The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation Page 161

by Amira Bradford

  "I've thought about that, and, well, that's why I wanted to meet you here." I saw Paul's eyes get big as he started to realize what I was saying. "Actually, I have a room here at the hotel, and I brought my camera and outfits in case you said yes. So, what do you think? Can you do this for me?"

  I watched his face as he thought about it. He took so long, I was really getting nervous. He looked at me and then he licked his lips. Oh, I don't think that's a good sign, I thought. What have I gotten myself into?

  "Okay, I'll do it," he said. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Not so fast, here's the deal. I will take the pictures you want, but then you have to pose for some pictures for me. I want some special pictures of you, just for me. I won't share them and you know you can trust me on that. But you have to promise to pose however I want you to, no questions asked and no complaining. If you can agree to that, then you've got a deal."

  "What...what kind of special pictures? I don't know if I can agree if I don't know what kind of pictures you want."

  " I don't know yet," Paul said. "But whatever I want, whatever I decide, you have to pose the way I want or the deal's off."

  I could tell by the look on his face that he was serious and that there would be no more discussion or compromises. If I wanted him to take my pictures, then I had to agree to his deal. I will say that I was starting to feel a little excited by all this. What if he wanted me to pose naked or something like that? The possibilities swam around in my head. It was even more exciting, because I didn't know what he was going to want.

  "Yes, okay, it's a deal. I really want these pictures, and I trust you. So let's go and get started before I change my mind." I stood up from the table. "I'm in room 303. I'm going up to get ready. You can pay the bill and meet me up there. Here's the key." I put the spare key on the table and then I walked away.

  I tried to walk away with a confident step, but I felt anything but. What had I just agreed to? I hoped this was not a mistake. I rode the elevator up to my room. When I got there I went to the bathroom, fixed my makeup, and took off all my clothes. I put on the thigh hi stockings and stiletto heels I brought and then the hotel robe. I decided to wait for Paul before deciding which outfit to wear. I had brought three, but I really didn't know which one I preferred. So, I guess I'd leave it up to him.

  I didn't have to wait long. I heard the key in the door and then Paul walked in. his eyes widened when he saw that I was just in the robe. Boy, did I feel naked.

  "I see you are ready. So drop the robe and we'll get started."

  "Actually, I have a few outfits to pick from, and I was hoping you would help me decide which one to wear." I said. I saw Paul's expression change as he realized I didn't have anything on under my robe.

  "Are you sure you want to wear anything?" he asked. "I think I can take a tasteful erotic nude picture of you."

  "Let's just start with something. Maybe we can try a nude pose later." I said, knowing full well that if that was what he wanted, that's what I had agreed to. "Let me show you what I brought."

  My outfits were on the bed. The first one was a ruffly chemise, not too sheer in black and white. Paul shook his head no, and we moved on to the next one. It was a black lace chemise with silver threads shot through it and one of my favorites. Paul nodded but wanted to see the last choice. It was a simple chemise of very sheer red lace. I could tell Paul liked that one, too. They all came with a black G-string.

  "Put on the black one. I think that's where we'll start. And then I think we'll take some pictures in the red, too. We can decide later which ones you like the best. While you're changing, I'll check out the camera and the lighting." Paul busied himself with the lights, while I retreated into the bathroom with my first outfit.

  I changed and put on the G-string. It didn't cover much, but then I guess it wasn't supposed to. I debated whether to put the robe back on or not, but finally decided to put it on. Maybe it would be more dramatic to drop it in front of Paul. I was starting to feel decidedly wicked, which was a good thing. I didn't see how I would get through this, otherwise.

  When I came out of the bathroom, I could see that Paul had piled the pillows up at the head of one of the beds. He had moved the lamp over so more light would shine right where he wanted it. He turned and looked at me for a moment, camera in his hands. Then he motioned for me to drop the robe, so I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and dropped it. When I opened my eyes he was looking me up and down and back up again.

  "Okay, now, come and stand at the foot of the bed. Let's get some of you just standing, first."

