Callim's Challenge

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Callim's Challenge Page 3

by Pearl Tate

  “Are you okay Susan?” I lower down next to her. It take her a minute to focus on me.

  She nods. “That did me in. I’m not a fan of amusement park rides.” Definitely. I haven't been on many rides but that trip was wicked.

  I guess I can take amusement parks off my bucket list. There’s a part of me that always hoped to someday take my kids to the happiest place on earth. My hopes and dreams for the future were always the opposite of what happened in my childhood.

  No drugs or addicts. No sleeping in hallways or falling prey to child predators. I’d planned to go after every corrupt foster parent in a class action suit that would rival Enron…

  “I can carry you if my Shelly would like me to.” Callim’s deep voice behind me takes me by surprise. He has a faint accent that sounds super sexy. He’s talking to Susan, but when I peer up at him, his eyes are on me. “I’m a strong and capable male who can help you or your friends in many different ways.”

  My mouth drops open in astonishment. Is he for real? If that’s putting your best foot forward with your mate, what does that mean? He’s either super naive, or he’s into swinging?

  Susan drops her face into her hands and groans. “Shelly, that sounded so wrong. Hot, but wrong.” Puzzled, I study his face, trying to determine if he meant it that way. “You guys pull me up. I’m better.”

  Susan sticks out her arms, and when I grab her to pull her up, so does Callim. Susan turns in a circle while I look around the large space where we’ve landed. It looks like a warehouse. It’s not empty, either. There are containers on one side and multiple doors in the sides and ceiling. Windows run along the top edge letting in natural light.

  Marquel waves to us and raises her voice. “Please follow me this way. Because time is of the essence, we will go directly to the laboratory and meet the doctors. We want to give you the vaccine immediately. Afterwards, we can take you on a small tour and to your rooms. Does this meet with everyone’s approval?”

  We all nod our agreement and fall into step behind her. Mila takes the lead. It reminds me of kindergarten. All this lining up and following each other.

  As soon as we walk out of the hanger, we end up in long hallways. Yep, exactly like school. Only cleaner.

  There are rooms with observation glass from the hall. That’s a little weird. As we pass by them, I look in and see people going about their work. It all looks innocent enough.

  Filing into another large room, I note a male and female waiting for us. “This is Talek and Dena and they will assist Mila today in the administering of the vaccination.”

  Great. Fun, fun.

  Beth and I follow Talek and Dena to beds that line the perimeter of the room. I have to hop to get up it’s so high. I don’t make it the first time since my stupid arms are so weak. My left arm starts to twitch as I shift to try pulling myself up again.

  Before I realize what he’s doing, Callim grabs me and lifts me up on the bed. He ignores the dirty look I give him. He needs to realize I don’t need his help. I’m doing just fine on my own. Yeah, I’m a little sick right now, but this is temporary.

  Talek hands me a round container a little bigger than a golf ball with a small hole in the top. I wait for directions, but I see Forohn gesturing to Beth to drink it. What is this?

  Callim grabs the wrist of my hand holding the golf ball drink and tries to physically move my hand to my mouth. Jerking my arm away, I almost spill the shit all over myself.

  “Water?” Susan asks Marquel and she nods. We glance at each other but hesitate before drinking them down. What other choice do we have though? We have to trust them. “When will we get the vaccination? Is it a shot?”

  Mila looks at Marquel puzzled before asking Susan, “What is a shot?”

  “You know, the needle you shoot into us with the vaccine for Tirus X?” Now everyone is looking at Susan. Inquiring minds want to know.

  “That is the vaccine.” Marquel motions to Susan’s ball. “Drink it all.”

  Susan blushes as a shit-eating grin lights up her face. She looks over at Beth and I.

  Beth goes first, tilting her head all the way back, sucking it down. She pulls the container away from her mouth to make sure she gets every last drop out. She bangs on her container with her other hand.

  I squeeze mine as they watch me. Once I’ve sucked all the air out, I suction the ball to my tongue before sticking it out.

