The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 23

by Michael T Payne

  “Me!” Satana said aggressively, shaking her wrists, “You can trust me!” She chuckled, “Ok?” Venalina nodded and tears of relief started to flow. Satana hugged her. After a moment she pushed her back and Venalina wiped her face.

  “Thank you, you’re a good friend to me.” Venalina said.

  “You know,” Satana said as the two women started to walk again,” You do look different, I don’t mean a glow about you, or anything like that,” She said waving her hand around Venalina’s face, “But like a different person.”

  “I’m not surprised, it happens. I change to please him.”

  “What do you mean?” Satana asked curiously.

  “Well,” Venalina smiled, “Have you ever noticed, that in a certain light, some, let’s say, a lover, appears more attractive to you? Maybe their hair is highlighted in a way that you find attractive, or maybe their features appear softer, to the point you find that more attractive?”

  “Yes?” Satana said curious.

  “I change, to fit what my mate likes, and finds attractive.” Venalina said, “So, yes, I am not at all surprised that I appear differently to you than when we first met.” Satana considered what she said as they walked then started laughing.

  “So, you’re saying that you change to fit every desire Dracon might have? Or, every physical aspect he finds attractive? That, is not fair!” Satana stopped in her tracks, still laughing.

  “It’s not something I do consciously,” Venalina smiled back at her, “It’s just something that occurs naturally with my kind.”

  “It’s still not fair.” Satana said as they reached the road to Qinkas. The others had stopped, when they reached the road, waiting for the two women to catch up. When they did they started walking again. The two women slowed their pace again to keep a distance from the others. Dracon recognized they were keeping behind them, but did nothing, he was sure the two women had plenty to talk about, Satana probably felt just as deceived by her as Dracon did. “So, how can you suddenly create portals?”

  “I studied the device, I learned its magic, I can imitate it now,” Venalina explained, “I told Dracon that I could recharge it, but that wasn’t exactly true.”

  “Well, telling him you figured it out on your own would have been better than lying, Venalina. It is the truth, right?” Satana said.

  “I thought he might think I deceived him.” Venalina said trying to explain it.

  “Yeah, but you did, and the truth would have only made him happy. It was a poor choice.” Satana said, “If you get scared again or confused, please come see me.”

  She grabbed Satana’s hand, “I am sorry.”

  “Well,” Satana said grabbing her hand back, “We are friends, I’ll help you through whatever this is ok? Just come to me first, we can talk it out before Dracon thinks you are lying to him again.”

  Venalina smiled, “Ok,” She stopped Satana from continuing, “It is difficult to give my life to someone, it’s not like humans who can be with many people when they get sick of someone, if I no longer please him and he leaves me, I will die. Can you understand how terrifying that is? To give your life to someone like that? It makes me crazy sometimes. And now, with all this other stuff?”

  Satana nodded and started walking again, “I get it,” She said pulling Venalina to walk with her, “I can’t imagine a life, so reliant upon another person.”

  They made their way back to the palace. The queen greeted them with Thikuf in attendance.

  “I see some have decided to stand by your side?” Queen Jenzenya noticed.

  “Yes, they seem to enjoy your hospitality.” Dracon smiled looking around at his few comrades.

  “Do you know the name of the dead city?” Venalina asked, surprising Queen Jenzenya. She thought for a moment then looked at Thikuf, then back to the group.

  “It was once called Taranath.” She informed them.

  “It’s north of here?” Dracon asked.

  “It is, Lord Dracon, I’m afraid it is far away from here. Is it your intention to go there?” Queen Jenzenya stood from her throne.

  “It is.” Dracon said with a slight nod.

  “Then you will need to prepare, gather supplies. Of course, I will give you whatever you need.” She walked down from the elevated throne, passed Dracon to Venalina, “Are you sure you wish to go there, my dear?”

  “I must know. I must see it.” Venalina said with a sound of desperation in her voice.

  “It may only bring you pain I’m afraid. In any case, I will assist you with whatever you need.” Queen Jenzenya smiled at Venalina. “To the north, you will come to a lake, you will need a boat to cross this lake, it is too big to go around. It would add a month to your journey.” Queen Jenzenya returned to her throne as she talked, “I am not sure if a boat can still be found somewhere along its shores? The merchants used to travel across it regularly, I’m sure they will want to find favor with Lord Dracon. You may wish to talk to them about the dangers of the journey that stopped our travels there years ago.”

