glowing and she went to inspect the device. Satana and Thikuf joined them on the landing, Velen and the others kept an eye on the frightened Priests of O’on. None of whom wanted to taste anymore battle. Satana wanted nothing more than to start screaming at Dracon for being so foolish, but she knew her place, saving that for another time, when they were alone. The priest started to stand from cowering, but Dracon moved faster than the blink of an eye, almost disappearing and reappearing at the priest with his hand on his throat, forcing the priest back down to his knees again. “You serve a dead master, Terrax’s head is my trophy!” Dracon lifted the priest to his feet by his throat, “What you do now will decide your own fate!” Once to his feet Dracon shoved him back a few feet, letting go of his neck. He gasped and grabbed at his neck staring at Dracon for a few moments then to Thikuf and Satana. Neither looked willing to do anything more than kill him.

  “I am Luthais, I serve O’on, the god of death. We have armies of thousands, that can summon death from the blackest depths of Horan, you risk a war you cannot win.” The priest said, “You may be of the Kina,” he said pointing at Dracon, but they are not,” He pointed at Thikuf, “Nor are your people.” Venalina, spun away from the device and pointed at the priest dropping him to his knees, hands at his sides, unable to move.

  She marched across the landing and bent over, putting her face in his and hissed, “Did you threaten my king?” He couldn’t respond, just shook like he was about to explode. Dracon walked over slowly.

  “You are not very smart,” He said when he reached the priest. Dracon turned and walked to the edge of the landing overlooking all the Priests of O’on, “Who among you wants to live?” He waited, surveying the crowd. Slowly they all started to stand, glancing back and forth among themselves, “Where did your brethren go?” Dracon pointed behind him, to where the open portal once swirled before the cavern wall.

  “The plane of Gehenna, to harvest creatures for conjuring,” One of the priests stuttered.

  “When will they be back?” Dracon asked, the priest looked down, then around at the others.

  “When we open the portal.” He said slowly. Dracon turned back to where the portal once stood open, then he and Venalina started to chuckle. It turned in to a full-on laugh. They had them at their mercy. After a few seconds of laughing, Venalina walked to the priest she had brought to his knees. She made a swatting motion at him and he fell, completely prone, sliding a little, away from her, like she smacked him from a far. She continued toward him.

  “Are you the only one who knows how to use it?” She hissed at him. He climbed to his knees, once again, looking at Venalina in fear. She reached down and felt the material of his robes, admiring the silky smoothness. It made her smile.

  “I can use it,” One of the conjurers offered from behind them. Venalina stuck her hand between her and the priest on his knees, then closed her fist. His head imploded, then without looking she stuck her open hand out, toward the priest who spoke, and he was pulled, quickly and violently, to the landing next to the device, on his knees. Dracon walked over to stand next to him, both facing the device. He folded his arms.

  “I think you know now what awaits you, should you disappoint us?” Dracon asked rhetorically. Venalina slowly walked over, her heels clicking with each step, making the priest wince in fear at her approach. She augmented the sound magically to purposely scare him. It scared everyone.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Queen Menina ordered Ohmbryn to not only send emissaries to her brothers, but an armed escort of the most lavish in nature, befitting a prince’s stature. It was a show of softness, to help her brothers transition smoothly to servitude. Four carriages, made of the finest quality, emblazoned with each brother’s banner. She also sent along women, she had Elmyra hire from a whorehouse in a border town called Dead Hallow, she meant her brothers to enjoy themselves on their journey to meet with her. She hoped they would be drunk and amply pleasured, easier to manipulate.

  Darrin was the first to be informed by the emissary of Queen Menina’s request for an audience. Request, was a word politely used but not real. He knew it was a demand, after they showed up unannounced, giving him but an hour to make arrangements for his departure. By the time the caravan of carriages, filled with wine and women, reached Torak, Darrin was very drunk. At first, Torak was angry, but his drunken brother changed his mood. Torak decided to enjoy the treat of drunken debaucheries with his brother, as they did when they were young. Renic was the only one that knew they were coming and was re
ady to go when they arrived. That pleased Torak, who was alone because Darrin had finally passed out. When they made it to the border of their final stop, to pick up Charnio. Their caravan came to a stop, the bustle of men outside the carriage alerted the brothers something wasn’t right. They slowly exited the carriage they shared, when they weren’t enjoying the company of the women Queen Menina sent along, to see their armed escort all moving to the front of the caravan with urgency.

