Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1)

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Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1) Page 6

by Sheridan Anne

  “Yep,” she smiles. “It’s a must. Henley hasn’t seen it before.”

  Rivers looks across at Noah. “Wanna get out of here, man?” he murmurs. “Blake’s having a party tonight. All the boys are at his place now.”

  Noah’s eyes flick to me before he scrunches up his face and gives Rivers a slight shake of his head. “Nah, I’m cool here,” he says, throwing his arm back over the top of the couch. “You go if you want.”

  Tully blanches and stares at her brother for a short second before pressing her lips together and smothering a smile while making things really awkward for me as some sort of secret message passes between them. Rivers though… the look on his face is scary enough to kill.

  Both the boys’ eyes fall on me and I find myself glancing away, unable to deal with their gazes. Noah’s curious one and Rivers deathly pissed off one. “Here,” I say, taking the box of popcorn from Tully. “Let me do this.”

  She happily hands it over and I find my way into the kitchen before opening the packaging and sliding a packet into the microwave. I hit start and lean forward on the counter, pleased to finally have a moment to myself as the three of them have a hushed conversation in the other room, making me feel even more like an outsider. It’s been a crazy afternoon and to be honest, I still can’t believe I’m here. Especially after everything Tully just said in her room.

  I mean, surely Noah doesn’t like me. He doesn’t even know me, but that’s not what Tully was suggesting. Maybe he just thinks I’m cool and legitimately just wants to be friends. That, I can deal with. Though, something is screaming at me that from this point on, things are changing and that scares the crap out of me.

  The popcorn finishes and I open the door of the microwave, loving the heavenly scent that flows out of it. I grab the hot bag, being careful not to touch anywhere that’s going to burn my fingers as I take the bag back out to the living room.

  I find everyone squished down onto the three-seater couch and I’m about to put the popcorn down on the coffee table when Rivers plucks it from my fingers before opening it and shoving his hand into the packet within seconds.

  I go to make my way over to the other couch only to have a strong, tattooed arm catch me around my waist and haul me down onto the couch between him and his twin sister.

  “Oft.” The air escapes my lungs as my back is slammed into the back of the couch before I do my best to get comfortable. I guess this is where I’ll be staying.

  Noah removes his arm from around my waist and I scoot down on the couch as his arm ends up behind my head, resting along the top of the couch. He doesn’t touch me and I’m grateful for that. I’m not sure I could handle it right now.

  The boys prop their feet up on the coffee table as the popcorn is passed across the front of me and Tully. Back and forth. Back and forth. Unable to reach the coffee table, I pull my legs up under me and grin when Tully leans into Rivers, then grin a little more as his arm falls down over her shoulder.

  Yeah, they’re definitely crazy about each other. I’ll have to remember to quiz her about him a little more. After all, I like to know about the people I’m hanging out with. Tully and Noah seem easy to read, but Rivers? I don’t know. There’s something a little…more about him, something dark.

  With that, I focus on this movie and I have to admit, I’m damn surprised when ten minutes later, I’m already hooked. I mean, wow. Mr. Grey. My, oh my!

  The end credits are just coming up and I’m staring at the TV with a sick need to watch the next one. I mean, that was amazing. How have I not watched this yet? Shit, maybe Tully is right. Maybe I need to be reading the book. People always say that books are better than the movie adaptions.

  That settles it, I’ll start reading the series tonight and when I’m finished, I’ll watch the next two movies.

  This can be my obsession for the week, and I guess maybe it’s best to read this while my father isn’t in the house. That could get a little awkward.

  Rivers disappeared outside a while ago and Tully spread out wide on the couch. Noah though, he stayed right there beside me, texting the whole way through. He wasn’t actually watching the movie, except for the sex scenes, that seemed to hold his attention and as soon as they were over, his eyes were back on his phone. Me? I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

  I go to get up when the front door is barged in and not a moment later, a scowling Monica stands before us with Rivers on her heels. “What the hell is this?” she demands, taking in the comfortable way Noah sits beside me and the way my crossed leg brushes against his, though it’s not like that was intentional. The couch wasn’t exactly made for four.

