WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10) Page 5

by Laura Acton

  Jon took his seat and shoveled in a mouthful of apple pie. After swallowing, he grinned. “A team Thanksgiving at Bram’s will be fun. So far, everyone except Lexa and Dan indicated they’re coming.”

  Nick nodded. “With Mrs. B. out of town, staying with her daughter, Loki is excited to come. Ray plans on bringing Maurita, which will be nice. Lexa said her friend Amy invited her over, but I think she is waiting to say yes or no based on whether or not Dan will be there.”

  “You think she won’t come if he does?” Jon took another bite.

  “Not blind to the tension between them. Doesn’t affect their work, but—”

  Jon interrupted, “But after-hours, it is difficult for them to hang out. Yeah, I noticed it too. I’m happy Lexa moved on, but I wish she would ask Duke not to come by. Him visiting is like rubbing Dan’s nose into the mud.”

  “She did. And she didn’t appear too happy when he arrived last night. I don’t think she wants to hurt Dan. No, I know she wouldn’t intentionally upset him. But she doesn’t control Duke…” a sigh escaped, “much like we couldn’t control everything at Whitehall Financial.”

  Nick halted as his phone began buzzing. He pulled it from his pocket to glance at the screen before pressing accept. “Bram, is everything okay?”

  Bram kicked his feet up on the family room table and stretched his aching muscles. He would be stiff tomorrow from building the playset, and he could only imagine how Dan would ache. “Yeah, no, sort of. I wanted to talk to you and Jon about Dan. I’m gonna call Jon next.”

  “No need. He’s here with me. Let me put you on speaker.” Nick set the cell phone down and pressed the speaker button. “Okay, go ahead.”

  “Hey, Jon.”

  “Bram, what’s up?” Jon mumbled through a full mouth. He took a long drink of milk, wondering why Bram was calling.

  “Dan had a rather terrible day. I’m not breaking any confidences, he gave me permission to relay this to you because he doesn’t want to rehash his day again. His Ducati is totaled.”

  “What?” Jon almost choked on the milk as he reacted.

  “He alright?” came out calm but concerned from Nick.

  “Sorry, should’ve started with that part. Yes, Dan’s okay. No injuries except bruises and sore muscles. His helmet and stuffed animals protected him.” Bram went on to explain Dan’s day and that he shared why he left the force. “So, with all that going on, and how we all recognize when he is idle, things go wonky for him I think we need a strategy session on how to keep Dan busy while we are off duty.”

  “I agree.” Nick glanced at Jon. “But we can’t be obvious. Needs to appear natural, or he will think we’re mother-hens.”

  Jon snorted. “Exactly what I’m going to be. I’m not letting this unfortunate call take Dan or any of you down a slow spiral. Any ideas?”

  All three remained silent as they contemplated the situation until Nick suggested, “Loki might be the solution. I spoke with him earlier. He and Ray planned a movie night tomorrow. Maurita is working, so it will be only the two of them. With the way Loki stepped up his activities to befriend Dan since his return from Kandahar, I don’t believe Dan will think anything is up if Loki invites him over. I’ll call Loki in the morning and put the bug in his ear without being too obvious.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Bram grinned, glad he contacted Boss and Jon.

  September 26

  Dan’s Apartment – 1:00 p.m.

  Dan moaned as one delicate hand traced circles on his chest, and the other slipped lower, taking hold of his manhood. Her strokes caused his hips to move in time but also urged her to speed up. The pace of his heart increased as he came close to his release. “Almost … almost … don’t stop …” Loud knocking disturbed Dan’s fantasy as he jerked from semi-wakefulness to find his own hand wrapped around his shaft, not Lexa’s. “Shit!”

  Banging persisted, and he grouchily pushed out of his swivel chair, kicking over a beer bottle with his first step. “Coming. No need to break the damned thing down,” he groused. He sidestepped another dead soldier lying on his carpet, having consumed way more than the few beers he intended last night. Sometime around midnight, he lost count how many he drank.

  Opening the door, bleary eyes spied an impatient delivery man. “What?”

  “Rush delivery for Broderick. I require a signature, or I would’ve left already.” Sidney held out the electronic pad to the man, catching the stench of stale alcohol on his breath. Once signed, he presented a small package about the size of a box of tissues.