  I moved to the end of the bed and he started taking pictures. Every once in a while he would give me some direction, and I smiled and turned and posed while he clicked away. He took front shots, back shots, side shots and shots with me partially turned. On the bed, off the bed, sitting, standing, kneeling. After a while it got kinda fun and we were laughing and joking and I was finally relaxing. I went and changed into the red outfit and we did it all again. I looked once or twice and I thought he was getting excited, but since he was wearing jeans, it was hard to be sure.

  "I got a lot of pictures. I'm sure you'll find something there you can use for your chat picture. Now it's time to do some pictures for me." Paul said with a wicked glint in his eyes. "We'll start with the red lace you have on. Come and sit on the edge of the bed."

  Paul proceeded to sit right at my feet with the camera pointed straight at my g-string covered pussy. I was really nervous, but starting to get excited. All during the photos he shot, I was imagining what kind of poses he would want. And it was such a turn on having him watch me move around in my sexy lingerie. I knew I would probably do anything he wanted me to... I just didn't want to let him know what kind of power he was holding.

  "Spread you legs... wider. I want to get some good shots for my collection. That g-string doesn't cover much, I can see your puffy pussy anyway. Why don't you take it off? Wait, pull it to the side first, that's it. Now turn around and bend over, yeah, like that. Now slowly take the g-string off. Stay bent over, I want to watch it come down your legs. Move away from the bed and bend down and touch your toes. Yeah, I like seeing you pussy from this angle."

  Paul kept issuing directions and the camera kept flashing away. It was really hard to just follow directions, but really exciting, too. I didn't say anything, I just moved and posed however he told me to.

  "Kneel on the bed and sit back on your heels. Now pull the top down below your breasts. You have such nice large breasts with such lovely nipples. Now I'll be able to look at you whenever I want." There was that wicked grin again. Oh, that makes me so hot!! Paul took pictures of my breasts from all angles, even standing over me looking down.

  "Go and put on the black and silver one, no g-string and hurry back." Paul said. So I went and changed and when I came back he had me sit on the edge of the bed again.

  "I want to try something... can I touch you? I want to pull your pussy lips out so they show more. You have such nice long ones, and I want a few pictures of them." Paul said as he reached out and started pulling on my lips.

  "Uh, uh... well, since you're already doing it, I guess it's okay." I said. I tried to ignore his pulling and tugging and touching, but, like I said, I'm really hot for him. He was down there moving things around and clicking away with the camera. I have this thing about being looked at... it really, really turns me on. I don't know if Paul knows this about me, but I was really afraid that I was going to get wet and then he would know how excited I was.

  "Tanya, can you hold your outer lips open so I can get a few good shots of your clit?" Paul asked, and I just sat there, dumbstruck. "Hey, you promised, no questions, no complaining. So let's go!"

  So I reached down and held my lips out of the way. It was so exciting and kind of humiliating, too. Is that why it turns me on? Because it's humiliating? I knew I was going to have a lot to think about after today.

  "Oh, Tanya. You are so pretty... you have such a nice pussy. I'd forgotten. Hey, y
ou're getting wet! Oh, great, I want pictures of you dripping. Do you think you can drip for me? You want to play with yourself or you want me to get you dripping? Let me touch you, Tanya. I really want to." Paul was really getting excited and I did want to please him. Plus, I was getting pretty hot myself.

  "Okay.. you can touch me. But let's not get carried away here. We really need to keep some boundaries, you know?" I said, hesitantly.

  Paul proceeded to put a finger and then two inside me and work them around. I tried to stay still, but of course I couldn't, so pretty soon I was wiggling and pushing back on his fingers. Suddenly he pulled his fingers out of me, caught my eye and proceeded to thoroughly lick them and suck them into his mouth,

  "You taste so good. You're getting wet, but I know you can get wetter. Let me lick you, Tanya. You know how much you always loved it when I licked you. Let me show you how much better I've gotten. And then I can get some great shots of you at your wettest." Paul looked up at me with such hunger in his eyes. I mean, how could I possibly refuse.

