Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1)

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Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1) Page 10

by Sheridan Anne

  Dad watches me with pride swirling in the depths his eyes; though he’ll never actually admit it. It’s more than enough for me to see it. “Well then,” he says. “I suppose I’ll have to get to know them.”

  “Let’s take it one step at a time,” I laugh. “We don’t want to scare them away.”

  Dad rolls his eyes before kicking off his boots and leaving them right by the foot of the recliner where I know they’ll stay until I can be bothered to put them away, either that or dad gets sick of tripping over them every time he walks through the living room. I have to admit, watching him stumble over them has had me in laughing fits, bent over at the waist, holding my stomach while trying to gain control of myself.

  “Alright, Squish,” dad says, pulling the lever for his recliner and putting his feet up. “What else has been going on?”

  A few hours later, I wash up the dishes after dinner and grin as I peek around the corner, taking in dad fast asleep on the couch. I chuckle to myself as I tiptoe through the living room, making sure not to wake dad as he would be exhausted after driving halfway across the country and back over the past few days. I head down the hallway and into my bedroom before silently closing the door behind me.

  It’s too early to sleep so I drop down onto my bed and grab Tully’s Kindle off my bedside table before rolling onto my stomach and unlocking the screen.

  “What?” I murmur to myself in deep confusion as my brows draw down. Why the hell is this all in… is that Chinese? Hell, I have no idea, all I know is that I can’t understand a single word on the screen, including how to find the setting to change the language options.

  I fiddle around with it for a while and end up pressing a few things that just seem to make everything worse.

  Damn it.

  I let out a frustrated groan as I drop the Kindle beside me on my bed. I guess there will be no Mr. Grey tonight. I’ll have to settle for good old Netflix.

  Now my only issue is actually picking something.

  I flick through my endless options when my phone buzzing on my bedside table grabs my attention. I reach over and unplug it from the charger while keeping my eyes locked on my Netflix options.

  I bring my phone up in front of me and my stomach instantly starts swirling with butterflies when I see Noah’s name across the screen. I want to believe that I’m strong enough not to lose my mind over the fact that he texted, but to be honest, I’m opening up the text faster than lightning.

  After not hearing from him all weekend after he kissed me like I was his queen, a million things start to surface. I mean, what could he want? To tell me he had fun? To tell me to get lost? Hell, maybe to tell me he can’t possibly live without me.

  I don’t know, but the unknown is starting to kill me.

  Though, the second my eyes scan over the message, I kind of wish I never opened it.

  Noah – Happy reading, Spitfire!!!!!!!!

  That little swamp turd.

  Fury radiates all over me. This is the freakin’ chili powder all over again. He changed the settings on the Kindle knowing I’d want to divulge in a little Fifty Shades. I mean, I haven’t been quiet about my obsession over the past week, not to mention, I whined on Friday afternoon because I hadn’t had a chance to start book three yet.

  That little… Crap, I can’t even find the words for what he is right now. I’ve never wanted to sucker punch someone so bad while also shoving my tongue down his throat. Damn… those lips though.

  How does he manage to pull these reactions out of me?

  I open a new text and have to take three calming breaths before I start typing my reply.

  Henley – Your dead to me!

  Noah – You’re***

  I burst out laughing while silently cursing myself. I walked into that trap, though he doesn’t have to be such a dick as to point out my shitty grammar. He’s one of those people.

  Henley – I swear, the second you see me tomorrow morning… you better run!

  Noah – I think I’ll take my chances!

  Henley – You’re funeral.

  Noah – HAHAHAHAHHAHA… Your***


  Henley – DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Run, Noah. Run.

  Chapter 10

  My mouth drops open as I stare at Tully. Did she really just say that? “Are you kidding?” I stutter out. “You’re actually cool with the idea of me and Noah getting together?”

  “Yeah,” she says. “I mean, why the hell not? As long as I don’t witness you two trying to make babies up against the wall again, I’m good.”