  “You are most generous, Queen Jenzenya. We will take your advice and speak with them.” Dracon bowed, as did all his group.

  “My queen,” Thikuf spoke from the side of the chamber, “If it pleases you, I would assist Lord Dracon in his endeavors.”

  “No, Thikuf, not this time.” Queen Jenzenya looked at Dracon, “I will give you anything you wish,” She then looked at Thikuf, “But I need you here, Thikuf.”

  “My queen.” Thikuf said and returned to his position.

  “My Lord Dracon, one more thing, while you were out, we received an invitation for you to attend a get together with the merchant’s council in your honor. Perhaps, an opportunity for both of us.” Queen Jenzenya said mysteriously. Dracon nodded, he knew what she was talking about. Dracon looked at Satana.

  “Why don’t you and the men go to your room’s, I’ll be by in a while.” He said. Satana and the others left, leaving Dracon and Venalina alone with the court.

  “I appreciate your discretion,” Queen Jenzenya said waving Dracon closer as she stepped down again from her throne, “Walk with me,” she said leading them around her throne to a side room where the three of them could be alone. She sat in a chair in the room and bid them both to join her. “I’m sure you felt the disdain for me from the council of merchants, Lord Dracon.”

  “I did get a feeling from them, I feel their main concern is their pockets, and who can fill it for them,” He said, “And they did seem annoyed at my presence here, at your side. Tasar, especially, is one to watch. Granted it was just a short meeting, but I did get a feeling from him I can’t ignore.”

  “I see, then my anxiety about this get together, Lord Dracon, is founded. I fear they may make you an offer that would test our friendship.” Queen Jenzenya said, her distress was clear.

  “There is nothing they could offer me that would jeopardize my friendship with you.” Dracon said assuring her, “All my life I’ve known nothing but war, despair, death.” He said looking at her then to Venalina, “In your lands, I have found justice, love, peace, and even friendship.” He took Queen Jenzenya’s hand and kissed it, “You honor me, you’ve shown me kindness, you’ve shown her mercy,” He said nodding at Venalina, “You have embraced us, and you did not have to. For those things, you have my loyalty. These merchants have nothing to offer more than what you have already given me.” Queen Jenzenya smiled at him.

  “Lord Dracon, you are a great king. A true friend. I ask however, that you play into these merchants. Go to their get together. I want to know what threat they are to my crown, what they have in their devious little minds for me. They see your strength, and may wish to confide in you, even beseech you to renounce me.” Queen Jenzenya said.

  “I will go and listen to them.” Dracon nodded, “I will report back to you everything they say.” That made Queen Jenzenya happy. Dracon could tell she was unnerved by the merchants undermining her rule. He understood what she must be going through. Deceit in her court,
among her people. Plotting behind her back, who could she trust, few indeed. They left the throne room walking back to the wing where they had been living. “Where is your weasel?” Dracon asked Venalina as they walked alone.

  “I used my ability to create a portal and sent him back to the Priests of O’on.” She answered.

  “So, you did open that portal alone?” Dracon asked.

  “I felt he vexed you.” She said grabbing his hand as they walked, “I don’t want any more vexing between us. We have enough as it is. As I said, I studied the portal’s magic, I don’t need it anymore.”

  “You know that means an incredible advantage for us?” Dracon asked.

  “Yes,” She smiled at him, “I know. Does it please you my love?”

  “It does,” He smiled, “And what of your Priests of O’on?” Dracon asked.

  “Our, Priests of O’on.” She corrected, “I could kill them all, if you like?” Venalina said.

  “No, I think we may have a use for them at some point.” Dracon chuckled, “If war should ever come to our doorstep again, their abilities could be an added asset.” Venalina stopped.

  “My lord,” She said, “I serve you,” She grabbed his face with both hands, pressing her body against his, “I know I’ve said and done things that may have you question that,” She pressed harder against him, “I am yours alone, until I die.”