  Noah groans and pushes his way up off the couch. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he demands with a sharp glare.

  “I’ve been calling you all afternoon,” she tells him as her eyes flick back to mine. “I want to go to Blake’s party, but I guess it’s clear what you’ve been doing…or who you’ve been doing.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. I don’t need this shit. Besides, I’ve been here a while. Perhaps it’s time to get home. “I’m out,” I announce.

  “Good idea,” Rivers says, his eyes glaring into mine.

  “Damn straight,” Monica grunts as Noah spins around to face me. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

  I roll my eyes, but Noah quickly steals my attention. “I’ll drive you home,” he tells me.

  “What?” Monica shrieks. “No way in hell.”

  Noah practically growls at her. “For fuck’s sake, Monica. We’re over. Get it through your thick head, and while you’re at it, you can fuck right off out of here.”

  Woah. There’s that lethal, scary as shit guy I’ve been expecting all afternoon.

  “We’re not over,” she tells him.

  Noah groans and I grab Tully’s Kindle off the coffee table before heading for the door. “Wait up,” Noah says.

  I turn back around to face him. “No, it’s cool,” I say, my eyes flicking back to Monica with an amused grin. “You clearly have shit to deal with.”

  “I’ll drive her,” Tully says a moment later, getting up off the couch and quickly ushering me out the door. Noah follows us out, despite Monica’s high-pitched wails and closes the door on the drama within.

  “Um,” he says with a cringe. “Sorry about that. I would have locked the door if I knew she was coming.”

  “It’s cool, it’s not your fault,” I tell him. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Noah nods and with that, Tully and I are dropping down into her car with Rivers coming out to stand beside Noah, instantly getting in his face. “Sorry you had to see that,” Tully says as she pulls out of her driveway.

  “It’s no problem,” I say, unable to leave without casting my eyes over Noah one last time. “Watching Monica sweat was actually pretty entertaining.”

  Tully cringes. “I should warn you,” she starts as she takes off down the road, “if Monica thinks you’re interested in Noah, she’s going to make your life a living hell.”

  “It’s just as well I’m not interested in him.”

  Tully glances across at me before a knowing grin takes over. “Uh huh,” she murmurs, not buying it for one second, and I guess she’d be right as if I’m honest, there’s something extremely intriguing about my new tattooed stalker.

  “Well, from the looks of it, Rivers isn’t going to let me get close enough anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Don’t stress about Rivers,” she murmurs, keeping her eyes on the road. “He just doesn’t like change. He’s… protective. But doesn’t matter what he thinks anyway. Noah was the one who brought you in which means you’ve gotten his stamp of approval, and I like you, so as far as I’m concerned, everything’s cool.”

  Tully drops me off a few minutes later before disappearing back down the road. I make my way inside and for the first time in eight months, I find myself excited to go to school tomorrow.

  I don’t know what’s happening here
. I don’t know what to think about Noah or the reason behind his attention, but I do know that for the first time in a long time, someone showed me kindness, and not only that, I think I might even have a friend in Tully.

  I’m confused, but it’s a welcome confusion because it means something is finally looking up for me. I just hope this is a good thing and that I’m not making a mistake by letting Noah worm his way into my world. Who knows, come tomorrow, he’ll probably forget all about me.

  With a sigh, I head down to my room and drop down onto my bed before pulling out Tully’s Kindle. After searching through it for a while and finding out how the hell it works, I pull up the book version of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and let the pages take me away while wondering what tomorrow holds.

  Chapter 6

  I push my way through the door of Miss Jameson’s classroom for my lunchtime detention. Apparently, she was a bit pissed that I’d skipped out on yesterday’s detention and was more than happy to hand me another detention slip the second I walked into homeroom this morning.

  I can’t even complain. I’m having a pretty good day.