  “My lords, get back in the carriage,” An elven guard stopped to tell them, then hurried along to the front with the others. The three drunk brothers were too curious for that, and stumbled out to see what was going on. Ahead, in the road to Charnio’s manor, an army blocked the way, not just a few soldiers but an all-out army. They looked ready to march on a city. Renic pushed his way through to the front, where the Elven Captain, leading the caravan was ordering the army to stand down. Renic walked up along-side the captain, who was on horseback.

  “What’s going on here?” he asked and began examining the army that blocked their way, his vision was not the best at that moment and slightly blurry. The commander of the army, Alkwin, looked at Renic and recognized him.

  “Lord Renic,” Alkwin said, “You travel with these imposters?” he asked.

  “Who are you?” Renic asked squinting his eyes. Torak stumbled up beside him, followed by Darrin, who promptly threw up on the nearest horse, making the elf on it, pull back the reigns in disgust.

  “We are on her majesty’s business, Queen Menina has sanctioned this-” The elf was interrupted.

  “There is no Queen Menina! Only King Dracon!” Alkwin raised his sword in the air. The hundreds of men in rows behind him all yelled, then repeated, ‘All hail King Dracon!’ Alkwin lowered his sword and the men went quiet. The elves were very uneasy by the show of force.

  “I am Charnio’s brother, he will have your head when he hears you stopped me from visiting him!” Renic tried to sound threatening but slurred, diluting the affect.

  “My Lord Charnio is dead.” Alkwin said with venom on his lips, “These lands serve Lord Dracon now, for he has made me lord of my master’s lands.”

  “Dracon has returned?” Torak asked his face went white.

  “The king has returned.” Alkwin said, “If you wish to live this day, alter your route to avoid these lands and the lands of Dracon!” Alkwin trotted across the empty space between the army and the caravan, “You call yourselves the sons of Treska while you spit on his very memory. You cower at your sister’s feet, like dogs waiting for her to give you scraps.”

  “Hold your tongue, rogue or you’ll lose it.” The Elven Captain snarled at Alkwin, an elven arrow flew true from behind Alkwin, hitting the Elven Captain between the eyes. He fell from his horse. The Elven guards advanced on the army, while the brothers ran back, out of the way behind the carriages. It was a slaughter. The elves were only twenty against the hundreds that opposed them. Alkwin was surprised with the power the elves had in their armor and weapons. It cost Alkwin many men to kill those twenty. Alkwin and his men stripped the elves of all armor and weapons, leaving them naked, but for an amulet Alkwin wanted no part of. They began searching the carriages, where they found the three brothers hiding in a carriage with the women. They were dragged before Alkwin.

  “They were hiding with the women, my lord,” The soldier laughed as he told Alkwin, dragging them before him.

  “Fitting.” Alkwin said and dismounted, “My lords dying wish, was you three remain unharmed. I admit I struggle not to kill you here and now, but unlike you and yours I have loyalty. If ever you or your sister Menina come this way, know this, we will march on your lands and take it all by force for our lord and King Dracon.” Alkwin turned from the brothers, “Go, take yourselves and flee behind Menina’s skirt.”

  Renic stood, “You killed your countryman? After all these years of war, we have peace and you have broken it. Dracon would never order such a thing. You are an outcast, and I will see you hung!”

  “Go, Lord Renic, before I change my mind.” Alkwin and his men waited as the brothers took the carriage and women then turned around leaving the area, to find an alternate route to Urixis than what was originally planned. When they were gone, Alkwin ordered his men to patrol. A warrior approached, joining Alkwin at the head of the army returning home.

  “That went well,” Charnio said removing his helmet, “Cheer up Alkwin, this is going to work out fine.”

  “I trust in you, my lord.” Alkwin was still concerned, “I am happy we were able to fight those elves today, for a moment I thought they were going to concede and run away, until your arrow killed their captain.”

  “Me?” Charnio chuckled.