  Dan grabbed the brown box, wondering what the hell it contained. Too small to be my cold weather shirts. He shut his door, and the sound reverberated painfully as if he had slammed it. Staggering back to the only place, besides his floor, he could sleep between nightmares, he sank into his black chair.

  Rubbing his eye to remove a crusty, he cringed, realizing the hand had been the one pleasuring himself only moments ago. He dropped the unopened box on the table as he surged to his feet, needing to wash his face and hands.

  After cleaning up, he studied his hungover mien with blood-shot eyes before glancing at his counter and reaching for his toothbrush to rid himself of the foul tang in his mouth. His gaze landed on Lexa’s toothbrush. Hope made him keep it there, but hope died a slow and painful death. Grabbing the plastic stick, he snapped it in half and flung the pieces towards the trash can. When one went in, and the other didn’t, he left it on the tiles. Dan vigorously brushed his teeth … the only daily routine he unswervingly maintained.

  Shuffling back to his common room, stepping over discarded food containers and bottles, he returned to the first piece of furniture he ever purchased and sat. Picking up the box, he ripped it open and stared at the contents. A new phone with a sticky note attached. Call me. Loki.

  He turned on the cell and found it to be an exact duplicate of his broken one with all his contacts loaded. He selected Loki’s number and pressed call. When the techie answered, he said, “How’d you know my phone broke?”

  “A little birdie told me you had a bad day.” Loki launched into his invite.

  Loki’s Home – 7:35 p.m.

  Ray eyed Dan as his teammate popped open another beer. He appeared more disheveled than ever. He remained uncertain as to the cause with so many things occurring recently. Could be a cumulation of Lexa dumping him, Jon laying into him, being forced on vacation, kidnapped and beaten within an inch of his life, reactivated and recalled to Kandahar, Lexa flaunting her relationship with Duke, three hostages burning alive, a citizen accosting him and ruining his uniforms, and to top it all off, his Ducati being totaled.

  At times, Ray didn’t comprehend how Dan coped with all the shit in his life. If it were him, he would be a friggin basket case by now. But somehow Dan remained on an even keel. So, if Dan appeared a little rough around the edges at the moment, Ray would do all in his power to help.

  Reaching for more pizza, Ray said, “Loki’s movie preferences are peculiar. I usually let him pick, but if you want to choose, I’ll back your selection.”

  “Nah, whatever Loki wants is fine by me.” Dan took a huge bite of his slice as he thought about his day after calling Loki. He reluctantly agreed to come over but decided to take a long trail ride before to burn off the excess alcohol, so he didn’t worry his teammates.

  He stopped in his favorite hidden glade to rest and accidentally nodded off. With the impromptu two-hour nap, Dan brought his total sleep hours to five in the last twenty-four hours. Unfortunately, the original three had been fraught with recurrent nightmares. Upon waking and realizing he would be late if he didn’t haul ass, Dan raced to his apartment, showered, and pulled on the first clothes he spotted.

  Dan didn’t recognize until he got in the cab the shirt and jeans he grabbed were covered in white splotches from the bleach. With no time to go back and change, he prepared to be razzed. And yes, upon his arrival, Loki teased him, asking if he was trying to create a new fashion craze, and although he didn�
�t initially feel like laughing, the quirky techie, who strangely reminded him of Brody, made him chuckle with his antics.

  Ray arched a brow at the word fine. It would never have the same meaning for him. “Loki mourned the loss of your Ducati, but we’re both glad you weren’t killed or injured.”

  “Was the first vehicle I ever bought.” Dan grimaced as he shifted, his back still achy from slamming into the car’s hood, and from sleeping in his chair, on his floor, on the roof, in the bed of his truck, and the glade.

  Dan raked a hand through his messy hair, having forgotten to comb it before leaving. Sleep deprivation left him a bit ragged, and his thought processes not so sharp. But he did make one smart decision today. He chose to take a taxi here, so now he didn’t have to worry about driving home later.

  “You planning to buy another one?” Ray hoped not. Dan might be safer driving the truck because this was the second time in less than two years a car turning left hit him.