  Susan and Beth burst into laughter and I quickly join them. We’re all so relieved! Finally, we can relax a little. You know, now that we don’t have the dying a horrible, debilitating death thing hanging over our heads.


  - Callim

  “Why is it you all feel a need to possess this many vaccines?” Marquel questions Susan while gesturing to two small boxes by the door we came in. “Surely you don’t intend to get more women from earth?”

  That is a very good question. Shelly’s the one who answers her from next to me. “Definitely not! Why would we want to take away their choices like ours have been?”

  So, that’s how she feels. I can understand her frustration since it’s so similar to my own situation. When have I ever had a choice? I stare at her thoughtfully and I’m glad we agree on this. It’s good we have something in common.

  “But now you have a mate totally committed to you.” Councilor Vina is so angry that spit is flying from her mouth at her words. Is she jealous of the mating bond?

  Shelly huffs beside me before answering Vina. “That I didn’t pick or want or need…”

  Her words are opposite of what I sense from her feelings right now. This must be our bond letting me feel her strong emotions. Mila has told me that this will present itself and she wants me to note its initial presence.

  If I couldn’t sense her emotions as though they are my own, I may have been offended. She does want me though. Her head may say no, but her body’s response to me is identical to my own.

  Susan cuts off Shelly’s words to address Vina and Marquel. “I think the vaccines are a safeguard. Just in case. None of us planned to be here and we don’t have any idea how it happened. All we know is that Travek had a hand in it.” Sitting up, Susan swings her legs over the side of the bed towards the Councilors. “You haven’t happened to learn anything new about that? The council was sending out someone to look into that?”

  Marquel, Vina, and Kirley all exchange glances. Travek? I’ve not heard this name before? I study Shelly to see if she understands what they are referring to. From her narrowed eyes, I would guess she does.

  “We haven’t,” Shelly snorts and her eyes flicker to me as Marquel answers. She doesn’t believe them. I’m not certain exactly what’s going on, but I must ask her about this later.

  I’ve only had the occasional visit from Marquel over the last rotations. Most of my interactions have been with Mila. As for the other Councilors, I recognize them. But except for the periodic reference to them, I'm not informed of what they do or believe in.

  “Well, how do we know it won't happen again? That some male from your world won’t decide to go take a little rotation around Earth to see what he can see? What if next time, the male takes fifty women and dumps them somewhere? It makes sense that something happened to Travek. That something is probably the Ashen from what I’ve been told. Then, they programmed Travek’s ship to go to Dactyles. Not Quasar.” So, this is the male that took Shelly from her home world…

  “Should we continue on with our tour then?” Councilor Kirley is standing by the door. She’s changing the subject.

  I realize that the Councilors either aren't informed or don’t plan to continue this conversation with us. I examine Forohn for more information. Locking eyes, I raise my eyebrows in question. Jerking his head no, he clarifies that he knows as little as I do.

  We help Shelly and Beth towards the exit that Kirley is holding open for us. Marquel and Vina have already walked out ahead of us down the hall. We fall into step behind them with Susan, who has stopped at the
door to get the vaccine, last in line.

  Everything is clean and well kept. Newer than what I’m used to. I overhear Susan and Councilor Kirley catch up behind me as we enter the food prep area.

  Following Shelly around the large space, I can’t help admiring the tools they have acquired for us. I’ve spent many rotations on meal prep duty and nothing we had at our Sanctuary was this new and clean.

  Shelly’s unique scent draws me closer to her as we circle the room. She’s engrossed in Councilor Marquel’s words as she explains how they want to learn about Earth culture.

  Pressing her bag against my front, I try to suppress my growing cock. I don’t want to because this is new, and it feels so nice. I want to touch it but even more, I want Shelly to touch it. When she looked at it before, it grew quicker and harder than I’ve ever experienced.

  Shelly swings around quickly and walks into my chest. Grabbing her arm, I catch her before she falls to the ground. I smile when she scowls at me. It was my fault. I was too close and thinking about her touching me.