  “You are the only one among us who could have made that shot?” Alkwin smirked, glancing at Charnio beside him.

  “Well, like you said, they were about to concede. It would have ruined the show for my brothers.” Charnio said still smiling.

  “Why didn’t we just free your brothers of their amulets my lord?” Alkwin asked.

  “I don’t want to tip my hand to Menina just yet. I want to see her reaction to Dracon’s return, even if its faked. Besides, who better to pretend to be Dracon than me. You take over as my second in my death. I suspect Menina will reach out to you, Alkwin. When she does you will meet with her.” Charnio smiled.

  “As you wish, my lord.” Alkwin said, “I still think we should just march on Urixis.”

  “I understand, my friend, but if my brother was here, even he would not march on Urixis, out of respect for our father.” Charnio said, “No one will march on Urixis until Dracon declares it so. Until his return, we will continue to rally the people.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ohmbryn met with Queen Menina in her garden. She smiled when he walked in. He was apprehensive to enter the garden, given that her standing order was to immediately behead anyone who disturbed her in it. He was hopeful she had calmed, and was no longer going to be verbally abusive to him. She still treated him like a traitor. Ohmbryn was reluctant to give her any information he learned about her from her mother, hoping he could use to save his life. He wanted her to trust him again. Although she smiled, it was apparent to Ohmbryn that she was distressed.

  “My queen,” Ohmbryn bowed, “Treska’s sons have arrived.”

  “You can call them my brothers, Ohmbryn.” She paced before him.

  “They have arrived alone, it appears their escorts have been killed.” Ohmbryn continued. Queen Menina was unfazed by the news. She was distracted, “My queen?” “I don’t have anyone to talk to Ohmbryn.” She said suddenly, walking a few yards away from him, putting her hand to her temple.

  “But, my queen. I am here for you?” Ohmbryn followed her a few steps.

  “My mother is gone, she leaves me you, who conspire behind my back, the only person with information of my heritage and answers she could not give me!” She started to gasp putting her hand to her chest, short of breath. Ohmbryn wanted to go to her, but fear held him at bay.

  “My queen,” Ohmbryn said, “I have betrayed your trust, it was not my intent, but it happened, if only you would give me the chance to redeem myself, I will prove to you I am your servant, your friend.”

  Queen Menina said nothing, calming herself, considering his words. She turned and walked to Ohmbryn, extending her hand to him. He took her hand and they walked together quietly, without a word to one another. Ohmbryn was hopeful, she was going to give him a chance to be her advisor again without distrust. They walked to the dungeon, which brought back Ohmbryn’s uneasiness. They came to a cell door, where she released his hand, facing him. “Leave us.” She said. The guards evacuated the dungeon in a noisy march. She looked at Ohmbryn very distressed, considering him closely, studying his face, while she thought about what she was about to do. It started to scare Ohmbryn. Queen Menina opened the cell door and turned away, not wanting to look in. Ohmbryn watched her, confused, then looked in the cell. There were four bodies side by side, a
t first glance he thought it might have been his four friends, but a closer look revealed they were much too old. “Sometime in the night, I can’t recall, Ohmbryn,” She said walking a few steps further away, “I left my room.” She leaned against the wall, pressing her face to it, closing her eyes, feeling the cold stone against her cheek. “I awoke here, alone, Ohmbryn. I must have sent the guards away, no one witnessed what monstrosity I was in the night.”

  “My queen, I don’t understand?” Ohmbryn turned away from the bodies to face Queen Menina.

  “What am I, Ohmbryn?” She asked.

  “My queen?” He asked confused.

  “What kind of monster am I? What kind of creature does that, without the vaguest memory?” She turned around to face him, “I ate your friends, Ohmbryn.”

  “My queen I don’t understand, I swear to you I don’t know those old men.” Ohmbryn thought she was accusing him again of disloyalty.

  “Those men,” She walked over to Ohmbryn and grabbed his arm, turning them both to look at the bodies, “Those were once your friends!” She pointed at them. Ohmbryn stared at them confused, but eventually he could see, it was them, they had aged… to death.

  “How is this possible? What happened to them?” Ohmbryn asked her, looking away from the cell to Queen Menina.


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