  I haven’t seen or spoken to Noah today, but just having that day with him yesterday was enough to brighten my spirits despite the disgruntled looks I keep getting from Monica, and the hissing that comes from Candice.

  I just don’t give a shit. Noah Cage made me feel human again and I’m going to hold onto that feeling for as long as I can because no matter what, those bitchy cows can’t take it away from me.

  I give Miss Jameson a beaming smile as I waltz past her and I have to smother a laugh at the way she blanches at me. I don’t think I’ve smiled at a teacher since Kaylah and Jackson up and left. Besides yesterday with Noah and Tully, I doubt I’ve smiled at all.

  At this point, I don’t even care if neither one of them talk to me again, I’m just thankful that their kindness was able to shine a little light on the shadows that seem to have taken over my world. Though, it would be nice if it could become a regular occurrence. I mean, I haven’t exactly had much human interaction since… you know. Spending the afternoon with them was refreshing. I’ll even admit that listening to Tully and Rivers bickering was extremely entertaining, despite the lethal death glare I got from him.

  I find a seat amongst the handful of other students who managed to land themselves a lunchtime detention and chuckle to myself when I realize that Miss Jameson’s eyes are still cautiously watching me. She looks extremely suspicious and when I glance up and give her another smile, she can’t help but question me. “Is everything alright, Henley?”

  For the first time in a long time, I don’t actually lie when I answer this question. “Yes, actually,” I say. “It is.”

  She studies me for another brief moment before deciding she must like what she sees and smiles back at me. Miss Jameson is quite young so I wouldn’t put it past her to keep up with the gossip of her students. No doubt she knows all about the drama in my life and from the relief shining through her eyes, I’d dare say she’s happy for me.

  After spending the night reading all about Mr. Grey, I can’t help but reach for Tully’s Kindle. As my fingers wrap around the cool tablet, the door swings open.

  My mouth drops.

  My eyes narrow.

  My stomach begins to flutter.

  Noah Cage walks in looking as though he’s so damn hot, the ground must melt where he walks. He strides past Miss Jameson’s desk like he’s walked into detention every day of his life, and even she can’t help but roam her eyes quickly over his muscly, tattooed arms.

  As he turns to walk up the row of students, his eyes rise from the ground. He scans over the chairs, looking for a place to sit when his eyes connect with mine. Shock registers for a second before a pleased grin etches itself onto his sunkissed face. “Fancy meeting you here,” he says, cutting across the row and kicking out the chair beside me.

  He drops down and leans back in the chair, shooting his long legs out under the desk and well and truly invading the space of the girl in front. “Are you really surprised?” I question.

  He chuckles as he shakes his head. “Not in the least,” he says. “What crime did you commit?”

  Miss Jameson’s voice rings loudly from the front of the room. “Do I need to remind you two that you are currently serving a lunchtime detention? Keep your mouths closed or you’ll find yourselves back in here tomorrow.”

  Noah’s grin seems to widen as he silently chuckles to himself. I see in his eyes that he’s more than ready to continue this conversation, but something is holding him back. Perhaps he doesn’t want to risk getting me in trouble? I don’t know, but either way, I’m grateful. I’m not exactly thrilled about having a conversation with him as the rest of the students listen in.

  Noah grabs his phone and I go for the Kindle while finding that strange comfort in sitting beside him which I found on the couch yesterday.

  How does he do this?

  The door opens and this time, I couldn’t give a shit who’s come to detention. Only, I probably should have looked up considering the fact that the person comes to a stop right beside me as a frustrated groan comes from my other side.

  An irritating voice clears and I glance up, bypassing the tiniest skirt I’ve ever seen. Monica crosses her arms over her chest and raises an eyebrow, giving me a look that I’ve come to recognize as the one the bitchy girls use to get their way. This one, in particular, is the ‘get the hell out of my seat so I can sit beside my boyfriend’ glare.

  When I don’t move, she clears her throat again.