  “I know, Venalina.” Dracon kissed her, “I know you gave me your life. We, above all others must be of the same mind. I chose to accept this and embrace you, my love, you alone, for eternity. You have to trust in me and let me trust in you.” He held her cheeks in her hands.

  “I do my lord, I love you.” She kissed him and hugged him.

  “I’m glad you guys cleared that up.” Satana said standing in front of her door. Dracon and Venalina looked at her startled. Satana walked over to them, “What’s with this invitation?”

  “The merchants from the party wish to meet with us.” Dracon said still embracing Venalina, “They conspire against Queen Jenzenya. She wishes us to attend and see what we can find out.”

  “That hardly seems like a Dracon mission, more of a Renic mission.” Satana laughed.

  “Who’s Renic?” Venalina asked.

  “My brother.” Dracon said not amused.

  “I don’t understand.” Venalina said curiously.

  “There’s nothing to get.” Dracon said still not amused.

  “Come on, you’re a warrior, there is nothing subtle about you, or us, for that matter.” Satana said putting her hand to her chest, still laughing.

  “We are going to this get together and we aren’t killing anyone. We are going to listen to what they have to offer us.” Dracon said pushing Venalina back a little and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Ok, but…” Satana said.

  “No but’s,” Dracon said, “Tell Simon, Danyll and Fowlin, what’s going on.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Satana bowed her head, still smiling.

  “And Satana,” Dracon said, “Dress appropriately. Satana’s smile left her, replaced by a scowl. Dracon and Venalina went to their room. Venalina went to the bed and sat down. Dracon started toward the balcony, saying nothing. Venalina watched him the whole way there. Before he walked out on to the balcony, she whipped her hand around her head. He disappeared into a black wisp of smoke, reappearing on the bed. Venalina jumped on him.

  “Where are you going, my lord?” She said straddling him. Dracon smiled up at her.

  “Apparently nowhere.” He said, Venalina snapped her fingers and their clothes disappeared, making Dracon smile. He grabbed her hips as she dropped down on him, biting his neck. They both went into a state of instant euphoria.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Ohmbryn and Elmyra ran down the hallway to the garden, where Queen Menina had started eating her dinner. The guards outside the door to the garden stopped them. She was not to be disturbed when she was in her garden. Not even the guards would interrupt her in the garden for fear of Queen Menina’s wrath. They waited outside for hours pacing around. Finally, Queen Menina walked out of her secluded garden. Elmyra and Ohmbryn both started to speak at once. Queen Menina laughed at them and held her hand up to stop them. She pointed at Elmyra, “Speak.”

  “My queen, on the road, just outside the gates of Urixis, soldiers witnessed five men appear out of some sort of a portal. We have them in custody, they claim to be Dracon’s men who accompanied him into the outer region.” Elmyra said very quickly, the panic in her voice was clear and she spoke almost out of breath.

  “We have to kill them immediately,” Ohmbryn said, making Queen Menina’s face scrunch up, surprised at his suggestion.

  “Bring me my brother, Renic.” Queen Menina walked slowly away from Ohmbryn and Elmyra, “Treat these men as honored guests, no harm is to come to them yet, is that understood?” She said looking back at Ohmbryn, “I wish to hear their tale for myself.”

  “Yes, my queen.” Ohmbryn said bowing his head as he followed her.

  “Where are they now?” She asked.

  “We have them in the dungeon.” Elmyra said.

  “Get them out, now!” Queen Menina commanded, “We will meet with them immediately. Ohmbryn bring my brother to the throne room.” Queen Menina walked quickly to the throne room, it was filled with people wanting to know if it were true that Dracon’s men had returned from the outer region. Queen Menina was irritated so many people knew of their arrival. She sat on her throne, where Renic joined her shortly after her arrival, she bade him to sit in what was once her father’s seat next to her. Renic was anxious to speak. “Yes, Renic, that is why you are here.” She said annoyed, rolling her eyes at him.

  “Caution, Queen Menina, I urge you to be patient.” Renic said, “You are in your rightful place, ruling Urixis in his absence, these men will assume that, and think nothing out of ordinary with you as queen.” Menina nodded her head slowly. Elmyra and a company of men walked the soldiers in. Velen spoke right away.