  I didn't say a word. I just looked down at him and reached out, ran my fingers down the side of his face and then pulled his head to my pussy. He was so surprised at first that he didn't move, but then he dropped the camera, grabbed both my hips with his hands and started licking me from my ass to my clit. He was right, he had gotten so very much better, and as I recall, he was one of the best. So I was instantly transported to oral sex heaven.

  He licked me and sucked my inner lips into his mouth where he alternated nibbling and sucking. He bit my inner thighs and then licked and kissed them better. I was so close to cumming, I know I was getting his face all wet. He mumbled something that sounded like cum for me baby, and then he attached his mouth to my clit, sucking it and rolling it with his tongue. I exploded and almost came up off the bed. He held firmly to my hips so I couldn't escape as he worked on my clit. I grabbed his head and held on to it while I shook and screamed. I don't know how many times I came, but when he finally let go of me, I was shaking from head to toe and horse from screaming.

  I fell back on the bed, but I could hear Paul saying how wet I was and what great pictures these were. I guess he was taking pictures of my wet pussy, but I was flat on my back trying to catch my breath.

  "That was absolutely, the most wonderful bunch of orgasms I have ever had!!" I said. "You weren't kidding when you said you had gotten better. That was amazing!"

  "I'm so happy you're pleased. Are you ready for round two?" Paul asked.

  "Round two?" I squeaked. "I can't move and you're talking about round two?"

  "Okay," Paul sighed. "I guess I can take some more pictures while you recover. Pull your top down under your breasts, yeah, like that. Good, I like these pictures... you're looking good, Tanya, all flushed from your face down to your nipples and oh, so satisfied. Smile for the camera!"

  I laid there with my eyes closed while he took pictures. I heard him go to the bathroom and come back out. And then I felt him tapping me on the lips. Imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes and there was Paul, totally naked and bouncing his very erect penis all over my face. My first impulse was to get up, but he held my shoulders down and shook his head.

  "You promised to pose for whatever pictures I wanted," he said. "And I want pictures of you with my cum all over your face and breasts. Now you can just lie there while I jack off, if you want. Or you can have some fun, taste me and help me cum. The choice is yours."

  I looked up at him and then down at his sexy body. Who was I kidding. I wanted him, had always wanted him, would always want him. I was not about to let this opportunity pass me by. So I stuck out my tongue at him and then proceeded to give the head of his penis a through licking, making sure to clean all of his pre-cum off the tip. And then I gave him my biggest smile.

  Paul smiled back and tapped his penis on my lips again. I opened my mouth and took in as much of his penis as I could. He started face fucking me as I flicked my tongue over his penis. I have given blow jobs in the past, but I'd never been face fucked. He was really getting deep in my throat and I was breathing out of my nose, trying really hard not to gag on him. I could feel him tighten up, and I knew he was going to cum. He pulled out of my mouth and shot spurt after spurt of cum all over my face and my breasts. I had my mouth open trying to catch my breath, so I got some in my mouth, too.

  "Ummmm... that tastes good, Paul. You were right about those spices, they do make your cum taste good." I told him.

  He backed up, grabbed the camera and told me to smile. Then he took a bunch of pictures from different angles. I know he likes cum shots, so I let him take them while I just smiled at him. I wanted him to remember this afternoon forever, since I knew I surely would. When he was done taking the pictures, he led me to the bathroom where he used a warm washcloth to clean me up. And then he kissed me.... deeply, passionately and with lots of tongue.

  "I want one more set of pictures." He said, carefully. "I want pictures of you gushing for me. Will you do that for me, Tanya? If you squirt, that's great, but gushing is good, too. I want pictures of you losing it for me. Okay?"

  "You go back into the bedroom. I'll be out in a few minutes. I need to think about this by myself." I told him. He left me alone in the bathroom. I didn't have to think long. I knew this was one of his obsessions and what he really wanted from me. We had come this far, and truth be told, I wanted to do this in front of him. So I grabbed a bunch of towels and came back out to the bedroom.