  Working our way through the rooms, we see our sleeping platforms and bathing facility. Everything is new and I’m thankful that they plan to take such good care of my mate. I’ve had nothing of my own and having Shelly and a safe place to live are more than I ever dreamed of.

  “We need to discuss a few things.” Shelly sounds annoyed and I can detect anger from her. Why is she not pleased with this? Does she come from such a fine place that this is beneath her?

  The Councilors appear as surprised as I am. “What do you mean? Are you not happy with the accommodations?” Councilor Vina’s affronted questioning has Susan stepping in.

  “Let’s maybe go back out to the eating and sitting area? We can talk about specifics there.” Marquel agrees with Susan and they start out the door.

  Vina is still angry and looking at Shelly beside me. “Are there things we have missed?” I follow everyone out and make sure Shelly is right behind me with Vina still waiting for an answer.

  I walk sideways to watch them interact as Shelly lectures her. “It’s not what you missed, it’s what’s here in addition to what you’ve provided.” I’m not sure what she means by this? Councilor Vina doesn’t pursue it any longer.

  As we arrive back in the meal prep area, Shelly throws her backpack up on the counter to dig in it for something. She pulls out a display I’ve only seen our pod master Funjim use before.

  My mate is extremely smart if she has learned how to use one of them already. I watch her nimble fingers dance across the screen with interest. Maybe she will teach me this too?

  “What exactly are you saying?” Vina steps closer and I instinctively move to intervene. I don’t like the combative tone she is using. They should be willing to listen to any of our concerns. I'm positive that they will treat me better here than at the Sanctuary. But these are females they will be housing, and they deserve respect as well.

  Shelly sighs and exasperation colors her words. “We know.” What does she mean? What do we know? I’m confused by her statement.

  Flipping the display around, Shelly shows a picture to everyone I don’t understand. There are lines and square boxes with colored dots in red, yellow and green around the sides. My eyes cut to Forohn and see he’s just as confused. But the Councilors look guilty.

  “Wait,” Susan’s voice is loud and authoritative. “I know what the red and yellow are. But what are the green dots?” I glance at the screen again before looking back at Shelly for her answer.

  “Those, Susan, are highly concentrated nerve agents set up in high suppression canisters. They would use those to subdue us.” Shelly’s chilling response makes Susan’s eyes narrow in anger.

  “What the fuck?” Beth is clutching Forohn tightly in fear. If only my mate would cling to me like that.

  Instead, Shelly speaks to them as if they are children she is admonishing. “In our Conditional Agreement proposed and agreed to by all of us, we very specifically outlined what we would allow as far as monitoring. We specified, no video or audio surveillance if we were to live here.” She shakes her head sadly. “You’ve already violated our trust.”

  I peer at Forohn, holding Beth in his arms. She’s frightened, while my mate seems ready to battle with her bare hands. I brace for the confrontation I realize will come. I would never question a ruling Councilor.

  Sure enough, Vina’s carefully controlled facade fades. “What of it? You think we are weak because we cannot tie our men to us? We are thousands of years ahead of your technology and we will do as we please now that you are here.”

  Mila alluded to consequences for not being compliant. Putting my hand on Shelly’s shoulder, I step closer in an effort to settle her. She’s new to this world and doesn’t realize what crossing them could mean for us both.

  “So, that’s how it is, huh? What is this gas agent you have on standby?” Shelly taunts them as she taps on the tablet. This isn’t good. “It looks like you have some on standby in every room.”

  Vina’s hate burns in her eyes as she looks from Shelly to Susan. “I think we should just show you.” She sneers as she pulls her portable face mask out and suctions it to her face. There are multiple holes around the entire room at the top of the walls near the ceiling. I smell Eufen as it begins to pour into the room.

  It’s too late. Pulling Shelly into my arms, I tug her down closer to the floor. It will minimize any injuries she may receive during her collapse. I briefly consider trying to run, but how far could we get? It won’t be worth the consequences when we are caught.