  “No, I don’t think so. Got my mountain bike and truck.”

  Loki bopped in wearing a bright grin and carrying a gigantic bowl of popcorn slathered in copious amounts of butter and salt. He set it down on the table, and his eager eyes turned to Dan. He was not oblivious to the dark circles under Dan’s eyes, but for tonight, he would ensure his buddy enjoyed a break from all the crap. It was the least he could do for a friend.

  “I picked a hilarious movie. You’re gonna laugh your butt off.” Loki moved to his player, inserted the DVD, and grabbed the remote before plopping down beside Dan.

  “What is it?” Dan almost asked why the techie didn’t stream movies, seemed odd to him Loki would be so old school with his electronics.

  “Three Amigos!” Loki beamed.

  Ray groaned.

  “Never heard of it,” Dan said before finishing his second brew.

  “A classic about three silent film actors who are mistaken for real heroes by the people in a Mexican village. Hysterical how the guys find a way to live up to their reputation.” Loki pressed play.

  Ray shot a sidelong glance at Dan and handed him another beer. “Drink up. Trust me. This is funnier if you’re drunk.”

  Dan took the beer and clinked bottles with Ray as he chuckled. Though he probably should slow his consumption, having been cleared for alcohol only three days ago, he was putting his liver to the test after last night.

  As the opening credits started, Loki said, “How about we go to Muerte por Chiles tomorrow instead of waiting another day?” He appreciated Boss’ call today asking him to check in with Dan after the motorcycle crash and the laundromat debacle, worried he might need a friend. When Boss also informed him of Dan’s busted phone, Loki arranged for a replacement so Dan wouldn’t be incommunicado.

  “Would, but I promised D’Ante I’d go to Jarmal’s restaurant tomorrow. He wouldn’t take no for an answer after the accident.”

  “Okay, okay, then the twenty-eighth it is.” Loki turned his attention to the movie and began to sing along with the opening theme.

  Dan eyed Ray, scrunching his face with an expression of ‘what the hell?’ “Um, think this might require a six-pack.”

  “At the very least.” Ray chuckled.

  “Hey, this is funny,” Loki retorted.

  “If you say so.” Ray patted Loki’s back and grinned. Loki might have weird tastes in movies, but never have I had a better friend with a bigger heart.

  Sniper’s Ballad


  September 27

  Fire Stick Grill – 9:45 p.m.

  Jarmal wanted to cut Dan off after four beers but allowed him a fifth since he arrived and planned to go home via a taxi. He missed his friend coming in on a routine basis, but understood memories here might be difficult for him. Though Dan never said a thing, he realized the relationship with Lexa ended, and the man before him was now Blondie without his fudge ala mode. His suspicions were confirmed when D’Ante revealed Duke began dating Lexa.

  Capria pointed out it would be painful for Dan to sit at the table once shared with his ex-lady. His girlfriend was right, which is why Jarmal reserved a different one for Dan tonight. With all the horrible things Dan endured in the last few months, Jarmal wished Blaze, Winds, and Mason were here, but he understood they must be wherever the military sent them. Their deployments didn’t hinge on the needs of their friends or family.

  One of the reasons Jarmal was happy to be out of the military. Though in truth, his business kept him busy, and his schedule didn’t always mesh with being available for friends and family either. Although three of Dan’s four brothers couldn’t be here, Jarmal grinned as he recalled his quick call to Jim after D’Ante told him about Dan’s crash and invited him to dinner.

  Jim managed to swap half a shift with another guy to join Dan and D’Ante tonight. The devotion of true brothers always made Jarmal smile, well, smile more since one typically adorned his face. Carrying over a bag of cookies, Jarmal came to a halt at Dan’s table. “Oatmeal raisin walnut. Figured you might want a couple dozen.”

  Dan chuckled. “You’re gonna let me pay for these this time.” He reached for his wallet.

  “Absolutely not! Put that away.” Jarmal set the bag down.

  The door’s jingle caused Jarmal to turn his attention to a late customer. His trademark grin melted, becoming a frown. Damn, talk about bad timing.

  Spotting his captain, Duke hurried over, wearing a huge grin. “Hey, Cap!”