  I shake my head, completely astonished by this revelation. I’m so used to the whole ‘don’t fall in love with my brother’ shit that has been thrown at me for the past few years. Kaylah hated the idea of girls using her to get close to Jackson and the second the realization hit that I was crazy about the guy, she completely shut down and our friendship went with it. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss her though. It’s like losing a part of yourself. I’m struggling to find me without her.

  “I guess dating a friend’s brother has always been a taboo sort of thing,” I explain.

  “Ahhhh,” she says in understanding, drawing out the sound. “Say no more.”

  We reach my locker and I quickly grab my things before slamming the door shut and letting Tully continue. “Noah needs someone real. Someone to keep him grounded and I think you could do that for him. I’m so tired of him dating skanks like that,” she says, waving her hand towards Monica, “it’s exhausting.”

  I can’t help but look up at the movement to see the cow in question already glaring at me. So, I do what anyone else in my position would do. I flip her off and smirk, knowing that on Friday night I had my tongue shoved down the throat of the guy she insists belongs to her.

  Yeah fucking right. The sooner she learns that Noah Cage belongs to no one but himself, the better.

  “Jesus,” Tully scolds. “Quit poking the bear.”

  “Can’t help it,” I tell her. “It’s just so much fun.”

  It’s been another boring as batshit day at school and I’ve never been so happy to be going home… or well, to be dragged to Tully and Noah’s place.

  Tully loops her arm through mine and starts pulling me towards the exit of the school and I can’t seem to help the feeling that rises in my stomach knowing that when we get back to their place, he’ll be there.

  Why am I so damn excited about it? I seriously need to get myself under control.

  I haven’t really seen him much today, but I certainly didn’t miss the knowing grin he sent my way as we passed in the hallway. I swear, my face lit up like a Christmas tree. I wouldn’t be surprised if my cheeks went bright red too. I got my hopes up thinking I’d see him during lunch but then, naturally, I earned myself yet another detention. When I got out, Noah was nowhere in sight. Tully filled me in and let me know he’d skipped out on school for the rest of the day with Rivers, but when I asked where they’d gone, a funny look crossed her face and she changed the topic pretty damn quick, making me go from curious to suspicious.

  Those boys are up to no good and I don’t doubt it for a second, though to be honest, I’m not exactly surprised. This is Haven Falls.

  Tully and I reach her Jeep and she fumbles with the keys before finally unlocking the car. Tully hauls herself up into the driver’s seat as I get busy moving all her crap off of mine. Why the hell does she have twelve half-empty water bottles, three packets of sticky notes, a banana, and a packet of cigarettes even though she doesn’t smoke?

  I clear it all onto the floor and sit my ass down. Not a second later, we’re pulling out of the lot and speeding down the road towards one of the only places I’ve found happiness over the past eight months.

  Tully pulls up into her drive, but with Noah’s car parked right in the center of the drive that’s big enough for two big cars, she has no choice but to swerve onto the lawn. “Fucking prick,” she grumbles to herself as she cuts the engine. “I swear,” she continues. “Noah’
s head is shoved so far up his ass, it’s a miracle he gets anything done.”

  “He’s not that bad,” I say, shocking myself with my sudden need to defend him. “He’s just being a guy.”

  “A douchebaggy kind of guy,” she adds.

  I roll my eyes as we get out of the car and can’t help scanning over Noah’s Camaro. It looks so good, like ‘I wouldn’t mind being taken advantage of inside that thing’ kind of good. But what’s more, I’m damn happy to see it. Whatever he and Rivers were up to this afternoon is clearly finished and now my boys are back.

  An idea strikes and before I know it, I’m making my move, not once considering the consequences. I dive back inside Tully’s car and scramble around for the sticky notes I’d seen in here earlier and grin as my fingers curl around the bright pink packaging. “Fucking perfect,” I say proudly to myself.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Tully questions, looking at me as though I’ve lost my mind.