  “Is there a frog in your throat?” I question, glancing up at her and feigning concern as the comment makes my stomach drop with the realization that I forgot to feed my goldfish, Frog, this morning. I’ll have to give the guy a little extra attention when I get home. “You should go get yourself a drink of water.”

  Noah smothers a laugh, probably dreading the shit she’ll give him for that later as she glares down at me. “You’re in my seat,” Monica demands.

  My eyes widen in mock horror. “Oh, gosh. Really?” I gasp. “I didn’t realize. Let me just go out of my way so the princess can get whatever the fuck she wants.”

  Monica scowls down at me. “You better move,” she says trying to appear terrifying, though she should know that shit doesn’t work on me.

  “Or what?” I question as Noah casually puts his arm over the back of my seat as if to say he’d rather sit by me. “You’ll try to pull out my hair like Candice did yesterday? You’ll taunt me? Tease me? Drag my name through the mud? Well, guess what? Your little antics don’t work on me. So, I suggest you go and find somewhere else to park your ass before you really start to piss me off.”

  Monica clenches her jaw as she sucks in a hard breath. I watch her hands clenching into fists at her side before she raises her eyes over my head at Noah. “Come on,” she says. “We’ll sit up front.”

  I look back over at Noah who glances at me then back to Monica. “Nah,” he says. “I’m good here.”

  “Are you serious, right now?” she shrieks.

  “Monica,” Miss Jameson reprimands. “Take a seat and make it fast.”

  She lets out a loud huff before storming away and falling down into her chair, making a point that she’s damn pissed right now.

  “Fuck me,” Noah murmurs under his breath, astonished by her attitude. If she was my kid…damn, I don’t even know what I’d do.

  I glance across at Noah to find one of those sexy half smirks that boys do and the butterflies instantly start swirling around my stomach. I try my best to pulverize them. I can’t be crushing on Noah. He’s hot, flirty, and fun, but I don’t want to ruin it by crushing on him. The last time that happened, World War Three almost broke out.

  I roll my eyes and glance back to the front of the room. “You’re seriously disturbed to have dated her for so long.”

  “Tell me about it,” he grumbles before Miss Jameson looks back up at us with a warning deep in her eyes. />
  I zip my lips. I’m all for spending another detention beside Noah, but perhaps it would be better doing it outside of a stuffy classroom where his ex isn’t glaring daggers at me.

  My phone buzzes in the back pocket of my skinny jeans and I do my best to raise my ass off the chair and slide the phone out of the too tight fabric. I unlock my phone to find a text message and my brows instantly pull down in confusion.

  When the hell did I save his number in my phone? Or better yet, when did he save his number in my phone?

  Noah – What landed you in jail, Spitfire?

  I look across at him to find his curious eyes on mine, playful smirk on his lips, and one hell of a cocky attitude that says ‘yeah, I stole your phone and entered my number.’

  Henley – Skipped detention yesterday. You? When did you have a chance to steal my phone, btw?

  Noah – Shit. My bad. Skipped class and missed a test.

  I shake my head and scoff.

  Henley – That should teach you to abduct me.

  Henley – You didn’t answer my question.

  Noah – First off. I didn’t abduct you. It’s not kidnapping if the kidnapee wanted to go, and second, it’s none of your business.

  Henley – Of course, it’s my business. It’s my phone! Or has your ego gotten in the way of your common sense?

  Henley – And I stand by what I said. It was a definite kidnapping.

  Noah chuckles beside me and I can’t help looking across at him to find a smile that lights up his eyes as he types on his phone, completely knocking the air out of my lungs.

  Good God, Noah Cage is so attractive, it should be illegal. What that sparkle in his eye did to me just now…wow.

  Noah – Would it be kidnapping if I took you back to my place again this afternoon?

  I suck in a breath. That sounds a bit like he was asking me out while also not asking me out. What does this mean and what the hell am I supposed to say to that? Crap, when all else fails, the Henley Bronx cocky attitude is the way to go.

  Henley – Sounds an awful lot like you can’t get enough of me!


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