  "Yes, I'll gush for you, Paul." I said. "Tell me where you want me. I don't know how you will get pictures, but that camera also has a video setting if there is any memory left. Oh, and another thing. I've never been able to do this by myself so you'll have to help." I gave him a wicked grin.

  Paul pulled over a chair, and had me sit on the very edge of it and spread my legs. He put the towels down on the floor under me. He took a few more pictures of me in this pose, kissed me, said thank you and sat down on the floor in front of me. He set the camera up and checked it to make sure it was at the right angle to pick up any action. And then he held my hips and leaned forward and started his licking and sucking again.

  "I don't think I can survive this a second time." I moaned. Oh, but that did feel good, what he was doing to me. But this time he put one and then two fingers inside me and started stroking my g-spot. I started shaking and I knew it wouldn't take me long.

  "I'm almost there, turn on the camera." I whispered. "Keep doing that with your fingers, yes, right there. That's the spot, oh yes, yes, yes!!!"

  Paul gave my clit a few more flicks and the sat back working his fingers in me. I started dripping and moaning and then he had to hold me down because I was yelling, shaking and gushing like a waterfall. He leaned forward and got a good mouthful of my sweet cum before I was done. I collapsed back into the chair.

  "God, Tanya, you are so sweet!! You know how much I've wanted to taste your cum. Wow, that was fantastic! I hope I got some good video!" Paul was effusive in his praise of my performance. Which was embarrassing, but kind of nice, too.

  After I recovered, I went and took a shower and got dressed. Paul had gotten dressed and ordered room service. We had a nice late lunch in the room and looked over all the pictures and the video he had taken. We deleted the bad photos (there weren't too many of them), and picked out the ones that would work for my chat picture. Paul decided which ones he wanted and I agreed to send them to him when I had some alone time at home. Of course, he also wanted the video of me gushing. I took the memory card out of the camera and put it away in my purse so no one else would see it by accident.

  "So, are you okay," Paul asked. "Do you regret anything we did? I know you have your boundaries, and I hope you are feeling okay about today."

  "I'm okay, I think," I said. "I don't regret anything. I had a nice playful visit with a very good friend. It was more intense than I initially wanted, but not much more than I really expected. I guess I knew we couldn't just take pictures, have a hug and a kiss
and go home. But I don't think I can see you for awhile. We can still chat everyday, but I need some time and distance to regain my equilibrium. Boy, you sure knocked my socks off!" I laughed.

  Paul took me in his arms and gave me a wonderful hug and a bunch of deep kisses. "Until next time." he said and smiled his wonderful smile.

  "Yeah," I smiled back. "Until next time."

  The End.

  The Newly Weds

  "Honey I'm home." Rob calls out as he enters his newly purchased home. He locks the door behind him and walks across the foyer into the living room, spotting something on the ground. A trail of fresh rose peddles leading from the living room towards the back hallway. He stops and smiles, thinking of his beautiful new wife, then starts to follow his trail. He walks through the modern living room. Then turns into the hallway, adorned with pictures of his family. And his wife's family on opposite side. He pauses at the elbow in the hallway and admires a large picture taken at their wedding. Both families combined, standing proudly by their newly wed son and daughter. He takes a deep breath of accomplishment and continues on towards a closed door at the end of the hallway. His bedroom door.

  Hip cocked to the side, one hand holding the large bedpost, the other on her outer hip. Krista waits patently for her husband. She checks herself out in the large mirror in front of the king size bed quickly as she hears him coming down the hall towards their large master bedroom. Red stilettos, check. Thigh high black stockings attached to her lacey black garter belt, check. Tight black lace panties, check. Black and red tulle overlay baby doll, check. She fixes her short dark hair, and after vainly checking herself out again and realizing how sexy she looks, she returns to her pose, just as the door opens.

  Rob's eyes follow the trail of flower peddles across the white carpet, then slowly up the red high heels and black stockings, up the newly purchased night gown and to the face of his beautiful wife.

  "Oh, my, God." Rob says as he stares. She smiles as she bites her lip and looks playfully at him. "Do you like it?"


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