  “We bring word from Lord Dracon, we need to speak with Queen Ayana.” He said. Queen Menina looked at Renic then back at Velen.

  “Welcome home, lost soldiers,” Queen Menina stood to address them, “Much has happened since you and Lord Dracon went into the outer region, I’m afraid.” Queen Menina said, “My mother has passed away, shortly after news of King Treska’s death reached us.”

  “Princess Menina,” Velen and his men dropped to their knees and bowed, “We are saddened to hear this.” Queen Menina looked at Renic.

  “Their colors are not of Dracon’s banner?” She whispered to him.

  “Rise, soldier, what is your name?” Renic said.

  “I am Captain Velen, I serve King Dracon in his personal legion.” Velen said as he stood.

  “Your colors are no longer the same as my brother’s banner. Why is that?” Renic asked.

  Velen looked at his men, “My Lord Dracon has chosen new colors in his transition to king, my lord,” Velen looked down at his own armor, “We have seen much beyond the outer region.”

  “Beyond?” Queen Menina asked, her curiosity piqued.

  “Yes, my lady.” Velen nodded, “We chased Terrax through the expanse of death.”

  “The expanse of death?” Queen Menina asked again.

  “Yes, my lady, it is what the Ffrei call the outer region.” Velen explained.

  “Who are the Ffrei?” Queen Menina was overwhelmed with questions.

  “They are a people that live in the lands beyond what we call the outer region.” Velen explained further, “They too suffered from a war with Terrax.” Velen smiled, “You can imagine their surprise when we showed them the head of Terrax in a bag.” Renic stood up, shocked at that claim.

  “You killed Terrax?” he asked incredulously.

  “No, my lord, King Dracon killed Terrax.” Velen stood tall and proud. The palace was a buzz in surprise. Queen Menina looked around nervously.

  “You’ve been gone quite a while, Ca
ptain Velen? Where is my brother, where is Dracon?” Queen Menina asked. Velen’s face changed suddenly to a look of disgust. She looked over at Renic who returned to his seat, he too saw the change in Velen’s demeanor.

  “My Lord Dracon was informed by the Ffrei queen, Queen Jenzenya, that Terrax was the ruler of a group called the Priests of O’on.” Velen started pacing, “Lord Dracon was not going to return home until we had assured the safety of Ganlin.” People in the throne room were whispering amongst themselves, Queen Menina allowed humans back into Urixis, many returned to their homes and jobs. Even in the palace.

  “Long live King Dracon!” Someone yelled, followed by cheers from the gallery that observed the meeting.

  Queen Menina felt blood rushing to her head in panic, making her slightly dizzy, “Captain Velen, you and your men rest,” She looked at Elmyra, “We will talk more soon.”

  “There is much more to discuss, Princess Menina.” Velen said above the roar of the crowd.

  “She is Queen Menina, now.” Elmyra said loud enough for him to hear. Queen Menina walked from the throne room on unsteady feet to a secluded hall, where she almost fell. Ohmbryn was trailing her and helped her stand, he escorted her to her garden accompanying her in. Queen Menina was panicked and gasping for air. Ohmbryn tried to calm her. It was a while before she was able to get a hold of herself.

  “Ohmbryn, why is he coming back?” Queen Menina asked, “It’s been nearly two years?”

  “My queen, we knew this day might come, we are prepared.” Ohmbryn assured her, “We need you to remain calm, you are ready for this. We need as much information as we can get from this Captain Velen. In private this time.”

  “Did you hear the people?” Queen Menina suddenly remembered the adoration of the people in the throne room for Dracon.

  “It means nothing, my queen.” Ohmbryn tried to assure her, but he knew better.

  “It reignites their love for him, you fool!” Queen Menina chastised him, “You think your ignorance makes me feel better? When what was head there spread through the kingdom, all Ganlin will cry out for him to rule them!” Queen Menina gathered herself and stood tall, again in control of herself, “Bring me my brother, then Captain Velen, here, in my garden. Bring my brother first, go!” she shouted to hurry him along. Ohmbryn did as he was told and brought Renic to the garden. Queen Menina calmed much more by the time Renic arrived in the garden.


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