  I look up at her and I don’t doubt the sparkle in my eyes is shining bright. “Revenge for changing the language settings on the Kindle.”

  A wicked grin spreads across her face as she walks towards me. “Well, don’t hold back on the details. Whatever it is, I’m in.”

  I hand her one of the packets of sticky notes and glance towards the front door, making sure the Douchebag King isn’t about to catch us before we’ve had our fun.

  Precisely eighteen minutes later, Noah’s Camaro is covered from top to bottom in bright pink sticky notes. We even managed to find a packet of regular yellow ones to cover the racing stripes. You know, as it would be a shame to cover those bad boys.

  Tully and I stand back and admire our creation before taking a few pictures as we know he’ll never let us get this close to his baby again.

  Naturally, we high five each other on our efforts and do our best to pull on straight faces before waltzing inside as though we didn’t just accomplish greatness.

  Noah’s eyes rake over me the second I step through the door making heat flush in my cheeks. Our eyes lock and the sexual tension between us grows so thick that I could probably climb him like a tree and go for the ride of my life right here in the middle of the living room. I try to ignore it, but let’s be real, this thing between us gets more and more intense by the second.

  “Where have you been?” Rivers’ voice cuts through my stare, drawing my attention away from Noah.

  I search for some kind of response, but my brain is far too mushed from the effect Noah has on me. “What do you mean?” Tully questions, saving me from making a fool of myself in front of these guys once again.

  Rivers eyes swivel to face her with a deep suspicion lingering beneath the surface. “I heard your car pull up ages ago.”

  “Nope,” she says, shaking her head and walking through the living room, somehow holding onto her straight face. “Just got home. We stopped by the store.”

  Rivers’ eyes narrow on her back as she walks through to the kitchen. “For what? You don’t have any bags.”

  “What is this?” Tully questions, sticking her head out of the kitchen to glare back at him. “The Spanish Inquisition?” She riffles through her handbag and pulls out a packet of tampons before throwing them at his chest. “I was getting tampons if you really must know.”

  Rivers silently studies the packet of tampons in his hands for a short moment as Tully disappears back into the kitchen. He looks across at me. “How do they measure these things?” he asks, unwrapping the packaging and pulling one out to inspect. “Is it like small, medium, and large depending on the size of your pussy?”

  “Oh, my god,” I groan to myself as I feel the heat of Noah’s eyes piercing into me. “If you really must know, it’s all about flow.”

  Rivers face scrunches up as a horrified expression settles in. “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Google it,” I tell him.

  His brows pull down before a wicked grin spreads across his face. “Do you chicks get off putting these things in?” he questions, going back to inspecting the tampon.

  Tully sticks her head back out of the kitchen. “Why don’t you shove one up your ass and let me know how it feels. Though I have a feeling you’ll like it.”

  Noah shakes his head and groans at his sister. “I thought you two were going to knock this shit off.”

  “I thought I asked you not to park in the middle of the drive,” she fires back at him.

  “I thought you-”

  “Fuck me,” I groan, cutting them off. “Shut up. You two are like babies.” I turn to Noah. “You need to leave your sister the hell alone, and you,” I say, turning on Tully. “You need a fucking muzzle.”

  “What?” she shrieks. “Me? What about him?”

  I rake my hands over my face as Noah chuckles to himself, pleased to be getting under his sister’s skin. “What kind of bullshit did you drag me into here?”

  Tully scoffs, but the pride is strong in her tone. “You love me,” she declares before disappearing back into the kitchen with Rivers getting up to follow her.

  I make my way down the hall and barge into Tully’s room, dumping my things on her desk and making the executive decision that I’ll be watching the third ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ movie whether the boys like it or not.

  I have a feeling Tully will have no issue with it, besides, what else are we supposed to do? No one in Haven Falls believes in spending their time on homework, the mall was raided by the cops last week so nothing is really going on there, the beach is probably crowded, and it’s not like there are any races on tonight.