  D’Ante’s head whipped around. Shit. Not what Dan needs. “Duke, what brings you here?”

  “Wanted to grab some of the double chocolate chunk cookies if there are any left. Lexa seems to love them, and if I want her in the right mood tonight, well, …” he let his innuendo trail off.

  Unbridled possessiveness surged in Dan as Duke implied using Lexa’s favorite cookie to get her to sleep with him. He jerked out of the wooden chair, fists flying, the crunch of cartilage as he smashed the asshole’s nose made him grin. “Don’t you ever disrespect Lexa again! She deserves better!”

  “Dan. Dan!” Jim shook Dan’s shoulder. The glazed expression worried the shit out of him. He had never seen Dan drink so much in such a short time … five beers in three hours. This was not like him at all.

  Startled, Dan turned to Jim, a tad confused to find himself seated instead of on his feet, and Duke standing talking to D’Ante with his nose still in perfect condition. He raked a hand through his hair, slumped in his chair, and closed his weary eyes.

  “Dan, think it is time you head home. I’m driving you. No discussion.” Jim pulled out his billfold to pay for his dinner, but Jarmal rebuffed him.

  “My treat, Jim.” Turning back to Dan, Jarmal said, “You look like shit on a shingle. I should’ve spiked your burger so you would sleep.”

  Opening his eyes, Dan forced a chuckle. “Thanks for the cookies and dinner.” He met Jim’s gaze. He noted the worry and tried to assuage the concern by admitting his excessive consumption of alcohol. “Yeah, you can drive me. Had a little too much to drink. I’m ready to drop into bed and sleep like the dead.” Dan kept to himself this was the fourth day in a row that he imbibed way more than he should. And while he might sleep for an hour or so at a time, ghosts haunted his dreams and kept waking him.

  Jim tugged on Dan’s arm. “Let’s go, brother.” The death of the civilians appeared to be taking a toll on Dan. Without Brody to ground him, Dan didn’t seem to be coping well. Jim wished he had not put Beauty in Loki’s care at the hospital last year because Dan certainly could use his music now.

  After they bid the Tate brothers and Duke goodnight, Jim guided Dan out. He decided to contact Dan’s teammate and ask him to give Beauty to Dan tomorrow because by Dan’s sluggish, stumbling gait, he would likely be asleep before they reached his apartment complex.

  Dan allowed Jim to walk him to the car, but given the state of his place, he would make sure Jim didn’t come up. The mess would further worry his brother, and he didn’t need any more mother-henning.

  September 28

  Muerte por Chiles – 11:35 p.m.

  Alcohol flowed, music blared, off-key voices did their best to sing favorite songs, and bodies gyrated on the dance floor, while Dan, Ray, and Loki sat around a table. Laughing and joking with margarita’s the size of small sinks half-empty in front of them, each man wore a colossal sombrero Loki brought for them in honor of their Three Amigo’s movie night.

  In Loki’s mind, that night had been entertaining and filled with merriment as he managed to coax Dan and Ray into learning and singing the theme song, facilitated mostly by the copious amount of beer they all drank. And tonight was turning out to be even better.

  They let loose after consuming many tequila shots, beers, and half their sink margaritas. Loki chuckled, recalling their karaoke rendition of the Three Amigos theme while wearing their sombreros, which caused the other patrons to laugh at their wild antics. All in all, Loki never enjoyed himself so much. The hangover he would inevitably experience tomorrow would be well worth it.

  “Hey, hey … I know. We should go down to Mexico. That would be a fun vacation. We could reenact parts of the movie wearing our sombreros,” Loki’s words came out a bit slurred.

  Dan rolled his eyes and pushed the wide-brimmed, ornately decorated headpiece back again. The black hat embroidered with a spread-winged bird didn’t fit. Too large for his head, it kept falling forward, but every time he tried to take it off, Loki gave him sad eyes, so he kept it on.

  “Nah, can’t afford a trip while saving for the wedding.” Ray downed another swig of his drink. He had never been this hammered in his life, and Maurita would undoubtedly get on his case when he came home drunk as a skunk, but he enjoyed having fun with his amigos and Dan never cut-loose quite like this, not even at Jim’s bachelor party.


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