  We will always be monitored, and this is just the beginning. So far, Shelly has only verbally attacked. What would happen if I physically attacked in our defense? I haven’t tried that since I was an adolescent, and the consequences were dire. What if they punished her the same way I was? A lash would rip her to shreds.

  No, I can’t save us in any way but this. The only reason I haven’t gone down yet is because of my tolerance from its use on me in the past. Forohn has fallen with Beth in his arms already. All I can do is pray they won’t separate us once we are unconscious.

  They may. In an effort to control her, they may punish us both. I feel helpless because there’s nothing I can do.

  I glare accusingly at the other Councilors who gape openly, as shocked by Councilor Vina’s actions as I am. But they both throw on masks and do not try to stop this.

  “Vina! We don’t even know yet how this will affect them!” Councilor Kirley’s muffled voice behind her mask repeats my worst fear. I thought we were important. Mila assured me that this was the most important study she’s ever run. Why would they risk their lives?

  “This is the best way to find out.” Councilor Vina calmly moves towards the door as the gas fills the room. It’s dropping from the ceiling and pooling on the floor. The sweet, sickly scent reminds me of my youth. There were many times my pod members and I tested the limits of the Sanctuary’s rules.

  Shelly is already slumping in my arms and I lower her down while watching Marquel back towards the door. She’s listening to something with her head cocked at an angle.

  Then I hear it. A roar? Footsteps echo through the floor as I finally collapse and rest my cheek on the cool floor in the clouds of Eufen.

  I succumb to the burning sensation in my lungs. I will need to speak with my mate about her diplomacy skills…


  - Callim

  Taking a deep breath, I’m immediately awake. Shelly! I must find her and make sure she’s alright.

  As I roll to my feet, I realize I’m not in the building any longer. Have they caged us outside?

  Facing me is a huge male in torn clothing that’s split at the seams. He’s holding Susan and I recognize he must be her mate. “Where is she?”

  He points behind me and when I turn, I see Shelly, Beth, and Forohn still unconscious on the ground. There are others in dark uniforms milling around that must have carried us out here. We’re in a garden of some
sort but the building has us caged in on every side.

  But if Susan’s mate is here with help, maybe we are getting out? Is that possible? They will never let us go unless…

  Pulling Shelly into my arms, I stare back up at Susan’s mate. “Did you kill them?” That would be convenient.

  He shakes his head no while pointing at the council members and staff in a corner of the garden behind some trees. His men have them corralled into the area. “The masked ones came with me.”

  “And you are Susan’s mate?” I clarify as I lift Shelly up as I stand. We’re facing the captured council members and I watch his friends tie each of them together in sets of two.

  “Yes, I’m Matthias. Are you ready to leave this planet?”

  Oh, yes. Nothing will make me happier. Nodding, I glance down at Shelly before introducing myself. “I’m Callim.” We both turn as Forohn springs to his feet. “That’s Forohn.”

  Forohn ignores us both, instead scrambling to Beth’s side. “How long has it been?” He looks up at both of us as he pulls Beth’s pale hair from her face.

  “It hasn’t been long. You two woke up almost as soon as we got you all out here. I don’t recognize what they used but it shouldn’t hurt the women…” Matthias’s voice trails off with uncertainty.

  “Eufen.” I announce. Matthias’s doesn’t appear relieved. I understand what he’s thinking too. We don’t know enough about our mates and their Earth planet to assume it won’t hurt them.

  Looking down at Shelly in my arms, I marvel at how light she is. Her golden hair halos her head as it reflects the weak sun’s light. She’s so beautiful. And fragile.

  “We’re taking the women out to the shuttle. Hurry!” Matthias calls to his men as gratitude floods my body. He’s ready to leave, and that’s the best idea. We have no idea who has been notified of our escape from the building. They could send back up at any time.

  As I walk past the doctors and guards for this facility, I realize they have tied them all to each other in odd ways. They are humiliating them. It makes me like Matthias and his men even more.


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