  So, movie it is while Rivers complains about having to watch it again, though he’ll probably just fall asleep on the couch while Tully discreetly paints his toenails and Noah makes any excuse in the book to move closer to me, but I have a feeling I won’t be complaining.

  As I search through her stack of DVDs for a little Mr. Grey, I spot a photo frame sitting upon her desk of the twins walking down the sidewalk with Lily between them, holding hands. The image breaks my heart and even though the picture is of their backs, it’s clear how much Tully and Noah loved her.

  I hear the sound of Tully’s bedroom door open and I find myself placing the frame back down and grabbing the movie, not wanting to pry on what was clearly a private family moment. But damn, that photo showcases just how much Noah loved his little sister. They must have been best friends and I don’t doubt that he would have been shredded to pieces when she passed away.

  I look back over my shoulder to see Noah leaning against the closed door watching me. “Is there something you need?” I ask him, playing hard to get as I turn back to the movies and let my fingers curl around the Kindle on the desk before me.

  Noah pushes off the door and walks towards me, making those damn butterflies resurface in my stomach as desire hits me like a ton of bricks.

  Good God, I want him so bad.

  Noah steps up behind me and I close my eyes at the satisfaction that comes with his hands claiming my hips. I straighten myself up again and have to resist smiling like a fool while trying to remember that I’m the ‘don’t give a shit about anything’ version of myself unlike the ‘swoon over everything’ girl I used to be.

  Noah’s fingers press into the skin of my hips and I slowly turn, putting us face to face with only intense desire between us. I mean, if he can’t feel this too, then he’s crazy.

  His eyes become hooded and I know it’s only a matter of seconds before he kisses me, and holy hell, I want that kiss so badly.

  He leans in and I bring myself even closer. My chin raises and I feel his warm breath against my lips.

  So close.

  He goes to close the distance, and in this moment, my world is complete.

  His lips brush over mine and before he can truly press them against mine and give in to this wild craving, I slam the Kindle against his chest. “Did you think it was really going to be that easy?” I ask as the grin begins to spread. “You need to fix this.”
/>   Noah grins right back at me as I pull away. He takes the Kindle from my hands and shakes his head. “That was brutal.”

  “Get used to it,” I tell him, plucking the movie off the desk. “I’m not like the other girls who just fall at your feet. If you want something from me, you’re going to have to earn it. “Oh,” I add, giving him the sweetest smile possible. “And the next time you correct my grammar, I’m going to tear your ballsack from your body and feed it to you.”

  I turn and walk for the door, wondering where the hell all that confidence just came from. I mean, did I just push him away before anything has even really begun, or did I just set him a challenge that he couldn’t possibly resist?

  Why can’t this whole ‘liking a boy’ shit be easy?

  “That’s it?” he questions suspiciously as I reach for the handle. “Just… fix the Kindle? No payback or endless torture to endure?” He gives me a boyish smile that has me forgetting my own name as he enjoys this little game between us.

  Damn it. There goes that straight face.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Who knows?” I say looking back at him and trying not to swoon over the tattoos and sharp jawline as I leave the room. “Maybe I already got my payback.”

  Just as I think I’ve got away with it, a snicker slips from my lips and before I know it, Noah’s warm arms are slipping around my waist before he presses me up against the wall, pinning his body against mine as his eyes narrow with intense suspicion. “What did you do?” he questions.

  The smile spreads across my face and just like that, he knows he was right, I certainly have gotten my sweet, sweet revenge. I raise my chin and gently brush my lips against his, loving the animalistic, crazed look that seeps into his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re a shitty liar,” he murmurs back, letting his lips continue to move against mine. He pauses for a second and suddenly everything changes. It’s almost as though someone poured freezing water all over him. “That was Tully’s car we heard before,” he gasps, “what were you doing outside?”


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